I have been asked for a while now about why it is taking me so long to update my stories and if they are dead or if I am dead myself, so I am just going to copy paste what I responded to one of my reviewers:

All my stories are still alive, and still tormenting me in my brain, but real life is kicking my ass. Over the last months I have been involved in a car accident that destroyed my computer and put me in the hospital for months. Then I my body starts to shut down on its self, leading to the discovery that I have type 1 diabetes, which is extremely rare for someone of my age and physical health, if I it had been discovered only one more day late I would have entered a diabetic coma that I likely would have never woken up from, the doctors were shocked I wasn't dead already. I have also moved twice and have a new job, that I really enjoy but takes up ten hours a day. I do plan to take some time off this late summer so expect chapters by then at the latest though there might be updates before as I have about half a chapter for each of my stories and a few one shots already done. Half a chapter meaning about four-thousand words. All in all, I am slowly recovering and don't plan on quitting my stories any time yet. Especially not Fate Freedom, The Beast or Hero Time as they torment me constantly in my mind.