Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Disney XD, Nerd Corp and Cartoon Network. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Slugterra and Ben 10 series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.


Chapter One

It was a stand off as Eli Shane and the Shane Gang were armed for fire against Doctor Thaddius Blakk and his henchmen. All because of the strange crack in the middle of the air, revealing a pinwheel aurora of light and colours. Eli had come to this cavern in the underground cavern due to the people being afraid of the strange phenomenon, as one of the best sources of law and order in the land. However, Blakk's reasons were more troubling.

"What do you want with that thing, Blakk? Cause I got a feeling it can't be anything good." said Eli, as he aimed his slugblaster, loaded with his best slug Burpy. The slugs of Slugterra had amazing superpowers if fired at 100 miles per hour. However, Blakk had made it his mission to control Slugterra and eliminate the slugs by corrupting them into mutant evil slugs called Ghouls.

"I am merely interested in the scientific and business potential of this new... turn of events. A crack like this, seemingly in the fabric of reality itself, seems to be full of potential to one who can explore ALL of the possibilities. I don't expect you to understand, which is why I am staking claim to it. You can leave now, Shane. In one or multiple pieces, preferably the latter." said the dark haired business man and scientist. Being sole owner of the only train system in Slugterra, the Slugterrian Express, had given him great wealth. To explore on ghouling slugs... or building the only working gattling slugshooter in the land.

"Yeah, like we're going to let you do whatever freaky stuff you want with this weird thing. You must be dream!" said Kord Zane, the cave troll member of the team and resident tech expert. Cave trolls being known as the best mechanics in Slugterra.

On Eli's side was the other two members of the team. Trixie Sting, a resident videographer and expert slugsliger. She videotaped everything to reveal the truth of things to the people using the Slugnet, whether the idea slugs were more then ammo or the schemes of Doctor Blakk and others. Pronto, was their molenoid tracker, was also a good slugshooter. The mole-like small humanoid was also a scheming roguish comic relief, but had talents which had come through in desperate times.

On the other side were Lock and Load, identical twins enforcers of the good Doctor. Lock was the smarter twin with the beard, who had average intelligence and good sense. Load was slean shaven with a few pieces of paper on his chin, was dimmer and had a lot less common sense. Both were big muscluar men with backpacks. There were also members of Blakk's security forces, armed as well. Everyone on that side were equipped with Ghouls, stronger but more cruel and feral versions of the normal slugs everyone else used. Created by using the corrupting energies found in Dark Water seeping up from the Deep Caverns.

Each side waited and looked for an opening for a shot, knowing that if they fire too soon or badly the other side would gain the advantage over them. Blakk knew he had the numbers and some power advantage, with more armed men and the ability to fire many of the more powerful ghouls then his opponents could fire slugs. Yet Eli had an advantage as well with the Double Barrel add-on to his blaster. Eli had not gotten a chance to equip it before the stand off, but once the fight began he could use it to shoot two slugs at once to create a powerful fusion shot... before he had to recharge the double barrel. But the one fusion shot would be powerful enough to take down the gattler... one had even managed to take down an armored supertrain. Eli also had a healer slug which could unghoul the ghouls... or this is what the young Shane hoped Blakk knew. Not the truth on how he had to give up Doc, his Boon Doc, to keep a forcefield up to save Slugterra.

So pluses and minuses all around. Which would have keep the standoff going for a few moments...

Until they came through the pinwheel aurora. One was a human in a green and black shirt with brown pants. He was a human with brown hair and green eyes the same height as Eli, looking about the same age. Plus or minus a few years. He had some kind of white watch on his wrist and two weird grey... slugs?... on his shoulder in some kind of clothing. The other was less... human looking. With blue, white and black fur on his body... the new humanoid had a cat-like appearance but was dressed in some kind of blue and black armor. As well as some kind of energy blaster in his hand.

The human said, "I like to say an apology for blasting a hole into your universe..."

This was the moment when the evil businessman decided to take advantage of the confusion and start shooting everyone in front of him. Both the Shane Gang and the newcommers. Eli cried out to the new guys before firing his own slugs, "Get down!"

The new guys seemed to act like they had training as slugslingers as they dodge the slugs, which grew in size and power, before they used some of their attacks. They ran to behind Eli and his friends as they retreated to some rocks in the middle of the battlefield for cover. Eli and the new human were behind the same rock, where the black haired teen was surprised to see the things had thought were slugs start talking.

"This is all your fault, Blukic. You put in the spacial distorter in wrong." spoke the smaller and fatter one in the strange, spacesuit like outfit.

"No, it isn't." said the taller and thinner one in the ballcap and overalls.

"Is too!" came the reply from the first one.

"Is not!" replied the second one, while Eli could just stare.

The other guy spoke up in the middle of the argument, "My name is Ben Tennyson and It's Hero Time!"

