Hello guys! I'm very excited, because this will be the first fan fiction I've written that takes place in my city. I know that Yu-Gi-Oh takes place in Japan, but this is based off of Kickass, which takes place in America. Also, this is my story and I can change the setting whenever I feel like it XD Just f**king with ya, guys XD What? I'm not allowed to make a Kickass reference in a story that's based off of KICKASS? If you say "no" you suck :P Now, whether or not I will do a sequel based on the sequel that just came out this year will be up to you. Personally, I enjoyed it for what it was, though was slightly disappointed (because Kickass and Hit Girl didn't have their fighting theme songs anymore. You don't make a Kickass movie without the theme songs to the characters! :P). Alright, on a serious note, everything you will see in this, the environment of the setting, this is all based off of the city I live in. The reason I chose mine in particular is, because when I watched Kickass, I was thinking "that's the place where I live." I mean not specifically the city where I live, but it felt somewhat like it. I felt like the people in the film were the people I met in High School or even at a local grocery store. Even in Kickass 2, I still had that same feel about the setting. I half expect to look out my window now and watch Kickass and Hit Girl running through the streets beating up some home invaders that are trying to break into my house. Enjoy this and make sure you get a bag of popcorn. Now, make sure when you see the fights, GET OUT THE THEME SONGS! I will let you know the name of the fight theme songs to the characters XD I know this is a fan fiction and getting out songs usually don't work, but this is based on Kickass, so BRING OUT THE THEME SONGS! By the way, this is in Yugi's POV. Review please!

WARNING: This will contain a high amount of swearing and racial insults. I normally never put this kind of stuff in my stories and try to tone down the swearing, but the setting this takes place in has alot of that, even today. I apologize, if this offends any of you. If you are offended by this, DON'T read this story. You have been warned!

I'm not exactly sure how to start a story off. I'm very bad at English and I'm having to use my girlfriend's help to check my spelling, grammar and stuff. Because of the rating on this story, some of my cursing will be censored, though I will use the first and last letter of whatever word that HAS to be censored, so you guys know what I'm saying. I won't show any of you sex scenes or pornos, since over my own dead body will I be writing naked pornos of my girlfriend; and no puppy dog faces don't work on me either. As if I don't get enough of that crap already.

Anyways, where do I start? It's kinda hard to find a good starting place. I suppose I should start during lunch at East Jefferson High School where I was sleeping on the ramp. You see, lunch usually lasts for about an hour and most of us usually have it outside, since there's so many kids that go to school here... I think about 3,000 students? We have one lunch time and the lunch area outside is HUGE. We have a lunchroom, but most of us never go there.

Okay, to give you a little background check, when you first enter the school through the blue double doors, though not everyone enters the school through there, you get to the main hallway where you have two offices to your right. You check in through the second office on your right where students go, if they're tardy or some shit like that. The door, ahead of the entrance, leads where the ramp is. You walk to your right and follow the concrete path. You'll find the cafeteria at the left corner somewhere in the middle, which also has the boy's public bathroom and the 300 hall where Special Ed, Home EC, the Computer Lab, and the most cramped elevator that's so small and narrow I doubt Fat Albert or Santa Clause could fit in and, if he did, would probably need a crain to pull him out. It's no wonder fat teachers never work at the 300 hall.

Ahead of the cafeteria is the library, still on your right, on the left would be the auditorium and music classrooms, and ahead would be the gymnasium. It's also where the drink machines and main bathrooms are, if you need to do your business during lunch or need to buy a drink that's not milk. If you go inside the door ahead, where the gymnasium is, you enter a hallway. There are two bathrooms on your right corner, before you get to the gym. It has a bathroom for girls and the another for boys, but because it's a one person bathroom either gender can walk inside. My girlfriend and female friends NEVER go in there; not that I blame them, since I wouldn't if I had to sit my ass on splattered piss everytime I did my business. HAS ANY GUY EVER HEARD OF PUTTING THE TOILET SEAT UP BEFORE YOU PISS!? As I was saying, if you continue down the hall, you get to the girl's bathroom, which has stalls and is only for girls. At the very end is where the drink machines are like Gatorade, Lemonade, diet soda, water and so forth. If you go through the entrance ahead, you get to the bus stop.

