Rosario + a new year CH 1

*Author's note : The characters are off doing different thigns, so the first couple chapters will be bit slow to 'catch up' on who's doing what'

The murmur of many low conversations filled the the old English theater with it's half-round stage and worn seats. The tall curtains were pulled back to show a polished wooden podium with a single microphone to one side of the old movie screen. The podium was bathed in a small pool of light. The conversations died down as a William Smith came out on stage to stand behind the podium.

"Greetings, everyone," William said, which caused the audience to fall silent. Opening his notebook, he took a deep breath and addressed the audience.

"I am sure everyone is eager to know what we have discovered in the south of Japan. Myself and Sir John Smith have spent months living and working around monsters that frankly, are not at all what we expected to find. When we left on our journey, we were under the impression that Dracula-type vampires hungry for human blood and looking to spread evil and chaos were infecting the area. Needless to say, what we found was shockingly different than our expectations. First slide, please."

The movie screen lit up to show a picture of Tsukune and pink haired Moka smiling and holding hands, wearing their Witch Hill school uniforms. Behind them was the main entrance to the school.

"Here are your vampires. Tsukune and Moka Aono, both senior high school students when this picture was taken. Behind them is their school. Witch Hill academy is in fact run by a real witch named Ruby Kurama. As you can see, I took this picture in broad daylight. It was lunch time and thankfully, the rest of their friends had not figured out where they had gone off to, so I was able to get a good shot of them without the surrounding gaggle. They did not come from the bowels of any dilapidated castle thought to be long vacated. Tsukune's parents live in the nearby city. Moka's family do mostly live a secluded, unknown place, though her mother has come to visit them on occasions. That is another totally new concept, vampires with family ties. Both are quite personable and from everything we have found, have decent moral values. They do need human blood to survive. However, we have found that even when they do 'drink live', as they put it, they never drain a person to weakness. The donors, which they call, 'Tsukune's harem', are also very eager to let Tsukune sip from them. Some even fight over who gets to feed Tsukune. Moka drinks strictly from Tsukune, and she controls very tightly, who is allowed to feed her mate. Next slide. Please."

This picture showed a smiling Kurumu holding a pink haired baby and a baby having blue hair in her arms.

"This is Tsukune's other mate. Her name is Kurumu Aono. In her arms are Akemi, the pink haired baby who is Moka's child, and Kumiko, which is her own. Kurumu is a succubus. A life stealing, soul eating demon, much like we envision some wives, but again, Kurumu is a student and although she can be, shall we say mischievous, she does not fit the mold that we have come to expect from monsters of her type. Kurumu is a dedicated mother and mate. Which brings us to another succubus we have come to know. Next slide please."

A picture of Ageha and Sir John sitting on a park bench came up. Ageha is pointing of at something off to the side as Sir John looks on.

"I am sure you all recognize Sir John Smith. Beside him is Kurumu's mother, Ageha Kurono. At least, that was still her name when I left Japan. What I personally found intriguing about this woman, was how human she seemed during her time convalescing in our flat. Ageha is a master at manipulating people if she chooses to. Investigating her activities, I found the ones she manipulated were themselves, manipulators of some type, mostly businessmen. A bit of irony there, I think. How she came to be in our care was after a confrontation with the fellow we all know as Apollo. Apparently, she was well aware of Apollo's eviction notice to the Aono's, and other monsters on Witch Hill. She came to persuade him otherwise, and the resulting scuffle left her badly injured. Next slide please."

The picture showed Toshio Yanaka behind the counter of his flower shop.

"This is Toshio Yanaka, a long time resident of the city in his flower shop that he has been running for a little over twenty years. Toshio is a member of good standing in his community, as is known for the beautiful flowers he grows. Next slide."

This picture showed a lake shore. In the water, the head of a very large iguana was poking up.

"This is another picture of Toshio, taking a swim. We found many monsters are able to disguise themselves as human, and are often respected by those who have no idea what their neighbors truly look like when they relax at home. We found many examples of this. So many, that I must wonder if in fact if the Loch Ness monster spends tea time with the very people who are looking for him. I imagine that gives him a bit of a smirk. Next slide please."

A picture came up of white haired Moka standing with her arms crossed outside the back entrance of a mall with police in riot gear nearby.

"This is Moka Aono during her retrieval of Tsukune, when he was abducted by some locals. I have the full news footage for your review later on. Besides great strength, she can be very imposing and as you can see, her looks change when she is irate. One thing we were taught by everyone, was you tick off Moka at your own peril. Next slide, please."

The picture showed an aerial shot of a large sunflower field. In the field pockmarked by what looked to be meteor craters, a gargoyle was in mid-air with his wings crushed to his sides.

"This is a still from another newscast I brought back with me. The thing you see in the air is Apollo in his most dangerous form. The dark spot between the two closest craters is Tsukune Aono. Those craters you see are from Tsukune lifting Apollo high in the air to dash him into the ground. I have yet to discover how he did it, but Mr. Aono trounced Apollo rather completely when Apollo attempted to chase the monsters off Witch Hill. You cannot see from this photo, but Tsukune's appearance did change during this time. Once Tsukune decided to stop making large holes in the ground with Apollo, he tore him to pieces a few times. Apollo showed he could regenerate quickly, and Tsukune proved he could rip him apart even faster. Next slide please."

