HEY DUDES! SO I RECENTLY GOT INTO SAINTS ROW! I ship Lin and Donnie and there are apparently no stories for them so I decided to write one. Rated T for swearing! I'll see you at the end of the chapter and I'll probably upload another really soon! BUT THIS ISN'T A ONESHOT. It's like a two/three-shot if that makes any sense xD

"Stay calm. We're gonna get outta this." Lin said, trying to conceal the fear in her voice. She would never admit it but she was so afraid. Sure she came off as a badass motherfucker, well she was, but she too had fears. Afraid of dying. Afraid of never seeing any of her friends again. Afraid of never seeing Donnie again. She controlled her breathing and kept as calm as someone stuck in the trunk of a car normally would. The ropes were starting to bite at her skin the more she tried to find her lighter in the back pocket of her pants.

Suddenly, the lid of the trunk opened and the moment her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw Donnie, with a shocked expression on his face. "Lin?" He gasped. "Donnie listen to me, I swear to god..." Lin quickly said but was cut off when a searing pain shot through her left bicep. She wanted to scream but held it in by biting the inside of her cheek, almost tasting the coppery flavor of blood in her mouth.

"LIN!" She faintly heard Donnie cried. Her vision was blurry for a second but she willed herself to stay strong. It wasn't like she had never been shot before but it wasn't ever a good feeling. "Take a deep breath and count to ten, Donnie." Lin heard that bastard William Sharp say calmly, holding a hand in front of Donnie's chest and using his other to shove his .44 Shepherd into one of the pockets on his suit.

"Count to ten? You just shot my girl!" Donnie yelled angrily. Lin couldn't help but smirk a little. His girl? She never thought of their relationship in that way but it was a nice thought to think about, especially when you're kind of dying of pain thanks to a gunshot. Fuck. Now that she thought about the excruciating pain, she couldn't help but feel the pain again.

"Yes, it's tragic." She heard Sharp say before he slammed the lid back down, leaving her and the rookie in total darkness again. The two of them rocked about in the boot of the car, trying to push the lid open even though their efforts were pretty useless and futile. Sharp pushed the Voxel from the back but the car was so heavy it didn't move an inch. "Could you give me a hand here?" The cold-hearted lawyer said, annoyed that that nimrod, Donnie wasn't already helping him push the car off the edge.

The said mechanic walked over and slowly placed his shaking hands on the lid of his crush's car. "Why did...why did you..." He stammered, a million thoughts rushing through his brain, wondering why his best friend's uncle would do something like this. "Lin was working with the Saints. Now would you give me a hand? This car is heavy..." Sharp pushed the car with all his might. Suddenly, the pair of hands next to his walked away from the car. "Donnie, where are you going?" He said, turning to look where that idiot was going to. He saw the boy walk to his majorelle blue Quasar, getting in quickly before driving off.

The old man scoffed before returning back to the car, muttering under his breath. "Children." He proceeded to try and push the car but it was so heavy.

As Donnie drove away, he contemplated two choices. Either drive away and try to possibly get over Lin's inevitable death which was practically impossible or turn back and save her but lose his friendship and ties with both his best friend Joseph and the Westside Rollerz. These two choices weighed heavily on his brain. "Fuck Joseph. I'm coming for you Lin!" Donnie said angrily before violently turning the steering wheel, speeding back to save the girl he loved.

"Hey...stay...stay calm. We're gonna get outta this." Lin said, not giving up on finding her lighter. She was about to cry, half admitting to herself the fact that she'd probably not make it out alive when suddenly, she heard a gunshot from outside the boot.

William Sharp fell forward, feeling a harrowing pain in his shoulder and knee. He immediately turned and saw Donnie standing there, an GDHC .50 in his hands, pointed straight at Sharp. "Donnie! What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled out, holding his shoulder where the bullet shot through, glaring at the imbecile. Donnie walked forward and gave him a few good punches, surprisingly painful for such a wimp like Donnie. "How-Dare-You-Fucking-Hurt-Lin!" He yelled out with each punch.

