(A new girl has arrived in Domino City, and has joined up with Yugi, Tea, Joey, and Tristan. It seems though that nothing is simple about this girl. As memories of her past life began to surface, and a mystery cat starts to follow her around new things start to be revealed. What new powers are being revealed? What dangers lie within the new threats?)

Hello everyone I'm Feriua and I wanted to take a second to say a few things before I let you get into my story. First thing this is my very first story be gentle! I've put a lot of blood, sweat, tears, thoughts, and time into this. I appreciate reviews greatly! I ask very nicely for no flaming! If you don't like the story just hit the back button or the nice little "X" button. I'm planning on trying to update on a weekly basis. If I can't I apologize in advance I do go to college and work two jobs. If you have any questions about at all feel free to message! :D I do realize this story starts out a little slow, but I promise it does start to pick up!

Finally I want to introduce you to my pet, Kiyomi! *Steps aside to reveal large deep crimson dragon* I promise she won't hurt anyone. She's very nice unless you make me or her mad. Now without further ado let's get on with the story. Kiyomi please do the disclaimer.

Kiyomi: Feriua does not own any Yu-Gi-Oh characters. All rights belong to their rightful owners. Feriua does own her original characters and plot.

Feriua: Thank you and enjoy! *drags cooked pig over to Kiyomi as a treat*

Phone Conversation

~Chapter 1: The First Day~

Alara stood in front of her mirror as she prepared herself for her first day at Domino High School. She was glad she only had to attend the four months until the end of the semester so she could get her diploma and be done. Being home schooled while she spent her time in Egypt with her parents meant she didn't have to worry about missing any school. That was a major perk you couldn't beat.

She hated most of the school uniform she had to wear. The bright pink jacket and the bow was what she hated the most. She really hated the color pink and the bow was just way too big. The skirt wasn't too bad as it fell just about mid-thigh. The only thing she did like was the shade of blue that both the skirt and bow was. It was one of her favorite color so it made it a little better altogether.

After finishing adjusting the annoying large bow she moved onto her hair. She couldn't decide if she wanted to wear her long, straight black hair, which fell right at her shoulder blades, up in a ponytail or down. With a sigh Alara finally decided on down since it was a good contrast to her sun kissed skin from all the time she spent in Egypt. Plus the darkness of her hair made her dark green and light blue speckled eyes look brighter and more demanding. She never wore much make up unless it was needed, but she had some business to take care of after school so she only put on a little bit of black eyeliner.

Once finished she walked out into the living room where she had the TV on the duel monsters channel. They were currently talking about the King of Games, Yugi Muto. She had watched all his duels on this channel when she could in Egypt, but it was a channel you could get to rarely work there. She had been watching the channel and catching up on what she could since she got back in Japan Saturday evening.

'That is one guy I wish I could meet,' she thought as she looked down at her deck sitting on the coffee table. 'I wouldn't mind having a short duel with him, and really setting a challenge for myself. The competition in Egypt was pretty easy, but I could never be that lucky in run into him. Especially with what has happened to me recently; luck is definitely not on my side.'

She grabbed the remote, turned the TV off, and grabbed her two bags to get ready to leave for school. She looked into her extra bag to make sure she remembered to put her change of clothes in there. When she had her meeting later on today she didn't want to wear her school uniform. As she was walking towards the door her cat jumped in her way meowing and demanding attention.

"Alright Nanu, I know you hate to be here alone, but I have to go to school so I can finish this last semester, get my diploma, and be done with it all," she said as she reached down and pet her as she walked past. Alara walked to the front door and grabbed her jacket off the door handle and put it on. Then she picked up the picture of her parents on the end table, and gave them a kiss.

"I miss you guys and love you so much." She set the picture down and headed out the door. It was a short ten minute walk to Domino High School from Alara's apartment. When she got to school she went to the office to pick up her schedule. She looked it over and decided that she could easily pass the classes.

1st Period-Ancient History
nd Period-English 12
rd Period-Business Management
th Period-Physics
th Period-Gym
th Period-Lunch
th Period-Pre-Calculus

"Here are the books and gym uniform you need as well," the receptionist said. "We went ahead and got them out for you since the rest of the students already have them."

