Disney and Glee do not belong to me.

"ok Emma. Yes. Everything looks great. Just send me the rough draft of the first five chapters." Quinn yawns into her office phone. It's been quite a long day for her.

It's been 3 days since she proposed the idea of Emma Pillsberry's book. She pitched it as a sort of Chicken Soup for the Soul and Cassandra had loved the idea. Ok, maybe saying loved was a bit extreme, but she had given her 5 months for the first draft.

"Sounds good. Talk to you soon." Quinn tells her before hanging up the phone. She isn't even quite sure she hangs it up correctly, but can't find the energy to hang it up properly.

She had spent most of her time at the office the last three days, not being able to fully enjoy her mothers company or spend her last few days with Finn. In fact, tonight would be his going away dinner. He would be leaving bright and early in the morning.

It's only 4 in the afternoon, and already Quinn is exhausted.

Maybe a third 5 hour energy wouldn't hurt. Much. A twitchy eye isn't unattractive. Right?

Ok. Maybe she'll hold off on it.

She hears a slight buzzing coming form inside her office. She knows it's her cellphone but she lost track of it sometime around lunch. As soon as the buzzing stops, it picks up again. This is her fifth phone call in the last 30 minutes. She figures it might be time to answer. It could be urgent.

She stands up, perhaps looking slightly out of her mind. She tries locating where the sound is coming from, but it sounds like it's coming from the potted plant in the back corner of her office. Maybe she really is losing her mind. Why on earth did she think that would be a good place to put her phone?

"Quinn." Tina knocks lightly on Quinn's door, a cellphone in her hand. She stares at the woman as if, maybe she has lost her mind. This may be the case. Quinn could really use a nap. Does Beth get nap time? Or is she too old for that?

"Shhh." Quinn shushes a bit hysterically. "Do you hear that?" She still hasn't quite placed her phone. It wasn't in her plant, then again, why did she think it would be there in the first place?

"It's your phone." Tina tells her hesitantly. Like one would speak to a metal patient. Bring on the straight jacket and padded walls. They sound cozy.

"There's an outlet behind your potted plant. Maybe you put it to charge?" Then Tina shakes her head, as if she is shaking away this nonsense because she has something important to say.

"You haven't answered your phone." Tina tells her, walking into her office and hanging up the office phone correctly for Quinn. She begins to straighten the office for the blonde. Picking up her purse and disconnecting her cellphone from the outlet, placing it in her purse.

"Are you ok to drive?" Tina is speaking to her in a very calm tone, has been since she entered the office. Does she really look that crazy?

"I can't leave yet." Quinn shakes her head. Tina seems insistent though, she's already taken Quinn's arm, leading her out of the office.

"I already talked to Cassandra-" Tina begins, but Quinn is already trying to pull out of her grasp.

"No. I'm fine."

"Quinn. You haven't been answering your phone-"


"You can't freak out ok? I'll drive you. Screw Cassandra." Quinn almost laughs at this, but Tina's measured voice is beginning to scare her.

"Tina what's going on?" Quinn asks, allowing her friend to drag her to her car.

"Your mom called. I couldn't really hear. It's just- Beth is in the hospital." Quinn's whole world freezes in that moment. Suddenly she's not tired. Nothing matters but reaching her daughter in time.

Why hadn't she answered her phone?

Every worst possible case comes to mind. She got hit by a car. There was a freak accident on the playground and the slide collapsed on top of her. Is Necrotizing Fasciitis common in Anaheim?

All these scenarios are running through her head as Tina tries to make small talk on the way to the hospital. She's trying her best really, but it's mostly irritating Quinn.

"Tina do you mind?" Quinn asks in a strained voice.

"Yeah. Shutting up." Tina nods. Quinn realizes that her friend is perhaps breaking a few laws. They are at the hospital in record time. And even though Quinn has never been to this hospital and she has no idea where she is going, she hops out of the vehicle, while it's still moving, and runs in through the front doors.

"Woah!" A beefy man grabs onto her shoulders as soon as she runs though them. "Quinn. Wait." How on earth does he know her name?

"Quinn. She's ok. She's fine!" Oh. It's Finn. Quinn collapses into his arms.

"She's fine." He reassures her, patting her back as she cries softy. Finally letting her emotions get the best of her. She's exhausted, scared, anxious, and feels guilty.

"Your mom and Britt took her to the park. She tried climbing a tree and fell out. Her right arm is broken. That's all." Quinn lets out a sob of relief. Her daughter is ok. Beth is fine.

"I'll take you to her." Finn wraps one of his large, comforting arms around Quinn's shoulders. Leading her to Beth's room. Finn lets her know that Puck, Mike, Santana, Kurt, and Blaine are still at Disney. Rachel on the other hand-

"And at last I see the light. And it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the light. And it's like the sky is new." Quinn can hear Rachel singing from down the hallway. She isn't surprised to see people stopping at the doorway to admire the voice.

