Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Okay, I know I'm working on a bunch of other stories, but I couldn't get this song out of my head and I think it fits our dynamic duo perfectly. So I wrote it! Please enjoy. I'm kind of a closeted Twilight fan, so I friggin' adore this song. The premise of the story is also inspired by the movie "Made of Honor". PLEASE REVIEW IF YOU HAVE A MOMENT :)

Song: "A Thousand Years: Part 2" by Christina Perri feat. Steve Kazee

The day we met,

Frozen I held my breath

Right from the start

I knew that I'd found a home for my heart...

"Excuse me, Gomez!" No response. Derek sighed internally. He had to get a hold of her somehow. They needed a tech. So he called her the first thing that popped into his head. "Hey, Baby Girl!"

Now he had caught her attention. But when he though about it, maybe that wasn't the wisest thing to call her. She could easily be offended by it. Wincing, he watched as she halted in her tracks and turned around. He was prepared to do some major ass-kissing. He needed her help.

He hadn't seen her face, though, and he almost fell over when he did. This woman was a knock-out beauty, curvy and delectably sweet. He began to sweat. Oh, God, he thought. He was at a loss for words. He hoped she would speak first because if he had to he would trip over his own tongue. She cocked an eyebrow at him. "Baby Girl?" she asked, amusement in her voice.

He shook his head in embarrassment. "Forgive me, I just didn't know -"

She cut him off. "I've been called worse." She smiled coyly at him.

It was not a usual occurrence for Derek Morgan to be at a loss for words when it came to women, but with whoever this woman was, he was tongue-tied. He couldn't find his voice.

She started walking forward towards him. "What can I do for you?" she asked.

And at that moment, he knew that there was something special about this woman, this beautiful woman. Usually he didn't believe in such things, but right at that moment, he felt like he'd met the woman he would marry.

...beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

Derek's memory of the first meeting with Penelope was raging through his head as he stood in his bedroom, staring at the picture he had of the two of them on his dresser. He'd never fallen so hard for a woman in his life, but with Penelope Garcia every feeling was multiplied tenfold.

And his heart had never broken more than when she'd accepted Sam's proposal.

He sighed. He must be a masochist because he'd agreed to be her man of honor.

Rubbing his face, he pushed the picture facedown so that he couldn't see her face. She was going to be seeing it in the flesh real soon. He didn't need to look at it before her wedding. It would only hurt more.

He was just going to have to suck it up and play the supportive best friend. If he tried to tell her anything, he wouldn't be able to deal with her rejection.

Maybe he would love again. Maybe he wouldn't. Either way, he didn't think he would get over Penelope.

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love for a thousand more

"Garcia, you look so beautiful!" JJ said happily, finishing up zipping her best friend's wedding dress. "God, Sam is going to fall over from seeing you look like this. I can only imagine how wonderful the honeymoon sex will be."

Penelope had to force a smile. She was happy; it was her wedding day, after all. But she couldn't help but feel nostalgic over her unmarried life. Even when she wasn't married though, she had been in love with someone. Someone who she classified as her best friend.

She was in love with Derek Morgan.

Always had been, always would be.

The love she felt for Sam, well, she couldn't help but describe it as platonic. She couldn't imagine a passionate, life-changing existence with their marriage. It just didn't come across as that to her. He was a kind man, a good man, but he wasn't the man she truly loved with every fiber of her being.

Derek was the kind of man she had been waiting for her whole life. Her perfect match, the one who balanced her out. He didn't suffocate her independence, but he was always there when she needed a shoulder to lean on. They were completely in sync with one another.

But he had never felt that way about her. He felt nothing but friendship for her.

"Yeah," she murmured. "I guess I clean up nicely."

"Obviously," Emily said, smiling as she inserted a hair clip into Penelope's blond curls

that were piled high on top of her head. "You're PG. You always look beautiful." When Penelope didn't respond, she tilted her head to the side and met her eyes in the mirror. "Hey, you okay? You got really quiet. Hell, you've been quiet all morning. What gives?"