"Thank you," Alara replied as she grabbed her books and headed to her locker. She put everything in her locker except for her Ancient History and English books. As she shut her locker she heard someone yelling down the hallway. It was a tall blonde with a hint of a Brooklyn accent. He seemed to be having an argument with a guy that had brown hair with a single spike next to him. A girl with short brown hair stepped between them to try and stop them.

"Boys," Alara said with a shake of her head before turning to go to her first class.

The day dragged by as she finished her homework in each class and answered all the teacher's questions with ease. It was finally time for gym class; the one class she didn't mind and would quite enjoy. It always kept her mind sharp and focused. If she was ever upset or had a lot on her mind exercise and quiet meditation was the best way for her to clear her mind and relax.

Alara quickly changed into the gym uniform and pulled her hair up into a ponytail so it wouldn't get in her way. Then she slowly walked out into the gym to meet up with the rest of the class. She saw that both the guys and the girls where in the gym together.

'Weird isn't girls and boys normally split for gym,' Alara thought to herself. Then she heard the coach yelling out to the students.

"Alright everyone normally we would be split for gym class, but since both the girls and guys need to run the mile we just figured for today we would combine together. That way it's done during one class, and then we don't have to worry about again," the coach yelled.

As Alara went over to where the majority of the students had gathered she saw the same three people from earlier. She moved close to the group, but stopped nearby not wanting to catch their attention. She then heard the blonde making a bet with the brunette guy.

"Hey Tristan, I bet I could beat you at our mile run today," the blonde said.

"No way Joey you're too slow," Tristan replied with a smirk.

"I am not, I'm the fastest person here; no one could beat me," Joey replied quickly with grin on his face.

Alara knew she could easily beat him so she decided to introduce herself. Plus it would be funny to watch Joey get beat by a girl.

"Excuse me sorry to interrupt, but did you just say you were the fastest person here?" Alara asked.

"I did…me, Joey Wheeler!" he exclaimed with a confident pose.

"Well, if you don't mind me to join in the betting, but I think I could beat you."

"No way could a girl beat me," Joey said with a smirk as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "What are you betting?"

"Well, I have ten dollars in my locker. What about that?"

"I accept! So, uh what's your name?"

"My name's Alara; I am a new student here."

"I'm Joey, this is Tristan and Tea."

"Joey Wheeler?" Alara asked.

"Yes the one and only!"

"I follow duel monsters so I just wanted to stay congrats on the runner up in Duelist Kingdom, and at Battle City."

"Hey thanks Alara"

"Hey guys, sorry I'm running late," said a voice behind the group. They turned around to see a spiky haired kid running toward them. Alara recognized him immediately as Yugi Muto. 'Damn, maybe I do still have a little bit of luck,' she thought to herself.

"Hey who's this?" he asked as he came to a stop next to the group.

"Alara, she's a new student here," Tea answered. "She just made a bet with Joey that she could beat him in the mile run."

"Well, nice to meet you Alara. Good luck against Joey," Yugi said with a smile.

"Thank you and it's really nice to meet you Yugi. I never thought I would ever go to school with the King of Games," Alara said with a quick wink.

"Alright everybody line up so we can get this started!" the coach yelled out to the students. Joey and Alara went to the front of the line and waited for the go.

"Ready…set…GO!" the coach yelled. With a hard push over Joey and Alara took off ahead of everyone. Yugi saw everyone start around him, but he just kept staring after Alara.

"Yugi, are you ok? Everyone else has started," Tea said looking down at her friend.

"Oh yea," he said as he started to walk slowly and then moved into a slow jog. "I don't know what it is Tea, but something about Alara seems really familiar. I just can't seem to put my finger on it."

"She does seem familiar, but I don't know," Tea replied. "Look Joey is starting to pass Alara now."

Alara watched as Joey passed her and took off around the track. It was all a part of Alara's plan to pace herself. She would let Joey get ahead thinking he was winning and let him tire himself out. Then she would be able to easily pass him in no time. So she just kept her constant even jog and focused on keeping her breath as even as possible.

After about a lap and a half Alara looked around to where Joey was halfway around the track ahead of her. She saw him look back and smile at her. He was so distracted he tripped over his own two feet and almost fell on his face. Alara had to stop herself from falling over and laughing at him. She kept pushing herself and noticed she was gaining ground on him.

