Hey everybody :D

I'm so sorry for the slow update, but I was inspired to write LS (Love is Screwed) so I just 'ignored' this fic a bit x3

By the way, from now on it will be like this: 1 week "Bonds" and the next "Love is Screwed"… What means that this week I will not update LS, but next week I will ^-^ just be patient till there

Chap beta'ed by Scarlotte O'Hara :')

PS:. I think I was too dramatic, forgive me but it had to be this way ~~

Chapter ~ III

"Seiichirou-nii-san welcome home. Do you want me to take your bags into your room? It's cleaned already." Masato said, a small smile on his lips. He was happy that his older brother had returned home, he had missed him, however he was tired. He had been cleaning every corner of the house that he knew Seiichirou loved the most. Even if he wanted to be lazy and do nothing he couldn't , since his father had been the one who had asked him to clean the house instead of the maids. He just had to obey.

"It's okay, I will take them." Seiichirou said, with a small smile on his lips. Masato supposed that he was also tired from the long trip, however he noticed the concerned look his older brother was giving him. He quickly found out the reason for such a look.

"Where is Ren? I have something to give him." Of course, the concerned look in his blue eyes behind his black glasses had to be for their younger brother. Ren was the special child in everyone's eyes inside the house. Who was Masato to complain about such a thing? He was nobody since he was the one who saw Ren in the most special and forbidden way ever. He was the one who desired his younger brother, he was the one who loved him with all his heart… with all his being and soul. Why him? Why these strong feelings toward his own brother? It could be anyone, he didn't mind if it was a man even, but why Ren? Whenever he saw his brother a deep and intense feeling started to seize his heart spreading to his whole body. He just wanted to pull Ren somewhere else and kiss him fiercely yet gently, showing him all his strong passion with his wet warm tongue caressing his brother's. His flavor being mixed with his brother's. His body temperature increasing every passing second with each soft, gentle and addictive tangle of tongues.

"Masato-kun…?" Seiichirou called him once he got no answer from his younger brother. Hearing his brother's voice, Masato recovered his senses and stood skeptically looking at him. What was he thinking seconds ago? Why was he losing his mind fantasizing about his younger brother's kisses and touches when their older brother was right before him? When they were… family?

"I'm sorry nii-san… I got d-distracted." He started with a tight and painful lump in his throat. He quickly looked away once his dark blue orbs met his brother's light blue ones. He was feeling guilty, and that guilt was killing him very slowly.

"I believe that Ren is in his room, but for now try to rest awhile before seeing him, you look like you really need it." Although what he was saying was true, he had a additional reason hidden behind those words. Fantasizing with Ren had made his body react, and the fact of being in front of their older brother only made him feel hotter. However, Seiichirou's worried expression and following words only made him feel like a miserable nuisance in his family's life.

The tall older man approached his brother, and touched his shoulder lightly. The blue haired male was able to feel love and concern in his brother's gesture, something that he didn't expect to feel so intensely from Seiichirou. He knew the man loved him, however he didn't know it was this much. It felt good being loved like this from someone in his family, yet his guilt only grew stronger than ever. His guilt only made him want to disappear from everyone's lives. He wasn't worthy of all Seiichirou's love. Even more than Seiichirou, he wasn't worthy of Ren's love. Not only them… He wasn't worthy of anyone's love.

"You too Masato-kun… You should think a little more about yourself and forget about others. Don't force yourself more than you should, because people who love you will get worried about you. Knowing as I know you, you will not let anyone else enter in your own world. So please, think about yourself and try to show your true smile like you've shown before." With these shocking true words Seiichirou smiled warmly, giving a unique and painful feeling to his younger brother. He didn't know what to say or think, he just wanted to cry right then and there, but he couldn't. Nobody could see him in such a fragile state.

"Then I'm going to rest, later I will see Ren." Ren… Only hearing his name made his body vibrate in ecstasy. Made his heart fiercely pound, and his desire grew more impatient. His horny member was already pulsating inside his dark blue pants due to all his fantasies from before, and now only hearing his brother's name reminded him of those forbidden yet passionate feelings. Seiichirou grabbed his two big bags and before he disappeared from the long corridor, the blue haired teen said in a low yet audible voice

"Thank you so much for all your support, Seiichirou-nii-san." The older man's eyes widened in surprise, he wasn't expecting such deep and true words from Masato. Although the blue haired male was direct, he was also stubborn and too cold to show his true feelings or say his true thoughts. However here he was hearing them from his brother's mouth. Even if he wanted to look back and see Masato, he knew he shouldn't because his brother wasn't ready to be faced yet. Instead he simply smiled and left his younger brother alone in the corridor. To him, his two younger brothers and sister were the most important people in his life. He would protect them, mainly Masato. From all his brothers the blue haired male was the one who seemed to be the stronger, when in fact he was the most fragile. Seiichirou knew that Masato thought Ren was the brother he loved the most, yet that was not true. He loved them all in the same way, he just hoped Masato could understand that one day.

The blue haired teen remained quiet while seeing his older brother's back disappear around a corner of the long corridor. For the first time in his life he felt touched and happy at Seiichirou's words. Nevertheless he knew that if his older brother discovered everything, he would hate him; he would feel disgusted with him. In truth Masato didn't know what was the worst… Being hated by all the people he loved the most, or being in love with his own younger brother.

