A.N. Okay Zehinohope, this is for you, my dear idea bank :D. (Zehinohope asked me to do honey moon for Smoker and Ace). SmoxAce… Yes, finally came to this, until now all I did had Luffy in it, well this will have to (probably), but only because he's Ace's brother. Okay, so enjoy and stuff… :}
Warnings: yaoi – manxman, AU.
Disclaimer: *spins on her chair* Ohhh, the world is spinning….. Or my head is spinning? Oh, it stopped. *Checks wikipedia* Noup, still don't own One Piece, back to spinning.
Summary: Smoker and Ace finally got married! And now they're off to have a honey moon… Yaoi – manxman, AU, SmoAce.
"Ace! Sabo!" Nine year old Luffy ran towards eleven year old Ace and Sabo. "Why people get married?"
Ace and Sabo looked at each other, Luffy sat in front of the two with big puppy eyes. Ace sighed 'I guess we have to talk even about this…' "Well people usually get married when they're in love."
"Hmm? But mommy and daddy never did get married."
"Well not all people want to get married, most people who get married want to stay together for the rest of their lives, some people think that they want to be together, but later find out that they can't, then they divorce."
"So mommy and daddy divorced?"
Ace laughed. "No, mom and dad never felt the need to get married in the first place, they know that they will be together for the rest of their lives without getting married."
Luffy blinked. "I'm confused, so people marry 'cause they want to be together for the rest of their lives, but not necessarily?"
Sabo scratched his chin. "Maybe it would easier to say that people get married when they want to show to other people that the person they love belongs completely to them."
Luffy grinned. "Oh I get it! So people marry 'cause they want to be together forever, but you don't have to marry for that, so usually people marry to show off!"
Ace and Sabo blinked and started to laugh. "Well you probably can say it like that." Sabo said while laughing.
*End of flashback*
I looked into Smoker's eyes; why am I remembering this now? All day I could see sparks in his eyes, sparks of amusement; he's planning something… Smoker stood up and swept off the sand from his gorgeous body, he extended hand towards me 'cause I still was watching him; but hey, who would miss a chance to stare at a body like that? I took the hand and stood up. "So what are we going to do now?"
Today Smoker took me out on a date, we went to the beach 'cause I love ocean, but he planned everything himself, so I had no idea what was up next, everything is going to be a surprise. Smoker smirked. "It's a secret."
I pouted and looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "Please?"
He couldn't resist my puppy dog eyes. "No."
Usually. It looks like today is not one of those days.
We went to the car and got properly dressed; well Smoker did, I decided to go without my shirt, but we were going to walk, so it shouldn't be far from the beach. Besides Smoker said nothing about me going without shirt; he likes watching me walk around shirtless as much as I do watching him.
We walked here and there, I couldn't really understand our destination because of the random turns we were doing, but Smoker wore this all knowing smirk, so I understood that everything was going as he planned. We were walking through some palms along the sea side when I recognized the rock I saw in the sea, I tugged Smoker's sleeve. "Smokey, Smokey, you remember? This is the place where we met!"
I was walking down the path alongside the beach on my day off, when my narcolepsy kicked in and I collapsed. Smoker was walking into direction I came from and saw me collapsing, he quickly took me in his arms and laid me down on a nearby bench. He wanted to call an ambulance, but then I woke up, before he could, for me it was love at first sight~ And after some annoying stalking Smoker agreed to go on a date with me.
Smoker stopped me under a palm tree and kissed. "Yea I remember." He kissed me one more time. "That's why I brought you here." I wanted to joke on how he made such a big secret out of it, but my words got stuck in my throat. Smoker got on one knee. On one freaking knee! Smoker took out a small box out of his shorts and opened it. There laid ring – it was solid, but at one point it split into two lines that twists like a wave and in the middle of the twist there was an orange gem stone. "Ace, will you marry me?"
I jumped onto Smoker's neck and he fell down on the ground with me on top of him. I started placing random kisses on his face. "Of course I do, you stupid old man."
Smoker laughed and sat up, I stopped my random kissing and watched how he took my left hand and put the ring on it, then he took my face between his hands and brought it closer to his for a sealing kiss.