Joey was exhausted, but he kept pushing himself. He didn't want to be beaten by a girl; it would be so embarrassing compared to always beaten by Kaiba. Joey passed the coach on his third lap and started on his final, completely out of breath.

'Alright almost there I can do this,' he thought to himself. He looked next to him as he noticed someone running next to him.

"Nyeh! Alara, how did you catch up to me?" Joey asked shocked.

"Well, since you took off so quickly and used up all your energy, you are slowing down, and very easy to catch up to," Alara said keeping the slow pace with Joey.

"Hey Joey!" Tristan said as he came up next to Alara.

"Told you even Tristan caught up," Alara said with a smirk. "Well, I will be seeing you boys at the finish line." Alara used her stored up energy to take off sprinting ahead of them.

"Damn she's really fast," Joey said staring after her.

"You said it man," Tristan agreed.

"Whoa!" Yugi said as Alara sped past him. He looked behind to see Joey looking like he was going to pass out. 'Well, looks like Joey just got beat at something else besides the occasional duel,' Yugi thought to himself as he pushed himself to finish his last lap and a half.

'With how Joey likes to bet on things I wouldn't be too surprised,' a deeper voice inside Yugi's head said.

'You've got that right,' Yugi chuckled.

"Alright, Alara you are done for today; Good Job," the coach said as she crossed the finish line. She looked back to see where everyone else was at. Joey and Tristan were finishing the last half of the lap at a slow walk. Tea and Yugi were just starting in on their final lap at a slow jog. Alara walked to the water fountains on the nearby wall. She got a drink of water and splashed some on her face. She walked back towards the track, but stopped by some bleachers that were sitting nearby and leaned against them. She looked up toward the ceiling as she took a deep breath to slow down her breathing. She closed her eye for just a minute as she continued to calm her breathing.

Alara opened her eyes to see Joey and Tristan slowly cross the finish line completely out of breath. They slowly walked to the water fountains following the same she had just done a moment ago. Then they joined Alara by the bleachers before falling to the ground. At the same time Tea and Yugi finished their last lap before doing the same thing and then joining everyone else by the bleachers.

"Great job Alara," Tea and Yugi said as they joined their friends.

"Thanks guys," Alara replied with a smile. She looked down at where Tristan and Joey were still lying on the ground. All she could do was laugh to herself and shake her head.

"Hey Tristan, I'm going to need to borrow ten dollars," Joey said as he sat up.

"No way man!" Tristan yelled as he jumped up.

"Hey Joey, don't worry about it," Alara said quickly.

"But you won fair and square," he said as he stood up.

"Yea, but the look on your face when I passed you was payment enough," Alara said with a laugh. Everybody joined in laughing except Joey who didn't think it was that funny.

"Alright everyone is done so you can go and get changed now," the coach yelled. The group headed toward the doors out of the gym together to get changed before their next class.

"Alara, when do you have lunch?" Tea asked.

"I have it next," Alara answered.

"Would you like to sit with us? We all have lunch next as well."

"Yea, of course!"

"Alright let's all meet outside the cafeteria," Tea said as her and Alara split off to go to the girl's locker room.

Even though Yugi was listening; he was more concentrated on his thoughts. Along with Joey and Tristan he made his way into the boy's locker room. He unlocked his gym locker, pulled out his school uniform, and changed into it. From the back of the locker he pulled out the Millennium Puzzle and put the chain around his neck. He had a disagreement about a month ago with Yami about leaving it in the locker during gym class.

"No, Yugi I don't feel comfortable with this," Yami said from where he was leaning against Yugi's bedroom wall. Yugi was sitting on his bed looking down at his hands.

"It's not like the locker will be open. It will have a lock on it," he replied as he looked up at Yami.

"Someone could come and cut the lock off," Yami replied sarcastically.

"I highly doubt that," Yugi said rolling his eyes.

"What if something happens and you need my help."

"I don't think much will happen during the time of one hour. Plus, we have been trying to see how far you can project yourself from the puzzle, and how well we can keep our mental connection when I am in not in contact with it. We have been working on that just in case something happens like when Bandit Keith took it about two years ago," Yugi said.

