Chapter 1

Protagonist's P.O.V
It was another ordinary Monday but I felt a bit dazed. Last night I was walking home from a late night shopping trip when I saw a bright light. I was in a bright place. It was like I was hovering in the air, a cat was then in front of me. It suddenly jumped...inside me. The next thing I knew was that I was laying on the concrete pavement...
Really strange...
Oh well I didn't think much of it since I could've fainted for the lack of food in the kitchen.


Waking up from my slumber I lifted my head from the desk to the teacher.
"Oh good morning sensei," I smiled,"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well Miss Momomiya. However I would like very much for you to answer this question please" sensei replied patiently with an irritated look.

"Times the 2 divided by the 7 and evaluate the x equals 4" I answered (sorry I just used random numbers)

"Correct Miss. However, I would still like to see you after class please" said sensei, emphasis on the 'would'

"Hai sensei" I replied, 'I'm sleepy'

The class was the last period of the day so all the kids escaped, eager to return home.

"Now Miss" sensei said when the class was empty.

"I understand that you are a very smart girl but are you sure everything is alright? I mean you usually daze around but you never slept during my class" she said concerned

"Mmm, I know but I have just been feeling a bit weird lately that's all"
Sensei looked concerned until smiling I said,"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure it'll pass soon"

"Okay Miss but if anything happens don't be afraid to tell me and I'll help"

"Of course sensei. Well I'll see you next lesson" I said as I left

I know what sensei was saying but for some reason I just don't feel well. I do pay attention in class although it is very subtle. I am an orphan. I refused to live in an orphanage and instead live independently. Being with no parents in the first place I lived with foster parents for good deal of my life.

Because I am sixteen years old I still want to keep learning to ensure a good job. Thanks to my mad computer hacking skills I created an enrolment that implied I had great parents and that I was living in a good home. I am good with computers and no one suspected a thing. Each day I would subtly work hard in school being the student with the highest IQ points in the school and at night I would work in whatever jobs I could find. Like the convenience store or the movie theater. Whatever.

It's a hard life but it's my life.

Returning to my little apartment I decided to quickly do my homework. It was a barren place, my apartment. There was a bathroom, kitchen and small living room where I normally slept on the couch. There wasn't much to fill the apartment with all I had was a small closet of clothes, a laptop for my work and a bunch of discount and library books. But the rent was cheap, it was clean and it suited my tastes.

There wasn't much homework since I finished it all at school and exam week was finished. Tomorrow was the last day of school. I don't start work until 7 tonight at the grocery store. Looking at the clock, it was 4 right now.
'Mmm...a walk in the park would be nice'
I like taking walks, they relax me for some reason. And right now I just can't sit still.
Changing out of my school uniform I wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a snug short sleeved red shirt and some dark purple sneakers with my waist length sleek red hair tied into two low pigtails. Taking my phone and wallet with in case of emergencies I left for the park.

I loved this little park.
Many kids would come to play and laugh with their friends...and their families.

Even though I never had anything like that, it was nice to see others look so happy.

I then heard a roar coming from the closed off part of the park which was concealed by the forest. Looking around, no one seemed to hear it.
I walked over there casually, I didn't want to alarm the children.
For some reason ever since I fainted I have been able to hear from alarmingly long distances.

Walking to other side of the park I was concealed from other people by the thick trees and bushes.

Soon coming towards a bench I saw a large creature...

I don't know how to explain it but it looked like a mutant rat and there were three strange looking, floating boys fighting against four strangely coloured girls.

What the heck is going on?!