SUMMARY: What if Goku didn't marry chi chi, a life free from his controlling wife what will await our hero through his journey? Would he be stronger without his wife, would he find somebody else? Find out as we go from the end of dragon ball through DBZ.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own DB or DBZ or any of its characters. But I do own this story please enjoy =]
A life without Chi Chi
Chapter one: No
The atmosphere was tense as the two fighters stood face to face in the ring. Goku stood on one side looking clueless as he stared at his opponent. A tall beautiful girl with long dark hair was stood on the other almost growling at him. "How could you!?" The girl shouted.
Goku didn't respond he didn't even know what she was talking about. "So long as I live I'll never forgive you for this!" Goku blinked a few time before speaking. "I-I don't understand we've never met. I think you're mistaking me for somebody else." He said pointing at himself. The girl quickly interrupted him however.
"Don't be stupid! You are Goku aren't you?" Meanwhile Krillin and Yamcha were watching from the side lines. "Oh poor Goku, who is that girl?" Yamcha said. Krillin was pondering trying to figure it out. "She looks furious."
Launch who was stood in the crowd with master Roshi, Bulma, Puar and Oolong. "I'd give five bullets to know what they're talking about." Roshi who was stroking his beard said. "She makes for a lovely warrior." But Bulma stopped the thought. "Not with that mouth."
"That's right, little miss emotional needs an attitude adjustment." Oolong said. The girl was still staring daggers at Goku as the drums started to pound harder and faster signalling the fight was about to start. Then on queue the referee signalled the start of the fight. "You may begin!"
The girl quickly made a run at Goku at full speed and delivered a spinning back kick. Goku dodged it with ease of course but the following three kicks he was cutting it close. Quickly he managed to get behind her and regain his balance. The girl was on him quickly again and started with a change In style as she launched knife hand attacks at Gokus head.
Still managing to dodge all the attacks the girl was getting even more pissed; she started throwing kicks in trying to mix it up all while keeping the knife hand attacks flying. Goku was able to block the kicks and still avoid the knife hand attacks but was beginning to be forced back. Quickly he jumped high into the air out of her range and landed on the other side of the ring.
"Have I ever met you before?" Goku asked still confused to why she was so angry with him. "You really know how to lay on the charms don't you? Of course we've met before!" She said as she charged back in. "Are you that dense?!" She shouted as she continued to throw attack after attack. "Did I mean that little to you?!" she shouted still trying to hit him!"
Krillin and Yamcha were still watching intensely. "So that's it Goku and that girl must have been friends once." Goku was running sideways across the arena with the girl tight on his heels. "If you don't mind can you tell me what I forgot… So I can remember?"
The referee spoke into the microphone trying to explain what was happening. "These two seem to be arguing about something."
Have you forgotten the promise you made as well?" the girl said still attacking all out. Goku jumped back and then sprang into the air. "Promise? Did I promise you something?" The girl followed, "That's right! Let me jog your memory!" She shouted as she all out attacked.
"Whatever problems these two are having one things for certain. She's a good fighter; her techniques resemble the style of the turtle school." Roshi said. Bulma and Puar turned in surprise. "How could that be?" Goku and the girl were still going for it as they fell from the sky; Goku blocked a load of kicks and punches never even once throwing his own. They both landed on the arena with perfect form and the crowd started cheering.
"I know your angry but tell me what I promised you. Pleaseee?" Goku said. The girl was stood with her eyes scrunched together with anger. "You're serious, you really can't remember? Fine I'll tell you the promise you broke. You promised that I would be your bride. YOU PROMISED TO MARRY ME!"
The entire z gang was in complete shock, each and every single one of them was stunned. "Say what?!" Yamcha shouted in disbelief. Goku had his mouth hanging open he was so surprised.
"I would think even you could remember that one." Goku forced his mouth shut and started thinking hard while moving his eyes about as if trying to look for answers. Suddenly he looked to Krillin and Yamcha who were still gob smacked.
"Hey Krillin what's a bride?" Krillin and Yamcha sweat dropped and so did the girl. Krillin stood back up with an angry face. "A bride! Roughly translated your life is OVER!" Yamcha reached over and pulled him down by his head. "Goku a bride is a women who's about to be married!" But Krillin got back up. "I think my definition is more accrete, it's the woman that you live with for the rest of your life!"
Goku turned back to the girl with a look of shock. "Live together… With you?" He said pointing at her. "When I said that was I conscious?" The girl's expression turned to a big frown. "But how can I marry someone if I don't even know there name?"
The girl smiled. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing but I'll be happy to tell you my name. If you beat me." This time Goku smiled, "Arhh perfect, besides if we were going to be spending the rest of our lives together I at least need to know what to call you."
The girl frowned again. "Hump are you so sure you're going to win? I'm not in fact at the rate your fighting you'd be lucky to even hit me ONCE!"
Oolong was sat on the wall where the crowd was smiling with his arms crossed. "Goku, its obvious who she is." Bulma turned around surprised. "It is? Tell me."
"You should pay more attention, it's no great mystery Puar and master Roshi should know who she is." Roshi was still shocked and just replied with a "What?"
