Hello everyone, and welcome to the remaster of Breaking limits. I have been gone from here for a very long time, and I will not bore you with why, but in the end, this is a hobby, and not my job.
I came on here to see where I was with another story, and when it came to this one, I re-read it and cringed at how bad my grammar was. I know it is by no means perfect as of now, but I would like to hope it is at least better than it was.

I do not own Sonic the hedgehog, or any characters associated in this fanfiction. All characters belong to their respective owners. The story alone is mine to call.

This journal belongs to Miles Prower.

March 22nd

I finally decided to put this journal that Sonic got me to good use. I will use this journal to either note down my everyday life, or maybe I will use it for noting some ideas down for a new invention. I will be keeping this with me at all times just in case something important pops into my head. Who knows what will happen to this little book in the distant future? It may end up being a famous artefact, or even help save the world! Or it could also just gather dust and become a simple retelling of an old fox's life along with some random blueprints, but you never know what the future holds.

March 23rd

I have been in my workshop for the majority of the day, tinkering and modifying my plane along with drafting up some prints for some new inventions to help the team out in case the notorious Dr Eggman decides to resurface once again. I have had Sonic over for the past two days now. He seems to have something weighing him down in his mind as he never stays in the same place for long. But who am I to complain; My big bro' is here staying with me for a while and it is good company. I mean, it's not like my machines can actually reply to me, even though I could install voice chips into them if I really wanted, heh heh. I think the longest Sonic was out for today was maybe just a few hours at most, then he came straight back in as if he had a curfew or something. It was quite unusual; I know I offered my home to him if he ever needed a place to crash, but he always turned it down. He always said being stuck indoors too much made him itchy. I wonder what has got him changing his mind about it so suddenly?

We had dinner a little later than usual, mainly because I got a little bit too engrossed in my work... and let's not talk about Sonics cooking abilities. Last time I left him on his own to make chilli dogs, I was left with no microwave. Yes, you read this correctly, he tried to use a microwave to cook chilli dogs. His excuse was he wanted them made faster, and he genuinely thought the microwave would have done the job for him. Anyway, as I handed him his dish and sat down to watch a bit of T.V, Sonic softly mumbled a word of thanks. Only I must have misheard his tone. Sonic never sounded so low before. I had given him a look of concern, but tried not to make it too noticeable. He caught my eye and gave me a 'trademark' grin. I smiled back and turned to start eating, but stopped for a moment. Something was off with the scene that just took place. Now, normally Sonic gets really antsy and gets really fidgety when food is involved, and starts drooling like he's never been fed. Top that lack of typical Sonic interaction with that 'grin', if you can even call it that, and you get a very off situation.

I just thought he was having some downtime due to a possible piece of information regarding the good old Doctor, so I just left it for the moment. He would return to normal as soon as he remembered we would be there with him as well. Shortly after dinner we both decided to go and get some rest. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow and Sonic said earlier that he needs to go and see his mother about something.

March 24th

Well, today I got a load of work done. I finished my work on the Tornado, installed an instant ring launcher inside a personal modification for Sonics light speed shoes and even managed to clean up after me when I was done. I even managed to get some small jobs around the city done for some people who were needing a repair job done with their electricals and such, so that has helped me a little in the finance department. So many people really wanted to tip me because they know me, or they've seen me on TV in the past, but I refused to take any more than what was necessary for the job. I am not that type of fox. When I headed into the living room to put my feet up for a bit, deciding to watch a movie or something while things were quiet. Once I sat in my favourite chair, I noticed Sonic sitting across from me, staring with a blank expression at the Television. I called to him, to which he replied with a slight twitch of his hand and no other movement whatsoever. I faced the television to find it was still switched off and turned to Sonic again to see him still gazing at it.

Now don't get me wrong, Sonic is my best friend, but when I looked into his eyes at that moment all I saw was a deep unfathomable fear that made my fur bristle and my tails puff up. There was no explanation as to why he looked to afraid, but I was sure it must be something personal, otherwise he would have spoken about it. We do share a lot of thoughts and feelings together compared to when it came to confiding with the others. I asked him if he was alright and what he wanted for dinner tonight. The questions looked to have snapped him out of his, shall I call it a daze? And then the 'normal' Sonic grin was back, forced and strained, just like before. He raised his thumbs at me and tried to assure me that he was fine, but that he wasn't very hungry and left the room for an early night. This behaviour is so unusual for him. It was only just after six in the evening when he turned in. I am beginning to get more and more worried.