After three months…
"Ace this is so awesome, Smokey and you are finally getting married!"
Luffy ran and hugged his brother, Sabo came right after the smaller Monkey and hugged me too. "Man, you're getting married before I even found myself someone I want to seriously start relationship with, I feel old here!"
I laughed and ruffled Luffy's hair. "Yea, I can't believe this is finally happening, the last month was so intense."
Sabo snickered. "Never have I thought that gramps will get so into this deal that will decide that he will organize everything…"
We laughed; gramps likes Smoker very much, he even announced him as his successor in the police force. A little, middle aged woman with long blond hair, chocolate colored eyes and small face ran into the room. "Ace my boy! You're getting married! I'm so proud of you! Give your mother a hug!"
I sighed and opened my arms and my mom ran into my embrace. "Chase is such a nice guy, putting up with you and even deciding to marry you! I'm going to have the best son-in-law ever!" Rouge turned to her two other sons. "And I'm expecting daughter-in-law from you two, although it can be another son-in-law, I don't really care."
I saw Luffy relax; oh, don't tell me my little bro has fallen for a man, I will make him talk when I will come back from my honey moon. Smoker let me take care of what place we will go to, so I was itching to see his reaction when he will see it. "Mom, is everything I asked for is ready?"
A glint of excitement appeared on mom's face, she clapped her hands. "Yes! Everything is ready, just as you asked, though I made sure to stock the fridge with your favorite food 'cause you will miss most of the banquet."
I hugged my mother one more time. "Well mom. I'm off."
Suddenly tears appeared in her eyes and she started sobbing. "My oldest son is getting married! Later I will hear that Sabo is getting married too and then my little Luffy will leave the house too!"
Sabo went to mom and hugged her. "Don't worry mom, if this will make you feel better, Luffy will probably get married earlier than me." Sabo knows something and I don't? That's not fair!
Mom blinked several times and started sobbing louder. "No! My little Luffy!"
Luffy glared at Sabo. "Great, you just had to open your mouth, now she will start nagging me about it!"
Then he pushed Sabo away, hugged mom and started whispering something in her ear. She soon started giggling and then broke into laughter. After a moment of laughing she took out a handkerchief out of her little purse and started whipping tears from her face. "Thank you Luffy, but you will have to come to drink tea to my house next Sunday and you will have to bring that special someone with you."
Luffy sighed. "Fine. Ace you should really go, or you will be late."
I took one last look at the mirror – my white suit looked perfect on me and was just asking to be ripped off. We walked out of the changing room and stood by huge wooden double door, Luffy and Sabo went inside to take their place by the groomsmen, mom hugged my one last time and went to her seat at the first row. A heavy hand landed on my shoulder and looked at my father – that strange tattoo that covered half of his face made him look scary, but the warm smile he was wearing, said differently. "I'm proud of you."
Dad wasn't a big talker so these words meant a lot to me, the music started and the door opened, my father took his place by my side – he was going to lead me down the aisle.
I looked at Smoker – he looked stunning, with his white suit and grey hair, red rose in his jacket – definitely job of his mother, she was such romantic. And she owned flower arrangement business, so she took care of decorating everything. And I mean everything – the cars, the tent the banquet will be held in, the small church we're right now in, she did all of that, herself.
Smoker had small smile on his face, he again took care of the rings, so I had no idea how the ring which is going to be placed next to the engagement ring will look like. I bet as awesome as the Fire does – I named my ring, it represented the fire that always burns in me. I promised to myself that the one year anniversary ring will look as awesome as my Fire does.
While thinking about random shit I didn't notice that we walked down the aisle and now I was standing right beside Smoker. I looked into his grey eyes and felt drowning in them, I didn't really hear what the priest was talking about and just stared into his eyes. Smoker did the same and it felt like the two of us where the only ones in the world.
Slowly I started to hear what priest was saying, we were nearing the end and our oaths. Finally the words I waited for could be heard. "Chase Smoker, will you take Monkey D Ace as your rightful husband, in health and in sickness, in easy and hard times, until death will tear you apart?"
Smoker smiled. "I will."