She shook her head. "Oh, nothing," she said with a wave of her hand. Her answer was weak, but she hoped it would suffice. "I'm just a little nervous, that's all."

Emily leaned against the vanity and JJ joined her. They both looked at her with probing stares and she sighed. Trying to lie to your best girlfriends was pointless. Especially when these particular girlfriends were profilers and knew her inside and out. They would be able to read into deep brown eyes and tell her what she ate for breakfast and what she was thinking.

Not as well as Derek, but pretty damn close.

She sighed reluctantly and muttered, "Do you guys think I'm making the right choice? I mean, by marrying Sam?" She looked up at Emily and JJ, her mind on her man of honor and not entirely on the conversation. Should she tell him how she felt, even if it meant breaking her own heart in the process? She never should have fallen for him. It was the worst mistake of her life.

But was she really in control of her heart?

JJ's eyes went wide. "Penelope, are you not sure you're making the right choice?" she squeaked. "Are you having second thoughts about Sam?"

"Sam's wonderful," Penelope murmured, "but I don't know if I would have anything but a comfortable life with him. I mean, do I want kids with him? Do I want to spend the rest of my life with him? Would he understand my commitment to the BAU? Would he be okay with me and the relationship I have with Derek?" It was painful to say his name, but she managed to choke it out. A small pang hit her heart and she knew it must be a crack that would eventually split it in half.

She often found herself wondering about what it would be like to be with Derek. What it would be like to be a woman he might love. What it would be like to spend a day in his arms, just talking and telling each other their fears and dreams. What it would be like to be the woman he made love to.

Each time it ended with her heart being broken.

Emily studied her a moment and cocked an eyebrow. A moment later, she said, "I get what this is about. You're thinking about Morgan."

Penelope bit her lip and nodded. "I don't know what to think. What if...what if I'll never really be happy with Sam because I..." Her voice trailed off. What she could have ended the sentence with both JJ and Emily.

"You love him, don't you?" JJ asked softly. "You love Morgan." The last sentence was a statement, not a question. She already knew what the answer was.

Penelope bent her head, partly in shame, partly in defeat. "Yeah," she murmured. "Yeah, I do. But I'm going to go through with this marriage. I could learn to love Sam. And I will. I'll - I'll get over Derek. It shouldn't be that hard."

Emily looked down at her watch to check the time. Coughing, she rose to her feet. "I have to go and check on...some flower arrangements." Putting a hand on Penelope's shoulder, she gave it a squeeze and murmured, "It'll be okay. I know it will be."

Time stands still,

Beauty in all she is,

I will not let anything, take away

What's standing in front, of me

Derek was leaning against the wall of the small side hallway where he was waiting sullenly for the rest of the bridesmaids to arrive. He still felt like shit. He was still going to end up with a broken heart. There was no point in trying to talk with anyone, about this or anything else. God forbid he see Sam. He might just clock him if he did.

Not looking up when he heard the sound of clicking heels, he rubbed his face tiredly. He was in no mood to engage in pointless conversation at that moment.

"Morgan, we need to talk."

The sound of Emily Prentiss' voice made his gaze glance up and he cocked an eyebrow. "Oh? And what do we need to talk about?" he grunted.

"You're sulking," she stated. "And I know why."

"I'm no sulking, and you don't know why because there's nothing I'm sulking about," he snapped.

She went towards him and smacked him across the back of the head before scolding him. "We both know that everything you just spouted off is complete bullshit!" she said. "You need to get your head out of your ass and tell Garcia how you feel about her. I'm not kidding, I'll kick your ass if you don't do it."

"What the hell do you want me to say, Prentiss?" he demanded, standing up straight. "I have nothing to do. I'm out of options. End of story." His fists clenched and he almost growled in frustration. This day could not get any worse for him.

She glared at him. "Derek, how could you give up on her?" she asked quietly. "You love her. And I know she loves you. You both just have to let each other know."

