Author's Notes: I am so sorry for this super long wait on this story! I got a major writer's block, lost ideas involving Lion King, got new ideas which did NOT involve Lion King, and a bunch of other stuff. Hope you enjoy this new chapter, whether it be short or long. Again, sorry for the long wait and I do not own anything Lion King, except OCs unless said OC is listed otherwise. Onto the new chapter! Allons-y! Oops, wrong universe...ha hah ha hah...
Chapter 19: History Repeats Itself...or not
Two Days Later...
"Are you sure we should be going here?" said Nuka as the group neared the Elephant Graveyard.
"The adults don't care. They don't tell us NOT to go here do they?" said Kovu overconfidently.
"N-no, but I thought it was a given. I mean, you heard the stories from dad and uncle Simba right?"
"They're just stories!"
"Pfft! We all know that's not true." said Vitani blowing her fur tuft out of her eyes.
"Shut up Vitani." said Kovu to his sister angrily.
"Hey, leave her alone!" snapped Kopa.
"And what are you gonna do lover boy?"
Kopa turned a bright red before he growled angrily at Kovu.
"We all know that I'm the strongest here." said Kovu puffing out his chest.
"Actually, Nuka is." said Kiara pointing at Nuka and she was right, Nuka was a lot bigger than Kovu and actually outweighed him and could easily pin Kovu.
"Pfft! He's too afraid of his own shadow since his bigger self died."
"Am not!"
"Are too."
"Are not!"
"Are too."
"That's it!" snapped Nuka lunging at Kovu, catching the brown cub off guard and after a brief roller-brawl, Nuka pinned Kovu- head first into the dirt.
"Ha! Whose afraid of their own shadow now?!" said Nuka in triumph before he got off Kovu who coughed up some dirt.
"You cheater! You didn't give me a chance!" snapped Kovu.
"You had plenty of time, you were just a deer caught in headlights." said Kopa snickering.
"Hey guys! Look where we are!" said Kiara running up to an elephant skull and looking inside of it before jumping back as three hyena pups came rolling out of it, biting and snapping at each other.
The three continue their roller-brawl for a few minutes before they stop and notice the lion cubs looking at them.
"Hi! I'm Gnasher!" said one of the pups jumping up. This one had a spiky hairdo, like a Mohawk.
"I'm Jewel." said the female of the group who had eyes like jewels and a shiny coat and a smoothed back fur tuft atop her head.
"I'm...uh...I'm..." began the third one but began scratching his head trying to think of his name. His fur was a wild mess.
"Snapper." said Gnasher hitting the third in the ribs with his elbow.
"Snapper! Right! I'm Snapper!" said the third.
"He got dropped on his head by Bonzai so he tends to forget stuff, mostly his name." whispered Jewel to the group.
"Actually he ONLY forgets his name." said Gnasher.
"Gnasher!" snapped Jewel.
"Oops. My bad."
Snapper's eyes begin to water before the sound of someone screaming can be heard and Bonzai lands nearby, his hindquarters smoking and Shenzi and Ed's laughter can be heard.
"Not funny guys! That's the second geyser you've pushed me into this week!" yelled Bonzai as he got up.
"Sorry. We didn't mean to do it!" said Ed before he began laughing.
"There you five are! I can't believe you ran off to this place of all places!" said Zazu landing in front of the lion cubs and began some huge long-winded lecture he thought of on the way there before stopping, his eyes wide, "There's six hyenas behind me isn't there?"
The five cubs nod and Zazu tries to fly off, screaming, only to get grabbed by Ed and the six hyenas drag him off to a geyser.
"Simba's majordomo bird went hippity-hop all the way to the Birdie Boiler!" said Ed before he slammed Zazu into the geyser.
"Oh no, not again!" screamed Zazu before he shot into the sky, on fire and the eleven present burst out laughing.
"What are you doing?" came Taka's voice and the eleven stopped laughing.
"Scar?!" screamed Bonzai at the top of his lungs before Shenzi elbowed him in the gut.
"Sorry Taka, he's still not used to you not know who." said Shenzi apologetically.
"It's alright. I see you were putting Zazu in the birdie boiler again. Did you happen to tell the kids the game we used to play when we were kids?"
