Disclaimer: I don't own Jessie.


"So you honestly believe that you went back in time to where Luke and I were little?" Emma said skeptically.

"That's right," Morgan replied. "Ravi and Zuri weren't even here half the time!"

"I'd never been happier." Bertram grumbled.

"I'm sorry, Bertram, did you say something?" Christina asked.

"Oh, no ma'am, I just - um..." Bertram became very interested in dusting the mantle.

"Well, I am glad to be back," Ravi commented, giving his mom a hug.

Luke smirked. "I bet I** was an adorable baby."

"You sure were," Christina told him, pinching his cheeks.

"Yeah..." Jessie added, "until you sprayed me with homemade lemonade!"

"I made lemonade?!" Luke said excitedly. "Man, I was one smart baby!"

Zuri hit her brother on the head. "Jessie means you peed on her!" she hissed.

There was an uncomfortable pause.

"I did?" Luke said awkwardly. Jessie nodded.

"Idiot." Emma rolled her eyes.

Ravi, eager to change the subject, looked around. "Where is Bertram?" he wondered aloud.

Ding! The elevator door opened and out stepped Bertram.

"It didn't work," he pouted.

"What didn't work?" Emma asked the question on behalf of everyone in the room.

"I wanted to be younger again." Bertram sobbed into his large hands.

Everyone laughed.

The End