A girl dressed in a torn white dress was running. The hallway was barely lit and it never ended. She would trip and fall but every time, she got right back up and began running again. "It's your fault you're alone." A taunting voice said. "Your the reason why your mother left your dad. She didn't want you. You're the reason why your dad died. It's all your fault Clarke! It's your fault they abandoned you!" The voice was getting loud and louder. Clarke ran faster and faster. Her chest was burning and her legs couldn't carry her anymore. She looked back, attempting to see her tormentor. When she looked back, she was at the edge of a cliff. She pressed her heels into the ground, stopping her from falling. But someone came up behind her and pushed her into the dark pit of oblivion that was waiting for her at the bottom.
I gasped as I woke up from my nightmare. I looked around my surroundings, and I realized that I wasn't in my room. Then it hit me. Airplane. New York City. Moving in with Jessie.
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and rested my head on the back of the seat. Thank god no one was sitting next to me. I didn't want to deal with a stranger's judge-y looks.
I was tired, to say the least. I could've passed out right then and there, but I forced myself to stay awake. Every time I closed my eyes, I had the same nightmare. That stupid voice was waiting for me every night. All I want is one night of peaceful sleep. I would be fine with even a nap. My grandma told me this would be good for me. Going back to my roots. Back to my friends. Back to my old life. But she didn't understand that it would be different. I couldn't just pop back into my old life and act like nothing happened. But maybe different is what I needed.
"Attention passengers, we will be arriving in New York City in a few minutes. Please remain seated, and thank you for flying with United Airlines." A deep voice said over the intercom.
I took another deep breath in attempt to clear my mind. Yeah, different is good.
Jessie could still remember when she received that phone call a few months ago from her Grandma Lizzie. Her heart broke when she found out her beloved uncle died. She cried for days and could barely hold herself together when she went to the funeral. She couldn't imagine how Clarke was holding up. But a few days ago, she received another phone call from her grandmother. Her grandmother was longer able to care for Clarke. She was getting sick and decided to move into a retirement home. But she didn't need Clarke to worry about her so she asked Jessie if she would be willing to take care of her. Jessie was more than happy to, and when she asked Morgan and Christina Ross for permission, they were more than happy to help.
I stepped out of the long tunnel and into the main building. New York really was as busy as I remembered. I fixed my small army green backpack and made my way to the luggage claim. My ombré-d hair, which ended at my lower back, flowed as consent gust of cold air blew into my face. I stopped for a moment to pull out a black sweatshirt from my backpack, and draped it over my favorite Audrey Hepburn 'Breakfast At Tiffany's' tank top. No longer cold, I continued on my path.
The baggage claim was, sadly, just as busy as the main building, maybe even worse. I waited patiently, unlike some of the business men, who groaned every time they didn't see their baggage. And people call my generation impatient. Once I grabbed all of my luggage, I walked over to the pick up area and saw a familiar red head craning her neck to look over the huge crowd.
"Jessie?" I called out.
Jessie jumped and turned around to face me.
"Clarke? Is that you?" She asked, and I nodded my head, smiling brightly. Jessie ran up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug.
"It's so good to see you. Look at you," Jessie said, letting me go, "you're so grown up, and so beautiful. I mean look at your eyes, they're so green, like emeralds, and I love what you did to your hair. What's it called, an ombré? Anyway I love it, and your top too, I mean oh my it look-"
"Jessie, you doing it again."
"Oops." Jessie said, blushing slightly.
I smiled. "You haven't changed a bit."
"It's really good to see you Lewis." Jessie said, referring to the nickname she gave me when we were younger. God, I hated that nickname. Jessie thought it was funny because my name is Clarke and, you know, 'Lewis and Clarke'. Yeah, she' s not very original. But I didn't care anymore. Jessie pulled me into another hug and I buried my face in her shoulder.
"You too Jess, you too."
First chapter done! Don't forget to follow, favorite, and review!