Quinn Fabray has always prided herself in planning every detail of her life. You would never know that though, because of how her life ended up, where seemingly nothing went according to plan. At the ripe age of 24 Quinn never imagined herself where she stood today.

She never foresaw an unplanned pregnancy at 16 with a random guy she met at a party. She never planned on this Mohawked hooligan to actually be a stand up guy and swear to be there for her. She never planned on being kicked out. Living in a conservative town in Ohio, with God Fearing Christians as parents, it was expected, but not planned.

She never planned on moving in with Noah Puckerman to try and make a relationship out of a one night stand. One thing that did go as expected; Her and said boy did not work out. Subsequently, moving her into the house of one of her best friends, Mercedes Jones. She had always planned on being a cheerleader on top of the social hierarchy, but she had never counted on having the best friends a girl could ask for. Brittany Pierce and Mercedes Jones were her only friends when she took that not so graceful fall from the top. They took her in and gave her a family when hers turned her away.

She never planned on keeping her daughter, Beth(Noah, was set on the name), but the moment she held her in her arms, she saw her whole life ahead of her and that little girl was with her every step of the way. And in that moment, she no longer cared about her plans.

After weeks of her mothers groveling, she moved back in with Judy(her mother) who had Divorced her hypocrite of a father and turned his study into a nursery. She would never admit it, but she moved back in so she would no longer be a burden to her friends and their families. Not wanting to hold them back from their dreams. Both Mercedes and Brittany had started making plans of putting off school for a year to help Quinn out.

With heavy hearts, both Mercedes and Brittany moved to Los Angeles in pursuit of their dreams. Leaving behind both Quinn and Beth with promises of always being friends.

She never expected Noah Puckerman to be the one constant in her life. He turned his life around as soon as he knew for sure that Quinn was keeping Beth. He graduated his high school while maintaing a part time job. He too, left to Los Angeles with the promise of starting a pool cleaning business while he attended a local junior college. He was to move out there with Finn Hudson, his best friend, a dim witted boy whom she had only met once or twice, and his Fiancé.

Noah sent as much money as he possibly could while Quinn stayed in Ohio and attended OSU. He flew back to visit Beth whenever he could manage, which usually meant twice a year. He skyped with Beth every other night and became Quinn's long distance best friend.

When he first called her and told her of his new full time job, Quinn thought he was joking. She even laughed out loud, it was the silence that followed that told her he really wasn't joking. It was his next words that would forever change Quinn's life for the better.

"You should move out here too" The line was silent, Quinn waited for the punch line of the joke, when it never came she could feel her heart thrum erratically in her chest.

"You can't be serious, Puck!"

"Dead serious, baby mama. Look, after all these years I have supported every one of your decisions. I let you call the shots when it came to OUR daughter. She's 8 now and I don't want to miss out on any more of her life."

"You're talking about Beth and I picking up our lives and moving out to Southern California. It's not that easy! We're talking about moving schools, finding a house, quitting my job! I'm sorry Noah, but it just can't be done."

"There are schools everywhere. There are some great condos not far from my place that I know Papa Russell can afford in all that alimony money he forked over to Judy. And you've been complaining about your job ever since you started. I don't know if you know this but Simon&Shuster has a Southern California office and it happens to be located in Anaheim. I also may or may not have had Sex with once of the higher ups who already promised a job interview to one Quinn Fabray." Puck was so adamant and so confident that Quinn had no other choice but to agree. Also, Simon and Shuster was every Valedictorian with an English Major and a business Minor's dream.

That's how Quinn Fabray found herself 3 months later standing in front of The Happiest Place on Earth: Disneyland. Where she and her daughter would be watching Noah Puckerman at his new job.

"Daddy really works at Disneyland? This is so cool! I thought he was joking!" Beth was practically vibrating with excitement as she held's Quinn's hand and pulled her into the direction of the theme park.

"Technically it isn't even Disneyland" Quinn corrected her daughter as she was dragged to Disney's California Adventure. Puck had gotten an employee discount on an annual pass for both of them.