March 28th

I woke up to the sound of a strangled scream echoing through the whole house. I jolted out of my bed and ran towards the source of the scream, which was Sonics current bedroom. I burst through the door and stopped upon seeing him sitting upright in his bed. No wounds or any form of danger, just cold sweat all over him and his covers coiled round his soaking body. I took a step forward and could swear I felt a heavy aura surrounding him, but it seemed to fade as I drew closer to Sonic. I neared him slowly and quietly so I didn't scare him. It was like he was still partially in his dream regardless of his huge glassy eyes being open. I placed a shaky hand onto his shoulder, only to feel how freezing cold his body was. The next thing an equally cold hand touched mine, making me look at Sonics face. His ears had flattened against his head and his eyes were filled with absolute, complete terror. This frightened me, and a lot more than when he showed it during the day when he thought I wasn't paying him any mind. His eyes fixed on mine and he opened his chapped lips to speak, but nothing came out. Something unthinkable happened just then; Sonic whimpered quietly, then, out of nowhere, his eyes filled up with tears before they got to be too much and cascaded down his face, not stopping any time soon. I felt my heart stop and twist in worry at seeing my idol and friend so afraid and seemingly helpless in that single moment. Nobody has ever seen Sonic upset or cry, some even claimed he was too full of positivity to be able to do so. With this now happening before me, I knew that something was seriously wrong. I needed answers.

March 30th

Since the other night that Sonic had his 'nightmare' he has withdrawn into himself and hasn't spoken a word since. I think he may be embarrassed at himself for showing so much "weakness", as he would refer to it as, but I wanted him to know I thought he was even stronger now for showing a side nobody else would have ever seen before. When I asked if he heard anything through the grapevine of anything suspicious in the Eggman department, to try and make some form of conversation, he merely shrugged his shoulders and kept his head down as if he had done something wrong. I know there is something going on, but I now know for a fact it is a personal turmoil he is going through. His general change in attitude leads me to believe that this could be bigger than I first thought. Sonic is such a strong person, and he never dwells on things if they're only going to slow him down after all.

He didn't eat again tonight, even though I made his favourite chilli dogs just the way he likes them. It was time I took action instead of standing in the side lines like I always do. I left the room saying I would be right back, hoping he thought I was just going to the bathroom. He continued to stare at the floor with his now dull eyes as I stepped out the room, almost as if he didn't even hear what I said. I dashed up the stairs, making a point to be as loud as possible as I walked to the bathroom door, opening and closing the door as if I had walked inside. I waited for a few seconds before lightening myself up by taking to the air and made my way into Sonics bedroom. I have since placed tiny cameras in the room. I developed them to be discreet and unnoticeable unless you were looking out for them, and only just finished them this morning. I attached one onto the ceiling lampshade, and another on the bedside lamp on the side that looked to be slept in most often. One for a whole-body view and one for a closer view on his face. These tiny cameras will constantly be recording, even during the day, and are connected to my Miles Electric device. I will find out what is going on here. This will help me find out when his dreams start, and how long it takes before he begins getting restless. I'm currently developing prints on something that could help me out with this problem, but haven't had time to actually make it yet. It is my turn to help Sonic out of this mess. I have to turn our roles around, for his sake.

April 4th

I have been recording everything that has been happening inside Sonics bedroom while he is sleeping and while he is just in the room in general. He has only woken up screaming once more. All the other times he has just tossed and turned in his sleep, the occasional pained groan escaping him. On the closer camera I have been keeping an eye on his face. Most of the time his expression is pained, his brows furrowed in apparent anger and pain, and sometimes he begins sweating profusely, as if he is seeing something worrisome. The night that he woke up, I swear that his body flashed a yellowish-gold for just a split second before returning to normal and him jolting upwards and screaming. I'll keep the cameras zoomed in on him specifically to make sure I get every little detail so I can get closer to working this out. At first, I honestly thought there may have been something supernatural happening inside his room, but now I know that was a bit of a silly assumption.

Sonic hasn't eaten in twelve days now counting tonight, even when I took some takeout up to his room for him. It's starting to show and I'm getting worried about this as well. I think I'm going to give some of the group a call to see if anyone can come over for a bit to talk about this situation. I am getting more worried by the minute, and there's a possibility I may not be able to handle everything that is going on by myself. It won't only help me, but it will be good company for Sonic as well, to let him know we are here for him, no matter how proud he is. He needs us, now more than ever.