"You mean the one where we would see who could stay on top of the Elephant Skull longest?! I loved that game! Especially with Ed constantly falling into the geysers!" laughed Bonzai.
"I just did that to make you guys lose focus." chuckled Ed.
"Yeah? Well it worked!" laughed Shenzi and Taka chuckled.
"Hey! How bout we try it?!" said Gnasher.
"Why not? What harm could it do?" said Bonzai shrugging and the five lion cubs and three hyena pups climbed onto the skull.
Twenty seconds later...
Snapper was blasted out of a geyser and landed in a huge pile of bones that began swaying dangerously before it collapsed towards the group.
"Well, haven't had one of these in awhile. RUN! BONE-AVALANCHE!" yelled Taka and the group took off running.
The Bone-avalanche soon overtook the three adult hyenas and carried them along with current, tossing and turning them into the air but the adult lion, five cubs and three pups managed to take a corner out of the bone-avalanche's path and escape it before a load crash is heard and dust is flung into the air, obscuring their vision.
"Hey! I can't seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" screamed Kovu as he stepped onto a ribcage slide, followed by Kiara, Vitani, Kopa, Jewel, Gnasher, and Snapper and lastly Nuka.
Taka sighed and looked for another way down.
The first seven landed in a heap at the bottom while Nuka overshot them and landed in a nearby bone pile, the bones covering him as they resettle from his impact.
[The Matrix Soundtrack- Clubbed to Death]
"Ow. Get off me." came Kovu's pained moan as the others slowly got off him.
"That was fun!" said Snapper.
"For you! I was used as an airbag!" snapped Kovu before Vitani elbowed him in the stomach.
"Be nice!" snapped Vitani.
"Hey, where's Nuka?" said Kopa looking around before he spotted the grey-furred cub underneath a mass of bones that covered him perfectly and the grey-furred cub motioned for Kopa to remain quiet about his location as he quietly snuck up on Kovu.
"What are you looking at?" said Kovu looking behind him only to see nothing except bones as Nuka blended in with the bones surrounding him due to the coloring of the bones covering him.
"Nothing." said Kopa when Kovu turned back around and the brown cub glared at him suspiciously.
Nuka kept quietly getting closer and closer to Kovu who got more and more suspicious but whenever he turned around, all he saw was bones before...
"Gotcha!" yelled Nuka lunging at the brown cub only to get a paw across the face, claws extended and he yelped in pain as the claws tore right through the skull covering his eyes and he fell backwards, three nasty claw marks on his face, one of which went right through his left eye and he closed the eye in pain.
"Nuka!" yelled Vitani running to her older brother.
"I...I didn't...I didn't mean it!" said Kovu in shock.
"Of course you didn't! Why else would you slap me across the face with your claws extended!" snarled Nuka getting in Kovu's face, "You act all tough when you're just a pathetic little brat because you're spoiled by grandma! You actually hate me because I remind you too much of my older self yet I'm nothing like him! Don't lie! The way you look at me says wonders! Would you like it if I just went and died?! Because I actually nearly did that but I decided against it! Maybe I should try again! Would you like that Kovu?! Huh?! Would ya?!"
Kovu had shrunk away from Nuka and Nuka walked away angrily, blood dripping from the three claw marks as Taka walks onto the scene.
"What happened?" said Taka noticing the blood and that Nuka was missing.
"Kovu scratched Nuka across the face!" said Jewel.
"By accident!" said Kovu, "I...he scared me when he snuck up on me...I didn't mean to use open-claws!"
Taka sighs.
"Everybody head back to Pride Rock. I'll see if I can talk to Nuka." said Taka and the cubs quietly walk back to Pride Rock as the hyena pups head back to the Elephant Skull and Taka gets the odd sensation as if they had forgotten something.
[End theme]
"Taka? Cubs? Jewel? Gnasher? Snapper? ANYBODY OUT THERE?!" yelled Bonzai from underneath a huge pile of bones.
"Quiet! Do you want to cause another Bone Avalanche?" snapped Shenzi from under the same pile.
Ed is laughing his head off as he's the only one who didn't get covered by bones.
A nearby bone pile collapses onto Ed, burying him underneath it.
"What did I tell you?!"
The sound of a good sock across the jaw is heard.
"Ow!" yelped Bonzai.
Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to read, review, follow, and/or favorite.