Now, if I was to get out of the lunchroom through the second door that didn't lead to the office, I would find myself in the 100 hallway. You see, there's the 100, 200 and 300 hallways. The 100 is the first floor of the school and the 200 is the second floor upstairs. The 100 and 200 hallways extend around in a square and, in these two hallways, you will find rows of lockers. My locker is located in the 200 hallway, which is a pain in the f**king ass, since most of my classes are in the 100 hallway, one of my other classes in the gymnasium, and I have to run to my locker from my previous class like a was running a marathon. I ended up in detention during my Freshman year, because I was stupid enough to try that. DON'T! Don't even BOTHER getting a locker or you'll make yourself an ass! Trust me.

Anyways, now that I've covered what my school looks like, since my girlfriend thinks the reader is more interested about what my school looks like than my d**k... I'm sleeping on the ground. I finished eating my lunch about fifteen minutes ago and it was raining. One of the good things about hanging out in the ramp is that it's the driest spot outside when you're eating lunch. The other spots have puddles of water all over the concrete when it rains, though there are several dry spots where everyone can sit down and play games like Pokemon, Chess or Duel Monsters. I was resting in one of those dry spots in the middle, which was at the very end where the blue painted rail was. I'm surprise the spot I'm on is dry, being that the rail is dripping with water.

I woke up suddenly, noticing my best friend Hanasaki Tomoya sitting on his book bag and reading an Iron Man comic book. He's Japanese, if you haven't guessed by the name. Then again, my name is Japanese too and I'm mostly Egyptian. Hanasaki has a light, but dark tone to him with squinted eyes that were almost black with glasses covering his eyes, blond hair that was dyed, and wearing the school uniform and black tennis shoes. For me, I'm about 4'5 with short, medium sized black hair that's spiked up naturally with bangs almost covering my hazel eyes, and wearing a school uniform as well, only with the sweater too, and white tennis shoes. Oh right, need to explain the school uniform. Don't want to forget THAT, because everyone wants to know what the hell we have to wear!

Alright, the boys usually wear a blue or white shirt with the East Jefferson High School logo on their upper right-hand corner with the Indian Warrior symbol, our mascot. With the shirt are khaki pants and belts, since boys and girls are required to wear belts with their pants. If we wear sweaters, it has to be the East Jefferson sweaters. We can wear whatever jackets, if it's really cold, but it can't have any logos, ads, or shit, because it's normal to wear jackets with selling drug ads or pictures of naked Lady Gaga on the back I guess? Oh, we also can't have jackets with hoods, even during a rainy day, because I guess hoods are some sort of gang symbol or something, I DON'T KNOW! I guess some student came to school one day with a hood and made it in the shape of a c**k or something, so it became taboo to wear hoods. Hell if I care!

The girls actually have more options of what they want to wear, because they wear skirts... of course. Alright, the girls can wear blue plaid skirts, plaid pants or khaki pants. The shirts are the same choices as the boys, including the sweaters, and yada yada yada. Really, the only difference between the boys and girls is that the girls just have the choice to wear the skirts or not. As for shoes and socks, white socks and we can wear whatever shoes we want. I suppose the school does allow us to have some originality.

Back to what I was saying earlier, I was noticing my friend Hanasaki reading an Iron Man comic book. I looked up at him and a thought came to my head.

"Why aren't there any super heroes?" I asked, leaning my head on my hand, which was supported by my arm laying over my clear plastic book bag. Oh yeah, our book bags have to be see-through to make sure students aren't carrying knives or something. Okay, that one is more understandable. I still remember one of the guys bringing his knife after hearing that this one guy Keith beat up a girl. Yeah, everyone was really f**ked up over that. Though, I hate fighting, so I tried staying out of it.