"It's pretty obvious how she feels about me," he snorted. "I'm her 'man of honor', Emily. I'm not the groom. She doesn't love me...not the way I love her." He bent his head in defeat. There was nothing he could do to fix this. He would just go on as if things were normal. It was all he could do.

Emily shook her head. "No, Morgan," she said, her voice more gentle. "I came to find you because of what she just told me in the dressing room. Derek, she just told JJ and I that she loves you."

He snorted. "If she loves me so much, why is she going on with this wedding?"

"She doesn't believe you love her!" Emily sighed and leaned against the window with him. She put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But you've got a chance. If you say something and let her know that you want a chance with her, she'll stop the wedding. If you tell her that you love her, she'll be with you. Make her truly happy and tell her everything."

He just stared at her blankly. There was no way he could deny the feelings he had for Penelope. He met Emily's eyes. With his heart in his eyes, he sighed. "I've got one chance for this, haven't I?"

"Yeah, you do," she said bluntly. "You'd better figure this out. You don't have very long to make things right."

Every breath,

Every hour has come to this

One step closer

The walk down the aisle was one of the longest Penelope had ever endured. Rossi walked her down the aisle, and for that she was grateful. He helped her stay standing; she might have tripped if he hadn't been there. At the altar, she saw her groom, smiling radiantly at her.

Sam looked absolutely handsome. He was dressed sharply in his tuxedo and his eyes were shining brightly. He looked like a man in love.

But the man she was marrying was not the man she was walking towards. At least, not the one she felt like she was walking towards. Her best friend, her man of honor, her Hot Stuff was the one she felt like she was walking towards. Only his face wasn't looking so thrilled. He looked like he was pained, like he was hiding something. He looked...composed.

Once again, her heart began to ache as she looked at his handsome face. His eyes were trained on her with such an intensity that it felt like it was only the two of them in the room. The onyx eyes she had memorized for almost ten years were boring into her like she was the most mesmerizing woman in the world. It sent chills up her spine to be looked at like this. No one had ever looked at her the way Derek was right then. Their eyes latched onto to one another's and they stayed there, locked in place. Her whole body was on edge and she was sure she would shatter like glass if he touched her.

It couldn't be just anybody that touched her for her to shatter...it had to be Derek.

When the walk down the aisle ended and their eyes were still locked together, she knew there was something different about his gaze than she had ever seen. But then again, when she thought about it, had all the looks he'd given her been that way? Had she just not seen it? Had she maybe just ignored them because she thought he might never look at her that way?

Rossi's kiss on the cheek jolted her out of her daze and she nearly jerked her face towards Sam. A soft smile lit up her face and she reached for his hand. He gave it a soft squeeze and it took every ounce of strength in her to remain focussed on her husband-to-be.

It was as if her eyes were magnetically drawn to Derek.

The officiant began the ceremony, but all the words seemed to mush together in her ears. It began to sound like everything was in slow motion. Her blood raced through her veins and her heart thumped louder and louder against her rib bones. Slowly, her mouth moved along with the words she was supposed to say, but she wasn't truly paying attention. It was all unconscious.

But words began to make sense after she heard, "...speak now or forever hold you peace."

Her breath caught in her chest and she waited. If what she had seen in Derek's eyes just moments ago was love, then she would hear his voice.

The period of time that was usually given for stopping a wedding wasn't long in actual reality, but to Penelope, it was lasting a lifetime. Everything felt deathly quiet in this place she was in. Her skin began to raise in goosebumps and her throat was starting to constrict. She couldn't believe this was happening, but tears were starting to well up in her eyes. Here she was at the altar, on the edge of weeping because the man she really loved wasn't saying a word.

Something shifted in her then. What was she doing? She couldn't marry Sam. It wasn't fair to him and it wasn't fair to her. Even if she was mistaken about Derek, she couldn't marry a man who she didn't love. Maybe she would get over Derek, maybe she wouldn't. But she could never feel anything for Sam more than brotherly love.

So she opened her lips and cried, "I do! I object!"

What Penelope didn't anticipate were the two voices that said the same exact words as she had.

One step closer...