Well, here we go folks! This is the final chapter of the fic. Thank you everyone for following/favoriting/reviewing.
I'd kindly ask you to move to my other multi chapter story called Under The Falling Skies. Your support with reviews would be greatly appreciated.
Chapter 30
Dean is not like himself today; he's very antsy and anxious from the time he wakes up. Sam and Cas think it's because of the Christmas spirit but Dean knows better. He simply keeps pacing around the room, muttering some things to himself, laughing nervously and rubbing his face in distress.
"Dean, are you alright?" Castiel can't take it anymore when his lover begins to crack his knuckles loudly.
"Yeah… yeah I'm fine, no worries man," the older Winchester mumbles absentmindedly. "I just… I just need some fresh air." And with these words Dean is running to the front door of the bunker.
Sam and the ex-angel share concerned looks.
"That was weird," states Sam with a frown.
Cas just nods silently.
Dean shows up around 07:00 PM when Sam and Castiel are worried sick. The bunker's enormous table is full of various and tasty-looking food, mostly Dean's favorite burgers and pie.
"Where have you been? We were worried about you!" Castiel steps towards the hunter. "Is something wrong, Dean?"
The older Winchester chuckles nervously and waves him off.
"Nah, nothing. Just give me a second." And he runs out of the living room.
The next thing Dean does throws both Sam and Castiel into silent shock: the older Winchester returns from the basement, dragging the king of Hell by his chains. Without saying a word, Dean unlocks the chains and throws them on the floor. Crowley simply shifts his gaze from Dean to the two men who are gaping at the developing events.
"Not that I'm complaining but is he off his rocker?" the king of Hell asks finally.
"You're free to go," Dean says when no one responds to the demon's question.
Crowley scratches his head with an incredulous look on his face. "Well then, adios amigos."
"Could've said thank you at least, douchebag," the hunter snorts as the demon vanishes.
"Dean what's going on?" Sam folds his arms across his chest. "You're creeping us out."
The older Winchester just fumbles with something in his pocket for a second, then grabs Castiel and drags him towards their Christmas tree.
"I… uh… I'm not good with words and you already know that, Cas. But I-I've had this idea for a long time and… and I was waiting for a suitable moment. I am an ass and not worthy of you and sometimes I wonder what you found in me and why you keep staying with me but there are a few things which I want to have in this life and… and you're one of them." Dean swallows hard and clears his throat, looking at Castiel who's staring at him with a confused expression on his face.
"And… I thought that… that…" Dean stammers. "Oh fuck it!" he growls and gets down on one knee. "Castiel, Angel of the Lord and Thursday, will you marry me?" With trembling fingers Dean opens the black box on his palm. Inside sits a silver band with a sapphire in the middle.
Castiel's throat clicks dryly and he makes some incoherent noise. He tries to fight the tears that well up in his eyes but stops trying when his lips and chin start to quiver.
"Of course," he whispers hoarsely. "Yes, I will."
Dean stands up with an immense relief on his face and embraces the ex-angel, who's sniffling into his chest. When Castiel relaxes a little, the hunter puts the ring on his finger.
"It's beautiful. Thank you, Dean." Castiel smiles through his tears, which run freely down his cheeks. "I'm sorry I do not have a ring for you yet."
"I don't need the ring. I need YOU." Dean laughs, kissing the ex-angel's palm gently.
There is a loud clapping and the couple turns their heads towards the noise. They're met with an amused Crowley, applauding Gabriel and Sam wiping his snot and tears off while filming everything on his cell phone.
"I couldn't miss such a special event," Crowley says. "I knew you were up to something and I never left. I simply turned invisible."
"Well, I think we should celebrate. Don't you think so, folks?" Gabriel exclaims merrily, producing a bottle of expensive champagne out of thin air.
"Congratulations," the demon and the archangel say simultaneously as they clink their glasses with the rest of the men's.
"It was about time. You dorks," Sam says fondly, crushing his brother and Cas into a bear hug. "I am so happy for you, guys."
"Alright Samantha, enough of the chick flick moments," Dean says, embarrassed and feeling his cheeks turning red.
"I have a surprise for you," Crowley speaks up suddenly. "Consider it a gift from for setting me free."
"And what would that be?" Castiel sips his champagne, staring at the demon curiously.
"Oh, you will like it, Feathers." Crowley smirks and snaps his fingers. Dean and Castiel both disappear.
"What did you do to them?" Sam exclaims horrified, ready to strangle the demon on the spot where he stands.
"Calm down, Moosey boy. I simply sent them on their two week holiday to Italy."
"I need to check they're alright. Give me the number of the hotel!" Sam demands.
"I'm afraid it's a bit early. They are on a plane and will check in only after 3 hours." Crowley grins. "I know how Dean 'loves' airplanes and I couldn't miss the opportunity. He will call you himself when they get to the hotel."
Sam turns to the archangel, like he could confirm the demon's words.
"Yeah, don't worry Sammy. He's not lying." Gabriel puts his hand on the younger Winchester's shoulder. "Let's play Bridge in pairs. What do you say?"
"Why not?" Crowley sits down at the table, taking a potato chip and sniffing it. "Yikes. How can you eat this." He throws it back down on the plate.
"Come on Sam. Play with us," the archangel calls after the younger Winchester, taking his seat at the table.
"Uh… Okay but where's the fourth player? We don't have him." Sam finally yields.
"Are you sure about that?" Gabriel waggles his eyebrows. "What about Hannibal?"
"What?" Sam shakes his head, like he's trying to get rid of hallucinations. "He's a cat."
"Oh boy, is he? Hey, where are you going? I'm about to perform a small miracle!" Gabriel exclaims indignantly when the younger Winchester begins to walk out of the room.
"Give me a minute. I'll be back." Sam calls from the depth of the bunker.
One hour later the video camera standing on a shelf records how the three drunken men keep drinking and laughing, while a kitten smoking a cigar is dealing cards and everything seems so usual, like there's nothing supernatural about it.
Sam Winchester knows that his life is fucked up and there's more evil in it than good, but sometimes you just have to lay back and relax, enjoy small surprises, for example like the one where Hannibal, annoyed with Gabriel's cheating is mewing angrily at the archangel, pointing at Gabriel's sleeve with his paw, while the culprit promises not to cheat again with his hands raised in sincere repentance.
Sam shakes his head in disbelief, still unsure whether it's all the alcohol's fault or everything that's happening around him is real. In the end he simply decides not to pay attention and grabs his cards, dealt by Hannibal.
The idea with the recording indeed was a great idea! Sam imagines his brother's and Cas's shocked faces after they watch the video and he can't help it when he bursts into hysterical laughter.
The younger Winchester sighs contentedly; everything seems perfect. At least for the time being.
The End