I don't own anything about Harry Potter or Code Lyoko, including any of the lines taken straight from the show.

Xana Awakens

"Hey Harry, can you help me with my homework?" Ulrich asked his adopted brother.

Harry sighed. "You really need to study more," he said as he walked over. "What's the problem?"

"I just don't get it."

Harry sighed again. Sometimes he thought his brother was just plain lazy.

"It's a good thing I'm here isn't it? At least your grades are acceptable to Dad."

"That makes me glad we adopted you. However he still compares me to you."

"There's not much I can do about that unfortunately."

The Stern family had found Harry in an alley when he was two. When they didn't find anyone to take care of him, they adopted him.

Ten minutes later

"And that's how you do that," said Harry as they finished the last question. "But, seriously Ulrich, you really need to study more."

"I knowwww."

The bell rings as they put away Ulrich's math's homework.

Ulrich groans. "Science next. It's a pity we aren't sat next to each other."

Harry smiles. "That doesn't matter since we are in the same class. I can still take notes for you."

In Mrs Hertz's class

"Hey, Jeremy."

"Oh Harry. What were you doing at break?"

"Helping Ulrich with his homework."

"That sounds... boring."

"Yeah, but Dad gets on our backs if we doesn't perform to his expectations."

Jeremy was Harry's best friend. Practically his only friend because they were both seen as geniuses. He was also his roommate.

"I want to show you something after lesson."

"It isn't anything dangerous, is it Jeremy?"

"I don't believe so."

With Ulrich

"Are you Ulrich Stern?" asked an unfamiliar voice.

Ulrich turned to look at the person. It was a short boy in purple clothes with blonde hair which, for some unexplainable reason, had a purple spot on it.

"Who wants to know?"

"Odd Della Robbia, his new roommate."

'Oh geez. Now I have to put up with him.' thought Ulrich. "As long as you don't annoy me and latch on to me, I don't mind."

"Ulrich Dear..."

"Go away Sissi."

"Oh, there's no reason to be like that. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go out with me."

"I'll think about it, Sissi..."

"Oh, thank you Ulrich. I'll make sure it's worth your time." With that, Sissi skipped off.

"Who was that?" asked Odd.

"That was Sissi, the principal's daughter. Everyone wants to go out with her but she only wants to go out with me," said Ulrich has he turned to the front of the class.

"That sounds awesome."

"She's annoying."

After the lesson

"What did you want to show me?" asked Harry.

"Follow me," said Jeremy as he headed towards the sewers.

"You wanted to show me the sewers," Harry deadpanned.

"No, it's in the abandoned factory. I'm just using the sewers to get there."

In The Lab

"Wow." That was all Harry had to say when he saw the computer.

"Impressive, isn't it? I have to introduce you to someone." Jeremy walked up to the computer. "Maya are you there?"

"Of course I am Jeremy. Where else would I be?" came a voice.

"Who's that?" Harry asked.

"Harry, this is Maya. She's an artificial intelligence program that runs on the computer. She lives in a virtual world called Lyoko. Maya, this is Harry. My best friend," Jeremy said in a rush.

"Hello Harry."

"Nice to meet you Maya. Jeremy can you tell me more about the supercomputer?" asked Harry as Jeremy gave him a tour.

"Yeah, there are four sectors with towers on them. However, there are also monsters that attacked Maya when she left the tower she's in." Jeremy said excitedly.

Harry glanced at his watch. "Err, Jeremy, not to sound rude or anything, but we have to get back to school soon or we are going to be missed. Not that I want to take you away from your new girlfriend. You can tell me more about the supercomputer on the way back."

Jeremy blushed.

Back at Kadic

Jeremy walked up to the drinks dispenser to order some hot chocolate, when it suddenly shocked him. Seeing this, both Harry and Ulrich walked up to him.

"You ok Jeremy?" asked Harry.

"We should take you to the infirmary," said Ulrich.

"Err, no, I'm fine," said Jeremy quickly.

"You should still get it checked."

No one noticed the symbol of the eye that flashed on the drinks machine...

In Ulrich's dorm

Ulrich had just returned to his dorm from a martial arts class that had a new Japanese girl, Yumi, who he thought was nice, when he noticed the state of the room.

"What the... ODD!"

"What?" asked Odd who was looking confused as he hadn't thought anything was wrong.

"Why is there a dog in our room? And why has messed with my things?" yelled Ulrich.

"Oh, that's Kiwi. He's my dog. He messed with your things because he's feeling homesick."

"That's against the rules."

"You wouldn't tell, would you?"

"I'm going to tell the principal right now!" Ulrich yelled and ran out of the room. He was about to head to the principal's office when he heard a yell from Harry's room.

