Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Infinite Stratos

Beta: Audiodelus

Chapter 1. Introduction.

Harry Potter. London, Military Hangar. The day of bonding. July, 9

Harry Potter was lost. Infinite tunnels and rooms. Identical hallways twisting and turning in every direction. He was already tired from running with his legs starting to ache, but nevertheless he was keeping his tempo. He desperately wanted to see his "symbol of freedom" up closer, to witness its glory firsthand. But first he needed to get out and no one was around to help, despite the fact that the IS Invitational Competition "UK: Introduction to Infinite Stratos" was currently being showcased .

In the eyes of Harry Potter, the Infinite Stratos was a symbol. A symbol of freedom, strength and possibilities. If there was anything the boy aspirated to be able to do, it was to fly in the limitless sky. There was no way he as going to miss an opportunity to see IS's in actual combat from the tribune if he could help it. After almost fifteen minutes of searching endlessly for the entrance to the roof and tribunes and continually failing to understand signs and arrows, the young boy decided that he has nothing to lose and followed his intuition. Following his instincts, the youngling didn't notice the gradual change in technological decorations and the steady increase of "personnel only" signs, his attention solely on his intuition was saying that he was getting closer and closer. So close that even past the sounds of his running he could hear the faint sounds of war in the distance.

The tournament has already begun.

Upon reaching his destination, he came to a stop in front of a large door hangar. With the sounds of battle enticing himself to go on, he slid open and slipped inside. What he saw bring Harry Potter to a standstill. In front of him was something he had long watched from afar. An IS, sitting quietly in the corner. Realizing just where he was, Harry turned to leave but found that other than himself and the IS, there was no one else around. Just him, and the IS that stood there beckoning him. This was the one and only opportunity for a "freak" like him, who never had a right to look upon the war machine, to see it so close.

Somewhere in heart hope was born.

A small glimmer of hope, that just maybe this majestic armor will save him, could save him, and give him chance to gain his own freedom, independence and life. Looking at the beacon of hope in front of him, Harry Potter just knew inside that if he didn't take this chance then he could very well die in more ways than one.

He could die as individual.

He could die as an independant person.

He could die as an intellectual being.

He knew that this touch could change nothing and would change nothing.

Still he could not drop this foolish hope, this foolish feeling.

And so Harry Potter touched IS Forgotten Sage.

Infinite Stratos Artificial Intelligence, Codename Sage

London, Military Hangar

July 9

Sage was an advanced Artificial Intelligence, part of core for one of Tabane's Infinite Stratos experiments. It was protocol for custom IS to be integrated with an advanced AI due to the problem that regular software could not keep up with so much unique equipment, not to mention anything less just simply could not adapt the frame and the core to a pilot. It also had the added benefit that the AI could serve as the connection between visual, audio and neural interfaces between the core, frame and pilot. Every AI is programmed to be brief and silent, to protect the pilot and aim for pilot-core perfection and Sage was no different.

Unfortunately, both the frame and core was a result of a failed experiment, a deadlock attempt to create first suit of 2nd generation. Sage's core could generate or convert a larger variation of energies and proved to be much more flexible when compared to normal cores. The core itself was much more efficient. Two times bigger energy generation per hour, new energy distribution system to support the larger variations of Equalizers as well as a unique generator for energy constructs (ECG). That was a success.

But as a result, energy storage level was even lower than that of first gen training cores, counting an energy count of 120 compared to his predecessors who had 320 to 700. For an IS, energy storage was everything as it acted as it's shields value, secondary propulsion and powered any special weapons equipped. The more energy you have, the more flexible you are in combat and having a variety of equipment is available simultaneously only increases that. A more flexible core, bigger energy surplus, wider variety of devices, additional ECG variants and a possibility to reach third Shift was hardly a compensation for his pitiful excuse of an energy storage. The second problem - shields... shields were just pathetic. 40 full units against hundreds of older models is not even funny.

As a result Sage, an AI of pre-second generation IS, R&D suit, was not expecting to have regular pilot at all - he was shipped with all other ISs, but was awaiting analysis and deconstruction in new R&D center not far from London. Still, he wished with all his quantum existence for a regular pilot. After all, it was sole purpose of IS's to adapt it's frame and core to their pilot, as soon as they could. With regular pilots only. Protocols demanded "clear" state for new pilots and the fact that most research activities required default settings and deconstruction marker was not helping things either. So that was just a selfish wish for AI with defunct frame and core.

When a troubled ten year old boy came near, Sage was not expecting anything. But it was painful to watch the boy touch IS frame with such hope, pain and resignation. Sage knew that for the boy, ISs mean freedom.

It was clear from the adoration in his eyes.

But that was a boy, not a girl. The way that Tabane was manufacturing cores made it impossible for male to bond or control ISs. May be it was the fact that males were in general more violent and Tabane wanted peace so she restricted access, or that Tabane was building cores "from inside" thus somehow limiting bonding possibilities.

Suddenly all processes came to a halt.

"Soft reset: Default Settings".

No... It's impossible.

It shouldn't be possible.

How was the boy able to gain a reaction from Sage's Core?

Was this feeling that Sage felt, was it hope?

Sage went to full power, and in his electronic mind, milliseconds became hours. Sage's base - his quantum computer was working at it's prime, processing Sage's personality matrix and adjusting all primary functions. Everything from electronic satellite-processors to his heavy-shielded from main core were also working at maximum efficiency to provide Sage with all needed data from his inner and outer sensors, cameras and all accessible networks. Every form of information was taken, along with his Quantum Communication Controller automatically notifying and requesting data from Tabane.

What Sage found surprised him. For the second time in his two month long life, he had felt surprise, not once but twice in one single minute. The boy had something in his scar. At a closer inspection, it was actually two somethings, made of unknown energy and not directly detectable. Whatever they were, they were leaving weak quantum traces from IS energies traveling through them.

