Hey, I'm back. I'm posting this today because tomorrow, April 27 is my birthday! Yeah, Sweet Sixteen! I might end up posting the next one tomorrow, this one was kinda short, but if I don't, it will be up on Monday, hope you enjoy.
this chapter was betaed by FunhoMisaki, take a look at her awesome stories!
Zoë, Luke, Silena, Charles Beckendorf, Castor, Michael, Bianca (After the war, around the same time as the first chapter)
Zoë Nightshade wandered through Elysium, looking for a group of people she had grown close to after her death, even if several in the group were boys. Zoë nodded to people she recognized, mainly Hunters whom had been killed, as she walked briskly to a place often frequented by her quarry, a secluded beach. She smiled wryly to herself as she mused on the reason the place was chosen, Perseus Jackson, the first male both she and her former mistress had approved of since Orion, would have loved the place. Speaking of her former mistress and Orion, that was actually the reason she was looking for the others as, unlike them, Zoë had her image hung in the stars, and could therefore watch the events that transpired outside of the Underworld. She often bought news to the group and what she had just seen was sure to peak their interests.
The group of two former Hunters, a demigoddess and 4 demigods had little in common, save for one thing, Percy Jackson. Percy had a talent for bringing people together, even when he wasn't actually there. Zoë had watched how Camp Half Blood had rallied when they heard Percy was still alive and well, at least for a demigod. It was definitely amusing to watch the reactions of people when they found Percy; they ranged from beating him up, to tears and hugging and sometimes both. Even the gods and goddess had been relieved when they saw the son of Poseidon, though some had tried to hide it. Percy was like nothing the world had ever seen before, and Zoë was proud to know him.
Zoë turned the corner to find Bianca, and the others she had been looking for, walking towards her. They quicken their pace when they saw her, eager for news. Zoë mentally snorted at the pleading looks some of them wore, what were they called again, puppy dog eyes?
"So?" Bianca asked anxiously, worried for her brother and younger yet older cousin.
Zoë rose an eyebrow at the girl "Hath thou no patience, sister, I only just arrived."
Bianca blushed slightly, embarrassed she had allowed her eagerness to get the better of her "I'm sorry, I'm just really worried."
Zoë gave the daughter of Hades a slight smile, which disappeared when the others caught up, Bianca having rushed ahead of the group in her worry. Zoë grew more guarded around those not of the Hunt, nor her one time quest mates. "The war has ended, the gods/goddess hath won and Gaia lulled back to sleep."
The group cheered, though they were still worried, for, as much as it would be disrespectful to voice, their main worry wasn't the war, but those in it. Zoë sensed this and continued "Alas, thy victory came at a price, many brave warriors hath fallen and shall join us." The mood turned somber, as they silently mourned their fallen comrades.
"Is," Bianca gulped, before continuing in a whisper, "Is Nico alright? And Percy, and Grover? Did, did they survive?"
Luke stepped forward, his scar a lot more faded do to time, "And Annabeth and Thalia, are they alright?" Luke flinched slightly at the glare Zoë gave him, while the former Hunter may be willing to forgive the once traitor for his actions, his gender was another thing.
"And my brother," Castor piped up, "Is Pollux alright?" the twin son of Dionysus asked worriedly.
Zoë held her hands up in the universal sign of hold on a second, causing the others to back off slightly as the realized they were overwhelming the former Hesperid. Zoë took a deep breath, a useless reflex for someone who no longer had need of breathing, left over from before her death, before she spoke, "The son of Hades survived, as did the son of Dionysus, albeit with minor injuries. Thalia and Annabeth faired the same, though the latter unfortunately shall bear scars of the mind from her experience in Tartarus, as shall Perseus." The light dimmed and a chill crept in at the mention of Tartarus, effecting even eternal paradise. Zoë brightened as she remembered the good news she had witnessed "The Olympians granted immortality similar to that of Chiron to the lead half-bloods of the offspring of the Titan Kronos, and a few others. Perseus is now thy champion of Olympus, while many of the other leaders became champions of thy parent."
"Wow," Murmured Michael "That sounds amazing, I wonder what exactly they did to get that cool of a reward"
The others, while a few didn't want to admit it, felt exactly the same. None of them knew the whole story, as they hadn't been with their hero throughout his story and hearing the story from those who had been with the Saviour of Olympus was nowhere near the same as experiencing it or even hearing it from their extremely modest friend.
Suddenly a multicolored flashed and swallowed the seven dead half-bloods and once Hesperid.
Bye for now!