"What's going on... what the!" Jeremy's robots were attacking him and Harry was trying to fight them off.

"Help me Ulrich!" Harry demanded when he noticed him standing in the doorway.

That was all that he needed as he ran to Harry's side to try to help stop the rampaging robot.

A while later

"What was that?" asked Ulrich.

"Uh, nothing," said Jeremy quickly.

"Well, I'm not leaving until I know what's happening Belpois," stated Ulrich.

Jeremy glanced at Harry who nodded and said, "You'd better tell him. He's not going to leave this alone."

"It's easier to show you."


"So you turned on the supercomputer and a while later, you started getting attacked by some disembodied entity," Ulrich stated then turned to Harry, "and why didn't you tell me?"

Harry shrugged. "I promised not to tell."

"Oh, I found out what the cabins, on the floor below us, do," said Jeremy, "They scan your molecular form, breaks down your atoms, digitises them and creates a virtual incarnation."

"Uh, what?"

"If you stand in them you are basically sent to Lyoko though the process is a bit more complex than that," explained Harry then turned to Jeremy. "Do you know how to activate them? And if you do know how to, can you send me over?"

"I do know how to 'virtualise someone' but I'm not sending you over without testing it. You're my best friend Harry."

"If you want a test subject, I know something you can use," said Ulrich with an evil grin.

Ulrich's dorm

"Here little doggie... gotcha" said Ulrich. Unfortunately Odd woke up too.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

'Uh-oh' thought Ulrich. "I just need to borrow Kiwi for a while." With that, he ran off... only to run into Sissi.

"Where were you Ulrich? I thought we agreed to meet up at seven!"

"Not now Sissi!"

Ulrich dodged past Sissi and ran to the factory.

"What's up with him?" asked Sissi.

"I don't know but I'm going to get my dog back," said Odd as he started running after Ulrich.

"Hey, wait for me!" yelled Sissi as she started running after Odd.

Scanner room

"Stay there Kiwi," said Ulrich who then headed to the room above.

Odd slipped out from his hiding place and picked up Kiwi. "There you are, my little diggity dog."

Suddenly the doors started closing and Kiwi jumped out of Odd's arms.

"What the..."

Sissi screamed.

Computer room

"Okay then, let's start the process," said Jeremy. "Transfer guinea pig, scanner guinea pig. Huh, that doesn't look like a dog."

"It's not," said Ulrich, "It's Odd Della Robbia! And I'm going to see what the scream was."


Ten feet above the ground, Odd materialised in mid-air in a forest... and landed on his backside.

"Ah, what the... why am I a giant purple cat?" he asked and looks around. "Is this a video game or something?"

"Odd Della Robbia?" came a disembodied voice.

"Now I'm hearing things. Man this school is nuts."

"It's Jeremy Belpois, not a figment of your imagination," said Jeremy exasperatedly.

"Oh, then can you tell me where I am please?" asked Odd.

"You are on a virtual world called Lyoko."

"So I guess I'm in a video game then. That explains the giant cockroaches."

"You might want to run from those," suggested Jeremy.


Harry grinned. "At least we know it works on humans," he said. "Can I go? Please?!"

"Alright, I just don't want to lose you. You're my only friend."


"Sissi, what are you doing here?" asked Harry in surprise.

"I was following Odd," said Sissi.

"Oh, Ulrich, do you want to go over to Lyoko? I'm going," asked Harry.

"I want to help Odd. And keep an eye on my brother."

"Where are you going?" asked Sissi.

"A virtual world where monsters want to massacre you. If you want to come, then now's your chance," said Ulrich.

"I prefer the real world. Anyway, I have cheerleading in the morning," said Sissi.

Harry shrugged. "Your loss. Let's go, Ulrich."

The boys stepped into the scanners. "We're ready Jeremy," called out Harry.


"Odd, the Sterns are on their way. Alright, I'm starting the procedure. Transfer Harry, transfer Ulrich, scanner Harry, scanner Ulrich."


Harry and Ulrich materialised mid-air in the forest before falling. Harry instinctively landed on his feet while Ulrich landed on his backside.

"Ow," complained Ulrich before looking at Harry. "How did you land on your feet? And why are you a ninja?"

"I don't know," said Harry. "Hey, Jeremy, can you see if we have any superpowers?"

"I can," said Jeremy as Odd ran up. "Oh, here's Odd."

"Hey, why do they get to be a ninja and a samurai while I'm a giant, purple cat?" asked Odd.

"I don't know, maybe the supercomputer reads into your subconscious and projects it onto your digital incarnation," theorised Jeremy. "Though Harry's was already in the computer."

