Hello everybody! After my last one-shot didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted (but I liked it none the less, seeing as Road got Allen and Lenalee got what she deserved (in short Timcampy^_^), I decided to write this one which I hope is at least a bit serious.

Disclaimer: Nope I don't. If I owned D-gray man, I would probably fill each page with Allen and Road.


She roamed the dank, dark corridors of the Order's headquarters shivering as the unexplainable innate coldness of the place seemed to chill her to the bones. It had been at least a month since she had been transferred here and yet she could not fully shrug off the strange feeling this place seemed to emit.

As she turned a corner, she was greeted by 'that girl'. "Hi, Lou Fa!" said Lenalee cheerily not noticing how much her very presence seemed to initiate waves of hatred from the bespectacled girl and …no, not jealousy. That part of Lou Fa's feelings were reserved only for one person. 'How can she stand this place?' thought Lou Fa as she hid her features behind a perfectly sculpted mask and smiled back at Lenalee whose hair, she noticed seemed to have almost grown back to their former length before the encounter with the Level 3. 'She looks prettier now. Will he….? No, he probably won't." thought Lou Fa and returned Lenalee's smile and greeting although there was a lot less heart returned than Lenalee had put in it. 'Or maybe she thinks of me the same way as I think of her' mused Lou Fa. The thought bought a smile to her face and was immediately noticed by Lenalee, who smiled right back at her.

"Let's go to the dining hall, Lou Fa. Allen ought to be back from his mission now." She said and skipped forward. At the mention of Allen's name, Lou Fa's heart sped up and thoughts like 'Naïve little bitch. She probably doesn't' were banished from her mind as her whole being was occupied by images of said white-haired angel. "Come on, Lou Fa!" cried Lenalee. Lou Fa's train of thoughts derailed, she looked up to see Lenalee already a good ten feet forward. 'Oh no, you don't.' she thought as she took off in a sprint. 'I'm the one who gets to greet Allen first' she thought.

As Lou Fa raced through the passage leading to the dining hall, she couldn't stop her thoughts from drifting to her memories of the white haired exorcist her heart seemed to revolve around. Her breathing impossibly got a little faster as she thought of the feelings that had arisen in her heart on seeing him for the first time at the Asian Branch. How he had managed to look so broken yet so strong she still couldn't figure out for the life of her. In that instant she had lost her heart…nay, her whole being to that broken angel.

At first, she thought that there was a chance that she too might capture his heart. But, as time passed, she noticed that he seemed to keep his heart locked away someplace. No matter what she did, nothing seemed to come her way except that ever-present smile and a "Thank you!". Then came that time when Fou had baited him by posing as herself. Ohhhh! How she hated that petite guardian deity for spending seemingly special moments with Allen! But, that day she had learned that she was not going to be anything special to Allen. No. Nothing more than a friend. No matter how much hints Fou had dropped, on the assumption that Allen might be taken with Lou Fa too, she might have as well dropped them to a brick wall. Again there was that damned wall that he seemed to have built around his heart!

Lost as she was in her train of thoughts, Lou Fa stumbled, as expected when one is too distracted when sprinting through dark passageways and fell face first into the dining hall. Well, almost. Just before she hit the floor she saw a blur of white flash at the edge of her vision and felt strong hands grab her. "Allen!" was the only thought that came to her mind as she felt herself being lifted up, almost as if in a dream.

"Hey, are you alright?" came a coarse voice, shattering her dreams. She looked up, stunned to see that Lavi was the one who had caught her. Allen was just behind Lavi, rubbing the back of his head, wearing a sheepish smile. "You caught her before I did. Good job, Lavi." said Allen. She snatched herself out of the damned Bookman junior's grasp and righted herself, every pore of her body burning with hatred for the redhead.

She, who already knew she couldn't have Allen was deprived even of the simple pleasure of being held in his heavenly arms by this damned monster. Yes! Monster! That was what he was! Compared to Allen, that would be what everybody else would be! She calmed herself and smiled at Lavi, through all of her hatred and said "Ohhh! That was close. Thank you, Lavi!". "Nah! Don't mention it." He said, wearing that smug smile of his. How she wished she could wipe it off his face in that instant!

"Are you all right, Lou Fa?" came a voice tearing through the dark night of her thoughts like beams of pure sunshine. "Well," she thought, heart soaring, "Atleast, he noticed me." "I'm okay, Allen" she said smiling, eyes greedily, yet subtly drinking in every inch of his being, his snow white hair, his gorgeous body, the scar running down his face that only seemed to add to his beauty…yes! That was what Allen was! He was more than handsome; he was divinely beautiful.

Unconsciously, she moved closer to him. Then she abruptly stopped, trying to keep her smile from disappearing from her face and her happiness from running down the gutters. That smell! That damned smell! Something extremely subtle, almost indistinguishable from Allen's own divine scent, but still there; so faint, so faint that only she who was completely, wholly obsessed with Allen could be the only one to notice it. The smell of candy.

Then, she looked into his eyes and saw that they were lighter than usual, a testimony to his joy. "Well…How was your mission Allen?" asked Lenalee. Before Allen could answer, Lavi said "It went pretty well. We managed to recover the innocence, although honestly it was a close shave" wiping his forehead. "We ran into Road." Lenalee let out an involuntary gasp at that, while Lou Fa struggled to keep her face stoic.

"Allen managed to distract her and led her on a merry chase through a nearby forest while I took care of the Akuma and grabbed the innocence. Then, a little while later, Allen came rushing back, saying that he managed to shake Road off. So we made a run for it and here we are." he said grinning. So that's what he's so happy about thought Lou Fa, involuntarily clenching her fists.

They all made their way to a table, Allen carrying his usual superhuman amount of food, which he started wolfing down as soon as his butt touched the bench. Lavi continued chatting away to nobody in particular, while Lenalee ate her fare quietly and I watched Allen eat with my hurt heart in my eyes. "Downright lucky! That's what we were. Good thing we weren't caught by that sadistic perverted little…" Nobody except Lou Fa noticed Allen's hands momentarily clench on the fork that he was holding and the frown that crossed his features , as brief as a flicker, only to be replaced by his customary smile.

Allen finished his food faster than usual, and got some candy from Jerry which he stashed away in his pocket while nobody was looking. Atleast that was what he thought. He failed to notice one pair of eyes following his every move. "So that's how it is, eh Allen?" thought Lou Fa "But a poor substitute for the original". She felt jealousy well up in her at the thought of Road kissing Allen and she wished with all her hatred and jealousy for the candy loving Noah to die, but not with all her heart, for though she hated Road for having taken Allen, she knew that Road must be very, very special to Allen and it would kill Allen's heart if something were to happen to Road.

Fate was cruel. She could never be Road nor could she hope to take Road's place. But she would be who she was. Lou Fa, the bespectacled girl, always loving Allen from the shadows, hoping with her breaking heart for one truly loving glance from her angel.

Well, that's that. Pease read and review. Tell me how it was. Constructive criticisms appreciated. Flames welcome.

Once again PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW! I love reviews almost as much as Road loves candy *gives you Tamaki- senpai's super specialized, copyrighted Puppy eyes*