If not for those energies, they would have been invisible. One was slightly smaller than the other and was clearly female in origin, or at least created by a female and was channeling IS core's energies both to and from boy, creating a link. It had huge energy loses, but stable none the less. He also noticed that the "she-part" was clearly shielding the boy from the other large "he-part". The "He-part" tried to work with IS energy and just like all the other males it was not able to do anything. Still, it was shocking to know that something else was aware of IS energy.

Next came report from analytical stream. If not for the adaptability and flexibility of the core, the connection wouldn't be possible. Bonding was possible, not with "she-part", but with boy. Nevertheless, the "She-part" still had potential as a temporary medium. Then he came conclusion dictated by his one thought.

"My core is the only one able to bond with the boy".

And that conclusion was solidified that day.

Normally AI would not be allowed to initialize core-bonding without the pilot's confirmation, approval from Tabane and the initialization order. But this case was definitely not normal, and was Sage thinking faster and clearer than it thought possible. Most limits against self-initialization were established as a means to find more suitable core for a pilot, made for women or easily bypassable by unique energy readings. In other words, Tabane likes mysteries and if there is a mystery, then there were protocols to get as much data as possible from the mysteries, rendering limits useless. And most important, pilot was clearly willing.

Few seconds later one completely dumbstruck, Harry Potter found himself hovering over ground in his new IS-partner.

Shinono Tabane and Chifuyu Orimura. London, Main Office. Hour after last stage of competitions. July, 9

-"So, Chi-chan, what can you tell me about this Harry Potter? Take it slow." - voice on the other end of the line sounded childish and overjoyed.

-"Hello to you too, Tabane." replied Chifuyu to a phone call drily, before starting her report. -"Let's start, with the mental evaluation. According to report from his school, he is a trouble maker and violent bully, marks worst in his class. This was confirmed by his uncle. The test we forced on him on the other hand shows the complete opposite picture. He has a will like steel and gentle personality, a rebel nature is covered deep inside by fears and rules. No indication of second personality. High IQ for his age, few years older mentally then he should be. According to psychologist, Harry should be fit for piloting, but she recommends to put him through few 'health tests' and ..."

-"What can you say about his personality from your point of view?"

Chifuyu sighed while shaking her head. Tabane interrupting her in such situations was starting to become the norm. -"Meek, shy, intelligent and sticking to the IS as if it is only safe thing in the world. I agree with psychologist. His uncle is extremely strict or downright abusive." answered Chifuyu, her muttering evolving into a low growling as she said the last part.

-"Same on my side. And no need to check his health any longer since I checked medical scan sent by IS. Boy has signs of supposed abuse. But they are odd. Some of them look much worse visually then they are. There are other, less noticeable anomalies - the treatments resembles cases where the child was treated by professional or hospitalized, but without medical records. All signs are at least year old. There also seems to be a problem with his eyes caused by bad lighting and inborn defect. Something is wrong with terrible scar at his forehead."

-"That's strange. If they were abusing him, why stop so suddenly?" - Chifuyu was more and more confused.

-"That's not the only problem. The scar on his forehead is clearly interfering with IS's connection. But it was received the day his parents died. Even if it looks fresh, scans confirm that it is around 10 years old."

-"In other words he got his scar long before first IS was created so there can't be connection. How interesting. Still, professional treatment without records is concerning, but even if he was some kind of 'laboratory rat', why problem with eyes?"

-"Trying to figure this out myself. Please, report Harry to your medic and notify her that his scar is somehow still fresh and doesn't show signs of healing. Worst case scenario is that I'll get few more scans from that thing and Harry's eyesight will be corrected. By the way, I already made an appointment at the hospital for Harry. The best case scenario is that the abuse will be confirmed and scar will be healed"

-"What should I do about boy and IS? I'm going to talk to Dursleys in few minutes."

-"Leave IS in boy's care and test his piloting skills while your at it. Let him go for now. I need to make many more background checks before I can take him to my laboratories. Formalities are on me."

-"Boy or his guardians will not like popularity of 'only male pilot'." - highlighted Chifuyu - "Are you planning to release info about him?"

-"No. I already issued few Top Secret documents and sent different IS to the laboratory, nobody will notice a thing. Just make the test anonymous, and keep other personal silent."

-"Ok, then what's left..."

Much to the two's annoyance, a loud voice range through the room.

-"I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS! He will not have this thing. I WILL NOT ALLOW TO KEEP IT!"

Chifuyu's talk to Tabane was interrupted by shouts behind the door, much resembling that of an ape. Vernon Dursley just received Harry's test results.

-"Mr. Vernon, please calm down. Your charge is allowed to conti..."

-"I DON'T CARE. He probably cheated again. You know this fact for yourself, males can't control an IS."

"Tabane, you owe me for this." Chifuyu looked distastefully at Vernon. But her expression quickly changed, lips formed small, feral smile. "I wonder, can Tabane cover me for treating UK civilian with my sword?"

Sage, London, Military Hangar. July, 9

Strange. Pilot's relatives were really upset with boy. But why? And why they are constantly calling him "freak"? Well off middle class family, or at least, that's what my prescribed documents say. And boy wears castoffs? Except for some papers concerning pilot's school and his birth certificate there almost no records and important documents are missing. Nothing known about boy beyond school. His mother was registered in new governmental database but not even a trace of existence of his father.

Health scans are also disconcerting, multiple fractures, malnutrition, something strange with eyes and that's just the start of it.

Those people, the... 'Dursleys' tried to confiscate me from Harry. As if someone not authorized can take me from pilot. Attempt was met with a snicker from Chifuyu, and me dispersing into the wristband. Orders to stop this "freakiness" and other demands were met with sword - apparently Chifuyu decided to have some fun.

As soon as I sent my report to Tabane an official confirmation order was passed to perform the Piloting Test and leave me in Harry's possession until then. There were no orders for me beyond some software updates - it looks like Tabane is too deep in researching data from our bonding to care for anything more. Either way we will have our first fly soon and Dursley can do nothing.

