Emily shifts in the uncomfortable waiting room chair, 'You'd think this chair would be more comfortable if pregnant women were supposed to be sitting in them.' She thinks to herself. She scans the room, a heavily pregnant woman and her husband are seated across from her and another couple, the girl not so pregnant, sat a few seat down from Emily. She sighs and bows her head and starts picking at the fuzz on her jeans. She'd never forgive herself for getting into this situation. Her she is, 35 pregnant with a child that would never know who his father is. She know's who the father is, she met him at a bar a few months ago. He took her out for dinner a few times and they eventually wound up in Emily's bed. He broke up with her a few days before she found out she might be pregnant. Apparently his wife didn't like that he was seeing someone on the side. Emily wanted to kill him when she found out he was married.

"Emily Prentiss?" A short busty red-head calls and Emily pops her head up.

"That's me." She stands up and grabs her purse.

"Will the father be joining us?" She asks and Emily shakes her head. "Okay, follow me." Emily follows the woman into the bright white room. She never understood why hospital rooms were always so white, yeah, it's clean, but it's a little too much. "If you could just lie on the table and the Doctor will be in shortly."

"Do I need to put on a gown or something?" She asks as she takes a seat on the bed.

"Nope, she'll just ask you to raise your shirt." She explains. "Any more questions?" She shakes her head. "Alrighty then." She leaves the room and Emily waits for the Doctor.

"Hi Emily, I'm Dr. Jones." A tall, dark-haired woman comes into the room wearing a white lab coat, a dark blue dress, and white heels.

"Hi." Emily smiles at the woman.

"Is this your first child?" Emily nods. "Don't worry, it's not as bad as everyone says it is." She says slipping on a pair of gloves. "Today I'm just going to give you a sonogram and we'll discuss some things. I'll try to answer any questions you have and give you some pamphlets." She pulls the sonogram machine over to the side of the bed. "Lie down and raise your shirt please." Emily lays back on the bed and lifts her shirt. "This is going to be a little cold." Dr. Jones says grabbing a tube of gel. She squirts some on Emily's stomach and she shivers. "You'll get used to it." She smirks and grabs the paddle. "Will the father be joining us?" The doctor asks as she runs the paddle over Emily's stomach.

"No, it's just going to be me." She explains as she watches the grainy image on the screen. Suddenly a quick thudding sound fills the room and Emily smiles.

"That's your baby's heartbeat." Dr. Jones moves the paddle a little more and points to the screen. "Do you see that little bean shaped thing?" She asks and Emily nods. "That's your baby."

"Really?" Emily asks leaning a little closer. "He's so tiny."

"Well, yeah, you are only 8 weeks along. Trust me the baby will get bigger faster than you think." She removes the paddle from Emily's stomach, presses a few buttons on the machine and a picture prints out from the printer a few feet away. "Here are some tissues." The doctor grabs a box of tissues and hands them to Emily. "Get cleaned up and we can talk." She walks over to the printer and grabs the prints while Emily cleans up her stomach. She pulls her shirt down and tosses the used tissues in the trash. The doctor brings over a rolly chair and sits down in front of Emily. She explains everything that she will be experiencing in the next few months, what she can't do, what she can't do, how much exercise she should be getting, what she should be eating and what she shouldn't be eating. "Do you have any questions?"

"Do you get a lot of single moms here?" She asks rubbing her hands together.

"A few, being a single mother is nothing to be ashamed about Emily. Things happen, but in a few months none of that is going to matter because you'll have a little baby boy or girl and they are going to love you so much more than you could possible dream of being loved." She takes Emily's hands. "Have you told your family and friends?" She shakes her head. "I recommend you tell them, you're going to need a good support system."

"I will."
"Any other questions?"

"No, I think I'm good for right now." Dr. Jones stands up.

"Well if you think of anything, you have my number. You can make another appointment outside." She hands Emily the envelope of her prints. "Congratulations Emily."

"Thank you."


The team is gathered around the table in Rossi's mansion for their weekly team dinner, they are all talking and laughing and having a good time. 'Might as well do this now.' Emily thinks to herself as she stands up. Everyone look stops talking and looks at her. "I have something to tell you all." She takes a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." She blurts out. Penelope and JJ squeal and get up to hug their friend.

"Congratulations." They say wrapping her in a giant hug.

"Thank you." She replies when they let her go. They sit back down and the guys congratulate her. "Thanks." She sits back down.

"I didn't know you were seeing anyone." Derek says and Emily looks at him, his eyes are kind of sad.

"I'm not." She takes a sip of her water. "I mean I was, but we broke up."
"Because you're pregnant?" Derek asks getting mad.

"No, because his wife didn't like that he was spending all his time with me."
"Oh." His face softens. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's his fault."

"Well you'll always have us." Rossi says.

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you guys." She smiles at her family. She was actually relieved now that she told them.
"I still have a few books from where Haley was pregnant with Jack if you want to borrow them." Hotch says.

"I have some, too." JJ says.

"Thanks guys. I'm going to need them."
"You're going to be a great mom Emily." Reid says.

"I hope so."

"You'll be perfect." Derek says.


I've been super busy lately with College stuff, I'm sorry that the updates aren't consistent, but I am trying I promise. This story is going to be the next few chapters, I hope you enjoy. If you want to see something in the story or another one feel free to leave a review, I'm open to suggestions.