I just hope he lets us in.

April 5th

I couldn't convince Knuckles to come away from Angel Island. He said the Master Emerald told him of a great horrible darkness that is coming, and he was not taking any chances. That made my fur bristle at the mere thought of it, so let him be. I didn't even want to think what would happen if I contacted Amy and she came over. Not to say she wouldn't be helpful, but this current predicament is quite sensitive, and I don't want to risk Sonic feeling as if he is losing any masculinity. He is always an impenetrable wall of strength, especially around Amy, so I left her blissfully unaware. The only ones I managed to get a hold of that I deemed suitable for helping out were Shadow and Sonics real brother, Manic. I asked them both to come over as it was important. I'll be waiting until they both get here to talk about everything that has been going on.

The minute I answered the door to find Shadow on the other side, he warned me that I would be in trouble if I was wasting his time. He spoke in a dangerously calm voice that sent chills down my spine, which prompted me to nod my head, no words against the apparent threat. In order to assure him of what I told him over the phone was true, I simply stated that I would rather wait until Manic was also here so I could go over everything with them at the same time. Shadow grumbled something incoherent under his breath, before crossing my line of sight to go and wait in the living room.

Not long after Manic arrived I showed then both all of the videos I had been able to record so far while Sonic had slept unaware. I also told them of his behaviour in general, and that he hasn't been eating. We all agreed to wait until tonight to see if anything will happen. I hope not.

April 6th

It is currently just after quarter past four in the morning and Manic now has a broken wrist. He decided to sneak into Sonics room to get a first account of what's happening to his little brother. I know he just wanted to try and help him, but he put himself in a less than favourable place by doing so. We got it all on camera; I can't believe what I saw. Even Shadow doesn't know what to say. How were we to know he would react in such a way though?

From what the cameras caught, Sonic had previously been trying to put something in his mouth and then bring it out again. From the visuals, all we know was it was something that had a shine to it, as it glinted every now and then when Sonic turned it in a certain angle. This happened a few times in about a minute, with the occasional mumble of discomfort coming from Soni himself, as if he wasn't particularly happy with what he was doing to himself. At this point I had to do a double take. Sonic, well he kind of wasn't Sonic. At least not the one we all know. From what I can gather, he was a perfect description of what he told me was a form known as Darkspine Sonic, from when he ended up trapped in the world of the Arabian Knights. His eyes were a cold white, no pupils or irises, and also had this creepy haunting glow to them. His fur had toned down to almost black and two solid white stripes went down his top spike. There was one thing he didn't say that was part of this form. He previously described his quills to be as if they were in his normal style, but what we were looking at was almost as if he had a partial Super Sonic transformation crossed in there. It didn't make a lot of sense. Also, he said his hands ended up gloveless, but not clawed. The claws made me think back to when he was stuck under the influence of Dark Gaia and was stuck in a were-hog form.

But how? For the most part, the form he was taking in front of us was only obtainable through using the magical power of the seven rings from that book he was sucked into. How could he even manage to hold a form that involved items not even from this world?

We showed Sonic everything we got on tape from last night. His eyes went wide and he fell to his knees. It was as if he had been defeated to do such a thing. The distress on his face was so out of character, and when I looked at Manic and Shadow, they too seemed to be concerned and most likely the former was worried more than anything else. Manic went to place his good hand on his brother's shoulder as a way of saying he forgives him, only to have Sonic jump up, his eyes like a startled deer in headlights and run to his room and lock the door. Since then he's refused to come out in fear of hurting us. He keeps shouting at us every time even one of us go near his door. I have decided to get this device I spoke of made first and that will let us get inside Sonics head and see what exactly is messing him up and allowing him to transform into a form that requires so much extra power from powerful items out of the blue. Maybe looking into Sonics head will uncover his alleged nightmares and the reason behind them as well. I have the basic design down, I just need to connect the relevant pieces together, ensure nothing blows up unexpectedly, and hopefully manage to attach a chip onto Sonic for the ability to gather up more information.