Goku now had a big grin as he lowered in to some kind of fighting position. "I can't wait to find out who you are, are you ready for my attack?" The girl just replied with. "Hurry up before I fall asleep!" Goku took a step back and tensed up; he looked to be focusing hard as he pulled his fist to his waist. Then suddenly he released his punch karate style flipping it 180 degrees and released a huge air blast that hit home and sent the girl flying through the air. She flew back slamming into the wall before falling into the ground. The crowd was all completely shocked at what Goku had just done, even Piccolo was impressed.
The refree looking for an answer to what just happened walked over to master Roshi. "What just happened? Goku did clearly not touch her." Roshi was as clueless as he was. "Goku is no longer my student but it's clear he shot his fist out at an incredible speed, the force of which must have created a shock wave that knocked miss anomalous out of the ring."
The girl sat back up slowly trying to figure out what just happened. Goku was crouched down on the edge of the ring a kind of worried face. "Just relaxed, give it a second you'll be alright. I'm sorry that blast was designed to knock you out of the ring, not knock you out." The girl stood back up rubbing her head.
"I don't believe it, you completely knocked me off guard, increasable. I hardly thought it possible but you're even stronger than I remember." Goku smiled. "Well urr I won. So will you tell me your name?" the girl frowned while she was still rubbing her head. "You're impossible. I'm the Ox king's daughter Chi chi."
Gokus face turned to complete and utter shock as he suddenly realised who she was. So did the entire z gangs as well apart from Oolong who was laughing. "Wait a minute… your Chi chi?" Goku said trying to remember. She just nodded and let it sink in. Goku jumped in shock as he remembered. "ARGG I remember! I did say it, it was back when we were children that I told you I wanted a bride."
"I remember I was there." Chi chi said. "Umm I-I don't think you understand I thought bride ment something to eat." Chi chi looked at him I disappointment. "S-Something to eat." Her eyes started to tear up and her face turned into a pout. "Then the promise you made was a mistake?" Goku was stood with his arms crossed and a sweat drop on his forehead. "Sometimes my brain doesn't know what my mouth is saying."
Chi chi looked like she was about to cry. "So does that mean you won't marry me?" There was a tense moment from the crowd as they all went completely silent. Goku looked at Chi chi and then at the floor.
"I'm sorry Chi chi, but I can't marry you." Chi chi could no longer hold back the tears as they burst from her eyes like a river from a damn. She quickly turned around and ran out of the arena with her hands covering her face as if trying to hide her emotions. Goku didn't even have a chance to tell her he was sorry before she ran off and he felt terrible. But he knew he had made the right choice.
Breaking the awkward silence the referee spoke into the microphone. "So there you have it folks, in a heart breaking event Goku is the winner." The crowd didn't cheer it just seemed to gloomy to start cheering after what had just happened but never the less Goku took it like a man and walked back into the waiting area. Krillin and Yamcha watched their friend as he walked into the hall silent and without emotion. "Krillin was about to speak but Yamcha put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head.
Goku didn't stop there he carried on walking until he was outside. For some reason it felt like a hole had just opened in his heart. He felt like he was the bad guy that he had just committed the worse crime. "Why do I feel like this? I-I just told her the truth. So why do I hurt so bad?" Wet patches started to fall on his trousers and he looked up to the sky confused. "Is it raining?" he thought to himself but the sky was blue without a single cloud. He wiped his eyes after he realised he was crying and slumped his head into his hands.
"Why is it like this? Should I have just lied to her and told her I would marry her when really I didn't want to?" Suddenly he was startled by a voice that came from in front of him. "No." Goku looked up to see a blue haired old time friend who he had known for years. "B-Bulma?" Goku said in surprise, "What are you doing here?" he said, he had not even noticed her approach him until she had spoken.
Bulma looked at Goku like he was a lost child. "It's ok Goku you did the right thing." Goku tried to smile but it didn't work. "Then why do I feel like this, like a hole has opened in my heart?" Bulma sat next to her best friend and took his hand in hers. "You did the right thing Goku. It's not your fault you didn't want to marry Chi chi, in fact it's no ones."
Goku could feel how hard Bulma was squeezing his hand right now. It didn't hurt and was no way near uncomfortable, in fact it felt nice. Goku looked into her big blue eyes as she spoke to him. Such soft words he thought to himself, he had never noticed how truly beautiful Bulma was before this moment. how could I never of noticed it before?" He thought to himself.
"Goku?" Bulma asked. Goku realising that he had zoned out came back and replied back with a yes. Are you feeling better now?" She asked. Goku smiled and nodded. "Yeah I am. Thanks Bulma." She just smiled and squeezed his hand tighter. "Don't mention it, now you go out there and be the hero you were born to be." She said with a playful punch to the arm. Goku smiled and stood back up pulling her with him forgetting he still had hold of her hand. She lost her balance and fell forwards into his chest and he quickly caught her in his arms.
Their eyes locked for a moment as they stared at each other getting lost in each other's gaze. Suddenly Bulma moved forwards out of instinct and planted her lips on Gokus. He was completely shocked and he almost pulled away but Bulma beat him to it.
"That was for luck." Bulma said before she quickly turned around and ran off like a little girl with embarrassment. Goku was just left there still trying to process the feelings traveling through his body at the moment. "What is this feeling?" Goku asked himself as he looked at his hands. He looked up and smiled, the gilt completely gone from his heart he clenched his fist and smiled. "Piccolo I'm coming for you."
Ok end of chapter one, now I hope you enjoyed that I've never written anything like this before properly so try and be nice if you didn't like it. Anyway please leave a review and let me know what you think =]