He ended off with grabbing the man's collar and throwing him to the side before opening the boot. The first thing he noticed when Lin looked up at him was the fact that tears fell out of her eyes as she looked at him in disbelief. He was shocked that someone like Lin would cry but that wasn't his main priority now. It was to make sure she was alright.

Lin was caught by surprise when she saw that the lid had opened again. She was even more surprised when she turned her head and saw Donnie, panting heavily. "D...Donnie?" She whispered. She knew he had a thing for her but she never expected that he would come back for her.

As Donnie helped Lin get out of the boot by carrying her, he sat her on the boot, leaving the other Saint in the boot but he wasn't complaining. Donnie, with his quick hands, started untying Lin's ropes. "Y...you do know...what you've done by...saving me, right Donnie?" She looked at him while trying to catch her breath. By him coming back to save her, that would mean that he was backstabbing his good friend and betraying the Rollerz.

Not looking up from the ropes, he said "I know. But I just couldn't let you die." By then, he was about finished with her legs after untying her wrists when she grabbed him by the collar with her other hand that wasn't shot and pressed her lips against his.

Donnie was slightly taken aback by this but he kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up to her feet. The adrenaline she felt from picking up the courage to kiss Donnie made Lin forget about the pain in her arm for the moment ( and apparently the awkward Saint in the car as well ). She put her arms around his neck and was about to deepen the kiss when she felt Donnie fall on her.

"Donnie?!" Lin cried before picking him up to see his hand on his chest, blood oozing out from the wound. Lin looked around and saw that smug bastard Sharp drive off in Donnie's Quasar, his arm that was out of the window being retracted with an AS12 Riot Shotgun in his hands. Lin knew that Donnie kept a shotgun in his car for emergencies. A bit of an irony now, isn't it? "That motherfucker!" Lin managed to yell out. She gently set Donnie down on the pavement while she untied the other guy in the boot.

After he was free, Lin shifted back to Donnie, checking out his wounds. She held his hand, looking at him with a very worried face. "Donnie? Donnie stay with me!" He looked up at her and smiled. "I love you." He said weakly before losing consciousness. "Donnie!" She cried. Lin checked if he was still breathing or not. He was but it was very faint.

Lin looked back at her fellow gang member "We have to help him!". Lin was strong, due to the long hours in the gym working out, so she tried to pick Donnie up in her arms but could barely lift him off the ground and she had her injured arm to thank for that. "Help me!" She said fiercely. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and so she looked up.

"Lin, we have to go." He said calmly. Lin shoved his hand off. "Stop fucking around and help me!" She swore in his face. "Lin, Sharp definitely called for backup. We have to move, now." He said, a little more impatiently this time. Lin refused to listen and made many attempts to carry Donnie up.

He couldn't take it anymore. They had to go. He grabbed her roughly, pressing hard on her gunshot wound. Lin grunted in pain as he pulled her up to her feet. "You'd better fucking let me go you asshole!" She yelled out, trying hard to fight back but the pain in her left arm was unbearable, especially with the pressure being applied to it. "You fucker!" She said again, trying hard to get out of his grasp but he was already pulling her away to the front of the Voxel.

He looked back at her and tried to reason with his lieutenant. "Lin, we don't have time!" He then heard loud gunshots and the sounds of cars screeching in the distance. "Lin, we have to go. NOW." He continued pulling her away. With every step, Donnie got further and further away from Lin as she reached her right hand out to him, as if trying to grab for him.

Donnie risked his life to save her and she couldn't just leave him to die. She was caught in the same decision as Donnie once was. She had two choices. Save Donnie but possibly get shot a few more times and die or leave him and possibly live to regret it, courtesy of survivor's guilt. Lin thought about it after the other Saint threw her into the backseat.

DUN DUN DUN! suspense :) As I said, there will be a next chapter which is sort of the ending? And if this is popular enough, I will upload an alternate ending that I already have in mind... Review if you liked it and stuff. BuhBye 8D