April 9th

Sonic hasn't come out of his room since hurting Manic, except to go to the bathroom, and that's very rarely. He looks so unwell and thin. His quills are dull and limp, with little extra growths sticking out in random directions as if he has been laying on them mostly. We can see his ribcage and spine sticking out from his skin now. I think it may be more apparent in such of a small amount of time than a normal person due to the sheer amount he eats normally. All of that super speed he has needs some form of energy to use in the first place, and before all of this started, I found myself having to go food shopping at least once a week instead of my usual two weeks. I am so glad that this mystery can be solved soon and everything can hopefully go back to normal. I finished off my dubbed 'Dream Reader', and will be testing it out on Sonic tonight. I just need to get the 'Dream Chip' installed on his head correctly to share his dreams onto to my receiver somehow. Then we can all look at them as they happen and determine what it is that's really going on.

Manic volunteered to go and ask Sonic if he could talk to him, 'bro to bro' as he put it. After a short while, as we heard soft voices upstairs, an abrupt beep sounded from my Miles Electric. The chip was securely in place. We were ready.

Well Manic tried his absolute best to try and bring Sonic out of the room, but he has bottled himself up so much I am afraid we may be losing him more and more with every waking second.

It is currently just after half past ten in the evening and it seems that Sonic has just settled in his bed for yet another early night. As soon as he settled properly, my screen activated. The reader was working well so far. The screen began showing us just what it was exactly that was making Sonic act up all of a sudden. I activated the projector on my device so the screen was much bigger, and therefore easier to see for the three of us, and I couldn't stop the gasp of surprise when I saw what was on the projected recording.

We were standing in the middle of what appeared to be a rather large square room with no windows. It was filled with Mobian-sized cages from the ceiling to the floor all against one huge wall, and some were even stacked on top of each other. Nearly all of them were either rusted beyond repair or completely obliterated, as if someone had destroyed them deliberately. The view began moving on its own, indicating to us that we were in fact looking through Sonics eyes. As we were gazing around this dark and gloomy place, Shadow pointed to some movement inside one of the cages. I saw a faint glow as I began to zoom in, only to find the one and only Super Sonic in all of his glory. He looked so full of rage. It unnerved me. We continued down, spotting a few bits and pieces of what were once cages and stopped.

Tails put the journal down on the coffee table and looked to the two hedgehogs sitting across from him as a horrifying scream of terror and pain echoed around the house like a curse. With a nod all three stood and made their way to the blue hedgehog's bedroom once again. They were about to walk in, get him to calm down and go back to sleep, when Shadow held his arm out to halt them in their tracks. He put his ear to the door slowly. Manic and Tails followed suit not long after.

"I wanna go outside and stretch my legs."

"No! You can't, we must stay here until we are needed."

"Are you kidding me?! I got places to be and people to kill! Nobody can stop me when I want something!"

"I agree with Swirly eyes over there, I need to kill something now that I have my own mind about things."

"Argh! I feel like I'm going crazy here, Super! Come on! We need to get stuff done!"

"I said NO!"

The three continued to listen as other voices sounded from inside the room. It was as if there were at least half a dozen people in that room instead of just one lone hedgehog.

Tails looked to Shadow to see his eyes narrowed in thought, then to Manic who didn't know what exactly was going on, but a fearful expression ghosted over his features nonetheless. He was very afraid that his brother was suffering more than they knew. The two hedgehogs looked to the fox before straightening up again. Tails opened the door with as much confidence as he could muster, only to see Sonic with his back turned to them, hunched over and whimpering softly to himself. It was a sight that would make anyone feel nervous and possibly even scared to go any closer. Manic, only wanting to help his family, took a hesitant step forward.


Multiple voices sounded from the hedgehog before them. Manic fell back onto his rear in surprise at the out of the blue voices again, once again realising his actions were not good ones. As he got back to his feet, Sonic stood up straight, his knees cracking with the change in body weight distribution, and turned to face the three with his hands shaking and his eyes shut firmly. His once white gloves had small streaks and smears of dried blood on them, his general appearance was not one of health, but almost like he was in a state of decay. Pieces of his quills were missing, but it wasn't hard to spot some laying on the carpeted floor of the room. The lack of eating was causing his body to start to fall apart, and it was obvious if he opened his eyes, that spark of life in them would no longer be there. His whole body began shaking uncontrollably, as if he was holding something invisible down that had immense strength. Regardless of the obvious physical turmoil his body was going through, Sonic spoke with the calmest voice imaginable.

