Dinner had ended. Taylor was cleaning the kitchen, Thomas had taken Adalyn up to bed, then Erik still sat with his mother, Christine and Zoey at the table. Everyone talked and laughed about some many different things that night. It was nice and was putting new thoughts in Erik's mind. Madeline and Ethan chuckled as Zoey let out a long yawn. "I think it's time we get you to bed." Christine said.

Zoey looked at her mother with heavy eyes and nodded. Christine picked her up and looked at Erik who smiled up at them. "I'll be up in a bit." He said to her. Christine looked a little shocked and smiled anyway then gave he a quick peck before going up the stairs.

Erik looked over to Ethan who smiled as he stood. "I think I'm going to go help Taylor with the dishes." He said leaving Erik alone with Madeline.

A moment after the door shut to the kitchen Erik spoke. "Has he been good to you?" He asked.

Madeline looked at him stunned that he asked, then laughed some. "Yes. He has been very good to me."

Erik smirked. "Good. I'm glad. That's what I hoped for."

There was a long silence. Then Madeline sighed deeply looking at him. "Erik you need to know that I-"

"That you looked for me." Erik finished her sentence.

"How did you-"

"Ethan told me. He found me this morning in Grandfather's study. He told me. Everything." Madeline looked at him somewhat nervous then Erik spoke again. "I was never angry with you Madeline. I want you to know that. I was selfish, and wanted you all to myself. I didn't want to share you with Ethan, but when I saw how happy he made you I didn't want to stand in the way. I left because I thought your life would be easier if I wasn't here."

She smiled at him. "When I agreed to marry Ethan, at first I refused to set a wedding date. I wanted to keep looking for you so that you would be there. I had a dream that on my second wedding day you were standing there, with Ethan. And you took my hand as I reached the front, then when the priest asked who was giving me to Ethan, you were the one to reply. I wanted that. More than anything I wanted that."

"I'm glad you didn't wait." Erik replied and they both laughed.

"What about you Erik?" Madeline asked after a moment.

Erik shrugged. "What about me?"

"Christine," Erik was afraid for a moment of what she was fixing to say. "Is she good to you?"

Erik let out a breath and a laugh. He looked his mother in the eyes and nodded. "She is more than I deserve."

"I'm sure that's not true."

"Oh, it is. Our situation is very unique. Us falling in love, having Zoey, and attempting any kind of normal life is a miracle within itself. Despite the wrong I have done she still loves me, and she stands by me. I never thought that I would have love, and even after I had Christine, I never thought I would have a family. But here we are. I love them both."

Madeline smiled. "Good. This is all I ever wanted for you. For you to have a loving woman who could bring you so much happiness."

Erik smiled at Madeline. "And I should be getting up to that loving woman now." Madeline nodded as he stood.

"I do hope one day you will tell me about this unique situation, Erik. You have become a remarkable man, and I wish to know how you became such. No matter how painful it would be for me to hear it." Madeline said.

Erik nodded. "Perhaps one day." He paused for a moment, then spoke again. "My life was never one without extreme struggle Madeline. I don't say this to hurt you, but only to warn you."

"I know. It doesn't matter though. I am your mother." She smiled some at her words. "If you will have me as such. I want to know you Erik. I want to know every part of the man that you have become, and what led you here. I know that it had to be hard, because all I ever wanted to do was shelter you from a cruel world. When you left I was filled with so much fear, but I knew you would survive somehow. I always knew you were strong."

Erik smirked at her and she smiled back, then he began to walk away. "Goodnight Erik."

Erik stopped at the doorway then turned to look at her. "Goodnight mother."

As Erik exited the room her smile grew in size, and he could have sworn he saw tears in her eyes. Erik looked in on Zoey once he reached the top of the second flight of stairs. She was fast asleep cuddling her new bear. Erik smiled down at her then kissed her head before turning out the light. He shut the door and walked across to his room to find Christine sitting on the bed in her night gown. She smiled at him. "Well?" She asked.

