Hello everyone, long time no see. This will be a three-shot if you will of mildly related/connected stories about hos Jak/Dark Jak sees the three people who are closest to him. Enjoy.
I Remember
Only 3 people didn't react badly to my dark powers and I remember them when I change. His voice, her face, and his scent.
His Voice
Daxter had seen him first, and cowered at the edge of the platform his high voice calling out in hope, trying to persuade him they were friends. Over and over Daxter called his name, begging him to remember. Somewhere in the dark and tortured recesses of his mind, that voice, that little ottsel's voice, brought light and familiarity. The sound of a still ocean rushing against a sandy beach; the living hum of a forest filled with plants and insects, the gentle creak of old wood planks under bare feet.
"Daxter?" Saying the name aloud brought hard and pain-filled reality back to his mind and body.
"Sheesh! What was that?!" His orange-furred best friend ran up to him, unafraid of what he'd just seen. "Come on. Let's get you outta here!"
Even after two long and hellish years, for both of them, when Daxter's familiar weight settled on his shoulder it brought peace.
Then, once they were out of the palace, the Krimzon Guard attacked again. After so long away from his friend, the bullets flying everywhere ignited a very real fear for Daxter's life. A fear that transformed into rage. As the dark eco surged within his body, a body made strong through years of resisting cruelty and torture, the darkness closed in on his mind, the peace and memories of Sandover fled.
Purple lightning rippled across his form, his hair, skin, and eyes all shifting colors. As his claws dug into the first guard to come within range, Daxter clung to his perch on the shoulder-plate. He called encouragement and warnings.
"Left left! Take that! Haha!" Daxter was afraid of a lot on his own, but on his best friend's shoulder…nothing.
Spinning a full rotation, multiple times, through his obsidian eyes, a flash of orange distracted him momentarily before another KG was caught in his claws and ripped apart.
"Hey Jak. You okay buddy?" the voice on his shoulder was still there. The fury began to drain away, leaving him a bit confused as to what to do now. But as the voice chattered on, he knew one thing for certain, he wanted that voice to stay.
"Wow Jak! Do that again!" Daxter crowed as the lightning faded and the world returned to normal.
"Something's happening to me. I… can't control it."
Daxter jumped to his shoulder, "Hey. Really… You okay?"
Daxter's voice brought back that fleeting sense of peace. He never wanted to lose Daxter. That little ottsel's voice was the only voice he had for most of his life. No matter that when under the influence of the dark eco that Daxter smelled like prey, when the darkness took over his mind, he could remember to one thing: that voice.
And to keep it, he would never look over his left shoulder, nor reach for the fragile creature that kept him company. That voice he knew, and remembered when he heard it.