Disclaimer - I do NOT own any of these characters they all belong to J.R.R Tolkien.

This is the eighth chapter!



Nori's POV

So, we've finally left Rivendell and Thorin told us we were to meet Gandalf in the mountains. So here we are now, walking along a dreaded mountain pass, the rain hammering down the wind howling loudly so I can hardly hear Thorin speaking, even though I'm not far behind him. I couldn't help but feel slightly worried about Bofur, he was near the back of the company, between Bilbo and Bombur, I knew Ori was next to Dwalin and Dori was behind me with Fili.

Suddenly a large boulder came from the sky slamming against the mountain.

"What is this a thunder storm?!" I shouted to Thorin who was glaring out towards the dark night.

"No, it's a thunder battle!" He cried, then I seen it stone giants throwing punches and boulders at each other.

Then everything happened to fast, we were separated, half of the company being flung around on the leg of one stone giant, while we were on the other. I noticed Bofur was on the other leg and I heard him scream as they were flung past us. Suddenly we were up against a non-moving piece of mountain.

"Jump, jump!" Thorin ordered, jumping onto the mountain, the rest of us following his lead. Suddenly the other giant fell, the company heading straight into the mountain. When the giant fell, it's legs were empty, I felt my heart drop.

"No! KILI !" I heard Thorin shout from in front of me.

"ORI! KILI!" Fili's desperate voice rung out through the storm. Dori hurried along the mountain, the rest of us following.

"It's ok! There alright!" I heard his relieved voice ring out causing me to push my way through to the company. When I seen Bofur grinning at me, I just dived towards him and he wrapped me in his arms.

"Where is our bugler?" Dwalin spoke, causing many of us to look around, then we heard Bilbo cry from below us, looking down I noticed him hanging on by his fingertips. I felt my breath catch when Bofur and Ori dived forward, offering there hands for Bilbo. But suddenly Thorin jumped and pushed Bilbo up, before slipping himself, where he was luckily caught by Dwalin.

About an hour later we were all in some sort of cave, and my eyes were fixed on Bofur who was keeping watch. I inhaled a deep breath and crawled over to him before sliding into his lap.

"I thought I lost you today." I whispered softly, resting my head onto his shoulder. I felt his arms wrap around me, one hand resting on my slight bump.

"Never." He whispered softly placing a soft kiss upon my forehead before inhaling a deep breath. I smiled to myself before leaning back slightly to look at him.

"We need to tell the company." I said, he looked at me with confusion before narrowing his eyes slightly. I smiled at him before kissing him softly.

"About the babe, we cant hide it any longer Bofur, they will get suspicious for the fact I'm getting larger but were not having many meals, they'll find out sooner or later." I said slowly, watching Bofur as he smiled slightly.

"Aye, it should be best. We will tell them tomorrow morning, but you my dear dwarf need to go and get some sleep." He said softly before carrying me to his bed roll. He placed me into it before kissing me softly.

Not long after, sleep claimed me.


Ok, so this is the end of chapter eight.

I'll admit it is not as long as I hoped for, but I'm currently really busy with all of my college work.

Peace out!