"Guys…I want you…to run. Run away as fast… and as far as you can…and don't look back. I can't keep them back… for much… longer…"

Manic stood forward again, feeling more determined than ever to get his younger brother to see reason. "Sonic, we're not leavin' ya bro'! We can help ya through this…"

Sonic visibly twitched at the green hedgehog's words and flashed a bright golden yellow for a split second before returning to his normal cerulean colouring, maybe a little darker than before, but the lighting in the room wasn't the best to be able to tell for certain.

"You don't UNDERSTAND!"

The last word came out as an inhumane growl. "You need to leave, now…"

Sonic slowly began opening his eyes to reveal the changes that were happening to him involuntarily. One eye was losing the usual bright emerald green iris, as it began elongating before turning into a thin red swirl taking over the entire sclera, while the other had the pupil and iris fading away enturely, leaving only pure white. Once the two changed, they began glowing ominously bright.

Tails' ears fell flat against his head as he remembered the past. The monster that possessed the swirled demonic eyes, and almost killed everyone without a hint of remorse. Manic gasped aloud at seeing Sonics hands transforming into disfigured, animalistic claws and tearing through his gloves as if they weren't even there at all. An eerie energy began to encase the blue hedgehog as his body began to float effortlessly off the ground. Metal spikes popped out from his shoes where the white band would normally be, and to top it off, his shoes in general were much more pointed than before. Slowly, those pure white stripes from before began travelling all the way down each of his quills that were also now a lot more wild and sharper than before. His quills then shot up in the air and a huge wave of energy escaped from him, blasting out of him and sending the three in front of him flying backwards and out of the window at the top of the stairs. When they landed outside, Sonic followed them slowly, his mind no longer his own to control. A huge demonic grin appeared on the hedgehog's face, showing his current audience his handiwork of sharpening some of his teeth to sharp points.

The three Mobians regained themselves and turned back to face their fallen friend and ally, only to take a moment to take in what exactly had happened as they were blown back by the sheer force. Tails felt his heart go into his throat as he now looked at what used to be his home. Half of the building itself had been completely destroyed by the wave of energy they got caught in, and the other half had erupted into flames.

"Miles," Shadow put a firm hand on the younger male's shoulder. "There is nothing we can do now. He is completely overrun with negative Chaos energy. We need to go, now."

How the dark hedgehog could maintain a steady voice in this unfolding situation, not even he knew, but the words did not fall on deaf ears. Instinct finally took over, as Shadow Tails and Manic turned and fled from the area as a huge rumble started from right where the remaining half of Tails' house was currently standing. It was either something he had created in there that was going to cause a massive explosion, or another build-up of raw power aiming to finish the job it hadn't done before.

Tails took to the sky, taking hold of Manic just like he would Sonic when flying somewhere. They both looked down to see Shadow below them keeping alongside them for safety. Only one thing crossed all of their minds as they neared civilisation.

They had to warn everyone.

Date Unknown

I found this diary in amongst the rubble of where Miles Tails Prower used to live.

There is only a few of us left. Miles…he's gone…His heart was too big and couldn't stand to see people in danger from the being that was once his best friend. He saved so many people, but at the severe cost of having his own ripped to shreds in mere seconds. His body was left as a mangled mess, his tails torn out of him and strewn about like ribbons, only for him to bend over his mutilated corpse, his form in that dreaded psychotic super form, and devoured his innards like some kind of hungry beast. I saw it all happen from a distance and it made me physically sick. I was able to defeat that monster many years ago, but with how strong his host had become, he also grew in bounds. I hate to be writing it, but, I was bested.

The rest of the 'Freedom Fighters' thought that by sticking together and fighting as one, they would eventually earn their 'freedom'. No. It just made them an easy target and it made it more fun for him. It was unbearable to watch as each piece of him had a turn to do as they liked to the ones he once called friends.

The rose girl lost her mind as soon as she saw him. Her delusions weren't helped however as when she did finally see him, he looked almost like his old, regular self, albeit a little bit worse for wear. It may have been that, or the girl just couldn't believe what she had been hearing and refused to imagine him in any other way again. She…ran to him, clearly in denial about what he had done all around her, only to be held at arm's length by the throat as he ripped into the back of her neck, pulling the spine clean from her body, like pulling a sword from a scabbard. He watched her eyes as they reflected the agony and suffering she felt before being dropped like a used toy, and an almost orgasmic howl sounded when he watched the life fade from them.