As much as Quinn wanted to deny it and be a grouch about this whole situation (Even though her job interview had gone spectacularly), She couldn't deny the atmosphere of the place. The happiness and the laughter. The people with Disney themed apparel walking around with huge grins on their faces. People from all over the world, speaking different languages all gathered around at the park ready to make life long memories.

She could feel the magic, but there was so much more than that.

"Hurry Mom! Dad said to be there at 8:30. He wants us to watch him practice!" Beth called excitedly to her mother. Quinn simply laughed. They had gone to sleep a mere 5 hours before, setting up there new condo yet Beth was bouncing with energy.

"Hold on, Beth. I haven't even had my coffee yet." Beth shook her head and grabbed a hold of her mothers wrist and pulled her mother down one of the streets as if she had navigated through the theme park her whole life.

"Theres no time for that! I want to see Dad! I haven't seen him since my birthday!" Beth pleaded with her famous Puckerman puppy dog eyes. Beth had inherited her mothers hair and eye color, but she had gotten her facial features from her father.

"He really wanted to pick us up from the airport and help us move in but he's been rehearsing all week, Beth." Quinn defended Puck. Something she had done for years now.

"I know Mom. I just really miss him. Let's go!" Quinn could not deny her daughter when she used those eyes. Just like Quinn, Beth could charm people into doing whatever she wanted.

"Alright Beth, let me just talk to this man right here" Quinn stopped in front of the glass double doors leading to the Aladdin musical.

"Hi, I um, Noah Puckerman is expecting us?" Quinn told the young man who looked like he may take his job a tad bit too seriously.

I mean really, he wasn't secret service. He was a glorified security guard at Disneyland. Let me repeat that. Disneyland. Quinn wondered where she could complain to management? Who does she complain to? Donald duck?

"Quinn Fabray and Beth Puckerman?" He asked in a grave tone.

Really now? No need for attitude. Quinn arched her eyebrow at the man, unimpressed.

"That's us" Beth piped in excitedly from her mother side. The young man scrutinized both of the girls then nodded.

"Right this way." The boy took them through the doors and showed them through another set of doors labeled ORCHESTRA in big green letters.

"They're running through some scenes right now, but he should be out in a few minutes" He told them with a curt nod and then disappeared through the doors they came through. Good riddance.

"Woah" Beth breathed, taking in her surroundings. She twirled around inside the auditorium with her arms extended around her. "This is so cool" She added, stopping so she could face the stage.

"It is pretty cool" Quinn agreed following her daughter to the front row. Quinn took a seat and watched as her daughter stood right up to the stage. Noises could be heard from back stage, but no one had appeared yet. She watched her daughter fondly as she explored the auditorium.

Suddenly, a very handsome man stepped out onto the stage and looked out into the audience. His face broke into a grin when he saw Beth standing there with a look of awe on her face. Quinn decided that anyone who looked at her daughter like that was ok in her books. She didn't know why, normally she didn't like strangers, but she already liked this man.

"Hey there" He greeted stepping to the edge of the stage to meet Beth.

"You must be Beth" Beth nodded excitedly and smiled up at the man. Quinn could see a crush forming in the eyes of her daughter.

"You look just like your Dad. But you're way prettier" He stage whispered the last part, earning himself a giggle from Beth.

"Hey! I heard that!" The voice of Noah Puckerman echoed through the auditorium. Quinn couldn't help but grin at the familiar voice. Puck sauntered onto the stage like he owned the place.

"It's not a secret, is it? I thought it was pretty obvious." The man told Puck. Puck's face broke into a huge grin at the sight of his daughter.

"Daddy!" She squealed trying to jump onto the stage. The handsome man offered Beth his hand and pulled her up easily. Quinn stood from her seat and made her way over to her unconventional family.

"Beth!" Puck grinned pulling his daughter into his arms. Quinn smiled at the sight of the two most important people in her life. She wondered when Noah Puckerman of all people turned into someone worthy of that title.