"Don't ask me why that was," said Harry. "This is the first time that I've been here. At least, that I remember anyway. Anyway that theory makes sense. I'm quiet and sneaky when I need to be."

"And why does he get a cool sword while I get these paws," complained Odd, unintentionally shooting at Ulrich.

"Watch it," said Ulrich.

"Who is the ninja anyway?" asked Odd

"I'm Harry."

"I think you should meet up with Maya," said Jeremy. "I'll give you the co-ordinates of the tower now. And is there any reason why Sissi is here?"

"She followed me," said Odd.


"What is this place?" asked Sissi.

"It's the mainframe for a supercomputer."

"Hey, Jeremy, where are those coordinates?"

Suddenly some wires started moving as the same eye symbol from before appeared on the screen.

Sissi screamed.


"Where are those co-ordinates?" asked Ulrich.

"And who's Maya anyway?" asked Odd.

"An artificial intelligence who Jeremy has flipped for."

"Maybe she's in that tower," suggested Odd. "And is that normal?"

"We've got nothing better to do and it's kinda expected for Jeremy to do this, he's a genius," said Harry. "Though I am worried about Jeremy."

The boys ran into the tower and missed the platform due to entering the wrong side. However they fell to another platform so they walked out... to see ice and a red tower.

"Where did the forest go?" asked Odd.

"I guess this is another sector," said Harry. At the others looks, he shrugged and said "There are four sectors. The forest is one and we're in another."

"What's up with the tower?" asked Ulrich. "It's a different colour."

"And what are those creatures?" asked Odd, looking at four block shaped creatures who started firing at them.

"Monsters," said Harry, trying to figure out how to use his weapons. It wasn't until he visualised a shuriken like the one a ninja would have in his mind that he felt something form in his hand. He looked down and saw a shuriken like the one he visualised. Realising that he didn't have much time as the Books were advancing he threw it at one, visualising it hitting one of the target-like eyes on the monster. The throw went wide but it turned back and hit a target which made the Blok explode.

Harry paused and glanced over at Odd and Ulrich who had managed to defeat one Blok between them. However, it was at this moment that the Bloks focused on him and fired at him. He wasn't able to dodge and he got devirtualised. Before his sight turn black, he saw Odd and Ulrich peel apart.


"Ugh, I feel sick," was the first thing Odd said after reappearing in the scanners.

"Same here but I'm more worried about Jeremy. It's not like him to just cut off like that," said Harry as he staggered to his feet. "Come on."


"Not this again," complained Harry as he saw Jeremy being electrocuted by wires. He ran over and picked up a piece of sharp plastic from the floor and used it to cut the wires. Unfortunately another wire appeared. Ulrich picked up some metal and swung it at the wire but it didn't go all the way through and he got electrocuted too.

Suddenly the wire let go.

"Told you that you wouldn't be able to live without me," said Odd.

"Thanks everyone," Jeremy gasped. Once he had recovered his breath, he walked over to the computer.

"Are you there, Maya?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied. "How are things on your end?"

"Well, we are slightly shocked but we'll recover," replied Harry. He turned to Sissi. "Now Sissi, we need you to keep this a secret. That goes for all of us."

"Why should I keep it a secret?" huffed Sissi, still looking scared. "Since that computer has been on, we've been attacked."

"If you tell, Ulrich will be locked up."

"Okay I'll keep it a secret."

"So will me," said Odd.

"I'll keep it a secret but we'll need to talk about what's suitable for blackmail and what's not," said Ulrich.


In the ice sector, the red tower glowed ominously as pulsations lead up to it.

The next morning

Ulrich and Sissi were sitting at a table.

"Hey, lovebirds," said Odd as a way of greeting.

"What's with the hair?" asked Ulrich, staring at it.

"It's Lyoko style and it's pretty cool," said Odd before proceeding to inhale his food.

"Do you always eat this much?" asked Ulrich, looking slightly sick. "And where's my brother and Jeremy?"

"No, I'm not very hungry today. Jeremy's in his room with Harry and I don't know about your brother."

Ulrich faceplamed. "Harry is my brother. He's adopted."

"Aright, then, the two Einsteins are in Jeremy's room. They have been up all night working on Lyoko. I don't know how Harry managed to avoid Jim though."

"Harry is Jeremy's roommate. He's got a reason to be there so Jim doesn't complain… even if they do stay up all night. And that's a pretty common occurrence since they're both smart. Harry even says that the schoolwork is too easy."

"Who's Einstein?" asked Sissi, looking confused.

Jeremy and Harry's room

"Unfortunately, you can't be devirtualised like Harry can," said Jeremy to Maya.

