Title: Sometimes

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Sometimes, when Spain was doing paperwork (which he had to do occasionally) and Romano had piled all his own paperwork on Veneziano (which might have been the reason Italy was in such a bad position anyway, since Vene just ignored it or passed it off to Germany), Romano liked to rearrange Spain's bedroom.

He supposed that some people might say it was both their bedrooms, since that was generally where Romano slept, but Romano didn't think that. He considered the bedroom he had stayed in as a kid his bedroom.

But anyway, while Spain was in his office downstairs, Romano would sneak into his boyfriend's room and move things. He didn't do anything drastic, though. He would move every single item five inches to the right- the direction away from the door -and then watch as Spain fell over as he tried to sit down on the bed or something.

He would also randomly move some of Spain's shirts to the other side of the wardrobe so that Spain, when he was looking for something to wear, would grab some nice button-down t-shirt instead of a ratty old t-shirt with the name of some weird band on it.

Sometimes, when Spain took a particularly long time, Romano would rearrange things in the bathroom too, switching the little shelves where Spain's shampoo was and his shampoo were, or replacing Spain's regular bar soap with something lavender-scented. He would also switch the spots for the handsoap and the lotion, so that Spain would use the lotion and then get really confused, which was always funny.

On those nights, Romano would wait patiently on the bed, smirking as Spain tried to find his pajama dress-shirt-thing he always wore to bed. He would wake up early in the morning just to hear Spain be confused when he used the wrong shampoo.

Of course, Spain would never figure it out, no matter how many times Romano did it. Or maybe, thought Romano as he watched Spain crash into a recently moved lamp, he did it on purpose just to make Romano feel all clever and devious.

Either way, thought Romano as Spain finally just threw himself into bed, it was a good situation.