My father always told me that there are always two sides to every person. I never quite got what he meant, but he'd always tell me I'll someday understand.
The Mystic Falls cemetery was empty, as anyone would expect at this time of night. I walked through the gates, down the gravel path, and ended up in the back. The mausoleum was run down and decaying. Moss, vines, and other creepy things covered the ancient building. I walked up to the entrance where it was boarded up and secured with chains. The plaque on the side read "Lockwood". I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched so I looked up to see a crow. It was the most eerie feeling seeing the dark bird perched upon the roof. It squawked and charged at me sending me crashing against the cold hard ground.
BEEP BEEP BEEP! My alarm beeped throughout my room like a siren. I hit the snooze button and laid there for about five minutes, before I looked at the clock. It read 7:30 and the first day of school starts at 8:30. Great I only have a hour to get ready, eat breakfast, and drive there. I sat up and ran my hand through my hair. The dream seemed so real.
I drug myself out of bed and went into my bathroom to see what damage the night had brought. Stank breath, knotted hair, and bags from lack of sleep. I brushed my teeth and hair. Then applied make up, not too much just concealer and mascara. I knew my mother would be upset if I didn't wear something half decent. I put on a white loose fitting with big sleeves and jean shorts. I threw my long hair into a messy bun and let the falling pieces frame my face then put my contacts in. I looked in my full length mirror, eh not that bad, could be worse. I grabbed my over the chest strap purse that hung below my hip and slipped my silver sandals that zipped in the back.
I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Of course only my mother was to be found. My dad was probably already at the office doing mayor duties and what not. As I got the fridge she had already scanned my out fit and was already making her less than satisfied smirk. Already fed up I grabbed a bagel and orange juice then headed out to my car. I got in and cranked her up. I got my beautiful baby girl on my birthday, a blacked out 2010 jeep. I turned my radio on and Breaking Benjamin played loudly. Ugh, 8:00 already. As I pulled out the driveway I honked at Tyler who was just getting into his car. It took about ten minutes to get to the school. I parked in my parking spot and got out. Today is the first time I've seen Jeremy since his parents funeral. I've tried calling, texting, and visiting but he always dodged me somehow. Not today. I'm determined to get his attention.
I started up the walk way to the school when I saw Elena, Jeremy's sister. I stopped to ask her where he could be, but Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennet had already gotten her attention. I guess I'll just find him myself. Then a thought crossed my mind, but I really hope my instincts are wrong. I walked around to the side of the school where the druggies hung out and distributed. Low and behold there he was talking to Vicki Donavan, my brother's girlfriend. He handed her some pills and told her something. I locked eyes with him and he just looked away. Then my brother showed up. Great. Tyler looked ready to kill.
"Vick I thought you'd be over here with the crack heads", Tyler said.
"Heyyyy.", Vicki said goofily.
"Hey Pete Wentz called he wants his nail polish back.", Tyler said.
"Pete Wentz, huh? How old school Trl of you. Carson Daily fan?", Jeremy's sarcasm was starting to piss Tyler off. Ty moved forward to Jeremy and Vicki held him back.
"Ty be nice, that's Elena's little brother.", Vicki said.
"I know who he is. I'll still kick his ass.", Ty smiled and they started kissing.
"Haven't seen you around the house lately, Gilbert. Found a new hobby?", Tyler spat.
"Fuck off Lockwood." , Jeremy said.
"Next time I see you with Vicki it won't end well for you.", Ty threatened him and grabbed Vicki by her waist then walked off. I sort of just stood there waiting for him to say something, but nothing came from his lips. I guess I have to take the first move.
"Jeremy Gilbert if you don't talk to me right now I'm going to kick your ass right here.", I yelled.
"Is that all you Lockwoods do? Threaten people.", he said a little pissy. This pissed me off and I pushed him into the wall. Okay I'm not that strong he's just high. "Oooh I like it when you're rough."
"Listen I've been here for you since we were kids I deserve a hell of a lot more than you ignoring me and telling me to go away." He just stood there.
"Vicki Donavan and drugs? Really Jere. I thought more of you then this shit.", I chastised him further, but I found that it wasn't working at all. "Drugged up piece of shit.", I spat and walked off. Then the bell rang for school to start.
As I walked to first period I saw Elena go into the boys bathroom, Jeremy….. Then I bumped into Caroline and Bonnie looking in the office at some guy. He looks new.
