
After that night I knew I had to leave Gotham, that I had to get away, and so the next morning I began searching for jobs across the country. By noon of the same day I was able to locate a job in California as an intern for a small mental institution trying to get workers with experience from outside of the state. With my qualifications I was more than sure I'd get the job. So I sent in the needed paperwork along with references of whom I knew would answer then started on apartment looking in the area of where I might be working in. That was four years ago nearly to the day; now I have my Doctorate in Psychology and treating teenaged patients with their psychological problems brought on by their fears whether made up or not. I live outside of Sana Barbra in a nice quiet neighborhood, with no flying men in bat suits. From halfway across the country I watched Gotham go to hell; Scarecrow be locked away to be followed by the Joker, who nearly succeeded in destroying the city where as Bane was a hairs length away from doing it. Both however got taken down by Batman, who made the ultimate sacrifice by dying in the blast from the bomb explosion. I watched without blinking eyes as the city I had lived in turned to shit in those four years, glad to be rid of it and the horror I had had to go through there. I had only gone back to Gotham once in those four years, when I found out Rachel and Harvey had died during the reign of the Joker. I remember that week all too well, it will forever be imprinted on my mind. I had flown into Gotham only to be greeted by Bruce and my mother, both of whom I hadn't spoken to since I had moved away. In fact, I hadn't told them I left until they found out on their own.

"Evie," my mother had tried to say, coming over to try and embrace me, only I stepped around her to grab a taxi until Bruce took ahold of my arm gently saying,

"Let me, please." his eyes were pleading so I gave him, breathing heavily through my nose and trying my best not to slap him right then and there. The car ride to my hotel was awkward to say the least, I didn't want to talk though mother tried her hardest to make me. It was only when she said,

"Do you plan on seeing him?" knowing that would trigger a reaction—and it did. I turned to her with a snarl and said,

"He has nothing to do with my life anymore mother, and I'll make it very clear for both of you, bring him up again and I'm out the door and gone."

"You can't run from your problems forever Evie." Bruce had said but I only snorted replying coldly,

"So says the man seemingly to know it all." at that mother turned to Bruce for an answer, but his face was so red with anger that he couldn't even bring himself to speak. The day of Rachel's funeral I stood off to one side alone from everyone else who attended and when it was over at last watched Bruce lay a bouquet of white roses on her grave.

"Did she know?" I asked him as he came over towards me and he gave me an unreadable look as he said,

"Yes, she figured it out just as you did." then he was gone leaving me to say goodbye. Only instead with my heart too full of grief and agony I couldn't stand being in the graveyard any longer so left all but running out of the gates. When it was time for me to leave Gotham, Bruce asked if we could have lunch—between friends. I agreed begrudgingly and we met up at a place near the airport so I wouldn't miss my flight.

"Do you miss him?" he had dared to ask so that I didn't even blink; I had learned to control my emotions when it came to the subject of Jonathan Crane and so didn't need to hesitate when I said,


"I don't believe you." he had replied leaning in towards me but I had snapped at him,

"You know what, I don't care if you believe me or not Bruce. In fact, I don't care if you ever believe me or not. To hell with you caring about me and worrying about me!" then I was back on a plane headed for California. Yet when I found out that Batman aka Bruce had taken the blast from the bomb I had wanted to go back to Gotham. It was a fleeting moment of a want, but even so I felt as if some things were left unsaid between us. Now however I'm at home in my studio apartment getting ready for work, having gotten out of the shower and dressed for the day in a navy pant suit, doing my hair in a tight bun behind my head. Applying light make-up, I walk out of my bedroom and into my kitchen to make myself some coffee to kick start my brain. My cell phone rings and I rush over to my purse to answer it, putting it on speaker as I answer,


"Dr. Brookes, the new doctor arrives today—I thought I should remind you." it's my assistant Kate who I thank and tell her,

"Have them wait for me in my office if they get their before me ok? I might be a bit late with traffic and all."

"Yes Dr. Brookes, see you when you get here." I hang up and quickly grab my on-the-go container mug of coffee to head off to work. The Center that I work at is only a forty minute drive at best without traffic, but today there's enough that it takes me an hour and a half! By the time I park in my slot in the parking lot and clock in, I'm late and rush to my office where Kate, who's diligently working behind her desk at her computer says,

"The new doctor is waiting in your office to see you, I told him that he should just wait but he insisted that you two were old friends and that you wouldn't mind." confusion fills me, why would she just let any old person into my office without asking for my permission first? And nowhere in the file that debriefed me on the new doctor said they were male. Feeling an eyebrow rise at this, I thank her and walk pass her desk towards my office where I can see the outline of a man behind the door. Whoever he is they're slender in body shape, though tall with broad shoulders. I have to juggle a few things in my hands, my coffee mug and my briefcase, before I open the office door and come face to face with the last person I'd ever expect to see again.

"Hello Evie."

And so ladies and gentlemen, this is the conclusion of my story. I know it's a bit lame and a cliffhanger but I hope you can forgive me. I want to thank every single person who reviewed, followed and favorite this story—I can't honestly thank you guys enough!