"It's alright," said Maya. "At least, I know how to change sectors now."

"Yes. We have found out that the towers are portals between our world and the virtual world. If they're red, it means they're activated."

"Though we don't know who by yet," imputed Harry.

"If we get you to a red tower, we might be able to bring you to earth," said Jeremy excitedly. "We have to tell the others."


"Wait, you want us to go back to Lyoko, just to get Maya into a red tower?" asked Ulrich in disbelief. "The place where we get shot at and is incredibly dangerous?"

"It's the only way that we thought of to bring Maya to Earth." explained Harry. "Well either that or we work on a program that will allow us to bring her to Earth but we don't know how long that would take."

"It's still pretty dangerous," said Odd. "We could have all been wiped out last night."

"Odd's right," said Ulrich. "It's too dangerous. We should shut down the supercomputer. It sucks to be Maya but she isn't exactly human."

"She still has feelings," said Jeremy desperately. "And she's intelligent."

"Yeah," said Harry. "We're basically artificial intelligences on Lyoko too, since we are made up of computer programs there. Would you like it if I was on there when the supercomputer was shut down?"

"That's different."

"It's the same thing."

Ulrich sighed and turned to Odd. "I told you Jeremy had flipped over a computer program."

"It's not like we're asking you to go there more than one time."

"We didn't even make it passed the monsters last time," said Odd. "What makes you think we can do it this time?"

"Last time we didn't know how to fight the monsters," said Harry. "Now we do. We just hit the target on them."

"If only there were four of us," said Ulrich. "Sissi's too scared to go."

"What! No I'm not. I want to go to Lyoko but after cheerleading," said Sissi indignantly.

"Thanks Sissi," said Jeremy. "As soon as Maya's materialised, I'll shut down the supercomputer."

Ulrich started to walk off.

"Where are you going Ulrich?" asked Harry.

"I have unfinished business."


"Back for another thrashing?" asked the girl from the martial arts lessen yesterday as Ulrich walked in.

"I just don't like ending on a bad note," said Ulrich as they got into position.

"That's good. I like challenges."

They bowed to each other and started fighting.


Maya looked up as she felt some strange pulses from an unknown source.

"Jeremy? Jeremy, can you hear me? Jeremy?" Maya asked.

When she didn't get an answer, Maya walked out of the tower and ran to another tower.


"This will make an impression on them," said Sissi as she came out of her dorm. Unnoticed by her, an electrical orb slipped out of a socket.


"At first, I thought Sissi was a real pain but she's really…" Odd struggled for a word.

"A jerk?"

"Yeah, everything's Ulrich this and Ulrich that with her."

"Harry says that she annoys him for information about Ulrich. He doesn't give her any but that doesn't stop her trying."


Sissi stormed off the track in a huff after she was rejected from the cheerleading team. It didn't help that Jim had scolded her about throwing her baton and hitting him with it.


Ulrich and the girl were panting, the fight ending as a draw.

"Do you do this much?" asked Ulrich

"Yeah but my parents think it's weird."

"I don't. I try to get my brother to do it but he says he's got better things to do, like programming. By the way, I'm Ulrich. You're… Yuri, right?"

She swept Ulrich off his feet. "It's Yumi."


Maya had made it to the mountain sector. She made a few steps before lasers were fired and she had to hide behind cover.

"Oh, no," she whispered. She was trapped.


Sissi stormed to her room, followed by Herb and Nicholas.

"Why are you dumbos following me?" she asked.

"We thought you were good out there. We even started a fan club."

"How many are there in the club?" asked Sissi.

"Well, only two of us."

"Come back when there's sixty of you. If you come back before then, I'll tell my father that you tried to break into my room," said Sissi before rudely shutting the door on them.

"She's more beautiful when she's angry."

They heard a scream and opened the door to see the electrical orb fly away from an electrocuted Sissi.


Odd, Harry and Jeremy were at a table looking at Harry's and Jeremy's two laptops.

"There it is," said Jeremy, causing Harry to look up from Jeremy's notes on how to virtualise someone.

"What is it? I'm trying to develop an delayed virtualisation program and a program to materialise Maya onto Earth in case the red tower theory doesn't work," said Harry, slightly irritable due the disruption of his concentration.

"Sorry Harry, I know you don't like your concentration being broken but I found a return to the past program. And why are you programming a delayed materialisation program?" At this, Harry perked up.

"Let me see," he said like a little kid on Christmas Day. "Wow. That's some programming. I so want to reverse engineer that. I'm programming an delayed materialsation because one of us might need to get to Lyoko without you."

"Sorry Harry but this is the only copy of it. Until I manage to copy it, you have to wait. Anyway I found out how to activate it."

