So here it is the longest and LAST chapter! Thank you to the four of you who kept reading & reviewing! Much appreciated! And hopefully the lines show up this time…

Chapter 5

He surprised Morgan by coming back into the room so early.

"Hey, there, sweet cheeks, what were you planning?" he asked.

"Is that a trick question?" Morgan asked. And he slapped her again.

"You know what; I'm tired of these games. We're going to do this now, and we're going to do it better." He got on top of her and started kissing her again. He started with her mouth, but worked his way down her neck and to her collarbone. Morgan squirmed. She was trying to figure out a way to get herself out of this one when they heard the door being opened and footsteps. There's no way he has help, right? Morgan thought to herself.

Cole never stopped kissing her, though, and as he started working open her blouse again, she felt something cold on her cheek. His gun.

"Scream and I kill you." He mumbled in between kisses.

Brass and Russell were the first to enter the house since their back up hadn't arrived yet due to an incident on the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. They were followed closely by Greg. They forced Ecklie to stay outside as they knew he would lose control. Brass, Russell, and Greg cleared the downstairs rooms, and were heading upstairs until they heard gunshots coming from outside. Russell and Brass looked out the nearest window and saw the rest of the gang approaching the car that was Ecklie's cover.

Russell jerked his head upstairs, willing Greg to move forward, without him or Brass. They had no choice but to leave Greg alone. Ecklie needed help.

Greg slowly walked up the stairs, after clearing the first rooms on the right and the left; he slowly opened the second door on the right. That's when he saw her, with Cole on top of her…kissing her. He was infuriated and for a second there, he thought he was going to lose control. He kept replaying those words that Russell had screamed at him earlier and they were the only thing keeping him calm. Especially after seeing not only what he was doing to Morgan, but what he had already done. When Morgan finally opened her eyes back up, she gasped at the sight of him. It was about to go down.

I must be hallucinating, trying to take myself away from this place by any means necessary…At least, that's what she thought until Greg spoke.


She felt Cole chuckle against her skin. "Well, well, well, it's about time you worthless little rat."

"Let her go, Cole. This is between you and me." Greg still had the gun pointed at him.

"Ah, ah, ah. Since I was almost between her, I think she's involved now, don't you?" he leant over to kiss her again. This time, he went down the other side of her neck to her other collarbone, not taking his peripheral vision off of Greg. Morgan squirmed again. She regretted it, but she couldn't control it. She hated how he was all over her. Greg cocked his gun again.

"You might not want to do that lover boy." Cole leaned up and Greg saw the gun pointed directly at Morgan's cheek.

"What do you want?" Greg snapped.

"I want you to know how much I suffered when you killed him. Only, I found something better. You love her, I know it. I've been watching the two of you for a while now. And I came up with this brilliant plan. If I do to her, what you want to do to her, you'll never want to do it with her again; and that would be one of the most painful things of all. To barely be able to look at the person you love knowing what was done to them and that they'll never be the same." He stroked Morgan's cheek with his left hand and she winced.

"You're sick." Was all Greg managed to choke out.

"I've been called worse."

"By Demetrius?" Greg asked.

Cole laughed, "No, by jailbirds. Nice try, though. Close and lock the door."

"No." Greg snapped and Cole cocked his gun.

"Now." Cole said.

"And if I don't?" Greg asked.

Without hesitation, Cole took a shot at the window by the bed. It sent shards of glass flying the two stories down.

"I am for her next time." He growled.

Greg kicked the door closed, and locked it still keeping dead aim at Cole. Cole moved back a little and yanked open the final buttons of Morgan's blouse revealing her black lace bra. Cole whistled as Morgan gasped and squirmed some more. Greg didn't know how he was even remotely calm. Think, Greg, Think… Greg forced himself not to look at Morgan. Cole still had his gun trained on Morgan's cheek and he was now running his hands up and down Morgan's stomach. When he leaned back to reposition himself, pointing his gun toward the mattress rather than Morgan's cheek, Greg saw his chance and took the shot. His aim was dead on and the front of Cole's shirt started showing signs of blood where the bullet had grazed him. Morgan screamed. Cole turned his body and aimed his gun to shoot at Greg, but Greg was quicker and shot him again, in his right shoulder. Cole dropped his gun and flew backwards to the side of the bed. Before he knew what had hit him, Greg was on him.

"I dare you to move." Greg said, shaking with anger.

Cole kicked Greg in the knee, and he went down.

"I'd rather die than go to jail again!"

Cole got on top of Greg and started throwing punches, but Greg blocked most of them and took his left elbow to Cole's ribs. Then, Greg punched Cole off of him and stood up.

"Not so tough without your gang to back you up, are ya now?" Greg mocked, wiping some of the blood from his face. Cole recovered and came at Greg again, rage taking over his face and turning it to a darker shade of red then Greg didn't even know existed. For a moment, Greg guessed he was on drugs. This time, Greg stepped aside as the punch went past him and he put one to Cole's jaw. Cole gathered himself quicker than Greg expected him to and he landed a punch to the side of Greg's nose. Greg stumbled backwards but came to quick enough to avoid another punch from Cole. Cole's punch ended up going into the wall and Greg grabbed him and threw him onto the floor. Greg now had the upper hand and was on top of Cole throwing as many punches as he could. When he decided that he didn't think Cole could handle any more, he finished with this one.

"And this one's for Morgan." Greg didn't think he had hit him that hard, but Cole was knocked unconscious.

