Hi awesome readers, some of you know that I'm working on writing a new version for Leo's Fight For Life and some of you don't know. Basically I was reading the first version and I seriously hated it... As I was reading it I would go all."What the heck? What is this?" So then I decided to write a new version. What's different in this version that the story is told in a different way. Much more different then the other one. Also I decided to write most of the chapters in Third Person Point Of View (P.O.V.) and maybe some chapters written in First P.O.V. here and there. I hope you find this version better than the old one and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it. Please don't put any insults about anything, advises will be much better! Thanks for reading this paragraph I know some of you might have just started reading the story but thanks for those who read it. Enjoy...
It's a very peaceful night, and the turtles went out for training. They started jumping and running happily enjoying their time, that's until they saw two Purple Dragons members. The two members walked inside their ware house, looking around suspiciously making sure nobody witnessed them entering, then they securely shut the door after them.
"It looks like they're up to something."Leo said. "Let's check it out."
He lead his brothers to the roof of the warehouse then went down to a window and looked inside. Inside was Bardford, Xever,(Xever and Bradford are humans.) some Foot Ninjas and Purple Dragons. They all seem to be waiting for someone, then a man holding a briefcase entered.
"That's Dexter Stockboy!"Donnie said pointing at Baxter Stockman. "I wonder what's in that briefcase."
"Greetings everyone!"said Baxter. "I have a surprise for you!"
"Just get to the point Baxter!"Bradford told him.
"Anyways.. I have discovered a new weapon."
He said while opening the brief case, in the brief case there were lots of darts lined above each others in a row and in the middle was a gun. He reached out the gun and one of the darts then started explaining what they do.
"Woah, look at the size of those darts."Donnie said. "We can't hear anything, we need to get in."
Leo frowned and started thinking for away.
"And then it reaches the heart and- AH! The turtles!"Baxter yelled in horror.
"Freeze dirtbags!"Leo yelled.
"Get them!"Xever ordered
The Foot Ninjas and Purple Dragons ran over to them holding their weapons. Mikey and Donnie were fighting Bardford and Foot Ninjas, while Leo and Raph were fighting Xever and Purple Dragons. Raph was fighting Xever, then he kicked him to wall. As Xever was kicked, he saw the brief case and reached it. He opened and got the gun and filled it with darts, and aimed it at Raph.
"What are you going to do now freak!?"
Raph froze in his place not knowing what to do, he had no idea what these darts do.
"Look out!"Leo screamed.
Then he ran and jumped covering Raph as they both ducked.
Leo hissed as he felt a sting, he looked at his arms and found the dart plunged in.
"You okay?"Raph asked. Then he gasped as he saw the dart sticking out of his brother's arm. "Hold still."Raph ordered. He pulled the dart out and examined it.
"Does it hurt?"
Then Leo felt all of the sudden dizzy, he shook his head trying to focus but ended up making it worse.
"I.. Don't... Feel good..."
And he fainted.
Raph bent down next to him and started shaking him but didn't get any response. Then he saw Xever aiming the gun towards him, but before he pulled the trigger, Donnie and Mikey jumped on him.
"Donnie, Leo got shot with one of the darts!"Raph stated.
Donnie bent down next to Leo and examined him.
"Raph, you and Mikey cover us."He ordered.
He put his fingers under his brother's neck and felt his pulse throbbing under his fingers.
"We have to go now!"Donnie ordered.
He stood up and let Leo lean on him.
"Mikey smoke bombs!"Raph ordered
The smoke appeared and gave them a chance to retreat, they went out of the warehouse and went to the nearest man hole cover and went back to the lair.
"Put him on the couch."Donnie ordered.
He and Raph slowly put Leo on the couch and placed his head on the pillow that Mikey placed.
"G-guys.."Leo whispered.
"We're here bro."Raph said and put his hand on Leo's shoulder. "Oh shell, Donnie he's burning!"Raph explained.
Donnie went next to him and put his hands on Leo's forehead.
"Raph stay with Leo, Mikey go get cold water in a bowl with a cloth, I'll go get my med-kit."
Mikey nodded and went to the kitchen then Donnie went to get the kit.
"I got the bowl and the cloth."Mikey said.
"Thanks Mikey."Raph said taking the bowl from his brother.
"And I got the kit."
Donnie came in and sat next to Leo, he opened the bag and got his stethoscope out, and placed it on Leo's chest and listen to his brother's heart beats.
"He's heart is beating faster then its normal rate, I need to slow it down."
He said and he got a pill medicine then he found a water bottle next to him.
"Leo? Can you here me?"
"Yeah it's me bro, listen I need you to swallow a pill can you do that?"
Leo nodded weakly, then Raph put his hands behind Leo's back and raised him up. Donnie put the pill inside Leo's mouth and helped him drink the water. They put him back to a sleeping position, them Donnie got the cloth and dumped it in the bowl and put it on Leo's forehead.
"Leo I need to take a blood sample then you could rest okay?"
Donnie got a syringe, and start taking a blood sample from Leo. After that he emptied the syringe in a test tube and closed it properly.
"Now what?"Raph asked.
"Let him rest."
"Oh I almost forgot."Raph started searching the pocket in his belt. "I have the dart that Leo got shot with. Do you think you can use it?"
"Hmm.. It could help, maybe I could find a small sample that I could analyze."
Donnie took the dart and went to the lab, while Raph and Mikey sat with Leo. Mikey slowly put his ears and start listening to the beating of Leo's heart, he smiled softly as he heard the steady beating.
"His heart is steady.."Mikey whispered.
Raph smiled as he heard the news from his little brother.
"You should head to bed Mikey."
"And you?"
"I'll stay incase Donnie or Leo needs something."
"I want to sit with you."
Mikey said while making a puppy face, Raph smiled and patted the floor next to him.
"Come here."
Mikey went and leaned his head on Raph's shoulder and closed his eyes.
"Do you think Leo's going to be okay?"
"I hope so."
Raph looked at Leo's sleeping form and sighed sadly, it was suppose to be him not Leo. Leo took the blow for him.
"Good Night Raph."
"Night Mikey."