"That's great but can you help me on my electrochemistry homework Einsteins."

"Are you planning to call us that all the time?" asked Harry who had turned back to his laptop.

"Why not? You two are supposed to be clever aren't you?" asked Odd. "And how did you become friends anyway?"

"It started when I was put into the same dorm as Jeremy," said Harry. "Jeremy wasn't happy sharing because he was the cleverest student at the school and he didn't want a stupid person to help along or distract him. In fact we didn't get along at first until I managed to hack his laptop without touching it once."

"I still haven't figured out how you did that," grumbled Jeremy.

"Jeremy confronted me about it and I said I did it to see what he was doing on his laptop all the time," grinned Harry. "I also found several bugs in his firewall. He had programmed his firewall himself so he refused to believe me when I pointed them out. It wasn't until he checked that he saw that I was telling the truth that he started to talk to me. Now we're best friends and the only clever people in a school full of nitwits."

"Hey, I'm not a nitwit," complained Odd.

"I never said you were."

"Anyway can you help me with my homework?" asked Odd.

"Well electrochemistry is the science that deals with the relationship between electricity and chemistry. Then you say that electrochemistry involves opposing polar systems at the extremes of a conductive material,"

"That's all?" asked Odd, pausing from writing down what Jeremy was saying.

"Well, you do have to give a few examples," said Harry.

Two boys passed by, saying "Jim's taken Sissi to the infirmary."

Harry, Jeremy and Odd looked at each other.

"I want to check to see if my delayed materialisation programs so I'm going to head to the factory," said Harry. "You two see what's up with Sissi."

"Harry, what are you going to test your program on? You?" asked Jeremy.


"Be careful."


"Jeremy? Are you there?" asked Maya as she peered past the rock she was hiding behind. Seeing no other choice, she ran with a Kankrelat following her. Another Kankrelat appeared in front of her, forcing her towards the edge of the path.

She jumped off the edge and landed on another path. The Kankrelats had followed her though they bounced off into the Digital Sea. Unfortunately, two wasp like monsters had appeared, causing her to run.


Ulrich and Yumi were fighting again when the orb came out of the lights.

"What is that?" asked Yumi.

"No time to explain, we've gotta get out of here" said Ulrich as they started to run.

Outside the infirmary

"You two were the ones who found my daughter?" asked Principal Delmas.

"She was in her room and was attacked by an electrical orb," said Nicolas.

"Be serious Poliakoff or you're the one who's going to get shocked!" Delmas snapped.

They didn't notice Jeremy and Odd listening in.

With Yumi and Ulrich

"What was that thing?" asked Yumi as Ulrich shut the door. "It was almost like it was alive."

Ulrich called Jeremy on his phone.


"Ulrich, great! Sissi got electrocuted by an electrical orb!"

"One just attacked me and Yumi. This is getting more and more dangerous, you and your supercomputer."

"We need to materialise Maya now and we should be able to shut down the supercomputer tonight. Meet us in the sewers. Harry's should already be there."

"Ok." Ulrich closed his phone. "Sorry Yumi, I have to go."

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on," Yumi said, crossing her arms.

"I don't have time for this," said Ulrich as he headed for the other door and opened it.

"Do you have time for another round?" asked Yumi, grabbing Ulrich's shoulder.


"Since I have no friends, I have plenty of time."

"Fine, I'll explain it on the way."


"That's the program installed. Now to do a test run," mumbled Harry as he did a dummy virtualisation. "It works on the test run. Now to test it on myself. Where's Maya? I need a friendly person and some coordinates. There she is."

Harry started up the program, selected his Avatar, imputed the coordinates and set the delay for two minutes. "That should be enough time."

He ran to the elevator and pressed the down button. Once he got to the right floor, he ran to one of the scanners and walked in. Ten seconds later the doors shut, wind started to blow and he started to spin. Next thing he knew, he was falling and just like before he automatically landed on his feet.

"Huh, must have some reflexes here. And my program works. I am one good programmer. Oh no, Maya." Harry mumbled as he saw Maya being chased by monsters. She also saw him.

Harry ran as fast as he could while visualising two shuriken in his hands. Once he was close enough, he threw them, visualising them hitting the eye on their heads. The wasps were immediately defeated.

"Are you ok, Maya?" asked Harry.

"I'm fine, Harry. How did you move so fast?" she replied.

"What do you mean?" Harry frowned.

"One moment you were far away, the next you were defeating those Hornets," explained Maya.

"I don't know. And weren't you meant to be in the forest sector?" He asked.

"I felt some weird pulsations."

"Can you lead me to their source?"

