The darkness melted away as my eyes fluttered open. Disoriented, I have no clue where I am. Suddenly in a flash I remember the events of the previous night. As I try to get up, I tumble back to the ground and become aware of the chains binding my wrists to the wall. Sighing in despair, I give up and lean back against the cold stone wall, taking in my surroundings. The atmosphere around me is damp and the thick, black darkness surrounds me, making it impossible to see. I must be in some sort of dungeon. My curiosity left me as soon as it came, and was replaced with a wave of sadness.

Would I ever see my family again? Was everyone even alive after the attack last night? I had to say, Bill and Fleur's wedding didn't end up remotely how I had pictured it. The day they had been dreaming of for all this time and it ends with evil wizards attacking and the family being scattered to the winds. Mum must be worried sick about me.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I miss my family. Normally I'm not one to get homesick, but I guess hostile kidnapping changes your mind pretty quickly. Suddenly, light flooded a corner of the room, and heavy footsteps came thudding down the stairs. A tall, lean figure stood in the doorway though I couldn't make out his face.

"Well…Well…Well, Look who we have here. If it isn't Genevieve Weasley." Spoke the unmistakable drawl of Draco Malfoy.

"I should have known you would be here." I said in utter disgust.

"And what in Merlin's name is that supposed to mean? You sound as if you aren't ecstatic to see me." He replied with a smirk, stepping into the light. For a moment I was almost happy to see a familiar face.

"I wouldn't use the word ecstatic, perhaps disheartened, or maybe repulsed would be more appropriate." I sneered.

"I would watch the sarcastic tone, if I were you. Though I'm not the one chained to a wall, with my life hanging in the balance, now am I?"

"Oh I may just die of laughter. You're so witty Draco. I don't know how I stand it. Now, I can't help but wonder why you're here. I know it isn't to help me, and that leads me to assume that your purpose is to gloat."

"You would be correct in your assumption. Or at least that was my intention, but seeing you like this changes my mind. I can't help but feel sorry for you, but then I remember your surname and any pity I have within my body simply melts away." He smiled, his eyes glinting with the power he thought he held over me.

"That is where you are wrong Draco, for it is I that pities you."

"Why ever would you pity me? I have everything, I always have, and you, you never w..."

"But I have known love, and family, the amount of caring that would cause you to give up everything for someone. Those are things you have never felt." I interrupted in a level tone.

"My parents love me, we are a family. You're wrong." I could hear the emotion in his voice rising.

"You think they love you, and I'm sure they think they love you, but it is selfish love. It is a love that grew out of personal gain. If your father truly, selflessly loved you, would he have put his own… agendas ahead of you? Would he have used you to further himself among the ranks of the dark lord? Would he have fought harder when he got caught?" I asked.

"Stop! You have no clue what you're talking about! My father loves me. So does my mother. They love me! You don't know anything! They just show their love differently." He shouted, his voice cracking with emotion as he tried desperately to hold it together.

"Don't you think it's time you finally see what is right in front of you? I can't say I know what you went through last year, but don't think I didn't see you. I saw the dark circles beneath your eyes. I saw the pallor of your skin. I even heard you crying in the astronomy tower one night, but I didn't say anything, because I knew no matter how hard whatever you were doing was, and no matter how much you needed someone to talk to, you needed your pride more."

"I SAID SHUT UP! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!" he screamed as he crossed the room in a few quick strides and embedded his fingers in my fiery red hair, pulling my face to look at his. His eyes were bloodshot and welled with unshed tears, and the dark circles were even more prominent than the last time I saw him. He was thin and pale. I could feel his exhaustion as if it were my own. He stared into my eyes, and it was like I could see his soul. Suddenly my world went spinning, and my eye felt like it would explode, as he slapped me across the cheek.

I collected myself for a few moments and looked back at him. He had backed up from me and was turned away, running his hands through his platinum blond locks.

"You're angry…" I started.

"You're bloody right I'm angry. Wouldn't you be if some filthy blood traitor swooped in and pretended to understand you." He spat.

"No, you're angry because you know that I am right. Draco, you can't keep running. You can't keep pretending that everything that happens around you isn't actually happening. This isn't a dream, Draco, you can't just wake up from reality."

"Don't you 'Draco' me. You've always called me Malfoy why start being familiar now. I mean after all, you won't be making it out alive."

"Draco please, don't do this." I pleaded.

"Do what?" he asked, as he placed his wand at my jugular. "Let them kill you? I could always just do it myself. In fact everybody upstairs would be right proud."

"You care more than that. You aren't like them. You are a human being, not a soulless, cold blooded, killer. I'm not saying you couldn't kill me, but I don't think you would." I choked out, as fear took hold of my body, all of my muscles tensed and my mouth went bone dry.

"You don't know what I am capable of. I could easily kill you, all it takes is just two words…" He said, with a look on his face that I could decipher, a look of contemplation, perhaps. "…But why would I kill you when my dear aunt Bellatrix has been dying to practice her methods of torture."

"Draco, please, you don't have to do this."

"What would you suggest I do? If I don't continue serving him, he will not only kill me, but he'll kill my mother. I have to protect them."

"There has to be another way. Think of my family, if you kill me, it will kill them. Don't subject them to that. Leave me alive if only to prevent them pain."

"There is no other way." He whispered, as if he truly wished there were another way. "I would give you probably 48 hours before they have no other use for you and… dispose of the problem." He hung his head and exited the room. The light disappeared and I was left. Alone and cold in the dark dungeon. Wishing to be anywhere but there.