This is not a new chapter. I just re-upload this chapter because all the chapters had been grammar fixed thanks to I. AM. Hollow. And finally I'm done with the re-editing. Gosh, I must say I'm glad I don't have to write this story anymore. The perfection is as annoying as I remember because I had to add or subtract a few word to make it 500 words. Anyway, you're welcome to reread the whole thing again if you like. Reviews are welcome. :D

This is it, the end :D Thank you so much for all the reviews, fallows, and favorites this story. I hope it is a satisfying ending.


Word counts: 500

To say that Sesshomaru was not surprised would be a lie, to learn that his not so little anymore ward had developed feelings for him. But what surprised him most was the fact that he did not feel disturbed by the idea as much as he should be.

Rin had grown into a young woman, it was only natural for her to develop feelings and feel attracted toward the opposite gender like any youngling should be, he mused. He just never thought that he would be the subject of her attraction. Not that he minds.

Of course, Sesshomaru had been the subject of many women's desire. With his god-like handsome face, his legal status, his intelligent mind and powerful physical strength, and the way he carries himself with sophistication, he was not surprised to have women falling for him left and right. It had been that way for as long as he could remember. He just never found a woman as attractive as POWER, enough to make him postpone his quest and pursue her instead.

Maybe because he had always been showered with attention, whether he asked for it or not, that he was not surprised to find his ward infatuated with him. After all, he was the closest man to her. Not being bias or self-justifying but he doubted she would find a man who could compare to him in every way. He was the best candidate.

Sesshomaru watched Rin opened the bundle and her eyes lit up in happiness as she admired her new kimono. Her lips broke into a broad grin.

"Thank you, Lord Sesshomaru. You shouldn't have," she thanked him and accidentally met his eyes. Immediately, a blush occupied her cheeks, her eyes quickly averted down. But now he no longer felt angry knowing why she was hiding her gazes from him.

He would let her be.

He had no intention of stopping her nor pursuing her. She was his ward, infatuated with him or not, it would remain that way.

Or so he thought.

But soon he realized that his ward was trying hard to eliminate the adoration as woman toward a man with him. She had tried hard to be her normal self, tried not to blush in his presence. Sesshomaru was fully aware of her gaze that unconsciously roamed upon him when she thought he was not aware. When realization hit her that she had been gawking at him, she would sadly turn her gaze aside and heave a gentle sigh before determination would fill her eyes. At first he pondered what that determination was for, but soon he realized, it was to stop her feelings for him.

Good luck with that.

He knew she would not be able to stop the fire of infatuation with him. Not when he constantly reminded her of his presence; just enough to have her mind full with thoughts of him.

It's strange how it unsettled him thinking that she would no longer be interested in him.


This is the end for now. If, I mean IF I feel like writing this story again in the future, I will come back to it. Until then, take care, :D

Tuesday, January 4th, 2014