"Of course."

The two started to run to the tower, Harry making sure to run as fast as Maya.

The sewers

Ulrich and Yumi jumped out of a passageway to the main sewers just as Odd and Jeremy was coming up to it.

"Who's the girl?" asked Jeremy

"This is Yumi," replied Ulrich. "She was there when I was attacked and she knows how to fight."

"Alright," said Jeremy. "We need to get to the factory."

They started to run.


"There's the tower," said Maya, pointing at it.

They ran to the tower and entered it.

"Now, how do we get to the right sector?" asked Harry. "Last time I did this, it was random."

"Just take my hand," said Maya. "I can do the rest."

"Are you sure?" asked Harry as he took her hand.

"Of course I'm sure."

They jumped off the edge and landed in another tower which they exited. Harry didn't recognise it as the tower they had come out of the first time but it was clear they were in the ice sector. However two Bloks were waiting for them.

"Oh great," said Harry. "Run."

They started to run while Harry pulled out two more shuriken which he aimed at the Blocks and threw them. They missed but they arced round and hit them, making them explode.


The group of four climbed out the sewer, rand down the bridge, shimmied down the ropes and called for the elevator.


The ball flew down the sewer.


"Who's Maya and Harry? I thought you said this Harry was here," asked Yumi.

"Harry is here," said Jeremy, pointing at a laptop. "That's his laptop. He never goes anywhere without it. As for Maya, you'll be meeting her in a few minutes. Now get down to the scanners and get ready for the plunge."

"The plunge? I didn't bring my bathing suit," said Yumi.

"You won't be needing where we're going. It's more of an expression," said Odd.

"Maya?" Jeremy asked. "Harry? Are you there?"

"We're here," said Harry "And we're fine. Can you tell me how many life points and shuriken left I have? And who's the new kid?"

"You have full life points and 196 shuriken. I see your program worked. the new kid is Yumi. Why is Maya out of the tower?"

"I felt some strange pulsations. I wanted to see what they were."

"Jeremy," Harry called, "Can you tell us the way to the activated tower? We've been attacked by monsters."

"Keep going the way you're going. I'm sending backup."

They ran behind a waterfall, across some water on ice stepping stones and down a hole.


"This is totally science fiction," said Yumi.

"Yeah, except that it's real," said Ulrich.

"You guys ready?" asked Jeremy over the speakers. "Because I'm starting the procedure."

Odd and Ulrich stepped into a scanner each.

"Transfer Odd." Odd's scanner closed.

"Transfer Ulrich."

"Not scared are you?" asked Ulrich as his scanner closed.

"Wait, I'm coming too," called Yumi as she got into the third scanner.

"Alright then. Transfer Yumi. Scanner Yumi. Scanner Odd. Scanner Ulrich. Virtualisation!"

Odd and Ulrich materialised and landed on his feet.

"Aw man, I'm still a giant purple cat," complained Odd.


They turned and looked at Yumi who was a geisha.

"Aw, I'm the only one who's a nitwit on Lyoko. I like the outfit though and is it just me or does everyone's avatar apart from mine have a Japanese theme?" said Odd.

Yumi looked at herself and said "Where are we?"

"We're on Lyoko," said Ulrich. "You get used to the transfers. I think. Harry's going to be around here if I know him as well I do."

"You need to move," interrupted Jeremy, making Yumi jump. "Harry and Maya need you."

"Alright then," said Odd who started to run off.

"Odd, you're going the wrong way."


Odd ran in the opposite direction and Yumi and Ulrich followed them.


Sissi started to wake up.

"My head. What happened?"

"You got electrocuted. It must have been your hairdryer."

"No, it wasn't! It was that superthingy of Jeremy's in that factory! Ulrich's in danger! Where is he?"

"I don't know. I don't keep track of every person at school. Please calm down."

"No. Ulrich's in danger and so are Odd and Jeremy. And orb thingy is after them. Please believe me. We've got to find them."

"Calm down please Sissi," said the principal.

"Sure, there's and electrical orb around. And a giant chemical teddy bear too, no doubt," said Jim.

"I'm not crazy," said Sissi desperately. "Jeremy Belpois found a giant computer in the nearby factory. They use it to go to this world where monsters shoot at them."

Bridge outside factory.

The orb came out of the sewers.


"Man, now there are even more monsters," complained Harry as three Bloks appeared. "If any more come, I'll run out of shuriken."

"Don't worry Harry. I can reload them for you," said Jeremy.

"That's a relief," said Harry then he winced as a laser hit him.

"You just lost ten life points."

It was then that Ulrich and Odd appeared. Ulrich destroyed one and Harry managed to destroy the other two.