"I know, but we don't know who may be out there wanting to take the puzzle and try to use its power…..like the evil spirit that resides within Ryo's Millennium Ring."

"That is why we came up with these ideas, and have been working on them. Plus, it would be easier for me to participate in gym if I didn't have to worry about the puzzle hitting me in the face while I run," Yugi said with a straight face.

Yami thought about Yugi running with the puzzle during gym. Every thought ended in Yugi getting cuts on his face, black eyes, and more. He couldn't hold back anymore and started busting out laughing.

"What is so funny?" Yugi yelled with frustration. "Are you imagining me with black eyes and cuts all over my face?"

Yami took a deep breath to calm himself before he answered, "Yes…..and I'm sorry I couldn't help it."

"Thanks a lot," Yugi scowled. "So, what will it be?"

"Well with the way your face might look I guess it would be a yes; unless we can figure out a better idea. We don't want your grandpa to have a heart attack if he saw your face, and you had to explain to him you got beat up by the Millennium Puzzle," Yami said with a small snicker.

"Alright that's enough lets go back to practicing you projecting yourself from the puzzle," Yugi said as he took off the puzzle and laid it down on his desk.
~~End Flashback~~

"What's the matter Yugi?" Yami asked as he appeared next to him.

"Oh, it is nothing. I just feel like I know Alara from somewhere, but I just can't figure it out," Yugi replied as he started walking towards the cafeteria.

"Who's Alara?" Yami asked as his curiosity started to grow.

"She is a new girl that just started in school today," Yugi replied.

"Hhmm I wouldn't mind meeting this girl."

"Maybe you will, but I don't think we should just start switching places all of a sudden in front of her. It might freak out," Yugi said.

"Of course, but maybe a little later I can. Until then maybe I will just watch from the sidelines," Yami said with a small smile. Yugi stopped just as he reached the corner of the hallway across from the cafeteria.

"Hey Yug!" Yugi looked up as he heard Joey call him. "Why didn't you wait for us?" Joey asked as him and Tristan stopped next to him.

"Sorry I was thinking about something and didn't realize I just kept walking," Yugi said with a smile as he rubbed the back of his head.

"It's alright man."

"Hey guys, thanks for waiting for us," Tea said as her and Alara walked up to them.

"No problem," Joey replied. The boys turned and headed towards the cafeteria as the girls followed close behind. Alara stopped short as something caught her attention that shouldn't even be possible. She was looking down at Yugi's, Joey's, and Tristan's shadow. Even though there was three bodies she was counting four shadows, and the second shadow was connected to Yugi.

"What the hell?" Alara whispered to herself.

"What's wrong?" Tea asked as she stopped and noticed Alara had stopped walking. The boys heard Tea speak to Alara and turned around to see what was going on.

"Oh it was nothing I just thought I saw something," Alara replied quickly as she looked up and saw everyone staring at her.

"Come on then before all the good stuff is gone," Joey said as he turned and took off into the cafeteria with Tristan right behind him. Alara shook her head and walked in with Yugi and Tea. As they started towards the doors of the cafeteria Yugi noticed that Yami was standing next him still. He seemed to be staring intently at Alara. Yugi knew when he was that focused he was thinking deeply about something. As Yugi made his way through the lunch line he started to talk to Yami through their mental connection; since he had already returned to the puzzle when they entered the cafeteria.

'What was with you staring so intently at Alara?' Yugi asked.

'I didn't mean to. I just know what you mean when you said you couldn't figure out where you recognized her from. She seems very familiar to me too, but I don't know why,' Yami replied as Yugi felt his confusion wash over him.

'But you have never met her before so it is weird that you should even feel like that,' Yugi replied.

'I know, but I feel like I know her.'

'Maybe someone you recognize from your past. Like she is a reincarnation of someone; kind of like how I am supposed to be a reincarnation of you,' Yugi said as he sat down at his table. Everyone else had already made it through the lines and was eating.

'Maybe, but I'm not sure,' Yami said as he receded to think and let Yugi eat. Alara looked on in shock as she watched Tristan and Joey inhale their food.

She leaned over to Yugi and asked, "Do they always eat like this?"