"And you must be Quinn" The handsome man said, hopping off the stage and offering his hand over to Quinn. She shook it with a genuine smile on her face.

"That's me, and you are?" Quinn questioned, the man almost blushed at his manners.

"Oh but can't you tell? I am Aladdin of Agraba, on occasion known as Prince Ali Ababua" The handsome, dark haired man said in a grave voice. Quinn laughed at how quickly Beth's head turned to look at Aladdin. The man laughed in a self deprecating sort of way and shook his head.

"I'm Blaine Anderson" A wave of recognition crossed Quinn's face. Right! The guy who helped Puck get the job!

"So you're Blaine! It's nice to put a face behind the name. Puck tells me you got him the job? Thank you so much for that." If theres one thing Quinn kept from the Fabray family, it was her impeccable manners.

Quinn was slightly distracted by the sight of Beth with Puck. Moments like these made her thankful that she had one too many wine coolers and was feeling fat that fateful night. She never regretted keeping Beth, not once. She sometimes wondered what her life would be like if she had given her daughter to more capable parents. She'd probably would have been a selfish and vain girl in high school and grown up to be an even more selfish and vain woman. She turned her attention back to Blaine, not wanting to be rude.

"So how long have you and Puck known each other?" Quinn asked, curious as to how he had acquainted himself with good company. She expected Puck to befriend people who resided themselves in bars or strip joints, not Disneyland.

"Actually we've known each other since he first moved out here. I live with-" Puck cut off whatever Blaine was going to say by bounding off the stage and leaping in front of Quinn to wrap her in a hug.

Somehow, Puck always managed to make her feel at home when he held her. Was he always this fit? Quinn squeezed him a bit harder to test her theory out. No, he has never been this fit. Now Quinn was feeling insecure, she'd have to hit the gym a bit more. She didn't want Puck to be the only good looking parent.

"There's my baby mama!" Puck enthused lifting Quinn off the ground and spinning her in circles. Quinn laughed at Pucks antics slapping at his arm so he would put her down. He did this every time they saw each other.

"I thought you were done calling me that" Quinn was never too keen on that nickname. Mercedes had always said it made her sound like a hoochie. Puck shrugged his shoulders not bothered by her scorning.

"Step into my office" Puck gestured wildly around the auditorium. Blaine had left the family to catch up. He hopped back up onto the stage and turned back to call for Puck over his shoulder.

"2 minutes. We have to run through the number one more time." Puck nodded but turned his attention back to Quinn.

"So what do you think?" He asked Quinn, genuinely wanting her approval. She glanced around, not really sure what to say.

"I think it's great that you have a job." Quinn offered lightly. Puck shook his head with a disappointed smile.

"Look, I know it's not me working at some corporate office job. Or my pool cleaning business, which I'm still working on to get investors by the way. But it's fun, I really like it. I get paid well. I get health care for Beth and I. And shit, it's Disneyland Quinn, what's so wrong with that?" She knew there was nothing wrong with working at Disneyland. Not exactly ideal for a man with an 8 year old daughter, but he could be doing so much worse. She smiled at him, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Nothing is wrong with it. I think it's pretty great actually. I didn't know you liked to act." Quinn ran her hand over his shaved head, which no longer sported his famous mohawk.

"Yeah, I had to shave it for the role" Puck ran his own hand over his head. "I like making people laugh, and with this new promotion I just got, I do exactly that. I'm practically the star!" Quinn took in his gym shorts and tank top, wondering what role he played.

"I'm not in wardrobe yet, it'll look a bit silly now when you watch us practice but once I'm in full blown costume. Im definitely the star." Puck explained.

"Dad, who are you going to be? That cute guy said he was Aladdin, so how can you be the star?" Beth asked from the stage, she waved Puck over to help her off.

"Cute guy?" Puck asked, worry furrowing his brow. Quinn laughed lightly at his side and patted his shoulder affectionately. Poor guy. That's what she said when Beth told her about the One Direction boy. At least she didn't find Justin Bieber attractive.