"I'll give you guys some space. I think Judy said she was going to the cafeteria to get Beth some ice cream. I think I'll go make sure she puts rainbow sprinkles." Finn smiles warmly at her before wiping his thumb under her eye.

"Pull yourself together." He instructs her. He gives her a pat on the shoulder and retreats down the hallway.

Quinn wipes at her face, trying to compose herself. She does not want Beth to see her in this state. She takes a few deep breaths, calming herself. Then makes her way through the people waiting at the door to listen to the Disney song.

She stops at the doorway and smiles at the sight. Rachel is sitting next to Beth on the hospital bed. Beth has a large red cast reaching all the way to her elbow on her right hand. Her daughter is curled into her girlfriends side. Rachel sings to her daughter as the little blondes eyes begin to droop.

Rachel is still in full blown jasmine attire. Quinn wonders if she left in the middle of a show.

"MOM!" Beth calls out, her voice a little slurred. "Mom look! I got a red cast!" Beth raises her arm to show her mother.

"Hi there pretty girl." Quinn greets, going over to the opposite side Rachel is. She takes a seat, placing a kiss to her daughters temple.

Beth smiles up at her mother from between her and Rachel. Then turns her attention to Rachel. Quinn smiles over at Rachel mouthing the words 'thank you'. Beth rolls her eyes and sighs dramatically.

"Just kiss already." Beth tells them. Rachel does not need to be told twice. She leans in and presses her lips to her girlfriends. Quinn smiles against her lips, holding back a laugh.

"You're really pretty mom. Prettiest girl ever." Beth smiles up at her mother. Quinn laughs and shakes her head.

"I agree." Rachel smiles, brushing some of Beth's hair out her face, a fond smile on her lips.

"Rachel, you're the prettiest girl ever." Beth grins up, causing both girls to laugh.

"They gave her something for the pain." Rachel explains. "But she was really brave." Rachel tells Quinn. "Brittany and Judy went to go get ice cream."

"They did?" Beth asks excitedly.

"Yes." Rachel chuckles. "You already knew that." The brunette turns to look at Quinn. "The doctor said he would be back with the discharge papers."

"You guys are warm." Beth notes, pulling Rachel and Quinn closer to her.

"Is she ok?!" Santana bursts in through the doorway. She looks frantic and out of place. She too is still wearing her Jasmine attire. The Latina lets out a sigh of relief at the sight.

"Jeez kid. Give me a heart attack, why don't ya?" Santana steps to the foot of the bed and grins at Beth.

"Hey aunt San. You're really pretty. Prettiest girl ever." Beth exclaims. Santana grins wider.

"Hey." Quinn complains. "I don't feel very special anymore."

"Shut it." Santana barks, looking over at Beth fondly.

"Looks like I should start calling you monkey." Puck announces from the doorway. "We stopped by the gift store." He explains. Kurt and Blaine stand behind him, holding balloons, teddy bears, and chocolates.

"Daddy!" Beth grins over at him. Eyeing the large balloon bouquet in her fathers hands.

"Rachel told me she broke her arm. I figured she could be brave enough that I had time to stop at the gift shop."

That the differences between mothers and fathers. At least between Quinn and Puck. It's not that Puck cares or worries less. He is just more realistic about these type of situations.

"Here you go Beth, I got you an Eeyore stuffed animal. For being so brave." Kurt tells her, leaning over Quinn to hand it over to Beth. The little girl beams up at Kurt.

"Kurt! You're so pretty." Beth tells him fondly. Kurt looks extremely flattered by this.

"You're daughter is so high!" Santana guffaws. Everyone in the room chuckles. Blaine scoots over to Rachel's side and whispers something in her ear, causing her to blush.

"I got you a piglet." Blaine tells Beth.

"You're pretty too Blaine!" Beth tells him seriously, eyes wide.

"Why thank you." Blaine tells her with a laugh. Beth looks around the room, her eyes still wide. She's sandwiched between Rachel and Quinn, two large winnie the pooh stuffed animals on her lap.

Puck leans around Quinn to press a kiss to Beth's forehead.

"Can I have ice cream?" Beth asks them.

Finn, Brittany, and Judy enter. Finn holds an ice cream cone, covered in rainbow sprinkles.

"Uncle Finn you're so pretty!"

Quinn watches wearily from the table. Dinner had been served even if the 'Good Luck Finn!' Poster is only half hung up. Santana's 'Don't shoot yourself in the foot.' poster is much more elegant. Get well soon balloons and Finn's balloons are scattered around the room.