The priest turned to me. "Monkey D Ace will you take Chase Smoker as your rightful husband, in misery and happiness, in wealth and in poor, until death will tear you apart?"
I smiled back. "I will."
I looked at the two rings on my finger – Fire and the one I got several hours ago, it was from white gold like Fire. But this one was wider then Fire and had black engravings on sides, they looked a little bit like leafs, but not too much, they simply could be ornaments. My gaze wandered to my husband; I love calling him like that, oh, all the possibilities of how I can call him now, simply husband or hubby, darling, honey, love, sunshine… The life with him will be the best. Smoker was on the phone with his mother, she was telling him something his answers simply were sighing or saying: 'Yes mother, I know.'
Maybe after fifteen minutes of talking he finally put his phone away and pulled me into his lap. "It's been to long since we were alone in peace and quiet."
I chuckled. "Well the last week was occupied by our wedding preparations, there was no time to enjoy each other company."
I wrapped my legs around his waist and improved my position, so I could see his face. He smiled and put his hands on my neck only to bring me closer so we could kiss. Today we had a lot of kisses, but neither of them were passionate, they had feelings, of course they did, we love each other, but none of them demanded more. But this one did, this kiss reminded me the first kisses we shared – wild, blinded by passion, a lot of teeth smashing and a lot of tongue mixing. I explored his mouth just like the first time, I wanted to taste every corner of it, to see if every corner of it tasted the same – like smoke.
Smoke is his element, it obeyed only him, it was ironic that his last name matched his powers, but I loved it, after all now I was Smoker too. Ace D Smoker, I love the sound of it, we changed his name too – Chaser D Smoker, father agreed and now he was part of the D family, he's worth it after all.
We broke the kiss panting and grinning, Smoker looked out the widow, but only thing he could see there was clearings through the forest. "Where are we going?"
"It's a secret."
Smoker laughed. "Will this limousine bring us to the place immediately or will we need to change transport?"
"There will be no need for that, after an hour or so we will be at the place."
Smoker nuzzled his nose in my neck. "Hmm, I woke early today, let's take a nap."
I chuckled. "Fine."
We laid down on the seat, it wasn't long enough for Smoker to stretch out, so he bend his legs and put them on the seat, I curled up on his broad chest and he put an arm around me.
I felt fresh air fill in the car. "Mister Ace, we're here."
I opened my eyes and yawned. "Thank you Gan Fall."
I slowly got out of the car and stretched, Smoker got out after me and looked around. It was still only four in the afternoon, so the sun was still quite high. The house in front of us seemed to welcome us with open doors, Gan Fall probably left them open when he carried in our bags, how nice of him. My gaze fell on Smoker, he was looking over the house with interest. "What is this place?"
"You probably can't see it from here, but this house is on the top of the hill, the second floor has the bedrooms in it and the view is amazing. This house is the property of our family, I asked mom to let me use it and she lend it to me with pleasure. This place is 70 kilometers away from the nearest big city and from three places is surrounded by forest, the fourth side is near the ocean."
Smoker chuckled and wrapped his hands around my waist. "It didn't have to be so detailed, simple 'our vacation house' would have been enough."
I grinned. "I just wanted to inform you that this place is almost completely isolated and that we can have sex anywhere, any time without holding back."
"Hmm, really?"
His hand traveled under my shirt. "Yea."
His lips found mine and I happily sighed into the kiss; finally our honey moon is starting…
Warm lips left mine and let out small whine, but then I felt Smoker take me into his hands in bridal style and enter the house. He bit my ear lobe and I groaned. "You said the bedrooms are in the second floor?"
I nodded. "First door you will see will be our room."
"How convenient."
"My mother understands what's best for a honey moon."
He chuckled in a deep lust taken voice and I felt a soft mattress underneath me. I raised my hands and casted them on his neck, Smoker smiled and obeyed my gentle command, he leaned and we kissed. This time it was gentle kiss, without any rush, we do have all the time we want and no one will bother us here. I felt warm hands touch my belly and shivered; that touch felt so good… His hands didn't travel lower, but higher instead, he reached my nipples that were already hardening and started playing with them. I moaned and he chuckled. "You're so sensitive today."