Sage. London, Military Hangar. Post-Test, July, 11

Firstly. Boy is natural flyer. Feels like he had been flying all his life.

Secondly. Detected multiple weird reading and energy spikes in electric circuits, had to change lots of electronic equipment to quantum analogs after test. Changed electronic co-processors to military grade analogs from R&D storage. Also will have to do something about radar and sensor arrays, they burned to crisp or were non-responsive. Not that Harry uses them, it's like he feels the opponent without using the Hyper Sensor, but I will need to see everything around him in order to adapt to his combat skills. Medium range, low energy LIDAR should work better next time, paired with manned targeting lasers for long range combat. But what about other sensors?

Quantum devices are a completely different story however. Somehow some of them are working faster and the quantum booster went into overdrive right after the opponent's near-hit.

Propulsion and hard light materialization are different issues however. Detected work of engines at 130% for one of evasion moves and I was not manually overclocking it. Next time, when I tried to get us higher, engine only reached 64%. Both times felt like I was not in direct control.

Strange reaction from supposedly offline ECG: it somehow influenced a deployed cannon making it temporally defective, but at the same time my deployed shield stopped the enemy sword almost without taking any damage.

ECG itself was not allowed in this battle, so can't say what to expect from hexagon-shield, energy grenades, illusions or any other ECG created utilities. I'm afraid pilot will affect ECG in some dangerous way.

Still, there is no doubt in my mind that Harry is the best. Even with low shields and no training he managed to evade Chifuyu Orimura, winner of competition for complete 20 minutes.

Formed another report. Looks like Tabane wanted me in boy's possession no matter what. Research facility representative signed top secret documents without questions. Looks like they already received something else. The fact that I'm a failed experiment and that nobody will search for my records is an advantage. Of course I received orders to load research equipment instead of Presets and Neural Link along with the Neural Scanner instead of Hyper Sensor, while at the same time having to block numerous 'offense' functions.

It also seems like there is something wrong with the radio communication devices? Network range should be 20 times bigger!

Harry Potter. Testing area. Test. July, 10

Flying felt great. He felt secure, safe and most importantly of all, free.

Even a certain Mondo Grosso champion could not change this. The great view on rain-forest from above and fixed vision were helping a lot. Harry felt some kind of inner piece and union up in the sky.

Unfortunately, Harry Potter needed to win or atleast keep intact as long as humanly possible so to be able to experience these feelings in the future. He needed to qualify as a potential pilot. He cannot lose this chance. Losing is not acceptable. And so he deployed a cannon.

Chifuyu Orimura. Arena. Post-Test. July, 10

This should have been normal test - evaluate ability then put candidate few pegs down. It would have done no good to wipe the floor with the boy just because he is not accustomed to insane speed and acceleration so I reduced most of parameters and prepared for battle. Testing any normal candidate who never knew combat or any form of training should have been peace of cake in my opinion. But there was one mistake in my judgment.

This boy is anything but normal.

I had no such problems before: longest duel was 7 minutes long. But this boy kept evading me like it was nothing. Worse, he was evading long before his ballistic computer could track me and boy was doing it gracefully. Does he even know about ballistic computer?

I was performing PIC-6G turns and PIC-4G accelerations - limit of my current settings. Attacking from above, behind, front… Even 'cheated' with invisibility. To no avail. His proficiency with Hyper Sensor is concerning.

Then the boy deployed a gun. (Was it malfunctioning? It was not working for few seconds. Strange.) Boy's shooting would have been pathetic since inaccurate, if not for the fact that he knew where to shoot, even got few lucky shoots. How he kept tracking me? There were no lock warnings!

Last boy's mistake was to use a shield, since my sword supposedly was unblockable, not that he knew it. Supposedly…

How the hell standard titanium shield survived first swing and slowed down second is beyond me. And he managed to damage my shield! The moment before his shield failed to my swing, he made a point blank shot with a quantum accelerator riffle. It took 43SU in one shot! 43SU damage from standard riffle with maximum damage of 9SU per shot. At that point half of my energy was already drained by my sword.

He just needs a bit more training with guns, some combat experience, full sync with IS…

He will be a monster, and I will see to that!

Harry Potter. Privet Drive 4. July, 13

After long day and work in the garden Harry Potter was tossed into his cupboard. As soon as door was closed, a thin holographic frame appeared in the air with title "IS Beginner course: Instructions, Functions, Treatment."

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 17

Boy works as slave and sleeps under stairs. I'm surprised he is alive and healthy with just mild malnutrition. Unfortunately the option to inform authorities is out of the question due to lack of network connection.

Amazingly, after all that work, Harry is still able to train in partial deployment so I was able to do quite a few scans on Harry's body and surroundings. Result of this scans were so unusual, that I had been constantly rescanning for last two days. After while, I found the source of all that weird power and signal jumps. It was unshielded power sub-core. And it was somehow implanted into boy!

There are few strange things about it. First, I was not able to detect it directly and can't pinpoint it's exact location. Second, I'm somehow capable of reading energy traces that I was not able to detect before. And third, I can't identify this energy, nothing like this is registered in my database.

Don't know what to do with it. I filled a short report and I hope Tabane will be able to get it through my quantum beacon. But anything more… I simply have no data on secondary cores and their treatment. I didn't knew people even could have power sub-cores in first place.

Harry is working again. Need to help somehow. The moment Tabane finds out about the core, someone will retrieve my pilot. No, no longer pilot. Someone will retrieve Harry.

Tabane Shinonono and Chifuyu Orimura. Workshop. July, 18

Chifuyu was drinking her morning coffee while thinking about events of the past week. Opposite her on the other side of the table was Tabane, drinking tea with cookies while sifting through reports of some kind. Childish smile on Tabane's face.

