After much debating, I've decided to write a prologue.

Yes, this does mean that the first chapter's intro is going to be a bit out of place.

Eh, what a re you gonna do.


The hunter raised his head to the loud noise. That was the third time this morning he had heard something.

But not anything he was hunting.

Whoever, or whatever is making that sound is scaring the game away he thought. It better stop soon.

As he continued his way through the forest, the noise stopped. He smiled, the 8 had silenced it, whatever it was.

After an hour or so, he had caught a small deer & was now back at his mountainside cabin in the Rift, he could quietly skin his kill in peace.

But all was not peaceful for long. Once again, there was a loud noise.

Except now the hunter knew what it was.

Flying towards him was a monster that only existed in legends. It existed in tales that the local Nords told. It was a legend.

A dragon was flying towards him.

The hunter went to run inside of his hut, but he was beaten by the dragon, who landed on his hut.

He backed away, drawing his bow.

Just as he was about to fire an arrow, the dragon blew his fiery breath...

Yeah I know, a short prologue. I couldn't think of a better way to add a setting. Read & review. Chosen out.