~Disclaimer: I don't own these sweet and innocent characters that we've all come to shape and mold like clay... but, as always, they don't belong to me. Just have fun reading and enjoy the moment.


"I can't believe that tomorrow is our three month anniversary," Sage sighed deeply, staring at the ceiling and nestling his body closer to Gabrielle's.

Gabrielle exhaled and smiled, wrapping her arms around Sage and rested her chin on his shoulder. She closed her eyes, "Seems like our three year anniversary to me," she whispered.

Sage tapped Gabrielle's nose with his index finger. "We should go downstairs and see what the rest of the gang is up to today. I thought Cye said something about going to a movie later on?"

"Yeah," Gabrielle kissed his shoulder, "But that's later."

"It IS later, Gabrielle!" Sage grabbed the clock on the nightstand, "It's a quarter to two!"

She grinned, keeping her eyes closed, "It's still early."

Sage got up and straddled her, "Get up!" He leaned over her and kissed her loudly and continuously.

Gabrielle groaned and tried to push him away, "Sage, STOP!" She tried to yell at him through her laughter, but she couldn't stop.

"Nope! Not 'til you get up!" He continued to kiss her and make her laugh. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and heaved him off of the bed.

"Sage!" She fell on top of him with a loud 'THUMP'. They both laughed.

"You know, sleepy-head," Sage started, kissing her on the lips, "I would rather stay in bed with you all day then go see a dumb movie."

Gabrielle smiled and bit her lip, "Me too."

"Even if all we do is sleep," Sage murmured, resting his head on her chest and closing his eyes. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry." Gabrielle stated, looking at Sage with bright eyes. "Do you want me to bring you something?"

"No, I'm going to go down anyways," Sage stood up and helped Gabrielle do the same.


Gabrielle sighed as she searched through the kitchen cupboards, finding nothing that attracted her appetite. She rolled her eyes as she heard Ryo walk into the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing? It's two in the afternoon and you're still in your pajamas?" Ryo shook his head.

"Ryo, shut up," Gabrielle snapped back. She stared at him through the corner of her eyes and watched as Ryo gave her the same thing.

"Guys, stop," Sage stated, switching his glance from Ryo to Gabrielle. "Let's just make this morning nice and peaceful. We don't need to have glass broken and the neighbors calling us again."

Ryo sighed, "Whatever, Sage. Sorry," Ryo gestured to Gabrielle, showing his apologies, but no one noticed the word that slipped through his lips as he walked away. "Bitch."

"Sage, what are you hungry for?"

Sage waited until Ryo was out of his sight, "What are you hungry for?" he asked, moving over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

She turned her head and kissed him on the nose, "Pancakes."



Sage laughed, "Alright. Where's Cye when you need him?" he replied, looking around.

"We don't need Cye. We can make them ourselves."

Sage shrugged and reached for a bowl. "Then let's don't waste anymore time..."


An hour and a half later, despite their floured faces, sticky hands, and pancake goop all over the counter, Sage and Gabrielle were finally able to sit down to their pancakes.

Sage grabbed the bottle of syrup and poured in on his plate. "I hope these were worth the mess..." he held his breath and took a bite.

Gabrielle watched with interest as Sage took the first bite. "So... are they good?" She asked, watching him chew.

Sage stopped chewing, made a disgusted face, and spit out his mouthful into his napkin. He screeched, sticking out his tongue.

Gabrielle burst into a fit of laughter. "Are they really that bad?!"

Sage nodded his head, keeping his disgusted face.

"So much for pancakes," she muttered, pushing aside her plate. "Now what are we going to do?" She gazed at Sage through her curious blue eyes, biting her bottom lip.

Sage stood up and stretched, "What do you want to do?"

She rolled her eyes, sighing, "Now we're back to where we started." She looked to the kitchen door when she heard the front door open and close.

Ryo stepped in, Cye and Kento behind him. All their mouths dropped.

"My... my kitchen!" Cye exclaimed, staring at the mess. "What were you guys trying to do?"

"Make pancakes." Sage smiled sheepishly.

"We'll clean it up. Promise." Gabrielle responded, standing up and grabbing a towel.

"I'm sure." Ryo huffed, crossing his arms. "You guys don't do anything besides make messes and sleep."

"How would you know, Ryo?" Gabrielle growled back.

"Because. Sage has never been so lazy. At least since you showed up." Ryo shoved back.

"Guys, stop, please." Sage butted in, "And Ryo, that's not true."

"Whatever, Sage, whatever. You have NEVER been the same since Rowen died."

"Ryo, if one more word comes out of your mouth, I swear-"

"You'll what?" Ryo glared at Sage with a tease, hoping he would do something to prove him wrong. "You're not going to do anything, Sage. At least not with her here."