Thy had their toasts of champagne and shared stories of their past. It was just one big old nostalgic fest. Beth is currently sitting between Kurt and Blaine giggling with them. Mike, Tina, and Puck are having some sort of conversation while Brittany, Judy, and Santana are laughing loudly at something.

That is not what Quinn is watching. She is watching Finn and Rachel have a very serious conversation. Voices have not been raise and nothing has been thrown so Quinn figures it is all going well. That is until Rachel's eyes start to fill with tears.

Quinn is about to stand to intervene when Puck takes a seat next her. He places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes.

"Give them some time." He tells her. Quinn bites her lip, but allows it.

They are all gathered at Kurt, Puck, and Finn's place to say their goodbyes. And though they had a special dinner planned for Finn, their plans had been delayed because of the hospital visit. Finn swears that the best going away party he can ask for is Pizza for dinner, Mario Kart with Beth, and a cold beer with his friends at the end of the night.

Finally Quinn watches Finn pull Rachel into his arms. They share a long embrace and Quinn can't help but smile.

"That's how we work Q. We fight and hurt each other. Sometimes without rhyme or reason, but we always love each other. And we're aways there for the big moments." Puck tells Quinn.

The night winds down with Beth falling asleep squished between her father and her uncle.

"Alright guys. It's time." Finn groans as he carefully stands from the couch without jostling Beth.

"Time for what?" Quinn asks, from the love seat. Her and Rachel were squished together, the brunette is practically on her lap.

"Beer." Rachel responds before placing a kiss on her cheek. She stands and pulls Quinn to her feet.

"Beer?" Brittany asks, also confused when Santana pulls her to her feet.

"C'mon Judy." Puck beckons the woman. She smiles and shakes her head.

"I'll stay here with Beth. You kids go have your drink." Puck doesn't press the issue.

The adults get to their feet and follow the seasoned professionals for this so called beer time. Tina, Brittany, and Quinn all follow their respected person outside. Blaine and Finn walk into the kitchen and return with a 6 pack each of shock tops.

They all take a seat out on the grass everyone in a relationship snuggles up against the person they are a relationship with. Finn and Puck jokingly do the same.

The air is warm with a slight breeze. The stars are bright in the sky. Crickets chirp along with the pop of caps twisting off of their beers.

"To Finn." Kurt raises his beer towards his brother, tipping it in his direction. Finn blushes, ducking his head slightly.

"To Finn." Everyone echoes, even if Santana says it sort of sarcastically. She does wink at him though, so Quinn knows it's all just for show.

"Nah. To great friends." Finn shakes his head and tips his beer in the direction of his friends.

"We have to promise-" Rachel tells them suddenly. "We have to promise that no matter what we end up doing in our lives, be it the Army, opening a dance studio, publishing books-"

"Broadway!" Kurt cheers, earning a smile from everyone.

"Broadway." Rachel allows with a chuckle. "That we'll always be friends. We'll always be there for the big things."

Quinn pulls Rachel a bit tighter. Puck had something along the same sentiments to Quinn.

"For you newbs." Puck looks at Quinn, Brittany, and Tina pointedly. "You're officially in. No going back. Once you're in-you're in."

"Like the DMV." Blaine whispers in a slightly horrified tone.

"So you know what that means right?" Kurt asks the group.

"We're a cult?" Santana questions raising one of her eyebrows.

"I'm in as long as we don't have to slaughter any animals. Tina jokes as they all sip from their beers.

"It means y'all gotta get married." Blaine drawls loudly. The boys, save for Mike, laugh loudly. Everyone else blushes.

"When either of you pop the question." Santana points over at Blaine and Kurt."You can talk." Both Blaine and Kurt look chastised.

When they al finish their beers they stay a outside just a bit longer, enjoying their final night as a whole unit. Quinn is saddened that this group has found itself new members but is about to send one off.

"I just want to say-" Quinn speaks up as they all stand. "that it's always been hard for me to make friends-"

"Oh no, she's about to get sentimental." Santana groans, but throws an arm around Quinn regardless.

"-But you guys are pretty great and I'm thankful I've gotten to know all of you."

"Jeez Quinn, I'm not dying." Finn jokes, pulling Rachel into his arms for a hug.

" I know." Quinn laughs, knocking her head against Santana's. Brittany hops onto her girlfriends back, joining in on the fun. "Rachel's right. We need to stay together for the big stuff."

Everyone bid their goodnight.

"Night Uncle Finn." Beth mumbles half asleep from Quinn's arms.

"Night pretty girl." Finn whispers to her.

Finn will be leaving bright and early. No one but Kurt and Puck will be seeing him off, so everyone is saying their goodbyes. There are many tears and surprisingly enough most of them are from Santana.

"And you- you can't die!" She sobs into his arms.