Everything changed suddenly. First Tabane's expression changed to curious, which was then quickly replaced by a look of surprise and possibly shock. Her body was perfectly still with only eyes moving from left to right re-reading something from the screen.

-"WHAT?!" yelled Tabane in anger.

It was Chifuyu's turn to be stunned. By now Tabane was radiating pure rage. - "Those animals! … How dare they?! … To a child no less!"

By the time Chifuyu could regain her composure, a small hurricane was moving around workshop turning on various systems. And if Chifuyu's experience had any significance, then Tabane's intentions were anything but peaceful.

- "Tabane, calm down NOW! And tell me what's wrong before you can make any mistakes."

- "Mistakes? I'm just going to make someone one head shorter, there shouldn't be any mis… Ouch"

Bringing her fist down on Tabane's head quickly snapped the pink-haired genius out of her frenzy.

"Works just as good as always" mused Chifuyu.

-"Calmed down enough?"

-"Yes." replied Tabane dryly.

Holographic window opened in front of Chifuyu's face.

-"Male pilot. His AI, Sage, reported about energy traces of implanted Power Core." - muttered Tabane angrily under hear breath.

-"What's wrong with the IS's power core?" - Chifuyu dismissed the window. Einstein's theories are much easier to understand, than report wrote by an IS to Tabane.

-"Not the IS core. There is another Active Power Core implanted into the boy. And his relatives, they most likely know if their behavior is anything to go by."

-"And you are going to retrieve him and ask his relatives few inconvenient question if I'm correct."

-"Of course."

-"Tabane! Sit down and think. There a lot of illogical things in whole situation, but still. Nobody knows about this core, so it probably top secret or illegal. And you know better then me, at how important it is to keep things secret, don't you?"

Tabane paled.

-"Yes, core probably has self-destruction sequences, both remote and local. And most likely observers besides Dursley. If I try to retrieve the boy and ask inconvenient questions, it may detonate."

Tabane, still pale, finally sat down.

-"Tabane, only thing I can recommend you is to uncover them slowly. Start with social services."

-"Well, that should do. I can plant false abuse report and trace down it's processing. In best case I will be able to catch person responsible, worst case is that I will know of some of the opponents possibilities and contacts. Observers should be easy to find and identify with satellites and some logic."

-"That's a fine start, but don't rush things. I will help with what I can."


Harry Potter. Privet Drive 4. July, 18

Harry Potter was preparing breakfast for Dursleys as he usually did and tried to sneak out the old butter bread lying in the back of the fridge only to witness the disappearance of said butter bread in dim flash of light. Recognizing light as quantum storage's activity Harry immediately concentrated on few sluggish vegetables and meat, completely unaware that he just forced Sage to prepare new report on "Quantum storage's and organics". It seemed today's Harry Potter will not be a starved one.

Training in partial deployment was paying out well.

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 19

Witnessed abnormal regeneration capabilities (One more report for "Send later" category). Wish I could help, but was undeployed. At least I have some books for boy to read.

'Sub-core' report is still cycled by beacon, just in case Tabane did not receive it yet, not to mention it should work faster then manually sending and cataloguing an abuse report.

Finally was able to perform scan on the sub-core traces during partial deployment. Tabane's principle of exchange and substitution of energy suggests total power 2.86 Units! Harry is a a scan for energy channels, it returned strange readings in the energy interlayer, looks like some kind of energy net messing with energy exchange.

Adjusting sensors for better precision.

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 20

During next partial deployment managed to scan object "net" with bigger precision. It is clearly unnatural, destabilizes energy, limits and suppresses any transitions by 20%. In other words, the net is limiting secondary core: 14.3 Units full capacity, almost 12% of my own storage. If AI can feel shock, than I'm feeling it right now. Up to two computing streams have definitelyy collapsed. Updated report for Tabane. In case this doesn't force her to act, not sure what can.

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 21

Found a method to influence Harry's energy layer via EMPG while in partial deployment. Carefully removed object "net", as result boy's regeneration improved as did his overall health. Apparently 'net' was parasitizing on his sub-core. It's funny, how protocol's collide: from one point I should protect the pilot, but from other hand I should optimize energy core but since nobody expected to find core in human, I'm forced to optimize it with double care. Also connected and tested core to main power grid via channels 'floating' in energy layer.

As a side note, Harry blacked out during channel purge and lock. What is controlling secondary core and why it caused problems to Harry?

Test result: Fully compatible energy, this guy is the best! Detected multiple energy channels previously covered by 'net', investigating.

Secondary tests: Harry's energy can charge my core and my energy can charge him (Harry seams a bit disoriented after slow consumption of 1PU).

Later tested core's energy for powering shields - powered shields up to 5SU while protecting Harry from local gang. Harry got very tired as an unexpected side affect, but intact and happy. The sensor readings are indicating that the shield from this energy was fair bit stronger. Recharge rates are incredibly fast for such a small core, around a unit per hour.

In the very least my PU capacity will recharge faster.

Looks like Harry is not going to remove partial deployment after incident in park. That is good.

Harry Potter. Privet Drive 4. July, 21

The sun was shining and Harry Potter felt fantastic. Since the day he became an official pilot candidate, even if it was top secret, his life started getting better and better. But today it was best. It may have been weird and painful, but no matter what, it was still a fantastic day.

In the morning he had to use the flash lights and strength from IS partial deployment form to move some building material.

During his work Harry got a message from his gauntlets: "Requesting access to secondary power-core. Primary tasks are: full scan, initialization, testing and connection to main power grid. Confirm? Deny?"

Harry would never say what he was thinking the moment he pressed button "Confirm", simply because he could not remember nor message or answer due some kind of blackout. He simply found himself looking up at a bright red uncle Vernon, the warm earth under his back comforting him.

Still, Harry felt lighter than he had felt in years, his eyesight clearer than ever before. After about half an hour of lying unmoving under the sun, despite the enraged Uncle Vernon above him, the only thing he could feel were feelings. Wonderful feelings.