"Who's the new cutie?", I asked.
"No idea…", Bonnie trailed off.
"Mine.", Caroline said. I was already tired of her.
"Bye Bonnie.", I started for first period.
I had Mr. Tanner for history. The dude is a complete asshole. I sat in my assigned seat next to some people I could careless for. There was an empty desk right behind mine. Mr. Tanner started calling attendance. Come to find out Jeremy's desk is the empty one behind me. The idiot skipped on the first day.
School dragged on like first days usually do and then the last bell rang. I darted to my car and drove to the grill to get something to eat. I sat in my booth waiting for Matt to come take my order. Matt's a cool guy despite his whore sister, Vicki. Matt and Elena dated for a while and then after the accident she needed space. I guess that's what Jeremy needs too…..but I'm getting replaced by drugs and sluts….
"What can I get for you today Ave?", Matt asked.
"Hmmmm, I'm gonna get chicken tenders, fries, and a diet green tea.", I said and gave a friendly smile.
"DIET green tea?", he laughed at my choice of drink.
"It's good! I promise."
"I'll have to take your word on that. Be right out with it as soon as I can.", he said then walked back to the kitchen.
I ate then headed home. When I got home Tyler walked into my room and asked if I was going to the back to school party.
"I guess I could go for some fun, I've had a shitty day.", I sighed.
"Gilbert?", he stated more than asked.
"Yeah, I can't believe he's doing this. I don't deserve it…Okay no more bitching. Let's go get drunk.", I said.
I decided I was going to look hot for once. I did my hair in a Miley Cyrus sort style. I put some eyeliner on and redid my mascara. Clothing was a bit of a bitch. The problem? TOO many choices. I finalized on a loose black top that hung off my shoulder and came up to my belly button, and faded short shorts with holes on the front. I slipped on my sandals that wrapped around my ankles. I sprayed myself with Very Sexy by Victoria Secret.
We got into Tyler's car and went down to the party at the clearing in the woods. Of course he read me my rights. No drinking, smoking, kissing, sex, drugs, or going into the woods. Right, I'll be breaking a few of those tonight. When Ty finally left me be I walked over the keg and had some guy from English work the tap for me.
I had about four cups when I started feeling it, but not too bad. I found Jeremy standing by the fire. He looked good and intense. 'I want him right now', I thought to myself. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. I caught him off guard, but he didn't pull away.
"I don't want to fight Jere.", I whispered.
"I don't want to either.", he said.
"I miss you.", I started to tear up.
"I miss you too.", he turned to face me. He looked me straight in the eyes and even in my drunken state I could see the hurt and pain he bottled up.
"Wanna talk?", I asked.
"Ave your drunk.", he said.
"And I can still have a conversation!", I said getting pissed.
"Isn't it hypocritical of you? You know with you bitching about my drugs and now your drinking." he threw at me.
"The difference Jere? I don't do it every day or to hide the pain of my dead parents." I said honestly. The look on his face made me want another drink.
"You're totally right. Do you feel better now that you cracked my whole façade?"
"I didn't say it to hurt you…."
"I'm sure.", he walked off leaving me by the fire.
I needed more to drink. I went to the keg and this semi cute guy got me a drink. We talked for awhile and he seemed interesting enough for being drunk. "Let's go somewhere quiet and private.", He said.
I pulled his hand and headed to the woods. Once we were deep enough no one could see or here us, I turned around and kissed him. Not something I'd usually do, but you only live once. He pulled back, but then started again. When things started getting heated he laid us down on the ground and I straddled his waist. I ran my hands down his arms and guided his hands on my hips. He found his way up my shirt and undid my bra. Being strapless it fell to the ground. I started to take off his shirt when we heard a noise.
"Do you hear that?", he asked with swollen lips.
"Yeah let's go check it out.", I said.
"Hell no I'm out of here.", he ran off.
"What a loser.", I said.
I was pretty far into the woods when I tripped over something. Actually someone. Vicki laid there bleeding from her neck. Fog started clouding my view. I screamed and I heard a noise. Then a sharp pain ripped through my neck and everything turned black from there.
I woke up in a dark room with a little light coming from a machine that stood next to my head. Hospital. I had tubes coming from my nose and an IV coming from my arm. I moved and the pain washed over me. My neck was throbbing. I groaned. I was in a hospital.