Disclaimer: I, Lady Sassy Sas, do hereby disclaim all rights to the wonderful world that is Naruto.
Sakura glanced around her. She was deep undercover and had been for nearly two and a half years. Her targets were not suspicious of her anymore, and for that she was eternally thankful.
When she had first appeared in the Hostess Club she hadn't a clue how she was supposed to go about acting the part. In the end, she needn't have worried. It seemed Tsunade had sorted everything out for her and as soon as she walked in she was escorted to the man who ran the place and welcomed her instantly.
He explained how things were run and what her job was to be. He had been very polite to her and friendly. That had made her instantly wary. And she had been right; not two hours after she had left the office did she notice her tails.
But now, as she sat beside a man, drinking with him, she couldn't help but look around the room every thirty seconds or so. She had gotten word a month ago that the Hokage was sending reinforcements her way.
She had owlish eyes when she read the numerous names on the list. Surely Tsunade didn't need that many of her shinobi here. Sakura had gotten a lot of information over the two and a half years and she was damned close to getting the clincher for this mission.
She had asked for a team to as back-up but obviously her Shishou had disagreed with her.
Kakashi, Genma, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Hinata, Yugao, Sai, Sasuke, and Naruto were all coming. Sakura didn't have a clue as to what the Hokage had planned but it made her very nervous that she was sending that many here.
She discreetly glanced at the clock on the wall. They were late-ish. She inwardly scowled, blaming Kakashi and Genma for being late.
She was getting up to let another woman take her place and to go after her target when the man grabbed her by the wrist.
Sakura nervously glanced around her and then shook her head, "I'm sorry. I can't."
The man looked like he was about to argue but thought better. Sakura was relieved. Her target always booked her for a good hour and a half, and she had more dohan dates with him than any other customers.
She nodded at the woman who was taking over her, and as she made her way to her target, the door opened and her steps hesitated for a second and her heartbeat got faster. There was the back-up….all of them.
She stood frozen in the middle of the floor watching them as they all filed in and looked around at the dazzlingly bright and ostentatious place.
Mentally shaking herself, she carried on towards her next client before anyone could notice her. She didn't know if Tsunade had given any of them a detailed description of what she looked like.
"Ah! Yua. I was beginning to think you weren't going to come,"
Sakura inwardly revolted at the man. She hated everything about him. And she hated the 'dates' she had with him. He was always very rough with her when things delved into the realm of sex. The number of times she had had to heal herself in various places…
A smile that was utterly false emerged, "Of course not! How could I ignore my most attentive client?" she sat on his lap as she had done for countless nights. And every time she had to stop herself from cringing away.
He ordered their first drinks as he cradled her, his left hand trailing the curve of her thigh lightly. It looked like it was going to be one of those nights.
As he buried his head in her neck and started the old routine of giving her 'love'-bites she looked around and only managed to catch a glimpse of silver and dark hair respectively.
The target threaded his hand through her red hair which reached her waist. Sakura had grown it out before she came on this mission. Her last mission in ANBU had given her the time to do so. Her eyes were now silvery-grey.
She was brought back to reality when the man roughly yanked her head further away to gain better access to her neck and she very nearly winced when she felt his teeth sink into her skin, letting blood escape in a rash-like appearance.
"Come on, Yua; a private place is better suited to us tonight, I think," without waiting for an answer he yanked her up and started to drag her along the floor heading towards the exit. She nearly fell when he sharply yanked on her upper arm, showing his impatience and this time she did wince.
Her eyes met Kakashi's unintentionally when they passed by their booth and most of the occupants looked at her when she let a whimper of pain escape her lips when her target dug his fingers into a nerve cluster.
She saw Naruto ready to rise to help her when Sasuke placed a hand on his shoulder stopping him and Genma sending him a warning glance.
It was apparent that none of them recognised her. That Kakashi didn't know it was her and her heart ached at that observation. She was ANBU. ANBU never showed emotion; it was a hindrance. Sakura was ANBU but her emotions were her best asset even in ANBU.
But this time they would not help. Nothing would. She was alone until it was time to reveal all.
Well, I've had an idea for yet another KakaSaku multi-chapter fiction and this is just the tip of the kunai as it were.
I have many, many idea's for KakaSaku fictions running through my head and many more reveal themselves each day that it's hard to choose which one to go with.
Anyway, please tell me what you think of this...preview? *shrugs* Depending on feedback I may start this one properly after Shattered is done but I also have another one written up so who knows?
I'm also looking for a beta-reader for some of my fictions so if you're willing/interested please pm me!
Read and review, please!
Lady Sassy Sas xXx