Was it so wrong? That I was protecting the one that I love?

I didn't do anything wrong! I swear, I'm a good girl! It was his fault; he hurt her. Then they put me in here and leave her alone!


Twelve year old Hinata Hyuga was still staring in shock at the metal encircling her wrists.

"W-why am I here? I-I'm a good girl, a-aren't I?" she asked the busty blonde behind the desk.

Tsunade, director of Konoha Mental Institution, sighed. How are you supposed to explain to a killer that they were wrong when you, and her, thinks that she's right?

"Well Hinata, the thing is, it doesn't matter if I think you're a good girl; it only matters what the government says. You're gonna have to stay here," Hinata's lavender, watery eyes widened.

"Okay, w-what do I do now?" she wanted to oppose her sentence, but it'd be useless.

"Now you will meet the other residents, just go down the hall and it'll be the second door on the right. Don't forget; the guards will be watching," Tsunade explained as she un-cuffed the young girl. Hinata nodded and started walking down the hall.

Once she found the second door on the right and opened it, she was assaulted with greetings.

"Hi! I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Why're you in here? Oh, I guess I should tell you about me first! I have ADHD and they say I have 'schizophrenia', but I know that the voice is real," the blonde boy talked a mile a minute, making it easy for Hinata to believe that he had ADHD.

"I-I'm Hinata Hyuga, and I'm in here because the government thinks I'm a bad girl." Everyone was hypnotized by her voice, but that didn't stop a certain man from groaning.

"Please god; not another Tobi! Aren't I already insane enough?" a long, blonde haired, blue eyed man (who could've passed as Naruto's brother) yelled to the heavens.

"Shut the hell up Deidara!" Naruto exclaimed. "Alright, I'll introduce you to everyone. That asshole is Deidara and he's a pyro," and on the blonde went.

Tobi was a black haired, mask wearing man who had ADHD and multiple personality disorder and ran around claiming that he was a good boy (the nicer of his two personalities). Kiba was a brown haired boy with two red, upside down triangles tattooed on his cheeks, he thought that he was a dog. Shino, a boy with blackish brownish hair, shades, and a high-collared jacket, was Kiba's best friend and claimed that bugs lived inside of him. Shikamaru was a pineapple headed narcoleptic. Ino was blonde and anorexic. Choji had burnt orange hair and wouldn't stop eating. Sasuke had duck-butt hair and was hell bent on killing his brother. Naruto also told her about one of the aides; Sakura. He seemed to think that she was the greatest think ever, but everyone else disagreed.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, there's one more person you need to know about; Gaara. He's also schizophrenic, but he's a killer." Now Hinata was nervous; a killer? Isn't that dangerous?!

Hinata's pale eyes widened as she did the only thing she could do; she fainted.

As Hinata was unconscious, the object of everyone's thoughts entered the room. Gaara's insomnia laced eyes roamed over everyone, stopping on the unfamiliar face of the newest resident.

Only one thought passed through the red head's mind; weak. Gaara, not wanting to be surrounded by idiots any longer (not that he wanted to to begin with), turned and started to leave the room. His plan would've been properly executed if not for someone with an obvious death wish laying a delicate hand on his shoulder.

Hinata was not brave or bold by any means; she was shy, curious, and polite. Of course she couldn't the red headed boy, no matter how scary, leave without her knowing his name.

"U-um, what's your n-name?" Hinata asked shyly, looking at her fidgeting fingers. Upon receiving no answer she looked up and stiffened.

This boy's eyes, surrounded by black, were exactly like his. Everyone watched in shock as the girl's eyes shifted, going from showing compassion to hatred.

Hinata shoved the boy and if it were anyone else they would've at least lost their center of balance. Gaara's eyes just widened for a split second before narrowing in hatred and killer intent.

"How could you?! You were supposed to protect her!" Hinata screeched her mind obviously in a different place.

Gaara, now past the point of surprise, was just plain pissed. This girl had the nerve to not only push him, but yell at him as well.

Let's paint the walls red, a deep voice growled inside Gaara's head. Apart of Gaara agreed with Shukaku 100% but another part could still hear that same phrase, being spoken by his sister. The young boy brought his hands to his head, fisting his crimson hair.

Outside of Gaara and Hinata's tension filled encounter the room was in chaos. Tobi was screaming that he was 'a good boy and didn't deserve to die' while Deidara was looking for something to 'set his ass on fire'. Apparently the tension was making Shino's bugs start acting up, causing him to scratch venomously, and Kiba started teasing him about having fleas. Ino was shaking Shikamaru yelling for him to 'get off of his lazy ass and help'. Choji was trying to drag the blonde away from the sleeping boy. Naruto was the only one acting intelligently (except Shikamaru); he went to go call one of the guards to break things up.

Most of the guards at the Konoha Mental Institution are incompetent and it just so happened that all of the useful ones had the day off. They rushed to Tsunade's office; they didn't care about any of the little freaks but they didn't want blood on their hands.

Tsunade ran to the room but composed herself as she opened the door. The scene that met her eyes was something that shouldn't have been too shocking. She walked to the two kids, seemingly in their own world, and laid a hand on both of their shoulders. Using her strength she pulled them apart and gave them a stern smile.

"Hinata, meet Gaara. Gaara, meet your new roommate," she said, her brown eyes showing amusement. Through all the noise that one statement was somehow heard and silence fell all over the room. Hinata was now dead to the world.