Ben then hit a button on his watch only to hear in a mechanical voice similar to Ben's, "Massive amount of uncatalogued alien DNA detected. Massive amount of uncatalogued alien DNA detected. Preparing for massive scanning sweep. Counting down in ten..."

"You might want to close your eyes for this." said the alien in the blue overalls, as he did just that along with the other grey thing and the new human. Eli, even in the middle of the firefight, decided to follow their advice. There was a huge boom and then a stopping in the firing of slugs. He opened his eyes to see both his opponents and his friends blink their eyes as if blinded.

"Okay, who ordered the giant flash of green light. All I can see now is green." said Trixie as she tried to rub her closed eyes.

"Never fear! Pronto doesn't need his eyes when he can see with his nose!" said the Molenoid, as moved his shotgun like weapon and fired a slug at the opponent. Whether Pronto knew what slug he was using or who he was aiming at was a question in Eli's mind. The results, were however, something which would bring a smile to his face for months to come. For it was one of Pronto's Flatulorhinkus slugs, a slug known for being a 'stinker' due to the bad smells it could create with it's attacks. A simple attack, the Blorfball, but one which releases a foul smell on contact when the slug hit which makes and opponent nauseous. Good for a few laughs, especially against a jerk opponent.

What made it a Crowning Moment of Awesome Funny, was the fact when Pronto had made his shot in the dark... it somehow hit perfectly in the middle of Blakk's face as he was trying to clear the flash in his eyes. Focusing the smell in his face... which include his nose. Eli and the new guy could not hold back the laughter as their opponent tried to toss his cookies beside him.

"What happened, Bro?" asked Kord as it was followed up by the other, non human guy speaking.

"Yes, Ben what is happening... Bro?"

"Rook, seems the mole guy blasted the tall, dark and blasty guy with the monster shooting machine gun with a monster which seems to stink. Now he's gagging on his own barf. You should see the look on his face." said this Ben, as Pronto reacted to the fact he just humiliated the most power and cruelest man in Slugterra.

"Uh... Pronto wishes to appologize to his most worthy and noble enemy for the slight accident. I ..." started the tracker before he was given his answer by the criminal mastermind, shooting the gattler at the sound of Pronto's voice. Eli counter with Burpy, who had returned after being shot out the first time.

Ben said, "Keep an eye on Blukic and Driba. As I said before, It's Hero Time!"

He hit his watch again, as a holographic display popped up and images of strange faces appeared before Ben selected one and a tower popped up on his watch face as it slide open. He pushed it down as he jumped in the middle of the battle, and everyone who had just regained their sight saw the transformation of a human. His body turned into a blue-green crystal like stucture in the shape of a humanoid, with a body made up of purple crystals. His eyes were solid green orbs, and on his chest was a symbol similar to the one which had been on Ben's watch. The new being before him said, "Diamondhead!"

The Slugterrans looked at this and were stunned enough to stop shooting for a moment. It was Trixie who spoke up first, "Why couldn't I have caught that on film? It was unbelievable!"

"What kind of human transforms like a slug? This is impossible!" continued Kord, as he was likely trying to figure out the science behind the change.

"Wonder if he blows up real good?" came Load's comments, as he fired his slugshooter.

Out of the machine came a Hop Jack, a ghouled form of a Hop Rock slug. It was greyish slugs with brown backs with yellow bulbs. As it moved up to speed of one hundred miles per hours, it morphed in shape and size. Enlarging from something the size of a finger to something closer to a small to medium size dog. It also changed, becoming a sickly yellow shade with a blue back with a spiky helmut. It's teeth were pointed, it's enlarged hands had claws and the tail was now clubbed with thick spikes.

The strange crystal man moved his arms in front of him, and before him rose a wall of the same kind of diamond like substance before him. It was tall enough to block all attacks in front of him, but didn't expand further then that. The barrier of the wall was between them and the slug as the Hop Jack hit the crystal. Before the hit, the ghoul had been sizzle as it performed it's Skizzler attack where it would produce a medium size explosion. Like it did when it hit the wall, yet the wall remained. Slightly cracked and charred.

Eli looked at his father's old rival to gauge what Blakk would be doing. What scared the young man was the fact his foe was smiling all the while as the battle continued. Instincts told him whatever it was which was making his opponent smile was bad for everyone else.

"Such powers and abilities. Truly the science in this other... universe... must be full of great potential for the right application. We must get control of this rift, no matter the cost. Grind them into dust!" came the answer from the dark haired doctor.

A deep voice countered, "I'm guessing he's the bad guy and he's not the type of man you want with a hole in reality. So I'm suggesting that you leave right now... or else!"