"Are you Maya?" asked Odd.

"Yes, that's Maya," said Harry.

"Wow, she's a cutie. I can see why Jeremy likes her. I'm Odd."

"I think you're making her uncomfortable. And who's the geisha?" said Harry.

"I'm Yumi. You must be Harry," said Yumi.

"Has my brother been telling you any stories?" asked Harry.

"I don't know your brother. Sorry," said Yumi.

Harry facepalmed. "Ulrich's my brother."

"Oh. In that case, no, apart from the fact that you won't take martial arts."

"Here come more monsters," said Ulrich as five Bloks appeared.

Harry pulled out two shuriken. "I wonder if I can put more effects on these apart from the homing?" he wondered.

"You can put two additional effects onto your shuriken Harry," came Jeremy's disembodied voice. "Unfortunately I don't know what the other things are."

"I don't even have a weapon," said Yumi, "And you want to know what effects you can put on your weapons?"

A handle appeared from behind her sash. "A fan?"

"Try throwing it."

Yumi threw the fan and it hit a Blok. It returned to her and she caught it. Odd had dealt with another Blok.

Harry threw his shuriken at the last two Bloks. They missed, circled round and hit the Bloks from behind.

"Not fair," complained Odd. "How come you get to have homing weapons?"

Harry shrugged.

"You'd better get Maya to the tower," said Jeremy.

"Alright, where is it?" asked Harry. "Oh there it is."


"Come now Sissi, this is ridiculous," said the principal. "We're not going into the sewers."

"Fine then Ulrich might be hurt and you wouldn't know because you wouldn't go into the sewers. Or you can tell that to the police!" huffed Sissi.


"Hey, Harry, you know that electrical Orb?" asked Jeremy, looking nervously at the video.

"No, I don't know an electrical orb."

"An electrical orb has been attacking people and it's in the factory," said Jeremy. "And Odd, it's an example for that homework. Where are you?"

"Coming up to the tower."

"Hurry up. Things are about to get hectic. And there are monsters!"

"Aw man, seafood," said Odd, pointing at the crab like monsters. "I think I'll call them Krabes."


Sissi's group ran into the factory.


The group started to run and take cover. Unfortunately Harry got hit several times and devirtualised.

"Oh no, Harry," cried Yumi as his pixels flaked off and the wireframe disappeared.

"He'll be fine," said Ulrich. "He's returned to earth."


"No," said Harry, slamming his fist against the inside of the scanner.

He stumbled out the scanner and went up to the lab.


"Hey Jeremy," said Harry. "Need any help?"

"No," said Jeremy. "There's nothing we can do."


Odd ran round a hunk of ice and fired at the underside of the Krabes. Ulrich attacked the other it didn't do anything.

"How do we fight these thinks?" asked Yumi.

"Try finding the target. That's its weak spot. It's probably on the top," said Harry. "Oh great, here's the orb."

The Krabes fired at the Lyoko-Warriors.

"Odd just got devirtualised," said Maya.

Yumi managed to jump on Ulrich's feet and defeat one of the Krabes but the other was going to attack Maya. It fired but Ulrich took the hit.

"Maya, get to the red tower," said Ulrich as he disappeared.

The last Krabe was about to fire but Maya knelt down and started to sing. A sheet of ice appeared between her and the Krabe.

"Did you do that?" asked Yumi.

"I think so," replied Maya.

"Get to the tower, quick," said Yumi and Maya started to run.

"Jeremy, Maya just about to… arh." Yumi was devirtualised as the Krabe had broken through.


"What is going on here?" asked Principal Delmas as they entered the lab.

Sissi screamed.

Jim ran towards Jeremy only to be sent flying back and electrocuted.


Maya entered the tower, rose to the next level and walked forward… only to jump back at the appearance of a screen. She walked forward again and placed her hand on the screen.

A box flashed around her hand and she removed it.

Text scrolled across the screen.

"Aelita?" Maya read.

More text scrolled across the screen.




The orb disappeared and Jim dropped to the ground.

"What's going on here? What were those flashes?" demanded Principal Delmas.

Ulrich, Odd and Yumi climbed up through a trapdoor.

"Sissi?" asked Ulrich.

"Ulrich!" cried Sissi as she ran to him.

"You promised not to tell," said Ulrich.

"It's not like you didn't tell that Chinese girl," said Sissi. "And I came to save you."

"I am Japanese," said Yumi.

"What about Maya?" asked Jeremy. "Is she here?"

"No," said Ulrich.

"It's a good thing I started developing that program," said Harry.

"That's enough Belpois. I order you to deactivate the computer and come to my office," commanded Principal Delmas.

