Yay! New story! Woop! I might change the name or the description later. But I'm pretty satisfied with the name. The result on my poll was that 8 people voted I make a new story! 5 people wanted me to continue writing other things (TOO BAD!) ... and 1 person wanted me to write a Slenderman short story. XD ONE PERSON! I'm pretty sure it was Hollow Earth. Nobody voted for Maximum Ride short story. Oh, well.

I hope people find this book interesting. IT'S FROM THE MOST CREATIVE DEPTHS OF MY MIND! Don't be scared. There's just minor violence and no rape or anything. Just a girl going through an identity crisis through most of this.


Chapter 1

I could feel the sun warming the feathers on my back. Every one of my wing beats lifted me higher into the sky. I picked a wonderful day for flying. It was sunny and warm, but not hot. It was still morning though, so that might change soon. It could never be cloudless because of the huge mass of never ending clouds above everything. But they were reeeaaalllyyy high. I never got to see what was up there.

For one, I'm usually lazy. I only tried getting up there once. And the clouds nearly suffocated me! They were so thick! So I had no choice but to drop back down.

But gosh, it was so pretty today! Perfect blue skies. I tilted lazily to the left. Suddenly, the clouds grew hazy and dark gray. What was happening?! A storm?! How the hell did it sneak up on me?! I could spot a funnel cloud way in the distance. Nope. Not flying through this.

I drifted downwards back to the forest. I aimed for a place where I stashed extra clothes for myself, since the ones I was wearing today were too far away now. I prepared to land and reached out my talons to land on a branch. I quickly turned normal again. A 17 year old human girl with short, amber brown hair and light brown eyes.

I hopped down to a larger branch that could hold my now heavier weight. Something in my peripheral vision caught my eye. I glanced up and saw someone falling! SHIT! How did that happen?! There hasn't been people down here since... uh... I can't remember! But I need to help that person! But how could I catch her? Uhhhh I know! I can sprout wings in my human form! YES! That could work!

I sprouted huge, brown, feathered wings out my back. I honestly can't control the color. It just comes out naturally. I leaped upwards thrust my wings up and down. Up and down. I managed to get into the sky. My wings and body, ugh, they were too heavy. I thinned down my bones slightly and reduced the amount of feathers in my wings. There. That was better. But my lower body is dropping a little bit. Hmm. Ooh! I know!

I sprouted tail feathers out my lower back. Now I was supported quite nicely. I rushed as fast as my wings could carry me towards the girl. I was close enough to see the shape was female now.

I realized I forgot to put my clothes on. Great. Now I have to save her naked. At least she appeared to be unconscious. I was close enough to her to grab her. We were too close to the ground! I beat my wings ferociously, battling gravity to save our skins. I couldn't get us up in time. But I did slow us down enough. We skidded painfully across the dirt and over twigs. I used my body to shield her's. I sat up painfully and was immediately aware of the big huge scrape down my side. But it would heal soon. Uhhgh it stingggsss! It felt like someone just poured molten something or other down my side! GAHHH!

I sucked it up and checked on the girl. She was still unconscious. We were in the middle of a clearing. I knew the girl would wake up soon. I didn't want her to see me naked! GEHHH. Okay just fold my wings over my front. There, that worked. I'll keep my tail feathers spread so no one can see my butt.

"Oh, hello girl. I see you forgot your clothes again." A voice said smugly. Its a good thing I covered myself.

"Ghirahim! Why are you here?" I narrowed my eyes.

That sleazebag. He's so annoying. And he always pops up at the worst times. Stupid demon!

"Why would I not be here? It's so amusing how you constantly forget to dress yourself. I think you keep having an animal mindset. You aren't covered in fur like a wolf all the time. That's your favorite form, correct?"

Yeesh. What a creeper.

"I really wish you would stop spying on me. It's actually sort of sad that you have nothing better to do."

His eye twitched. Score one for me!

"I don't want to get into a heated argument with you, dear. Just hand over the girl and I'll leave you be." he held out his hand as if I could just toss her to him.

"What? No! Why?!"

"That's none of your business."

"Uhhh it's my beeswax now! I scraped myself into next Thursday trying to save her!"

"Oh, calm your feathers! I know you can just heal that by noon! So hand. Her. Over!"

"Or what?" I bared my teeth.

"Or I'll take her. FORCEFULLY." he snapped his fingers and his sword appeared. "I recommend you give her to me before I'm forced to use this."

"You want a fight? Fine. I send you crying home with gashes in embarrassing places!" I leaped forward and morphed into a huge feline. I sort of resembled a brownish cougar, but this cat was all my design. I perfected it's form about 50 years ago... I'm old, okay?

Not really 17. But I've been 17 for about... forever. I can't remember anything past the last 300 years. But I'll talk about my dramatic backstory later.

"Ha! You really think a little pussy cat is enough to take me on?! Fool!" he cackled.

That's it. I'm gonna go bear on him. I stood on my hind legs and went bear. I towered above him a good three feet or so.

"Now this will be interesting." he smirked.