"I have to go… Even if this is wrong, nobody knows" Masato thought climbing the long staircase ready to go to his room. He was a hateful and disgusting person. He knew it very well. While his older brother and Ren were resting in their respective rooms, he was anxious to reach his own room not to rest but to lose his mind in all the lustful thoughts, feelings and fantasies about his younger brother.

He was already seeing the white door of his room, and his body was impatiently begging him to be released from all the lust that made his intense desire pulsate wildly and passionately. Nevertheless what made him feel desperate was knowing that Ren's room was in front of his. The one he loved and desired to feel the most was behind that white cold door. Just a bit… He wanted to feel his brother's presence just a bit, and he believed that if he walked towards that white cold door and leaned against it he could in fact feel him. Before he started walking, he had to take a deep breath and swallow hard. He was feeling nervous. Anxious. Desperately aroused. The first two steps were so slow and short it looked as if he had not walked, however his heart was painfully pounding with intense love inside his chest and when he realized his legs were moving on their own; forcing him to walk toward the so much wanted door. Trying to resist was useless and he knew it, so he just ignored the real world around him and obeyed to his strong and forbidden passion.

Once he reached the white door he hesitated for a few brief moments to touch it. Somehow his reason was trying to prevent him sinning even more than he had already sinned. Oh but his desire was so much stronger… So intense, that his lustful body moved itself. His feelings were controlling him like nothing else had controlled him. His inner voice was already screaming his brother's name, over and over again. His two trembling arms were already stretched toward the door, so his ten fingertips were touching the cold structure lightly yet strongly. Yet his body heat was dissipating through all the cold that tried to pass through his pale skin. Very slowly his body was being leaned against the door, his forehead was already touching it and his heart pounded stronger than before. He stopped again. His reason was trying to prevent him from continuing. However he ignored it and leaned his body against the white and forbidden door. Doing that he had goose bumps and he could feel a strong moan wanting to leave his throat, so he had to bite his lower lip to control it. Ren was behind that door and he could feel his presence so acutely. He even could hear a deep breath. Was Ren sleeping? Was he just trying to relax? What was he doing? Masato wanted so much to step inside that room… Yet he couldn't. At least he had to control this desire. He had been coming towards this room only to feel his younger brother's presence. No more, no less. He had been able to do so, and now? What was he going to do now? He wanted to stroke his erection up and down, up and down, up and down… slowly and frantically. He wanted to groan his brother's name over and over again until he felt breathless with such intense passion. He wanted to feel his body reaching his climax, to expel all that desire out, and waiting then for a new stronger and more intense desire to be born. But what could he do? At the same time he didn't want to leave this white door. He didn't want to stop feeling his brother's presence. What would his father and older brother do if they discovered what was he doing right now? About who he was thinking about in the most lustful way right now.

"Ren…" He whispered softly leaning his body even more against the room's door. He leaned into it so much, that he realized he was moaning lightly when he felt his erection rubbing the door. He was so hard that it was painful. Yet, he had to quickly stop thinking about all his desire when he heard his younger brother's voice coming from the inside of the room.

"Nii-san is that you?"

The blue haired male startled hearing Ren's voice. What would he do now? He could hear Ren's bed creaking, he had probably risen from it and was now coming toward the door. Masato had to go, he had to run away from there. His feet didn't want to obey to him, yet he had to go… He had to go… He had heard the doorknob of Ren's room already and he wasn't able to move. He had to continue trying. In one way or another he had to leave that place. It was only a few steps to his room, so he would do it. He squeezed his dark blue eyes tightly and tried with all his might to move his feet. It was hard and he could sense that the door was almost open.

"Shit…! Move Masato… Move! Move!" When he realized his feet were already taking him to his own room, and once he could close the door behind him he heard Ren's door completely open. Thinking that seconds ago he had been in danger of being caught was extremely terrifying. He couldn't let his brother know how strong his love toward him was. It was bad enough to let him know how he already felt, but more than this was impossible.

Once he opened the door, Ren could see his older brother's room's door being closed. In the beginning he was confused. What could Masato have wanted from him? Whenever he knew Ren was home he always avoided him. He never left his room until dinnertime. So he approached Masato's room and was ready to knock on the door when his older brother's shocking words prevented him.

"I prefer to die to love him!"

Ren's heart stopped for a split second. Those words hurt him in the most painful way possible. However, what was hurting him more than such words was knowing that his own feelings were hurting the person he loved above all the others. He knew that lately he had been pressing his feelings on his brother, but he couldn't take it anymore. The older he grew the stronger his feelings become. Yet, if those feelings were hurting him so much he would stop. He really would stop.

"What can I do to make him hate me?" He asked to himself, entering again on his room promising to himself that Masato's tears from now would be the last.

You see? Too dramatic and angsty T^T BUT don't worry, it will be better… don't know when but it will *thumbs up*

So… See you in two weeks? Hahaha ~~

I would like to thank to those who reviewed and followed this fic. I thought people would not be interested because of the theme. But I'm glad you are U_U thank you! So please keep them coming, reviews, follows and favs are my treasures and I want to be rich *O* (xD)