A line of mug shots of Suki and her gang came up.

"Now, here are the people who kidnapped Tsukune at an earlier time. Every one is human, and none of them look too worse for the wear after their experience. Original slide, please."

The picture of Tsukune and Moka reappeared.

"So here we have two vampires of incredible power. I have to ask myself, if these two are capable of great destruction as well as defeating one who we had thought was unbeatable, why were those humans who kidnapped Tsukune showing only some sad looks and minor bruising? Either of these vampires have the capability to crush them all into an unrecognizable mess. The only answer I have, is the same one I received from Mrs. Kurama, the Witch who runs Witch Hill academy. Tsukune and Moka do not like to see people hurt. They promote peace. They are not denizens of dark nights, crawling about to kill innocent victims. If anything, they would stand by innocents to keep them from becoming victims. I cannot say how this strain of vampire came about, but I will say I am glad for it. I do believe an anthropologist would find a gold mine of information if he were to study how this evolution came about. Light please."

The lights came back on. William said, "We found a few other oddities I believe are worth mentioning. The Witch Hill school is not just for monsters. Many human students also go there. When Apollo made it clear he was going to forcefully evict all monsters from Witch Hill, one would think that in the face of a looming monster battle of epic proportions, that any humans would flee for their lives. Quite the opposite. The human students stood beside their monster classmates to face the threat. During that fight, one monster boy gave his life to save the life of a human girl. Which brings another curious point. There are numerous mixed couples, monsters and humans living together. Mr. Yanaka's wife is human, as is Tsukune's mother who I met, which means at some point, he may have well been human also. Sir John may marry Miss Kurono, they are getting along rather famously."

William let his words sink in for a moment, then asked, "So what do we do about this 'monster lair'? Myself and Sir John were to bring back our recommendations. Our recommendation is ... we do nothing. If this body is compelled to do anything, I would highly suggest we support the Aonos. Although you may be thinking that their behavior is some kind of trick to lull us into inaction, I can assure you that is not the case. They are far too honest in their dealings. They police their own ranks and have a good relationship with those around them. My first meeting with Moka Aono was at a bus stop with her mother-in-law. When I suggested fearing being attacked by monsters, especially vampires, Moka became highly offended. Only then were we properly introduced, and I learned who she was. Questions please?"

An older man stood up. "Where is Sir John? I would like to hear from him. With what you've told us, I would also like some assurance he is alive."

"Sir John had a city council meeting to attend. Tsukune was in a pinch and asked him to be their representative for Witch Hill. During the break in sessions, Sir John will be returning to England. He also asked me to feel out what kind of reception Miss Kurono will have for their planned holiday."

A younger man stood up. "From what your telling us, we could have monsters right here in England."

"Correct. You could be living next to one. Someone in this room may even be one. The Aono's point, and mine also, is even if that is true, so what? If a person is a law abiding and contributing member to society, does it matter what they are?"

"Will we get a chance to meet this succubus girlfriend of Sir John?"

"If he believes she will be safe on our company, I imagine so."

William waited for another moment, then said, "If there are no more questions, I will show the full news broadcasts. Broadcast in Japanese, they are subtitled for your convenience. After the films, copies of our full report await you in the back of the theater."

Another man stood up and said, "From what you say, there is no trouble that this Tsukune Aono can't handle."


The darkly stained oak door with fine engraving letters filled with gold leaf that bore Yukari's name just below the engraved pentagram, cracked open. Peeking out of her very own magic room inside the Aono manor, Yukari made sure the coast was clear. She had looked at every possibility, every little detail of what could go wrong. Every angle of how Tsukune and Moka could possibly avoid her magic. Yukari had grown up the last year, shooting up almost to Moka's height. Her breasts although not impressive, were at least now swelled out enough where she had to wear a bra. She shuddered in a happy thought that they were the perfect size to fit into Moka's or Tsukune's mouth.

Yukari had decided on a simple, and not very potent potion. Well, not potent in the sense of it's strength while it was in the small jar she held. However, delivered to the bath water when Tsukune and Moka shared a bath as they often did, the potion would do it's job. The best part about this was that Yukari didn't even need to make anyone drink it, or administer the potion directly to the water.

Going down to the bath, Yukari knocked. No answer. She peered in, then went straight to the shelf with the bath herbs. No one used these herbs except Tsukune and Moka.

Giggling with glee, Yukari poured the potion into the herbs, then cast a spell to dry the mix. Now, when Moka applied the herbs to the bath, the potion would rehydrate, and fill the entire bath. Her future lovers would bathe in it, the potion soaking into their skin with no one being the wiser. Only after she heard loving sounds from the bath, would she go in and be readily accepted by them. Upon seeing her, they would both be filled with lust for her cute little body. They would forcefully invite her into their bath and wash her carefully before ravaging her.