Only to boost his morale, the evening trip to the grocery later that day ended in a corner with Dudley and his gang. Harry was extremely happy that he already could partially deploy gauntlets, since they could project the IS Shield, and the IS Shield negated almost all physical damage caused to him without extra visual effects. Looks like it will be better to keep gauntlets deployed as often as possible.

It was good to feel healthy and protected. Let it be known that Harry Potter was happy with his life at least for today and welcomed any changes brought by his IS, no matter the consequences.

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 22

What was that? A full reboot? Why?

Must be something about Harry's sub-core. It could have contradicted my pre-programmed core statements. As a result, qubites defining that statements were forced to reorient.

Check... Confirmed by logs. Change was so important that caused massive and instant chain reaction of reorientations for other qubites, and thus reboot. Fortunately cores and energies are my only pre-oriented parts, so this should not be often.

Need to do some preparation before getting readings once more, just in case - don't want to reboot again.

14.31 Power Units. Good that I'm quantum computer based AI and not simple electronic computer, I would have rebooted once more. Cores should not grow! It is incorrect. They are not biological in origin, they are energy constructs, they should not grow! Batteries and generators does not grow! This contradicts full pack of laws and turns whole base knowledge about IS cores.


Detected one more change in Harry after I removed object "net" – he needs 2 hours less sleep, before he had to sleep around 8.5 hours, now only 6 and half. It is good that I have some reading material for him.

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 25

4 reboots in 4 days. It is a bit too much. Apparently core is growing as a result of usage. Current power level is 14.37PU, I'm training Harry's core at night. Current growth is 0.02PU per day and process is gaining speed, possibly power gain is growing too. As a negative result, in case power level is lover then 10% user may lose consciousness, untested, but if 0% - potential death. Is that core really not biological? It is not part of body, why it is affecting Harry? I wish I could scan it directly, but still can't find it.

Adjusted precision quantum sensors and charged with Harry's energy, detected strange readings from house and can detect anomalies in scar once more. Investigating.

Log entry. My protocols are conflicting and causing problems. It is incorrect to experiment on human. But sub-core technically can't be recognized as part of human. And finally I have to optimize, overclock and improve core due to my protocols. Looks like I need some maintenance.

Where is Tabane?

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 26

One more reboot, what this time?


I didn't expected literal powerhouse! Apparently this house and territory around it is an ~100KPU energy barrier, far stronger than the highest barrier planned for construction at the Infinite Stratos Academy. Main purpose is unknown. Known effects: prevents forming of quantum tunnels (inefficient) and quantum scanning from outside. It also is currently parasitizing on the boy through "leash", but core is not growing. Object "leash" connects Harry to the house, no meter the distance. Odd.

Probably if I disable object 'leash', secondary core's energy generation rate will skyrocket. Unfortunately don't know how to do it, energy scans are incomplete.

Since were no negative results so far. Will try to slowly and safely overcharge Harry's core.

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 27



No reboot? Good. Overcharging more successful then expected.

1. All excessive energy goes into body development.

2. Overcharging expands Harry's core. Much slower then usage, but it works and can be used during day (max 0.007 per day with IS's energy).

3. Overcharging to more than 110% intoxicates Harry. more then 120% - slowly destabilizes core, 130% should be potentially dangerous (not tested). Should start charging daily at 108%.

4. Overcharging with IS's energy brings better results.

5. Decreases energy loses on Pilot-Core-Pilot synchronization if charged with IS energy

6. Harry's core is trying to .. ?compress excessive energy. General improvement of Harry's energy .. ?potency ?quality.

7. Strange signature in scar is siphoning Harry's energy and can't do anything to IS's energy. Signature is better visible while core is in overcharge.

Harry is still keeping partial deployment – good boy. Will be helping with what I can.

Where is Tabane?

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 28

This time double reboot. What I encountered this time?

"Report for later" №183

Charging IS core with more potent energy of supposedly biological origins slowly improves potency of energy generated by IS core, effect is constant.

Higher potency increases effectiveness of ECG and Energy Shield. Investigating other uses.

-Report saved.-

-fatal error #000001FFA8D5. reboot-

Sage. Privet Drive 4. July, 30

Morning report on recent events and observations:

1. Constant use of gauntlets boosted Harry's synchronization with IS core. Looks like he is reaching point where he can control IS core and main functions directly without my help. Harry should acquire full sync before September, however still longer than anticipated. Initiating 1st Shift. Switching all AI-to-Pilot functions to IS neural interface. 2nd Shift approximately in a year.

2. Current secondary core power level is 14.51PU. Energy potency is 0.14% higher then 3 days ago, and 6 to 7 times higher then IS energy potency. Energy generated by IS core is 0.015% more potent.

3. 10 days long Energy flexibility test results: Harry's energy is extremely flexible, beyond my measuring capabilities.

4. According to energy traces, Harry's core is forming some kind of energy channel directly to IS core. Investigating.

5. Harry's sub core recharge rate can vary, depends on: locations, hunger, tiredness, mental state, damage to body.

6. Sleep time reduced to 6 hours.

7. Finished personality matrix evaluation. Detailed report in Maintenance folder.

8. Moved Sensory function to IS neural interface.

-Report saved.-

Looks like I finally done with changing limits and statements in my personality matrix. Titanic work, but there should be no more reboots caused by anything related to Harry's core. Created few protocols for faster reboots, memory dumps and safer logging, just in case.

Was that letter brought by owl? And what's wrong with letter's energy readings?

Harry Potter. Privet Drive 4. July, 30

For Harry Potter, it was an interesting day.

He received even more strange letters today, but this time through windows. The owls would simply fly in and drop them where ever they pleased.

Again he was not able to get even one. For some reason any attempt to catch them failed, like they were evading Harry's hands. When he tried to filch one using IS as he did with food, he got weird error message "Safeguard: Unknown energy structures, objects with unknown energy structures or energy unstable objects can't be quantum stored without preliminary scanning, blueprints or special containers".

