"Now Natalia, is that not beautiful? You my sweets have made me so proud my dear daughter," my father praised, leaning down slightly to gently kiss my forehead, sending me a small smile.

I cherished the moment dearly, having longed for so long to see any joyful emotion, like this one, settle on my fathers stressed, worn face. The poor middle-aged man had been through so many unexpected tragedies in his hard worked life, sometimes I long for him to just sit down with me and let me help him. But no of course, whenever the subject is merely mentioned, I am shot with warnings from him and my tedious older brothers on how I shouldn't get involved in such a task, that it was simply mans work. And that no silly little girl like me should go interfering where I shouldn't be interfering.

But I just couldn't help it! While we all know that the majority of young ladies in this town care for only ball gowns and gaining attention from the local hunk, I am completely a differ. Everyone who knows me can tell that my curiosity and view of the world irked my father, but I just wanted more than living the simple life of cleaning, always having to look presentable, dressed in long gowns, never daring to seen in, dare I say it, a pair of trousers. Gasp. Gosh, how can woman live their life like this? I finally looked up at my father's expression, seeing him now staring at the realistic portrait of my family in awe.

"I know Daddy, I have nothing against the incredible combination of brush and man, yet I see why I shall not participate in other natural beauties of the world, such as sport, music, drama! I would neither mind being an artist, or a writer, an actress, a sporting champagne, archaeologist, detective, father I could go on forever, but I know what the answer will be, a mere 'its mans work' but its not fair!" I exclaimed, my voice full of passion and desperation.

"Why dear little sister, I hear a founders day ball is being held, should you not be out shopping for a new gown, not here fantasizing of a hard life, the life of a man" a pretentious voice came from behind.

I instantly recognized the voice; turning my head I caught sight of the man who owned the voice. My annoying and arrogant brother that I for some reason dearly loved. One of the mysteries of life. And although I know we squabble and fight, I know that he loves me to, as the same goes for my other older brother. My brother smiled his reoccurring wonky, irritating smile that draws the ladies in, which completely puzzles me.

"Why Damon, and should you not be in the forest chopping up logs, seems more your scene don't you think" I seethed through my teeth, voice full of venom.

I was fed up of being told I couldn't do something because of my gender. I abruptly stood from the creaky wooden stool, picking the skirt of my long dress from the ground, revealing my worn leather cowboy boots.

"Children be silenced, Damon stop with your teasing ways towards your younger sister, and Natalia stop with these words, you know that a young lady like yourself shall not participate in these areas and ways of life, I am perfectly happy with your passion for art and music as a pass time, but these professions are ones of a young man. Now I let you mess around with your brothers, and you can still play in forest, but you will take up the nice job of a flower arranger, maid or kitchen worker in the future, as it is you fate" my father said sternly.

I looked down at the dark wash wooden decking, up at the shelter roof, around at the fascinating canvases which held the beautiful views of forests, waterfalls and other wonderful scenes nature had to offer that I had painted. The family portrait I had painted stood proudly on a stand, the lack of walls allowing the blazing sun from the outdoor summers day to shine down on the paint stained jam jars, which carried various sizes and shapes of brushes, palettes of well loved and used paints of every shade and colour laid on a small table next to my sitting stand.

I then looked up at my brother, his icy blue eyes were squinted and his pale skin was slightly tinted by the sun. His mop of curly hair lay almost hidden underneath his black hat. He wore a simple baggy white button up shirt, the top few buttons undone, a few more than necessary I must add. The loose cotton shirt was tucked into pale brown cargo shorts and a pair of braces came over his shoulders.

I huffed at my father, swiftly walking past Damon, my unnecessarily frilly dress dragging on the ground as I make my way through two patio doors into the cool comfort of our fortress.

"What do I not get a farewell?" Damon shouted from outside, chuckling afterwards. I did not say something back and give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he was taunting me. "Little sister!" a deep voice called. I turned around to discover that Stefan was the one to call my name, my other older brother. "Would you accompany me to the farmers market on this glorious summers day sister" he asked, holding out his right arm. I clung to it and smiled, "I'd love to" I replied, "race you to the horses!" I yelled, running towards the barn. "Beat you" I smirked at the older boy in front of me, leaning his weight on the barn doors huffing and panting, "pucker up" I said teasingly, patting his back.

"We have horses to tend to"


"Admit it, you and I both know the truth, you and Damon are both in love with the same girl" My sister spoke, throwing her long, delicate arms in the air laughing. Running free across the daisy covered meadows, observing every aspect of nature in awe like a normal girl would a fortress of diamonds. "I am not admitting anything, although do you think she will pick me" I asked in pure curiosity, not you raise my hopes at all. Her angelic laughter was heard again, her small face holding a huge smile, perfect teeth shown, they were unusual, as not many can say they still have all there teeth, let alone have them perfect and not rotten.

"Ah brother, so much you have to learn. It's obvious you love this Katharine girl, but in the end, so does Damon. I have no answers to your questions concerning her, only that I think you should tell her to take a hike. I mean she's staying in the room next to me!" she exclaimed, an arm slung over my shoulder.

I took a lock of curly auburn hair that had escaped her neat updo into my clasp, twirling the soft strands between two fingers. Her warm honey coloured eyes stared up at me in confusion, and the well-known look of curiosity. Natalia was known for her curiosity, always asking questions and investigating, always getting into trouble she was.

"I love you Lea, you know that right?" I asked; using her nickname everyone called her, except father of course.

"Of course silly, I'd be worried if you didn't, not to get sentimental of anything but I love you to, so so so so so so so much" she laughed, poking my nose every time she used the word so.

I laughed along to; right now she looked younger, like a normal 18 year old would, yet still older than her at an age of only 15. She suddenly broke free of my grasp, taking many pins form her hair. Shaking her head, her hair fell into an unruly tangle of gingerish ringlets. She undid the tight, midnight blue ribbon that lay around her neck and tied it loosely in a bow around her small wrist.

She loosened her dresses drawstrings, making the dress flow a bit more freely. The corset top that used to be extremely tight, the kind of tight a brother didn't want his site to be wearing, the type of tight that makes the men of the village stare hungrily at my little sister, the type of tight that I would not mind seeing Katharine wear, but not knows of my brothers overprotection and mine for her, but so many men wanted her hand, and we would not allow such a violation of her pure soul.

The pale blue and white dress flowed evenly down her long legs, making her more free. I looked at her now and saw the innocent, pure girl that she is. She smiled again, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Come on brother, let us run, that devious Damon has be extra tedious today, ah revenge will be bliss" she called to me, running back home, twirling in the process, throwing her arms towards the sky as if she would reach the stars. She was my dearest younger sister, and I loved her so much.

NOTE: I stopped writing this story, but now I'm back with new ideas and a new and improved vocabulary and punctuation range. From Chapter 3 I think I'll start writing in 3rd person, although that could change, and just a sideline in case you're confused there will be romantic relations between Natalia and all three brothers (Kol, Klaus, Elijah) but all will be revealed.