Sebastian hates dogs. Loathes them. There is something about their ever present happiness, their unwavering eagerness to please that turns his stomach and sets his teeth on edge. They salivate for attention like a whore awaiting her next customer. Love me. Treat me well. Tell me what I wish to hear. I will lay my world at your feet.

Cats are not so needy. They curl up in a corner and observe. If they wanted your adulation they would seek it. Perhaps they will allow you to express it later. Just perhaps. When you are done fawning over that ridiculous dog.

Of all the foul beasts the master has allowed himself to associate with the poodle is the worst. Yapping incessantly, demanding attention, always threatening to put the young master in a good mood. He does not understand how the young master can even look at the thing, let alone stroke it, when there is a lovely black cat curled at his side.

"Oh Ciel isn't this cute?" She beams at him. A smile threatens. The poodle barks, a manic grin stretching its face.

"Of course. Don't you think so Sebastian?"

"Quite cute." He agrees, feigning a smile. The black cat hisses softly.