Yugi looked over at the two boys, laughed, and answered, "Oh yea this is a normal daily thing for them."

"You guys are seriously ridiculous. You act like you haven't eaten in a month," Tea said between bites.

"Yea so what; it feels like it's been that long since we last ate too," Joey said around mouthfuls. All Tea could do was shake her head and continue eating.

"So Alara, where did you move her from?" Yugi asked.

"Egypt," Alara answered.

"That's cool. Did you attend a school there?" Tea asked next.

"No I was home schooled. With all the work that my parents did we moved around a lot so it was too hard for me to attend a normal school."

"Are you finding any of the subjects difficult?"

"No, I have learned just about everything already so it's all pretty easy for me."

"If you learned everything then why are you attending school?" Yugi asked curiously.

"Well my parents wanted me to attend a normal public school for the last semester so I could get my diploma the right way."

"So you are basically considered a senior and will be graduating with us at the end of May," Tea stated.

"Yes," Alara said as a large burp came from Joey's wide open mouth.

"Excuse you Joey!" Tea yelled at him.

"Sorry, 'scuse me," Joey replied while snickering.

"So, guys do we have any plans for after school today?" Tea continued on.

"Well I know I want to go to the museum," Yugi said thoughtfully.

"Why is that Yug?" Joey asked.

"Well I saw something in the paper saying that they were putting a few more new artifacts out from Egypt. They are supposed to have quite a few pieces that have duel monsters on them. I just thought they would be really cool to check out." Yugi replied.

"Hey that doesn't sound like a bad idea," Tristan said.

"Alright why don't we all go to the museum; Alara would you like to join us?" Tea said.

"I would love to, but I have to meet with someone right after school. Maybe we can do something later this week or this weekend. I know I should be free for sure," Alara said with a small smile.

'If only they knew that it was by my parents' hands that those new artifacts are available to be displayed,' she thought to herself sadly. When the bell rang the group went and threw out their trash, and walked out into the hallway.

"We'll see you after class Yugi," Tea said as she headed down the hall to her next class.

"See ya later man," both Tristan and Joey said as they headed in the opposite direction that Tea went.

"So Alara what class do you have next?" Yugi asked.

"I have Pre-Calculus," Alara replied.

"Me too! Would you like to walk to class together?"

"Sure, but I just need to stop by my locker to grab my book."

"Ok lead the way," Yugi said with a warm and friendly smile. As Alara stepped past Yugi and started down the hallway she glanced down at the large, golden pyramid that was around his neck. She was still in awe over the pendant from when she first spotted it when they met up in front of the cafeteria.

Alara and Yugi arrived to their class about a minute before the bell rang. Yugi took his normal seat toward the front of the class by the window. Alara took an empty desk in the next row over towards the back. She read over what the teacher had written on the board; it was the chapter they would be going through and the homework. She opened her book and worked through the homework in about thirty minutes. She closed her book, set it aside, and let her mind wander as she waited for class to end.

'This day has been a lot more eventful then I thought it would be,' Alara thought. She looked over at Yugi who seemed to be scratching his head in frustration. 'I would really like to ask him how he got the Millennium Puzzle. I didn't think it actually existed anymore. I had seen hieroglyphs that depicted it and they mentioned the large amount of power it contains along with the other Millennium Items. We couldn't find it or any of the other Items in the Nameless Pharaoh's tomb. My parents and I had assumed it was stolen by tomb robbers long ago and then eventually lost in time. I wouldn't mind examining it to make sure it is not a fake either, but I don't think it is. I can almost feel a strong power that just radiates off of it.'

"Yugi do you know the answer to number ten?" the teacher asked bringing Alara's attention back to the front.

"Uh is it 10.6?" Yugi slowly dragged out. He knew he had the wrong answer before the teacher even said anything.

"I'm sorry that is incorrect. Alara do you know the answer?" the teacher said as he turned and looked at her.

"12.4," Alara answered.

"That is correct, good job," he answered and turned around to the board and continued with the next problem.

'Damn it,' Yugi thought to himself.

'Easy Yugi,' said a low whisper in the back of his mind.

'Sorry Yami, I just don't think I will ever get this figured out and pass this class,' Yugi continued in frustration.