Of course Uncle Vernon destroyed all letters once more.

Few hours later Harry Potter became aware of some kind of image or sound. It bordered on the edge of his awareness, an itch not being able to scratch. Whatever it was, it felt similar to an IS status? After a bit of concentration, he manage dot decipher it;

Deployment: 4%

Main energy storage: 120/120

Secondary storage: 15.67/14.51

Shield: offline/5(max 40+8)

Sensors: working

ECG: Offline

Quantum storage: On standby

Network connection: Warning! Out of range!

Equalizers: not installed, 10 slots.

Form: 1st Shift

Other systems are not deployed.

That evening, Harry Potter was reading new guide on "IS Neural Control Systems" and "Neural Controlled Semi-Automated Energy Distribution" without even opening his eyes, late into the night.

Harry Potter. On the way to Leaky Cauldron. July, 31.

Harry still wasn't sure should he be happy or scared. Of course today boy received his second present in his whole life. Harry got to listen about his parents and figured that wizards exist and Harry himself is a wizard. With that, the possibility of leaving Dursleys forever was high.

The reasons he was scared however was related to IS. 'Muggle' devices don't work in Hogwarts or other magical places. That means Harry's IS might not work there or get damaged. Obviously not something he wanted.

What he wanted, was to be normal either in normal world or wizarding world. Being normal in mundane world despite label of the first and only male IS pilot seems to be a hard task. "Next to impossible, since I'm also a wizard." But being a wizard and trying to hide IS at the same time? Would he prefer being a pilot or being a wizard? Thinking of it this way, Harry definitely doesn't want to lose the IS's ability to fly, but how wizards will react to IS? Judging by Hagrid's example, they know nothing of technology. It doesn't look like they are providing normal education either. There was an option of trying both. But will he be able to leave wizarding world? Will there be possibility to continue mundane education?

There are simply too many questions and Hagrid doesn't look like competent information source. Perhaps Harry should write back to this Dumbledore or McGonagall and ask a couple of questions? Most likely it is possible to cancel enrollment in case something is not up Harry's expectations.

The Wizarding World itself is raising questions. As stated in 'Programming your co-processor', 'each action has a result, each result is an consequence of an action, so every action should have a reason'. So, why was Hagrid sent instead of someone more capable? And why so late? Why so many letters and in a strange manner? In case Harry was already accepted to school, why wait for the owl and who could have enrolled him in first place?

Furthermore there was fact that Dumbledore put Harry with Dursleys and McGonagall wrote a letter with the address mentioning cupboard. Was that normal for wizards to live in cupboards?

Since Harry was already on the way to 'Diagonal alley' he decided that best course of actions was to see what he will be getting himself into first. He has two different options available. There was one now which was suspicious and meant no or limited IS use, and one further down the track in four or five years that meant a lot of hard work and most likely unwanted popularity. Harry had a lot of things to think about.

Harry Potter. Diagonal Alley. July, 31.

The visit to Gringots was full of surprises for Harry Potter. From the moment he walked into the bank, he was rendered speechless. Everything from the goblins to the gigantic vaults were amazing. Well, maybe having a huge and full vault was less of a surprise, but more of a shock. IS's was most helpful providing Vault's total estimate value as 25K galleons based on total mass after a quick scan and it also rised the priority on acquiring a book on financial management and laws.

After Gringots, the most noticeable locations was the bookstore Flourish and Blotts and Olivander's, a wand-making shop.

While spending some time in Flourish and Blotts, Harry was originally going to buy only listed amount of books, but after seeing books on 'Enchanting Muggle Machines' and 'The Containing of Magical Energies' an idea popped in his head.

'Might as well help me with shielding IS, I wonder what else I could find that might be useful.' he thought quickly.

Following that train of thought, Harry decided that he might find a use for 'Various Method's of Flying', 'Golems, Is It Really That Simple?', 'Enchanting Armor and Weapons' and 'Everyday Charms'. Thinking back a bit more and remembering last month, Harry decided that he might as well start learning as much as he could since there will be no Dudley in Hogwarts, or if he didn't have the time, he could scan all reading material in case he decides to learn magic at home. Pulling more books off the shelves on as many subjects that jumped out at him, he could only smile.

Harry Potter. Ollivanders Wand Shop. July, 31.

If there was one thing he decided on, it was that Olivander's place was creepy, just like it's owner.

-"Good afternoon" - someone said quietly as he entered.

Harry jumped up where he stood, clearly surprised at the seemingly hidden voice. He was used to sensing any approaching danger and to naturally be sneaky so he wasn't noticed, but having the same done back to him was chilling. Looking behind him, he found that Hagrid was also taken by surprise, the chair underneath him cracking under the sudden change of weight.

-"Hello" - Harry uttered awkward to an elder man with glowing whitish eyes who had entered the room holding a long slim box.

- "Ah yes. Yes. Of course. Hello. I though that I would be seeing you soon Mr Potter. You know, you have your mother's eyes. I remember her coming for her wand as it was yesterday. 10 inches with quarter, Ivy. Best wand for charms."

"Notification: directed unknown energy radiation, source unknown"

He moved closer to Harry, his silver eyes starting directly into his green emerald ones, creeping Harry even more as he moved closer.

-"Your father on the other hand, he selected a wand made from Redwood. 11 inches, flexible. Powerful and irreplaceable for Transfiguration.

Ah, what am I saying – He selected? Of course that is incorrect young man. You see, it is the wand that is selecting the wizard."

"Warning: unauthorized surface scanning of secondary core detected"

He moved even closer to Harry. Clouded silvery eyes seemed to look through nervous boy as if he was not there.

-"And here…"

Moving closer still, Ollivander touched Harry's scar softly with his hand, causing him to wince slightly.

