Take a Look at Me Now
Eddie POV
How could he just rip you away from me, throwing you onto that rocket like you were no more than a used piece of paper? I couldn't move, couldn't save you. I could only watch as the rocket took you away; the last things I heard were your screams of pain before falling unconscious from shock.
The next thing I knew, I was in the prison hospital, screaming for you. They had to strap me down and sedate me to keep me from running away to find you. They were shaking their heads, telling each other that I was crazy. They told me you didn't exist, that you were only in my head. I know better than that.
I need you back, need to be Venom with you again, need to be 'we' instead of simply 'I', need to hear your loving voice. You're the only one who ever knew me at all. You're the one who saved me when all I wanted was to end it all. You're the only one who ever cared about me.
Why couldn't I save you? I should have mustered enough strength to; should have jumped onto that rocket to save you, regardless of whether it killed me or not. Are you even still alive? You've got to be. I'd know it if you were gone.
Inside me, there's only an empty space where you belong. The only thing that keeps me going is the memory of us. Even though you coming back is against all odds, I will wait for you. Dr. Kafka keeps trying to tell me you're only in my head, that I'll get better if I let go of you, but I'll never let go of you, unlike SOMEONE we both know and hate. I know that if it is at all possible, you will do anything to come back to me.
I love you.
Wow, this has been my first fan fiction story in a long time! This story has elements from both the comic book and especially the animated series. I will be posting a sequel to this called, 'A Different Path, A Different Life.' It will have a non-villainous Venom, as well as a much different Carnage. A related story called 'I'm Coming For You' will be up as quickly as possible. Please review and tell me what you think!