'Maybe you should ask Alara for help. It seems she knows how to do the work,' Yami said.

'I could, but I think I might wait just a little bit and see if I can figure any of it out on my own,' Yugi thought as he glanced over his shoulder at Alara before looking back to his work in front of him.

Alara rubbed her eyes to try and make sure her mind wasn't playing tricks on her again. She had noticed haziness behind Yugi right before he glanced back at her. She sighed to herself as she looked again out of the corner of her eye and saw nothing was there.

'I have an idea what it might be, and if I am right it means I need to do some of my meditation when I get home. I love the fact I have this gift, but it is truly becoming a nuisance. If I don't keep up on my meditations and put mental barriers around my third sight I start seeing them again,' Alara thought to herself with a small sigh. 'Seeing spirits got pretty annoying at times. The first ones I normally see are the powerful ones that don't really bother anyone and just seem to be passing through. They are usually just protective guardians of the loved ones that they follow. If I don't put my barriers up within a few days I start seeing the ones that are there to cause trouble and most of them have pretty evil intentions; those were always the worst. They seemed to know when I could see them, and would bug the living shit out of me. Normally I would only put the barrier up for the second group, but I started putting them all up right before I returned from Egypt. There were just some people I was afraid to see.'

The bell rang suddenly signaling the end of class and bringing Alara out of her thoughts. She grabbed her stuff and started to head to the front of the room to leave.

"Hey Alara, we'll see you tomorrow right?" Yugi asked with a smile as he stood up preparing to leave.

"Yea, and Yugi will you pass my thanks to everyone else," Alara said as she returned the smile.

"What for?"

"Well not to sound super cheesy or anything, but I wanted to say thanks for you guys basically taking me right into your group. I didn't really expect to meet people so nice and make friends on my first day of school." She felt a small blush cross her face, but she didn't know why she was blushing. She just hoped that Yugi didn't notice.

"I'll tell them, and it was nothing. What are friends for?" he said with a smile.

"Thanks, well I have to leave to go meet someone so I'll see you tomorrow," Alara said as she headed toward the door.

"Bye Alara see you tomorrow!"

Alara walked quickly to her locker, tossed her books in, and grabbed her other bag with her change of clothes in it. She stopped by the bathroom and changed into the other clothes. She put on a purple blouse, a black pleated skirt that stops mid-thigh, black knee high boots with a slight heel, and two plain gold bangles on each wrist. Then she headed out of the bathroom and towards the front of the school. As she passed the office, close to the front doors, she glanced at the clock and saw she was already running late. She was worried that she wasn't going to make it to the museum on time. Plus since she knew Yugi, Tristan, Joey, and Tea were going she wanted to get ahead of them.

'They might find it weird if they see me there when I told them I couldn't make it. I just hope that woman will be ready and waiting for me. I know sometimes she tends to be running late and it feels like it's on purpose,' Alara thought as she picked up her speed. As she stepped out the door her cellphone begin to ring. She pulled it out of her bag and answered it.

"Alara….yes Alex I am on my way I am walking out of the school now. Is she already there?...Well hopefully she will be there by the time I arrive I would like to get this meeting done and out of the way…okay bye." She hung up the phone, tossed it back into her bag, and continued across the courtyard. Alara heard a small commotion to her left. She glanced as she kept walking to see Tea smack Joey and Tristan across the back of the head. Yugi was standing next to them just laughing.

'I wonder what they did to make Tea mad,' Alara thought with a chuckle, and continued on her way.

"Well that was nice of her to say," Tea said after Yugi told them what Alara said when they met up outside.

"Speaking of Alara there she goes," Tristan said as he pointed across the courtyard.

"She changed her clothes and she looks…"Joey started.

"…freaking hot!" Tristan finished. Tea smacked them both on the back of the head. Yugi couldn't help, but start laughing at them.

'Although, I do agree she does look really nice,' Yugi thought to himself.

"Seriously guys give some respect," Tea said harshly.

"We are it's just a compliment," Joey said as him and Tristan rubbed their heads.

"Ok guys how about we starting making our way to the museum," Yugi said. Joey and Tristan mumbled in agreement as they started to walk towards the front gate.