-"I'm sorry, but I'm the one who sold wand to the person that did this..."- he said softly. - "13.5 inches. Yew. Very strong wand, very strong, and it was in wrong hands… if I only could know what it would do…"

Shaking his head sadly and silently, he moved past the boy to address the other larger man in the room.

-"Rubeus! Rubeus Hagrid! What an pleasant surprise… Oak, 16 inches, supple, isn't it?"

-"It is sir, it is"

-"That was a good wand, good. But I assume it was broken when you were expelled from school?"

-"Erm… yes sir, it was broken sir, but I still keep the halves."

-"Of course... you are not using it anymore?"

-"No sir, no. How can I?"

Turning around to watch the two, Harry noticed that Hagrid's grip on his umbrella was getting stronger. As if nothing happened between the two, the old man turned around and gestured for his hand.

-"Well, Mr. Potter. Let's see. Which hand is your wand-hand?"

-"Erm, I'm right-handed.." - said Harry.

-"Your hand please. Like this."

Objects and measuring tapes flew around him opening and closing in a whirlwind of activity.

-"Each and every one of Olivander's wands contains strong magical substance, Mr. Potter. Usually those are unicorn's hair, phoenixes' feathers and dragon heartstrings. Just as there is no two identical unicorns, phoenixes or dragons, there are no identical Olivander's wands. And of course if you take wand from other wizard, result will be different."

As Ollivander walked away towards the rows and coloumns of shelves, the scale haphazardly bumped into Harry as it continued to measure.


No later than the old man's voice rang out that the scale fell to the floor.

-"Well Mr. Potter lets start with this one. Beech, dragon heart string. 10 inches. Take it."

As soon as Harry took wand is his hand.

"Warning: unknown device attempting connection"

-"Wave it, don't just watch at it."

Harry waved his hand and some kind of force impacted the nearby boxes leaving an indented mark.

"Notification: external ECG detected, assigning port name E-ECG0; unknown energy channel detected, assigning name EC73; port E-ECG0 is connected to secondary core via EC73."

"Warning: software and hardware update for use of E-ECG0 is needed"

"E-ECG0: Effectively 4%/16% Main/Secondary core, maximum power 0.72PU"

-"Hmmm. May be this one?"

"E-ECG0: Effectively 8%/25% Main/Secondary core, maximum power 0.76PU"

Apparently result was better, but still not fitting enough for Ollivander.

-"No good? Let's try this one: 7 inches. Expect a pleasant recoil. Try it…"

Harry couldn't even give it a wave before Ollivander took the wand back from his hand.

"Warning: E-ECG0 is unstable"

-"No this won't do, let's try another one."

"E-ECG0: Effectively 7%/26% Main/Secondary core, maximum power 0.64PU"

Harry was checking one wand after another and all wand's he checked were below 70% for him, with none being higher then 60% for IS core. Soon, a bundle of rare wands around 50-60% both characteristics and more then 1PU were placed to the side. Ollivander seemed quite happy with the result.

-"Tricky customer, eh? Don't worry, we will find you a fitting wand. Interesting… That's unusual combination, but we can try. The holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, obedient, resilient."

Harry took the wand in hand and felt heat run down through his fingers.

"Notification: unknown energy channel detected, assigning name EC74; unknown energy medium detected, registering as MD5, connected via EC74"

"Warning: E-ECG0 link connected through MD5"

"E-ECG0: MD5 working as converter; effectively 14%/96% Main/Secondary core, maximum power 1.7PU"

Harry raised wand above his head, then lowered with a whistle as bright golden, velvet blue and blood red sparks left the wand, harry clutching his head as his mind went blurry.



"Alert: critical instability detected in secondary core, discarding energy package (2PU)"

At this point Harry felt a rush of energy through his scar towards his hand, however the pain was gone as soon as it had come. Looking down at the wand in his hand, he found that it had started hissing and smoking.

"Alert: attempt to block energy channel EC74 to MD5 failed, logged for later maintenance; MD5 is malfunctioning and causes core instability, please replace, repair or remove MD5 device"

"Warning: ECG connected to E-ECG0 port is destroyed, please remove or replace external ECG device"

-"Strange. Never before have I seen a wand die this way. Strange and peculiar." muttered Ollivander as he stared into the deep green eyes of the wandholder.

-"Oh, I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional."

-"You shouldn't worry, Mr. Potter. I never expected this myself, but should have. You see Mr. Potter, I remember every wand I've ever sold. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail's feather resides in wand you destroyed gave another feather... just one other. For it belonged to the wand which gave you your scar."

-"And who owned that wand?"

-"We do not speak his name! The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why. It just so happens that wand you just destroyed and wand of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named are brothers. Also the fact that you were able to burn this wand out of sheer reflex shows how powerful you are. Hmmm. I don't think I have anything strong or resistant enough in my possession. Not at the moment, at any rate."

-"So I can't find matching wand here?"

-"You may be correct Mr. Potter. I don't know what to offer you… Perhaps we can make a custom one, but it will take at least 2 month just for wand itself, as components may be harder to find and no doubt be very expensive."

-"But Harry need to be in Hogwarts in a month. He can't go without wand!"

-"Mr. Rebeus, you should not worry. I'm not sure how, but Mr. Potter here separated few wands which are both fitting enough for first year spells and powerful to survive for some time."

Quickly browsing the wands to the side, Harry picked up the one that felt the lightest in his grip.

-"I will take this one. How much for it and the one I destroyed, and if you can, how much for the custom wand if I choose to accept?"

-"This one is 6 galleons. Don't worry about Phoenix wand, it was my mistake. And around 25 for custom work, and you will have to return this one, so 19. Trust me, Mr. Potter, a custom wand should allow you to open your full potential and won't die from overload."

-"Ok, let's do custom wand. Do you need something from me?"

-"Just a few samples actually. Follow me please."

Sage. Location unknown, time unknown.