Greg stood up and brushed himself off. His nose and mouth were now bloody from the punches he'd taken but he didn't care. He started working on the rope that held Morgan's left hand to the bed. Soon, but not soon enough, he freed it and went around to the other side of the bed to work on her right hand. Before they both knew it, she was sitting up trying to remove the blood, and buttoning her blouse back up. There was a moment of silence before Morgan began speaking.

"Greg, that was…amazing…"

Greg began secretly thanking Cole for punching him so Morgan couldn't tell he was blushing through the blood.

"I wish I could say it was nothing like in those superhero movies, but…that would be a lie. I'm sorry I didn't figure it out sooner. I could have prevented this." Greg had freed Morgan's right leg. He kept wiping off his face too; he was tired of tasting his own blood.

"Hey! You may not be a superhero, but you're pretty damn good."

"Really? So does that mean we can have the same ending as in the movies?" Greg asked, smiling. Before he knew it, her left leg was free.

"And what kind of ending would that be?" Morgan smiled also.

Greg sat down next to Morgan on the bed, and silently prayed that this would work as he leaned in, and to his surprise, she leaned in too and kissed him back with almost the same pure love and passion; but there was probably a little bit of a thank you in there too.

As the couple walked outside, Greg's arm over Morgan's shoulders, they were greeted by the sight of at least three bodies.

"I guess that's what Cole was doing the last time he walked away from me. Calling for back up." Morgan quivered, and Greg pulled her in closer to him.

That's when all the ambulances and backup arrived. Since Morgan's only injuries were now bruises to her knee and throat, and some slaps across the face, she was given a towel for the blood and released to go home. Greg refused to be taken to the hospital so the medics treated him on scene. When he walked away from the ambulance, he saw Brass discussing why back up was so late. He decided to walk up to Russell.

"Great work, kid."

"Thanks, boss. Um, you too, apparently." Greg replied looking around.

"Brass and I took them by surprise coming out of the house. But, seriously, I'm proud of you. Brass and I didn't give you enough credit. Take as much time as you need, recover, and if you come back to work too soon, I may kill you myself. And I'm trusting you to keep an eye on Morgan, as long as you two can keep it professional at work..." Russell winked, turning around and walking away.

Next thing Greg knew, Ecklie was walking over toward him. Suddenly, he realized his palms were sweating and he was breathing heavily. Stupid nerves…

"Greg." Ecklie said.

Greg wasn't sure how to respond, and all he could come up with was, "Sherriff…"

Ecklie laughed, interrupting him, "Please, call me Ecklie, and why are you nervous? You saved my daughter. I came over here to say thank you. Thank you for keeping your head on straight, thank you for keeping this son of a bitch alive so we could prosecute him, and thank you for piecing it all together so quickly before anything worse could have happened. Russell told me everything you did, and I'm impressed. Congratulations, you now have my respect. And I guess I feel a lot more comfortable putting Morgan in your care now that you've proven you're capable of protecting her." Ecklie stuck out his hand, and Greg shook it.

Why does everyone think I'm that easily taken by my emotions?! And, wait, I didn't have his respect before? How weak did my team think I was? Greg mumbled a "Thank you," before Ecklie turned and walked away. Next thing he knew, Morgan was coming towards him.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," Greg replied.

"You know, for a guy who doesn't use his gun that often, you have a pretty damn good shot…"

Greg couldn't help but laugh, "Thanks. So… um, what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know, I guess I'm going home to try and get cleaned up, and board up that window." She mustered a small smile.

"Do you want any help with that?" Greg offered.

"Actually, I wasn't really looking forward to being alone, so that would be great."

"What about your dad?"

"Some things never change. He has some important work that he needs to get back to, and he has to start the paperwork on these past events. It doesn't matter that I was almost raped, his work always takes precedence."

Greg felt anger stirring inside of him when she said that she was almost raped, and then he remembered that he was almost forced to watch it.

"It's no big deal," Morgan continued, "I'm used to it. And besides, he's not the man I prefer to be with right now…" Morgan smiled and Greg could feel his heart rate beat faster. Once again, he silently cursed his nerves under his breath…

Just then, Greg remembered he had left Doc Robbins stranded. "Hey, I gotta make a call before we head to your place…"

"Oh, that's fine; I'll just wait in the SUV…" Morgan said, seeming a little disappointed, she turned to walk to the vehicle.

Greg sighed and pulled out his cell phone.

"Hello?" Doc Robbins answered.

"Hey, Doc. It's Greg. I'm so sorry I left you stranded. Have you figured out what it is yet?"

"Yeah, I figured it out."

Greg breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, listen, Doc, I feel horrible…" before he could finish, Doc Robbins cut him off.

"Greg, don't worry about it, I heard what happened. News travels fast around here. We're all just glad you found and rescued Morgan. Get those x-rays back to me as soon as you can, but they aren't high priority." Doc hung up on him and Greg smiled, and headed back to the SUV.

"Here we go." Greg said, smiling.

"Hey! Wait!" D.B. yelled, feeling a little bit of déjà vu. He turned to the closest officer, who happened to be the same officer he stole a ride with earlier. The officer took off running before Russell could say a word.

"What am I supposed to do?! Fly?!" Russell yelled.

The End.

Haha! The last two lines sort of came to me at the last second, so I added them… Realistically, I don't think anyone could get up and fight with a gunshot to the right shoulder, but I wanted to write Greg a fight scene. I was thinking about just ending it at the kiss, but as I was editing, I remembered the mysterious object Doc found…which might be a good idea for my next story. What do y'all think? I'm sort of having writers block for another story so ideas would be appreciated! Hope y'all liked it
