That Night At the Inn
Firstly, I do not own this story or the plot. in fact the first 23 chapters were written by Sombra112 and I have been given permission to continue where Sombra eft off. I hope you enjoy it and anyone who had read this already let me know what you think :)
That Night At the Inn
InuYasha moaned in pain as the inky blackness of unconsciousness faded away.
What...What...Oh, kami!
He was in such pain even his thoughts were stuttering!
What happened to him!
The last thing he remembered was...
"Ka...gome..." he said with all the strength he could as he struggled to sit up.
But it felt like all the muscles in his body were just refusing to listen to him. Or rather his own body weight was just too heavy to lift.
He gritted his teeth and forced his eyes open. He looked up, definitely up, at a rough rock ceiling.
How did he get in a cave?
Groaning at the effort, he forced himself to sit up and look around.
"Kagome..." he repeated looking for her. Where was she?
He cried out and slapped a hand to his chest as it felt like someone had just stabbed him through the heart. His chest was bare, where were his robes? Where was Tessaiga? Where were Sango and Miroku?
And where the hell was Kagome!
He was panting, hard, from just the effort of sitting up.
"Gods above..." he whispered as he looked down at his chest. There was no blood, no wound, so why did it feel like he had just been pierced by a thousand swords? Then thrown bodily against a boulder?
He took a few sniffs of the air.
He smelled her.
Kagome's scent was all around him in this cave.
Was it different?
It didn't smell bad, it smelled very good but there was something different there, something he wasn't all that surprised to smell.
And if his thrice-damned head stopped hurting he might remember what it was!
He turned and saw her running toward him, her eyes full of fear and worry.
"You're awake!" she threw what was in her arms, firewood? away and threw them around his neck. "Thank goodness! I thought you might never wake up."
He smelled the salt of her tears but was far too tired to do anything about it. His body was just so heavy!
"Are you alright?" she leaned back and cupped his face in her hands as she searched his golden eyes. "I was so scared. Thank you. Thank you."
He noticed, a bit too slowly for his comfort, that she was wearing his fire rat robe. He saw the green and white of that uni-form thing she wore under it, it didn't appear damaged, so why was she wearing his robe?
"Wh..." he paused to groan at the effort. "What...happened...?"
"She came after us, InuYasha." Kagome said, leaning back and wiping away her tears. "Just like he said she would."
With her sitting back, he could see the sheath of Tessaiga at her waist, right where it would be had he been wearing it.
But Tessaiga itself was absent.
Where was it?
" She...?"
He felt his body give out, more specifically the elbow he was propped up on gave out, and he collapsed onto the ground.
"Don't push yourself!" Kagome chastised him gently as she rolled him onto his back again.
"My...head..." he groaned.
A second later, he felt his head being lifted then placed gently back on something soft and warm.
Kagome's lap.
"Sh." she smiled sadly. "Don't worry. We're both all right and you're awake now. Just let yourself heal."
Wanting desperately to find out what had happened, but his head hurting him too much to really do anything about it, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.
He didn't actually fall asleep, but he did doze a bit.
Half formed memories, places and words that made no sense, flashed in and out of his mind.
"...raped you!"
"Accept this..."
"I'm so h..."
A big, purple flower...
"...for you..."
"...there for the ni..."
An ink painting of a man...
"...ever take it off!"
"...Keade's. You have to..."
The strange, magic stick...
"I do lo..."
"...leave you..."
His eyes snapped open and he found himself looking up at Kagome's sleeping face. His head was still in her lap.
How long had he slept?
He sat up again, this time without so much effort, but his head still hurt like mad!
"What happened?" he asked as he turned and looked Kagome over. Her scent still wasn't the same but he didn't see any injuries on her.
Her eyes fluttered open then she jumped when she saw him up.
"InuYasha! You're okay?" she asked, looking at him dead in the eye, trying to catch him lieing.
InuYasha nodded once. "I'm better. Anyway. How long have I been asleep?"
"Two days." Kagome said at once.
"T-Two days!" he gasped.
"This time." Kagome frowned. "You woke up about two days ago, don't you remember?"
"I think so," he said wishing his head would stop aching. Though, he could admit, it wasn't as bad as it had been before. "And how long was I asleep before that?"
"Three days." she answered promptly. "Are you hungry?"
InuYasha couldn't honestly say no but he wanted answers more than he wanted food.
"What happened?" he asked again.
"That woman came after us." Kagome said. "She hit us with everything she had."
"Who came after us?" he asked.
Kagome titled her head in confusion. "Don't you remember?"
InuYasha shook his head. "The last thing I remember is Miroku spotting that inn. After's all just...flashes and..." he closed his eyes as he strained to remember.
"You don't remember anything after that?" Kagome asked, putting a hand to her abdomen. "Not a thing?"
"No." he shook his head. "My hurts."
"Don't think too much." Kagome said, smiling sadly.
"Where are Sango and Miroku?" he asked.
"We left them behind when we headed towards Keade's." Kagome said. "They said they would catch up with us soon. They've probably already reached the village."
"Will they be looking for us?" he asked, wondering if he could count on rescue.
Kagome shook her head. "We said we were going to my time. You said you didn't know when we would come back."
"That doesn't sound like me." he said, not when he had things like Naraku and Kikyo keeping him here. "Are you sure?"
Kagome nodded.
"Where's Tessaiga? And why are you wearing my robe?" he asked next.
Kagome looked a little confused, then felt tears welling up in her eyes. "You really don't remember, do you?"
"What's wrong?" he asked, why was she crying?
"InuYasha we..." Kagome started to say then paused. "We...we..."
"We what?" he asked. Why was she acting so weird? She had been doing that same thing right up until she told him...
Told him...
Told him what?
What was it that he wasn't remembering!
"Don't you remember?" she asked pointlessly. "That night at the inn?"
"The inn?" InuYasha said.
Those flowers, the sake, Miroku got drunk. InuYasha barely drank anything but he got drunk too. Why did he...What happened that night that he...
The ink painting.
The naked man posing on it in the room.
The room that he...
That Kagome and he...
His demonic abilities, made that much stronger because Tessaiga wasn't around to suppress them, were healing his body faster than Kagome or he could guess. And, at that moment, those superhuman healing powers he had connected a broken path in his brain.
InuYasha gasped as the memories came flooding back.
Review please!