"How many beers did you have?" Finn asks, patting her back.

"3 and a bottle of champagne." Santana admits through her tears. She must have snuck that bottle when they were finished with their beer.

"Just- just come back, alright?" Santana makes him promise, poking him hard in the chest.

Finn laughs and pulls her into a strong embrace.

"I'll come back S. Don't worry." Finn promises.

"I'm not going to be as dramatic." Quinn tells him once she puts Beth in the car with Judy who has already said her goodbyes to Finn.

"I think Rachel and Santana covered the dramatics." Finn laughs, nodding over at the crying girls.

"Take care of yourself, K?" Quinn asks, patting the man on the chest. He shakes smiles and pulls a couple of pieces of paper from his pocket. Quinn recognizes them as Beth's drawings for him.

"I will. Only if Beth promises me to send me some more of these." Quinn smiles at him.

"Thanks Finn. You're a good guy. Even if I didn't like you when we first met."

"You didn't like me?" Finn asks, very confused, He even scratches his head. Then he nods.

"Right. Rachel. I get it." He doesn't even seem upset about it. They both laugh. Quinn gives him a final hug before bidding Rachel a goodnight and a promise to see her tomorrow.

"Don't worry, my parents want to meet Quinn. Maybe I can convince her to go to Ohio for a weekend." Rachel tells Judy as they drop her off at LAX.

Quinn becomes extremely nervous at the thought. Judy and Rachel have been doing this whenever they are together. Ganging up on Quinn like that.

"Yeah, maybe." Quinn agrees hesitantly. Rachel laughs and leans over to kiss Quinn on the cheek. Quinn would have never imagined that this would be possible. Her girlfriend and her driving Judy to the airport. Showing Displays of affection. What?

"You'll have to give me your fathers number." Judy pipes in like it's the most brilliant idea. Quinn can think of a million reasons as to why that is an awful idea. She shudders at the thought.

Quinn pulls over to the drop off zone. It's not that she wants to get rid of her mother. But she's gotta go. She and Rachel always managed to get interrupted before anything can get too heated. Quinn had been joking when she said she was making up for her teenage years.

Quinn pulls her mothers suitcases out of the trunk of her car as Judy is hugging Rachel.

"You're a great girl Rachel. Thank you for making my daughter so happy." Judy thanks Rachel. Quinn feels both happy and embarrassed (like any daughter would) at this.

"Mom." Quinn complains.

"Don't be mean." Rachel admonishes.

"I've had a wonderful time Quinnie." Judy teases. She pulls her daughter into an embrace. She's been getting a lot of those lately.

"It was great having you here." Quinn tells her mother honestly. "Really. Thank you for coming."

"I'll miss my girls." Judy tells her a little teary eyed.

"I'll miss you too mom. Have a safe flight. Call me when you land, alright?" Judy hugs both girls one more time and rolls her bag into her terminal.

Quinn and Rachel hop back into the car before airport security escorts them off the premises for leaving their vehicle unattended. Though their could be some potential there. Maybe they'll put Quinn and Rachel in a room.

"Puck has Beth today." Quinn tells Rachel as they pull out of LAX.

"Yeah, I know."

"So we have plenty of time." Quinn continues.

"We do?" Rachel has a glint in her eye at this.

"You wanna go make out in a parking lot somewhere?" Quinn asks her girlfriend excitedly.

"Oh my god yes." Rachel speaks in a rush. "I thought you'd never ask."

Hello everybody! Hope you have all been well.

SalGersGirl: Thank you! Of course Beth couldn't not talk about Rachel. That would be impossible!

W1cked: Thanks! Yeah, I thought having Emma as a therapist would be interesting, Hop you enjoyed this one!

RikkuKahi: I agree! I would totally buy Emma's books if she would publish them.

LaurenKnight13: Thanks! I really love writing Beth. She's become one of my favorites to write. I hope you like how I wrote Finn and Rachel's goodbye. I know we don't exactly know what was shared between them, but I figured Quinn needed to give them some space to sort all of there stuff out. And as always Thank you so much for your reviews. I always look forward to reading all of them.

southernranger1: Thank you so much! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

fridaglee17:Thank you frida! I'm glad you like my fics. I always look forward to reading what you have to say. Thank you for the continued support. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Estelle: I promise I won't give up. Please don't say that. It may take me longer, but I will see this fic to the end.

Harley Quinn Davidson: Thank you for your continues support!

gllover22: Thank you for the crazy love you have showed me on this fic. Seriously, it was great to get all of the reviews. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

As always, let me know what you think. This chapter was a bit on the short side and didn't have as much Faberry interaction as i would have liked but i wanted to show their family element to this group. Hope you guys liked it.

What did you guys think?-A