"Oh she finds lots of boys cute right now. That kid from the Hunger Games. One of those One Direction boys, and apparently Blaine." Puck's face almost blanched at the thought of his little girl already growing up.

"Don't worry though" Quinn continued "She's only 8, she finds them cute but doesn't know what to do about it" Puck walked over to the end of the stage, a bit stunned, and helped Beth hop off.

"Well munchkin," He ruffled her hair "You'll just have to wait and see." Puck hopped back on stage.

"Ready?" Blaine asked as he walked back on stage. Quinn could see more performers off to the side of the stage preparing for their cue.

"I'm watching you Anderson" Puck said pointing at his eyes then back at Blaine with a glare. Quinn shook her head and smiled. Poor Blaine didn't know what he was in for now that Beth had set her sights on him. Blaine looked a little confused by this, but shrugged. He knew Puck better than she originally thought if he was simply ignoring the comment.

Quinn stood and watched as Blaine and Puck exchanged dialogue. She hadn't watched Aladdin in quite some time, but she had to be wrong. There was no way Puck was playing the-

Yup. Noah Puckerman was cast as the Genie in a Disney production. The supposed Bad Ass from Lima Ohio. High School Puck would kick Post-Lima Puck's ass. He started crooning 'friend like me' with confidence and poise. He knew the words and the steps and didn't falter once. Quinn was surprised to admit that Puck was good. She knew he could sing and play guitar, she had watched Puck sing Beth to sleep countless times, but she would have never thought to look at him as a Broadway type performer.

"He's great isn't he?" A short brunette stood at her side watching him as she did. She almost rolled her eyes at the obvious affection she had in her eyes for Puck. She must be another one of his conquests. Quinn almost felt bad for the girl, if she weren't so annoyed with the interruption. She was trying to watch Puck do his thing.

Dammit Puck, why can't you just keep it in your pants?

"Yeah he sure is something" Quinn replied vaguely, not turning to look at the girl. Hoping she would get the hint and just leave her alone. But if she noticed Quinn's annoyance, she paid no mind to it.

"This show has quite a bit of ad lib in it. The first couple of run throughs Noah had the whole staff howling with laughter" Noah? No one was allowed to call Puck Noah. He hated it. "Unfortunately all of his ad lib wasn't Disney sanctioned. You know, not exactly for the ears of children, so he had to tone it down. He's still great though."

Quinn finally turned to examine the girl. Wondering what on earth Puck saw in her. She was pretty enough, sure. And if her shorts and tank top were any indication, she had a great body, but her nose was slightly too big for her face and she was too short. Why on earth was she feeling jealous? Her and Puck never worked out. Why should she care if he was banging one if his coworkers?

"Yeah, Puck has always been great at this stuff" Quinn told the girl, emphasizing Pucks name. Why did she find this girl so irritating already?

"Oh I know" This rubbed Quinn the wrong way. As if this hobbit could know Puck better than she did. Quinn was about to retort, when suddenly the song ended. Which annoyed her even more that she missed most of his performance.

"Excuse me." The short brunette said before heading towards the group of perfromers. Quinn felt a little too smug when Puck had to help her on the stage. The smug look was wiped from her face however, when Puck lifted the girl into his arms and spun her around.

"How was that Jew babe?" Puck asked her in the same tone he asked Quinn whenever he was seeking genuine approval.

"Noah, as usual you were great. Maybe a little sharp on the last note, but great none the less." The girl told him. He didn't even look offended that she called him Noah. What was going on? Why didn't Puck tell her she was dating? Not that she cared. A little heads up would have been nice though.

Blaine walked over to Rachel and wrapped an arm around the girl in an almost possessive manner. Ok what the fuck? What's so special about this girl that she has all these attractive guys all over her?

"What about me? You already replacing me with Puck?" Blaine pouted at the girl. She threw her head back and laughed. Even her damn laugh was annoying. And loud.

"I could never replace you Blaine" She told him with a reassuring peck on the cheek. Now Quinn was really confused. Was she with Puck or Blaine?