"Hm?" Hanasaki responded, looking at me with his eyes above his comic book, which he was reading.

"Well, with all the fights at our school and outside of school, crime always happening by these fagots and niggers, and the police not giving a rat's ass, you'd think there would be people dressing up in costume fighting them... you know?"

"Well, we don't have super powers, Yugi. If people were to do something like that, they'd get f**ked."

"Iron Man didn't have powers either."

"Yeah, but he was rich with a metal suit and weapons. The same thing with Batman."

"I guess, but... I don't know. It's just a thought."

"Hey Yugi, what was that about who being a superhero?" Tea asked. I've known her since Metairie Grammar. She wore the plaid skirt with blue shorts underneath, pink tennis shoes, and I think wore the blue shirt during the time. She has beautiful shoulder length straight brown hair, sky blue eyes, and glossy lips. Yes, she's the girlfriend that's editing this story and no we weren't dating yet during this time. We'll get to that part very soon. Right now, we were just best friends. Behind her was her other best friend Milo Nosaka. She was black, though with lighter black skin than most, with short black curly hair wrapped in a ponytail, and black-brown eyes. She always wears a blue shirt, khaki pants, and gray tennis shoes. Compared to most black people I've met, she actually has thin lips and sounds white.

"Yugi was asking why there aren't any superheros dressed in costume fighting criminals," Hanasaki replied.

"Don' know. You'd think there'd be someone dressing in costume and getting rid of all the d**kheads around here," I explained.

"You'd probably get f**ked," Milo said.

"I suppose."

"I guess it would be nice for someone to step up to the plate and do something about all the shit going on around here," Tea thought, then her eyes glared, pointing her index finger at the courtyard next to the lunchroom. "Like that!"

I got up and saw another brawl between some boys. This was the third time this week! Milo sighed, then said, "you've got a point, hon."

"Which nigger is it against this time?" I asked. From what I could see, it was two niggers and a white boy, though I didn't know them. I normally would be careful when saying the word nigger around black people, though Milo knew I wasn't racist and wouldn't beat me up for saying it.

"White boy's name is Joey. He's been suspended two times already. This might be his third today," Milo smirked.


"Isn't that the same guy that took my Marshmellon, then smashed Yugi and I after school?" Hanasaki asked with widened eyes.

"Oh god, he is!" I realized. I remember that day. Joey has to be the biggest d**k in school. I don't know much about him, but I know he and his friends snuck up behind Hanasaki and I and beat us until we were black and blue, calling us names and leaving us on the concrete until Tea found us and took us home.

"Looks like teachers' getting involved," Tea said, seeing three teachers breaking up the fight, though Joey didn't seem be around. The teachers took the two black boys, involved in the fight, to the Detention Office. I knew what was going to happen now. Joey was never taken so... yeah.

It wasn't long before another brawl took place, only this time more students were involved. A huge crowd was gathering, because everyone wants to see the fight. It made me sick that d**ks like him could get away with this kind of shit. Not even the teachers give a shit and it's only getting worse. I know there are never any fights like these in other places, why here? Someone has to do something about this!

The lunch bell rang for the end of lunch just as the brawl turned into a riot of students fighting. I went into my classroom, realizing that this was a lockdown and we were to stay in our classrooms in the dark and away from the windows at all costs. In the dark, I began thinking of what Joey did and if there was anyone that could stop this kind of shit like Iron Man or Spider-Man. They didn't have to be perfect like Superman, but just average normal guys trying to reduce the crime in New Orleans, or at least around Jefferson Parish.

I suppose, if no one, then maybe I could try, but I'm short and weak, I know nothing about fighting, and I've never hurt anyone before. In fact, I'm against fighting and violence, but... someone's gotta do something, even if it means using violence. Sometimes you do have to resort to violence in order to protect the weak. Though, if I'm going to resort to violence, how am I going to learn to use it? I hate to say this, but I have to find a teacher that knows how to create violence, that knows how to fight. There's only one person I can think of that would be the perfect teacher for me, the one who started that riot... Joey Wheeler.