My official second story! Please R&R! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Jessie.

Jessie Prescott was enjoying a relaxing Saturday afternoon on the terrace. She was listening to some music while reading a magazine, eating a small snack of chocolate chip cookies.
All four of the kids were in their rooms.
Emma was probably texting, designing some kind of fashion item, or doing her nails.
Luke was either watching TV, playing video games, or bouncing in his trampoline bed.
Ravi was doing who knows what: feeding Mrs. Kipling, yoga, or homework.
Zuri was doing one of several things: either having a tea party, entertaining her dolls, or napping.
And Bertram was - no question - napping, watching TV, or eating. Heaven knows - he was probably doing all three.
It was almost a little too peaceful.
"The place sure is quiet," Jessie muttered to herself. Seconds later she heard obnoxious yapping coming from an annoying Chihuahua from the terrace below. Dang, I jinxed it! Jessie thought.
"Ughh," she grumbled. "Mrs. Chesterfield." Jessie grabbed her plate, magazine, and iPhone and went inside.
Jessie settled her cookies, magazine, and iPhone on the coffee table in the living room.
"Jessie," said a soft, youthful, tired-sounding voice from the balcony. "I had a bad dream."
"Oh, sweetie." Jessie put down her magazine. "Why don't you come downstairs and tell me what is was."
Zuri stepped downstairs and sat on Jessie's lap. "I dreamed that Chubby the bear died!"
"Oh, no!" Jessie exclaimed, in pretend shock. "What happened?"
"Chubby was murdered by a big, bad grizzly." Zuri folded her arms.
"What, did he beat the stuffing out of him?" Luke popped into the living room, cracking himself up.
"Where did you come from?" Jessie asked Luke, clearly annoyed for hurting his sister's feelings.
"My room. Duh," Luke sassed.
Rolling her eyes and ignoring Luke, Jessie replied, "Well, Zuri, Chubby the bear is just fine now. Let's think about happy things. Okay?"
"Okay," agreed Zuri. "Can we go to the park today?"
"Sure, sweetie." Jessie set Zuri down and sent her to get her siblings.