"Why don't we run through our song?" Blaine suggested to the girl. Of course this girl would be Jasmine. It made complete sense once she looked at her and Blaine together that they were the stars.

"Sure. One can never practice too much." The girl told them with a smile on her face. Puck hopped off the stage and took a seat next to Beth who was watching them with a star struck look on her face as if they were real celebrities.

Blaine started singing in a sweet honey voice that immediately had Quinn in love with the man. She could even dare to say that she liked his voice better than the original Aladdin. The annoying girl was really a whole different person on stage. Not that she had started singing yet, but she was already in character practicing the blocking with Blaine. Quinn wasn't sure why, but she found herself captivated by the girl.

Then the girl opened her mouth to sing, and everything shifted. She was no longer the annoying women who interrupted Pucks performance. Even all the flaws that Quinn had been picking at in her mind were suddenly gone. It was just that girl. On that stage. With that voice. Who is she? Is this real life?

Suddenly Quinn wanted to know everything.

"Annoyingly good right?" What was it with these people interrupting these performances? Quinn begrudgingly turned to look at who it was this time. Some other girl she had never seen before. Latina, pretty, and Quinn didn't mind noticing that she had legs for days.

"Yeah" Quinn breathed looking back at the stage. "Who is she? What is she doing here? I mean shouldn't she be-" Quinn wasn't sure where the word vomit was coming from, but the Latina interrupted her before she could finish. She was slightly grateful for it too, she might just say something to embarrass herself.

"Shouldn't she be on Broadway or something? Yeah. That is Rachel Berry, and the damn idiot is on a Disney stage because she followed her oaf of a fiancé here. I told her, but no, the troll has to do it her own damn way. I love him Santana! He's starting a pool cleaning business Santana! I could always act in Los Angeles Santana!" Quinn tore her gaze away from the mesmerizing woman and looked at the Latina. Fiancé? Pool cleaning business? This was all too close to home.

"I'm guessing you're Santana?" Quinn offered with a raise of her brow. She wasn't sure why, but this rude, rage filled girl, caught her interest. No, not in that way, but she liked her. What was up with this place? It must be the pixie dust in the air that was making her soft.

"Damn right." Was all she offered. It seemed like Rachel was a sore subject with her. Quinn couldn't help it though, she needed to know more about her.

"You're friends...?" Quinn prodded. Santana looked at her as if she was suddenly remembering her presence and hadn't just gone off on a rant about Rachel.

"Oh yeah, me and the smurf go way back. She was supposed to be the one to make it, you know? I'll deny it if she asks, but she's damn good. I'd kill to have her talent. And she's wasting it. I was hoping to come out to LA and ride her coat tails to the top...and I ended up in a fucking Disneyland knock off. What a joke." Santana sighed, she looked back at Quinn, once again remembering that she was actually talking to someone.

"Who are you?" Quinn opened her mouth to introduce herself when Beth came over and tugged on Quinn's arm.

"No Fucking way!" Santana said looking at Quinn. She glanced down at Beth and winced. "Sorry."

"You're Quinn Fabray? You're the one Puckerman knocked up?" Quinn looked down at Beth who was grinning at the latina.

"Holy Shit Puckerman! You did good!" Santana called out to Puck. Quinn couldn't help but blush at the sideways compliment.

"Mom? Did you see that? Wasn't she amazing?" Beth gushed about Rachel, Quinn simply nodded not wanting to say anything else now that Puck was headed their way. Puck was smirking knowingly at Quinn as if he knew exactly what was going through her mind. And he probably did. God damn Noah Puckerman.

It was no secret to Puck that Quinn preferred women over men. He was the first person she came out to. I guess you couldn't exactly call it a coming out as much as it could be considered as Puck bursting through the metaphorical closet and telling Quinn "I know!".