"I think we should alert the authorities," said Jim.

"I agree Jim," said Sissi. "This is much too dangerous. I said so too."

"No, you didn't," said Harry. "You're just a traitor anyway."

"Ulrich's a traitor too," said Sissi. "And you're just Ulrich's annoying brother."

"Let's go Belpois."

"No," said Jeremy.


Harry grinned. "I know what he's doing. And if you don't let him go, I'll make you." He said to Delmas.


"Return to the past now!" called out Jeremy.

A flash of light expanded from the console and engulfed everyone. It swallowed the factory and everything.


"What happened?" asked Yumi. "This is yesterday."

"It's the return to the past program," explained Harry. "It sends our memories back through the space-time continuum to a point we chose."

"What?" asked Odd. "Can you dumb it down a bit?"

Harry sighed. "This is why I don't like talking to dumb people. We travelled back in time."

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?"

Jeremy walked past them to the drinks machine without recognising anyone except Harry.

"Hey Harry."

"Hey Jeremy. That return to the past program you found worked."

"What are you talking about?"

"Seriously?" said Odd. "You don't remember my cat outfit or Lyoko?"

"How do you know about Lyoko?" asked Jeremy. "Did Harry tell you?"

"It looks like he doesn't remember," said Ulrich.

"We need to tell you some things," said Harry as he pulled him towards their dorm.

Jeremy's and Harry's Dorm

"Why don't I remember?" asked Jeremy.

"You were the only one of us not to be sent to Lyoko," said Harry. "This means that you didn't have an avatar so the computer didn't recognise you so it didn't extract your memories to be sent back in time."

"That could be it. Tomorrow I'll go scan myself."

"No, Jeremy. The computer should be shut down," said Maya.

"But Maya…"

"Aelita," she corrected. "When I entered the tower, I remembered my name."

"That's a better name than Maya. But what about bringing you to earth? I was close I know it. And Harry has started on a program to do it. Give me one more day. We'll find a way."

"Ok guys," said Ulrich. "We'll meet you in the Lab tomorrow."

"Ulrich," said Sissi. I have never been so stood up. You have left me waiting for an hour."

"Sissi, I have better things to do than wasting time with you," said Ulrich. "Besides I said I'd think about it. I never said I would come with you."

"I have a bad feeling about Sissi," said Odd as they walked away.


"Try this," suggested Harry as he typed in a line of code.

"Good idea Harry."

They were working so hard they didn't notice that Odd, Yumi and Ulrich had entered.

"Uh, Harry Jeremy, I'm sure you're working hard but its morning," said Ulrich.

"Find anything?" asked Yumi.

"Yes, Xana," said Harry. "It's an artificial intelligence program with properties of a computer virus that can control electricity. It's dangerous."

"How do you know it's dangerous?" asked Odd.

"The red tower, the electricity orb. That was Xana. I guess that was why the supercomputer was shut down in the first place. After all, you don't build a computer just to leave it off," said Harry.

"It uses the towers to gain access to your world," said Aelita.

"Does that list include the symbol and the monsters?" asked Yumi.

"I'd say the symbol was originally Lyoko's symbol that Xana took for itself," said Harry. "It was on the floor of the towers. The monsters were definitely Xana's though. And explains why they were attacking Aelita. They were trying to get rid of a threat and we were with her so we got attacked too."

"Only Aelita can counter it through deactivating the towers."

"What about materialising Aelita?" asked Ulrich.

"We're still working on that," said Jeremy. "Xana can attack at any moment,"

"Be reasonable Jeremy," said Aelita. "We'd better just shut this thing down."

"We do know how to deactivate the red towers," said Harry. "After all, those are what cause the danger. Anyway, I can't forget about the possibilities that the supercomputer has. If Xana can use it to affect our world, we can too."

"We just have to get Aelita to the tower," said Ulrich. "And Harry does have a point."

"Thanks bro."

"Don't mention it."

"We just have to counter Xana's attacks," said Odd. "While Einstein 1 and Einstein 2 work on the programs."

"It's risky but we can do it," said Yumi. "We are Lyoko-Warriors, right?"


Harry grinned. "I'd better get working on a better scan program. We can't rely on Aelita all the time. And Xana could find a way to hide the pulsations that Aelita uses to detect the tower or they may take a long time to reach her. I also need to fiddle with the delayed virtualisation program. It deleted itself from the supercomputer."

"You really think you can do it?" asked Aelita.

"We don't know until we try and we have the two brightest students in the school," said Jeremy. "We'd better not forget our pact though."

"We can keep a secret," said Yumi.


Albus Dumbledore was worried. He had lost Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived and he had no way to find him.