Rustling noises behind me made me turn. The girl was waking up! And there was someone behind her. A short, elderly woman. Hurray. I'm saved. (That was sarcasm, for idiots who had no idea.) She began helping the girl to her feet. I could sense her good intentions, so I trusted her. Ghirahim noticed them too.

"No! You blasted old crone!" he tried to stop her.

I swatted him back and roared in anger.

"Get out of the way, brat!" he screamed at me.

I just moved more in his way. I had to let the woman get away with the girl. Who knows what Ghirahim wants with her. Ghirahim merely teleported behind me. I dragged him back with my teeth and he yelled in pain. And so our battle began. I had one goal; pin him down and tear out his throat! Dang. He was slippery. I could barely keep a hold of him! Heh. Barely. I'm a bear... unintended pun.

Erm, anyways back to the fight. I was somehow able to get him down. Pinned under the weight of a big grizzly, he was no match for me! My teeth closed around his throat and I finally tore out-! He disappeared. Dammit all!

"Nooo!" Ghirahim shouted in distress. He was behind me throwing a hissy fit. The woman and the girl that fell out of the sky were gone. They had escaped. He was practically bawling on his knees. What a baby. He slowly rose to his feet and turned to face me.

"You." he pointed his sword at me menacingly. I snorted in reply. "This is all your fault." Duh. What an idiot. "If you ever do anything like that again, I'll gut you and display you on my wall." Ooh he's mad. I'm so scared. (sarcasm again.) Then he disappeared. Good riddance. He's so annoying. I jumped forward and turned into a wolf. Ahh. Much better. But where'd that girl go? I suppose I should find out.

I sniffed the air with my sensitive nose. Yuck. This place stank of demon. And me. And human. Two of them. Both female. One smells stronger than the other. With a floral perfume. The sky girl. The other one smells like an old person. (You can tell.) The old woman. I trotted after their scents. I could tell that the old woman was leading the way. Dang. She was fast for an old lady. I got close enough to them to hear them.

"Where are we going?"

"You will see."

"I want to know!"

"Hush! We are almost there."

Then they were silent for a while. I ran toward the noise. Soon they began speaking again.

"We are here."

I finally caught up to them. They were in front of a big building made of stone. How long had this been here?! And why does it seem familiar? Well, I knew of another place similar to this. It was in the deep woods. I think it used to be a temple before it became overrun with monsters. I don't like going over there.

I heard the girl gasp. She had spotted me. Shoot.

"Watch out!" She pointed at me.

The woman turned quickly and gasped as well.

"Go inside, Zelda!" the woman urged.

"Wait- how do you know my name?"


Zelda slipped inside and held the door open for the woman.

"Get inside and wait! I'll deal with this." she said.


"Go inside!"

Zelda finally listened and closed the door. The woman looked angry. My ears flattened and I stepped back with my tail between my legs. A whine escaped my throat. She took out a deadly looking knife and stepped toward me. Did this woman want to kill me?! I- I can't attack an old woman. Even if its self defense.

"Get out of here, foul creature! Do Ghirahim's bidding somewhere else!" she shouted.

What the heck, man?! Er- woman! I just saved their asses a minute ago! Well, she might not know its me. I'll have to let her know, then. I took a step forward and barked. I must have gotten too close for her comfort, because she swiped at me. I yelped and jumped back.

"Shoo, I say! Get out of here!" she waved at me to leave.

I shakily took another step forward. She punched me in the muzzle and sent me sprawled on my back. Geez, she can hit! I struggled to get up and she kicked my side. She raised the knife to kill me. AHHH!

"WAIT!" I quickly turned human.

She jumped back and nearly screamed. Well, if I saw a wolf turn into a naked girl I sure would. Her mouth was gaped open in shock.

"Well, isn't this awkward?" I laughed awkwardly. "...You wouldn't happen to have any clothes, would you?"

"Who are you?!" she demanded.

"I'm not with Ghirahim, that's for sure!" I assured her.

"How am I supposed to believe you?" she crossed her arms.

"Why else would I have held him off?!"

"Oh... I suppose you're right. I apologize. I didn't think that a bear and a wolf could be the same person. Are you injured?"

"Nahh. If anything, he's the one that's injured. He such a pansy when he fights me."

"Oh? You two have met before this incident?" she looked suspicious.

"Pssh. Yeah. He's annoying and I hate him. I've attacked him on numerous occasions. Stupid demon..." I growled. "You know what's funny? I've never been here. I think I passed by this place thousands of times and never bothered to go this exact area. Funny."

"Indeed." she sighed. She seemed to be exasperated by me. I do that sometimes.

"You know what? I'm tired. I think I need to go. I just wanted to make sure you two were okay. So... bye." I slowly stood and walked away.

"Thank you, Evenya."

I froze and turned around in surprise. She sure has a nack for finding out people's names. Creepy. I shook my head and turned back into a wolf. Then I went home.

I promise to go more in depth about Evenya in the next chapter. IF YOU ARE THE FIRST PERSON TO REVIEW, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER AND/OR MENTION YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

Please review... Q_Q