He shrugged as he shut the door. "Well, what?" He replied taking off his jacket as he walked across the room and lay it on the couch.

"You know what." Christine said still smiling. "You have that look in your eye."

Erik sighed. Still smiling he removed his mask and set it on the side table then looked at Christine. "I think we should change our plans."

She nodded. "I thought you were going to say that. What happened down there?"

"I talked to her. I told her that I knew what she did after I left. Then she told me that she wants to get to know me. She wants to know about my past. She wants to know everything." He slowly lost his smile.

Christine could see his mind begin to race. "Erik, don't do that to yourself."

"Do what? Tell her?"

"No. I mean you should tell her, but don't over think it." Christine said.

Erik chuckled. "I'm not."

"You are." She argued. "You're doing it right now in that big head of yours." Erik looked at her slightly offended and she laughed. Christine crawled over to him and sat on her knees putting her arms around his neck. "I don't want you to lose out on this family."

Erik sighed. "What about yours?"

Christine shrugged. "I will write to Annette, and we will figure it out. I'm not saying that we never go to Paris, but I am saying that you take this chance to get to know your family, Erik. Paris and my family will always be there. Besides I've already waited nearly 17 years, what's another few weeks or months?" They both laughed.

"It's just like I told her." Erik said and Christine raised an eyebrow. "You're more than I deserve."

Christine smiled sweetly at him then he kissed her.

As the weather turned warmer the families grew closer. Zoey had become the greatest of friends with Adalyn. Christine and Taylor often found themselves laughing and exchanging stories. Erik slowly worked his way up to telling Madeline about his life after her. There were tears but Erik was always so surprised to find so much understanding in her eyes. They were all so happy here.

Erik sat on the back patio watching Zoey play in the garden with Thomas' dog. He looked up and smiled feeling Christine's hand on his shoulder. She smiled back sitting next to him on the bench. Erik put his arm around her and kissed her head. "It's beautiful here." She said and Erik agreed. "I've been thinking lately that this wouldn't be such a bad place to live."

Erik looked at her confused. "Christine, are you suggesting we stay? Permanently?"

She shrugged. "Not permanently, but for the next little while at least."

"And how long is a little while?" He asked with a laugh.

"Until we think the baby is ready to leave." She replied.

Erik laughed and looked to Zoey. Then his smile disappeared for a moment processing what she just said. He turned his body to her. "The baby?" He asked.

"Are you going deaf?" Christine asked. "Yes, the baby." She smiled.

Erik stared at her dumbfounded, then slowly looked to her stomach then back to her face. "You're-"

"Pregnant. Yes."

Erik's smile returned and he laughed. "You're sure?"

"I had Taylor check. Erik, we're having another baby." His hand went to her stomach and he laughed again shaking his head. "We can do it all right this time. Raise it with other children. I can walk out in public with a belly bump. I can go see a real doctor."

"You wouldn't have to go far. Ethan is just inside." They laughed.

"Madeline said there is a little cottage just down the road. It would be the perfect size for us. Taylor already said they will help out as much as we need them to. We Can raise both of them right here Erik." She placed a hand on his. "But it's only if you want to. Say the word. We will pack up and go to Paris. We have been offered housing with Raoul and his family. Alice said that she could secure us the jobs of our choice. But it is ultimately up to you my love." Erik looked at her thoughtfully. She smiled at him. "I will follow you wherever you go. You are Paris."

Erik smiled. "We will stay here. Until the baby is born and you are both well enough for travel. Perhaps just before the baby comes Thomas and I can go find us a home in the city. Finding work is no trouble for me." He looked off at Zoey still playing. "But that cottage isn't a bad idea. We could come back for holidays and summers. Zoey loves it here."

"And so do you." Christine remarked. He looked back at her and laughed. This was it. This was the start of their new life. This was what safety felt like. This is what a real home felt like. Christine felt it once when she was younger, but not again since. It was a new feeling entirely for Erik.