For 5 years now male pregnancy has become part of the human life. No one knows how it started or where it began. Before mankind can study the abnormality, men becoming pregnant became as natural as women giving birth. The process on the birth may be different, but overall; the pregnancy time and reproduction is similar. For the male's body it undergoes many changes over the 9 month period, as does the females. Research has shown that everything is the same for both genders in the pregnancy. When giving birth females have 2 choices in labor, while men only have 1 choice and that is a C-section. Over the past 5 years pregnancy and birth has grown and has been seen as natural. The world was not as easily accepting but eventually both males and females became equals in this aspect. Many women and gay men fought for equality, and society slowly gave them that. Throughout the world many gay couples have become blessed with children of their own.