I have witnessed nearly all I know die right before my very eyes, whether they were killed or that they just couldn't stand it anymore. The massive amount of negative energy has tainted the Chaos emeralds again. They were attracted to the darkness surrounding him, and he absorbed them into his body. At first, those of us who did see this happen didn't see any physical changes, but the energy overload that was unleashed when he got annoyed at there being nobody around to mutilate was a lot more than anyone could comprehend.

We have to be extra careful at all times. The Chaos has disrupted the very way of Mobius' rotation. We no longer know if it is night or day, thanks to the heavy energy clouds being constantly above us, trapping out pretty much all form of natural light. Plants have been dying, water has been drying up, and there is not much other than items we can use in supermarkets for sustenance. There is enough for now, but when it comes down to it, we are not going to last. Not to mention, we have to take unwarranted precaution when we see the were-hog. He can smell us. He can smell our fear.

I have managed to keep Cream by my side after witnessing her mother attempt to protect her. Moments before she was dragged away to be torn apart as if she was a cheap dog toy, I took it upon myself to ensure the younger child was taken to a safer location. I know a few seconds before she no longer walked this planet she saw Cream in my hands, as the smallest of relieved smiles was seen before I had to turn away to make sure her daughter didn't see anything. Yes, she has seen more than enough already, but to watch your own mother...it is not something I would wish on my worst enemy. I decided not to let Vanilla die in vain, and made sure that her child was by my side at all times.

I genuinely fear for what we are going to now. Wherever we go, he is there. There is no escaping him. That, and there is hardly anyone else left to try and fix up Sonia. I believe we will lose her soon.

She, too went a little on the crazy side when she saw her brother like this, and for some unexplained reason felt the need to try and had to try and, what's the phrase, 'snap him out of it'? Too bad it earned her a hole in the stomach from the same deranged sibling. Sonia is one of the toughest women I have ever met, but even she knows that her time is almost up. We have patched her up as best as we can with the provisions we could find.

I warn anyone who reads this to get off of this planet as fast as you can. He is capable of anything, both possible and impossible. The Chaos Emeralds and all the other powerful items, transformations, whatever you think of that he has used in the past has finally pushed him past breaking point. We have lost him forever, he is no longer the hero everyone knows him as. Everyone eventually reaches their limit, just like him, but he didn't stop…so please…go, before it's too late.
Whatever you do, do not let Sonic the Hedgehog leave Mobius.

This is Shadow the Hedgehog, last entry, unknown date, Planet Mobius.

Aww would you look at that, someone wrote a story! It all seems to be so tragic in this tiny book. Hero turns into a psycho, hahahaha! Well, let me ask you one small little thing, dear reader…how would YOU feel if YOU were trapped inside one stupid little insignificant body with so many others, only to find that only one of you can get out at a time? And what is even WORSE, is that we have can't have our way of fun! It's all about saving the people, and being the goddamned hero all the time! Gotta keep up the good guy persona, right? Yeah, that's right! I knew you would get it a bit better after an info session! I'm not stopping you from staying here; in fact, bring everyone you know! It will be a blast! I'll get to kill you all as well and nobody can stop me! You'll be doing us all a favour by satisfying us! If you don't come to us, we will come to you, count on it!

The rest of the diary is filled with random gibberish as if many others have gotten their hands on it.

At the back is a photograph taken of Sonic described as he is in the most mixed up transformed state. Both of his eyes are mismatched. One is the demonic wild red swirl of insanity, the other a haunting white. His hands are mangled claws wth remains of another kill still apparent. His quills are a wild mess of gold, midnight blue, cerulean and purple. His gloves are no longer, and anything that was previously white is shown to be dirty or stained in some way.

The diary was found around five years later when Earth had completely lost contact with Mobius. The humans found a wasteland of a planet. The only survivors were a small group of beaten and tired Mobians. A peach rabbit, A dark pink chameleon, a red echidna, a white bat, and a a black and red hedgehog that nearly killed three humans by even going near the rabbit girl. As they were due to leave the barren world for good, a pilot spotted one last survivor from this planetwide massacre. The rest of the survivors pleaded and cried out to leave the remaning Mobian, but they didn't listen.

The last survivor was a blue hedgehog with several pointed teeth.

I have no idea how I managed it, but I have been able to go from 3.5k words to over six thousand. If you got this far, thank you so much for reading, and I have a question to ask that I have been pondering on for a little bit now.

Should I write this as another story, but in the point of view from Sonic instead?

Until next time. o/