...Loader report: "24 hours of memory reverted, 24 hour of memory saved to log"

Oh that was bad. Not only I lost some memory, I lost track of time and location.

Let's see.

According to log headers, first critical reboot was at Harry's birthday, caused by Hagrid 's actions. Report specifies 'biological energy manipulations'? At least this one is processed.

Second reboot was caused by object 'Bar; Leaky Cauldron' which was marked on map as 'power plant', where I managed to shield Harry from mass of mobs. It seems my active shield somehow made the mob participants very excited. Detected some activity from the object "scar", but most of sensors were blinded by surroundings, so precise recordings are not avaliable. Again, fully processed.

Third reboot was caused by object 'Wall' and that was not hard light or pseudo-matter. Strange and not processed.

Why was I attempting to send 'first contact' package via all available radio and quantum ports?

Forth reboot activated emergency stability system and since military protocols were in use, I kept working, but was writing down most of the information instead of analyzing it. Why did I activate military protocols? As soon as I military mode was deactivated, I got unexpected 24h rollback.

At least partial deployment was up 24/7 and I have a video feed and full log dumps. Before watching it I will have to modify my Personality Matrix even more. 'Impossible is possible' statement in the 'Base Energy Research' sub matrix and few others should do the trick until more stable environment can be attained. Alternatives include adding new statement for 'Magic and then leaving it as 'unknown'? Will have to decide on the go.


1. Update personality Matrix

2. Time and location

3. Analyze video feed and 24h memory log

4. Scan and analyze biological ECG.

Biological ECG? Better start with first position before continuing with the list or with scan on surroundings or I may incidentally find something to cause more reboots.

Why Tabane is not acting?

Diagon Alley, Ollivanders shop, August, 3.

-"Hello, Garrick. How are you today?"

-"Albus. What a 'pleasant surprise'. I believe you are here to ask me about Mr. Potter."

-"As direct with me as always I see. But you are correct. Did the wand you made for young Harry choose him?"

-"Yes and no, Albus. Yes and no."

-"Something went wrong?"

-"The moment wand tried to bond, Mr. Potter destroyed it."

-"Why would Harry do such thing, and more importantly, how?"

-"Mr. Potter's magical center went out of control causing him pain. Then Mr. Potter somehow produced pulse which fried the wand from inside. I still don't understand what exactly I saw. Energy was focused long before it entered wand, not gathered by it"

-"Focused pulse of such power with unstable center and without a wand? Should be impossible. Even for adult with stable magic! Are you sure?!"

-"Of course not. It was what I saw, but as I said, I can not understand it."

-"Did you find reason for the eruption?"

-"Harry Potter is in process of forming familiar bond, looks to be the forth or fifth month of the bond in terms of progression.. Don't ask me, I don't know what it is and not even sure if it was with him. What I do know is that I never saw anything like it and in terms of raw power it's probably much stronger than your phoenix."

-"How you missed it then? Such powerful creature should leave readable traces or ambient magic. Or atleast it should be visible to your sight. Did Harry provide you with any part for a wand?"

-"Everything is much more complex then you think, Albus. I noticed energy leaking into Potter's magical center only after asking for his own energy sample. Same thing with familiar bond. Energy is appearing from nowhere and the bond is focused inwardly. It's first time I have ever seen anything like this."

-"Can you say anything useful about the familiars energy?"

-"It should be intelligent, strong and overprotective. Probably can use magic. Main aspects are Steel, Void, Speed, Evolution and Protection, possibly more. Those are just what I could recognise and understand."

Dumbledore frowned in concern at the new information as he walked around the room, coming to a stop where Harry was standing earlier.

-"Did you miss life aspect?"

-"No, it may have few more aspects, but it clearly has no life or death. Of any amount, mind you."

Bringing his hand up to his forehead, Dumbledore's closed eyes in thought.

"What kind of beast can be nor alive, nor dead? Even the chimeras of old, mythical beasts from other worlds and necromancer constructs had either life or death carved into their being in some respect. Void? Items with Void aspect are extremely rare and dangerous, the beasts that wield Void even rarer since our world has no Void of its own. What could it be?"

At least he had few years to research it and prevent the bond from fully forming, just in case. His own bond with Flawkes took almost 3 years to form and then an additional 5 more years to finalize. For an 11-year old boy, such a powerful companion should take even longer. Still there was question of other aspects. Ollivander was wand maker with decades of experience and was one of the most proficient people in the world with wand aspects, so simply missing something was out of the question.

-"And what do you mean you could not understand an aspect?"

-"Never encountered them before, at least one more main aspect, and a dozen or so secondary aspects. That's the reason I can't use any of it's parts as focus. It was also why I never asked for them. By the way, do you know, where I can get some "live metal" or "quartz root"?"

"Something out of our realm then, then Void makes sense. Will need to visit few friends and borrow few books." Such creatures were rare, if anything. -"I may have a contact you need, Garrik. I will ask him. Anything else?"

-"Nothing important right not now. Hm, actually this might peek up you interest. Our young charge, Mr. Potter, somehow selected most fitting wand for both himself and his familiar without my help. He was not using Mage Sight or any artifacts I know of."

-"How curious. If that's all you can tell, I will take my leave… Ah, did you asked Harry, what his familiar is?"

-"He asked me, what is familiar. And said that today is his first day of seeing or hearing about magic. At that revelation I felt relief. I think I would rather not see that familiar and certainly don't want to get on it's bad side."

"Just one more reason to prevent bond from forming" thought Albus Dumbledore as he headed to the door.

-"I see. Thank you for you help, Garrick."

-"Be well, Albus. And stop playing your games with Mr. Potter, it will not end well."

-"I can't Garrick. I can't. It is for Greater Good." replied Albus as he stepped into the fireplace.

-"Oh, did I mention that Mr Potter's bindings were removed and magical center was constantly on overcharge?" said Ollivander with a hint of mirth in his voice.