Sage bit his tongue, stopping the smart ass words from escaping from his lips. He hated it. And worst of all, Ryo was right.

"Ryo, why don't you mind your own business instead of always butting into ours?!" Gabrielle shouted, locking her stern glare on Ryo. "You never seemed concerned about anyone else but us."

"I'm just trying to watch out for the stupid people," he muttered.

"Stupid people? Why don't you take a look at yourself," Gabrielle shot back. "At least I'm happy. I don't need to make other people miserable to keep myself happy."

"I'm already happy! I'm happy seeing you two try at a relationship! And Sage!" Ryo turned his broad chest to Sage and smirked, "I can't believe you guys have been together this long! Do you miss that one thing that you can never have with Gabrielle? Huh?"

Sage's glare turned ice cold. He knew exactly what Ryo was talking about. He could feel the blood rushing to his head.

Gabrielle fused her eyebrows, "What are you talking about, Ryo?!"

"Oh. I don't need to explain it. Sage already knows exactly what I'm talking about."

"Ryo, shut up. Leave Sage and Gabrielle alone. You've already done enough damage." Cye remarked, his harsh glare demanding that Ryo leave the room.

"It's alright, Cye. Ryo's just fucking jealous." Gabrielle let those words sly out of her mouth like venom, speaking in a whispered rage.

"Whatever, Gabrielle. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm not staying in THIS house as long as you're dating that bitch, Sage." Ryo cracked his jaw and turned on his heel, storming towards the door.

Sage quickly grabbed Gabrielle by the arm as she lunged forward. His severe look of anger made Gabrielle step back.

"Call me when you two break up. Or when you miss the-" Ryo slammed the door behind him.

"Sage, don't worry-"

"I don't need any fucking sympathy right now." Sage stated, a tone just before yelling. He took a huge sigh and stepped outside through the back porch.

"Why is Ryo such an ass?!" Gabrielle shouted, squeezing her fists together. "Gods, I swear-"

"Just chill out for a second, Gabi. Ryo is hurt by you two being together for some reason," Cye broke and took a breath, "and maybe you just need to talk to him or something. Ryo is a very reasonable person to talk to, not fight with."

Gabrielle just rolled her eyes. "Whatever. But from what he said, he's not going to be around here anymore since me, the bitch, is still here."

Cye sighed, "I don't know what to say anymore." He stepped out of the room and headed for the stairway.


Sage sighed and hugged his arms. A light breeze lifted the hair out of his eyes, letting the tear flow down the crease of his cheeks. His eyes followed the tree branches as they swayed in the wind, then his eyes moved towards the sun as it hung low in the sky.


Sage turned around, meeting the all so familiar blue eyes of Gabrielle.

"Hey... are you okay?" she asked softly, walking towards him.

Sage nodded feebly, taking another heavy sigh and quickly wiped his face clean. "Yeah. I'm fine. I... I just- I don't know. I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I can't stand him. I should've just kept my big mouth shut."

"Gabrielle," Sage started, putting his hand on her shoulder and focusing his eyes on hers, "It's not your fault... at all. Ryo is short tempered and has NO patience."

Gabrielle nodded her head and looked at the ground. "I know, Sage. But I feel.. I guess I feel responsible or something. I'm sorry I made you upset." She stepped forward and embraced him. "Especially on the day before our anniversary."

Sage cracked a smile. "It's okay, baby." Sage hugged her tighter. "And speaking of, what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"Let's not worry about tomorrow..." Gabrielle started. She took his hand in hers and started to pull him inside, "Let's worry about tonight."


Sage stared with new found interest as Gabrielle slowly undressed in front of him, that sly smile of hers never leaving her lips. When she was only in her underwear, she slithered on top of Sage, rubbing his bare chest.

"I'm so glad that I met you," Sage whispered, rubbing his soft hands up and down Gabrielle's bare back.

Gabrielle pressed her supple lips against his, "Me too." She pressed her hips into his, and then nipped at Sage's lip.

Sage inhaled through his teeth, "Gods... I can't stand it! I love your touch, Gabi." he intertwined his fingers around the straps of her underwear, digging his fingers into her skin.

Gabrielle laughed quietly as she put her hand on top of Sage's and pulled it down, teasing him with her voice.

Sage made a velvety groan, then pulled his head forward and kissed her full on the lips. He pulled away and stared directly into her eyes, "Gabrielle," Sage started, licking his bottom lip. "I want to keep going."

Gabrielle bit down on her bottom lip and arched an eyebrow. "You sure?" she whispered.

Sage grabbed a hold of her hips and flipped her on her back, "I'm sure."