This was the moment Yukari lived for! To be leaning back against Moka's soft body, sharing long kisses with her as Moka played with her nipples and Tsukune opened her legs and drove himself deep inside her.

Snapping out of her daydream, Yukari's face felt hot as she carefully set the herbs back on the shelf and snuck out. On the way back to her magic room, she couldn't stop herself from giggling as she hugged herself. This was going to be so great!


Finally having his cast off, Ren met Mizore at the fountain in front of the high school on Witch Hill. Sitting an arm's length from each other with their arms crossed over their chests, they both looked at the ground. Behind them, two new buildings had gone up this summer. To the left was the new college, Witch-U, that taught witchcraft. On the right was the prep school and when it became accredited, a first year college.

Casting his blank stare at Mizore, Ren said, "I need an answer. I love you Mizore, I would do almost anything for you. I won't be a secondary lover. If staying with Tsukune instead of me is what you really want..."

"That's not it." Mizore said in her dull tone. She then let out a sad sniff. "I love you Ren, I do. I also love Tsukune." Turning her tortured face to Ren, she said, "I think I get it, why Tsukune had such trouble picking his girlfriend. He does love all of us. The last thing he wants is to see any of us sad. That is how I feel now. I don't want to loose Tsukune, and I don't want to loose you. I don't know what to do."

"Tsukune already has two wives," Ren stated.

"Doesn't matter. This is how I feel."

Ren frowned and looked away. He was angry at Mizore, but he was also trying to see her side of things. "Women are frustrating," he mussed.

"I am very frustrated," Mizore admitted. "Why can't you share me with him? Kurumu and Moka share Tsukune."

Ren kept quiet. He didn't want to make demands that might push Mizore away. He also wanted Mizore to see that he was the one who truly wanted to be with her. He was afraid if he told her that, they would argue, and Mizore would not want to be around him any more.

"Ren, you are sticking yourself to the fountain."

Ren looked down. Thick frost had grown around him. He tried to move, but his pants held him in place. "Darn," he noted in a dull tone.

Mizore got up. Forming a hand into an ice blade, she chipped Ren free and helped him up. Looking at him, Mizore spoke her thoughts. "Ren, you need me. I know that. I need you too. I also cannot leave Tsukune. I have to choose, but ... I can't!"

Ren thought hard. Speaking his thoughts, he said, "Then left us choose for you. Mizore, I want to marry you and be the best husband and father I can possibly be. Go talk to Tsukune. See if he is willing to do the same. If not, then your choice will be clear. I will be your husband."

Mizore blushed and looked away. "And if he says no, then he will be lost to me."

"Not true. You have a job as the head of his household staff. You will always be close friends. You will loose nothing but your life's path will finally be clear," Ren explained.

Mizore eyed Ren sadly, "And if he says yes, will you go away on me?"

Ren shook his head. "I will never leave you."

Mizore stared at him for a moment, then hugged him. "I'll do it," she said firmly.

"Do it now while you are committed," Ren said.

Mizore stepped back and nodded. "Um," she agreed, and strode off.


Mizore walked up the road to Tsukune's new manor. The gothic style house was impressive. Nearly the size of one of the dorms, the three story stone walls bore black framed windows. Off the back of the house was a large semi-circular terrace that contained a swimming pool. Above that coming off the second floor was a smaller terrace connecting to a dinning room inside. Walking around the courtyard walls in the front , Mizore went in the main entrance bracketed by columns that had a wrought iron arch overhead that had 'Aono' spelled out in twisted iron bars.

Inside, Mizore walked through the grand entryway. Most of the first floor were rooms for entertaining guests and the library. Stepping onto the long curved stairway, the stone step under her began to move. The stairs went up like a store escalator, but in this case, the top step disappeared, then reappeared at the bottom through magic.

Coming to the second floor landing, Mizore stepped off the magical escalator and onto the family floor. Her room was up on the third floor with the other servants. That was fine, though, her room was directly above Tsukune's room, and the rope she had was just long enough to let her hang just above his window so she didn't miss much.

Suki, dressed in her black and white maid's uniform came out of the kitchenette, pushing a cart. Seeing Mizore in her normal loose sweater and skirt with the belt around her thigh, Suki frowned at her. "Mizore, get dressed, we're getting ready to serve dinner," she said firmly.

"Where is Tsukune?" Mizore asked.

Suki rattled off, "Tsukune and Moka are in the bath, Kurumu is in the nursery with the babies, Yukari is in her magic room, and everyone else is doing their job," she said in a unhappy tone.

"Um," Mizore said with a nod, and headed for the bath.

Going into the changing room, Mizore saw Yukari with her ear pressed up against the door to the bath. Wearing only a towel, Yukari gripped her towel tight as she listened, waiting for the perfect moment to burst in on them, and let the potion do it's work and see the intruder as someone they loved and lusted after.

MIzore saw that Yukari was apparently spying on Tsukune and Moka. "My job," she said.

Startled, Yukari spun to face her. "Wha... what are you..." Yukari stuttered as she gapped at Mizore.

Mizore touched Yukari and froze her. As Yukari thumped to the floor encased in ice, Mizore opened the door to get an answer from Tsukune.