Diamondhead added to his commentary by moving from his stone protection and firing off diamond shards from his hands as the stone on the end of them morphed. Shards which shot out like bullets, forcing their enemies to take their own cover. As he did that, the cat like being took out his gun and started to shoot energy blasts. Trying to drive off Blakk's goons as well as the man himself.

The business man looked at this for a moment, trying to make a judgement of risk over reward. Then he spoke back as he made up his mind, "Men, fall back. You have won this round, Shane, but I will be back."

Blakk's men then headed back to their Mecha-beasts and began to leave while firing to prevent the Shane gang from advancing. They were soon off from the location of the rift, Eli knew better then to think this was over. Transforming humans and energy weapons out of a sci-fi movie... all too tempting for Blakk. Especially if there was more then that.

'Still we have held the line for now. We also have visitors who can explain what the heck is going on.' thought Eli as he prepared to get things back in order. Especially if they were going to get ready for round two against Blakk.

Eli and his gang had looked at the newcommers as Diamondhead touched the faceplate on his chest to changed back into Ben. He then took a moment to gather himself and said, "Sorry for the bad introduction. I'm Ben Tennyson, the man with the Prototool is Rook Blonko, and these two are our tech support, Driba and Blukic. We're Plumbers..."

"You're guys who fix toliets?" asked Eli, a little confused how plumbing explained all of the weirdness before him.

"No. The Plumbers are a group of intergalactic police officers, they are merely called plumbers because of that word is similar to an alien word for police. We were sent to investigate the damage caused by a malfuctioning engine. Unfortunately, while trying to fix it we some how created the rift." replied Rook, in an even and calm tone which seemed to hint at being serious about his job.

Driba and Blukic started to argue, but were silenced by Ben and Rook's looks. The two of them looked like they wanted to get an introduction to Eli and his friends, but were interrupted by a now camera holding Trixie as she asked them, "Excuse me, don't mean to be rude. But what do you mean intergalactic? What is that suppose to me? What's with all of the transformations or the weird slug shooter which blast energy? Or..."

Eli replied first as he answered one of the questions, "Intergalactic means they're from outer space, another planet other then ours. Beyond the surface."

With this the camera was clicked off, footage deleted, and all of his friends look shocked for what had to be the hundredth time today. So Eli tried to continue with the introductions, "I'm Eli Shane, and this is my gang. Trixie, Kord and Pronto. We try to keep the peace in the caverns of Slugterra. From people like Doctor Blakk."

Back with Blakk...

Blakk was now hungered with desire for whatever was behind the rift. Given the transformed human and the weird beings with the new weapons. If those were examples of the technology from the other side... he could profit well from exploring it. The problem was the Shane and the beings who came from the other side of the rift. He needed the firepower to counter any kind of force which his collective enemies could put out. Which was why he was retreating for the moment. As well as using his phone.

He had spent weeks out in the wilds of Slugterra after the Shadowclan had shifted him away from the Lightwell. If he had not been so lucky, he might have easily been taken down by someone. Imprisoned, killed or worse. Good fortune had been with him as he had been found by his men and taken home to recover. This time out of the loop had given his men time to perfect his newest weapon... a super-vehicle.

"Quentin. I need to know the status of project Titan. I need a number of them to secure a resource for me. One which would be of interest to you as well. We need to make sure they can dominate any and all opposition. We will be handling some resistance which would not be accounted for by the original specs." said the bad doctor into his phone, as he made arrangements for the business he would be facing as he tried to take the rift for his own.

"In fact, I want you to work on a few extra projects. Including a new mobile weapons platform. Something like a moving base which could be used to invade an unknown cavern. With weapons and gear able to handle any potential unknown within reason... and a few unknowns without reason.

Also tell Maurice to step up the collection of slugs to be ghouled. Search for rare and unusual slugs if you can, those we have not ghouled before. The Shane and his gang might have gotten use to the normal types of ghouls we have been using, so having a few... surprises... might be of use in gaining the advantage in our next meeting. Prepare to load them up on Titan and get as many of them ready to roll out.

I also need something which could scan and record information... on a rift between universes," The genius had to pause for this moment as Quentin began to comment on the impossible nature of a rift between universes. He took command after giving the genius time to vent, "I don't care for your opinion. If you can not provide the tools and weapons I need, I can find someone else. Besides, are you admiting you're not smart enough to come up with what I need?"

This was enough to get his genius to shut up and prove himself to be smarter the anyone else. Blakk had one final idea on what he need to be done. As he informed Quentin, "Tell Twist, I need him for a little job which only he can do. I need him to do some recon for me, as invisible as possible. I will inform him what to do once I arrive home. I expect you, Maurice and Twist to be ready to move once I arrive. We are going back to gain an vital resource back from the Shane Gang. And friends."

'You have won this round, but I will not give up until I have taken all I can out of the crack in the wall of reality. Not only Slugterra but an entirely unknown universe will learn to fear the name Doctor Blakk'.