"Ahhh, we were, huuuuuh, kind of busy, ahhhhhhhh, these days…"
He chuckled to my attempt to speak and started licking my neck sending another shiver down my body, he bit and sucked until he was sure that tomorrow a mark will definitely be seen. I somehow managed to take part of my mind back from pleasure and lifted my hands up and started to explore Smoker's body under his shirt. "Smokey~"
I felt another shiver shake my body. "Mmmmm, maybe we should, ohhh, get rid of our clo… clothes?"
He hummed and then started taking my shirt off. "Ne, Smokey… Your clothes."
He smirked "Shut up Mister Smoker." I felt shiver run through my body, he said my name in such lustful voice, I could particularly feel the lust his voice radiated. "And let me take care of you for now."
He threw my shirt somewhere at the side and ran his finger through my body and when he reached the edge of my pants he stopped and started taking them off too. I grunted and decided to take the matter into my own hands I reached for the buttons of his shirt, but instead of unbuttoning them I released fire from inside of me and burned the shirt off to ashes. Smoker looked at the ashes that covered the bed and raised an eyebrow. "I know this house has a lot of bedrooms, but if every night you will burn one bed, soon we will sleep on the ground."
I rolled my eyes. "So what are you waiting for? Make so that I can't think at all."
Smoker laughed and discarded his lower part into smoke and threw his pants and briefs away; that's what I was talking about. I grinned and burned my pants off; I will probably later be scolded for this, but I don't care right now.
Smoker extended his left hand and discarded it into smoke and split across the room probably in search for lube. "Wardrobe, top shelf, right corner."
My grey haired lover chuckled and smoke concentrated on the wardrobe soon it came back and his arm reformed, this time with lube in his hand. I watched as he poured good amount of lube on his fingers and felt my erection twitch; and tell me that sight doesn't turn anyone on… I gasped when first finger entered my hole, but then relaxed as it started to move.
I let out a groan and felt the second finger enter; oh goddess more… the fingers started randomly moving inside of me and scissoring me. I let out a loud moan. "More…"
I felt third and final finger enter and starting thrusting in and out, I gripped the sheets harder and smelled the scent of burning fabric. I released the sheets; shit I don't want to burn the bed. I felt the fingers leave my inside and whimpered, I knew that there's something better awaiting me, but still couldn't help, but whimper.
I opened my heavy eyelids and looked at Smoker, he was coating his huge cock in lube then he lowered himself and slowly entered me. Even though I hadn't any sex for a week it didn't hurt much and if it did the pleasure put the pain into shadow.
Moan left my mouth when I felt him slipping out of me, but then he slammed back in and this time the moan that left me was from pleasure. I felt his strong hand grip my dripping erection and thrust it, just as I was to let out more moans he hit my prostate dead end and a scream left me instead. I wanted to see Smoker's expression, but my mind was too clouded with pleasure to make myself to open my eyes.
He continued slamming into my prostate and thrusting at the same time and I felt my end near. "Smokey!~"
His thrusts became harder, faster and didn't match up with each other anymore. Then – probably accidentally, he reached my prostate and thrust my cock at the same time and a wave of pleasure shook my whole body, I screamed from my all lungs and I came all over our stomachs. I felt myself tighten around his cock and then he shuddered too and came deep inside of me with my name on his lips.
He collapsed onto me and slowly pulled out his still dripping, now – lump, erection. I lazily wrapped my hands around him and squeezed my legs between his, in return Smoker casted his hands around me and pulled our bodies as close as possible. I nuzzled my nose into his ear and placed a lazy kiss on it. "I love you."
He brushed his hand through my shoulder affectionately. "I love you too."
I felt sleep come to me and I slowly drowned into dream land.
A.N. First things first – yes, Luffy, Sabo and Ace are real brothers, Dragon is their father and Portgas D Rogue is their mother, second – it's not devil fruit powers here, but more like that some people are born in this world with control over elements, those who control, nature elements, those who control not natural elements and those who control some animal species.
This was supposed to be a one shot, but my love for LawLu is too big to leave Luffy alone in this story, so the next chapters (I don't know how many I will write) will probably only be about Law and Luffy.
And finally I hope you all enjoyed this! :}