One night when Puck was in town he told Quinn that he would set her up on a blind date. Quinn, of course, thought even the idea of her on a date was ridiculous. But Puck is nothing if not persistent. So eventually she caved and let Puck baby sit for her. He told her that her date would be wearing a brown leather jacket. Of course Quinn was a bit surprised to see the only brown leather jacket in the vicinity was being worn by a girl named Spencer. A hot girl named Spencer to be more accurate. The date went well, and it did indeed eventually lead to more dates in the future. When Quinn got home that night her and Puck stared hard at each other then he nodded and said nothing. They never said a word about it, but they both knew. And that was that.

Quinn hadn't been with many women. And none of them had met Beth (but spencer). She was not ashamed of her sexuality, but she simply didn't know how to tell her daughter. Her daughter was no stranger to sapphic relationships, Brittany had come to visit a handful of times with girlfriends from Los Angeles. Quinn, herself though, hasn't needed to reveal her sexuality to her daughter because she had no time for girls anyways. She was really too busy to have any sort of relationship.

"Quinn this is Santana Lopez, feel free to call her Satan though." Puck introduced the fiery Latina. It seemed she habitually had a smirk on her face.

"Bite me" Santana spat. And apparently a snide remark.

"Give me the time and place baby." Puck provocatively made a biting motion. "Satan this is my baby mama, Quinn Fabray. And this little devil right here" Puck lifted Beth up into his arms.

"Is Beth. I think you two would get along" Santana had a look on her face that clearly told Puck she didn't like kids. Though she did smile at Beth, trying to make her best effort.

"Nice to meet you." Beth said holding her hand out to Santana who eyed it, probably wondering if it was sticky. She took it though and gave Beth a firm handshake.

"You too, kid" Santana said, and it almost looked like she meant it.

"So your the Bit-" Santana started then looked over at Beth. "You're the chick that wouldn't let us meet the kid back in high school?" Quinn looked over at Santana confused. What did she mean?

"High school?" Quinn asked dumbly. Santana didn't answer, instead she looked at Quinn as if a few screws were loose in her head.

"Yeah" Puck offered before Santana could make a rude remark "Santana, Rachel, Finn, and I all went to McKinley together." He set Beth back down who was distracted by Blaine and Rachel practicing up on stage.

"You did?" Quinn couldn't seem to grasp the fact that these people were already, in a twisted way, a part of her life and she didn't even know about it.

"Hello there" Quinn heard Rachel Berry say. In the brief moment that she had been dumbfounded by this news she had lost track of her daughter. Quinn turned, almost frantically, searching for the blonde hair that so resembled hers.

She found Beth standing in front of the stage watching Blaine and Rachel, both who were now standing at the edge of the stage having a conversation with her.

"So you're Beth?" Rachel asked her daughter kindly reaching her hand out to shake Beth's. Beth shook her hand excitedly.

"Yes I am. It's nice to meet you." Rachel laughed and took a seat on the edge of the stage. Blaine followed her lead.

"Beth. This is Rachel Berry." Blaine introduced. Quinn couldn't quite place the feeling but her heart swelled at the sight. Her daughter was fawning over these two performers, with a look on her face that was begging them to be her new best friends.

Quinn kept her eye on the three of them as they laughed and talked a bit. Beth asked them questions excitedly about the production. Quinn wasn't sure what was going to happen, she hadn't made plans in a while, but she figured that her only plan right now was to make her daughter happy. And maybe she could find her own happiness along the way.

What better place to start than the happiest place on earth?

I have been a fan of Glee ever since the pilot. I considered myself a huge fan, until I realized that I was missing out on this little thing called fanfiction. About 6 months ago I stumbled upon the magick that is Faberry. I've read almost every fic under the sun about this lovely couple. I wasn't ever going to dabble in the whole writing of fics, but I've had this story in my head for a while so I decided to give it a shot. I wrote it and it has been sitting on my computer for about a month now so I figured I'd put it out there to see what it's like.

I'm not really sure if I am going to continue this, it definitely has the potential to be a full blown story with actual chapters (gasp!). I'll continue it if I find that people have interest, until then I hope you enjoyed it.

Reviews are appreciated :)