HEEEYYY GUYS! holy freaking crap i haven't been on here for like 3 year i think... eeeeh you guys must hate me XDD anyways of course the reason im here is the give this story a proper ending which hopefully you guys maybe be satisfied with but after this i may or may not be coming back but im done with regular. i wanna start with anime shows.. if you got an shows you like me to write about comment below! anyways lets get on with this Christmas story special!

-5 Years later...

It was a cold night and Mordecai was raising his 4 year old daughter in their new home.

*flash back: 1 Year earlier...

Benson was noticing some changes with mordecai ever since Raychel has passed. He's been working hard,not fooling around with Rigby much and then picked up his daughter from daycare. The same routine everyday.

One day, Benson calls up mordecai through his walkie

"Mordecai, hello mordecai are you there?" Benson asked.

Mordecai looks at his side, pulling the walkie "yeah, hey Benson! whats up?"

"i need to see you in my office." he explained. Mordecai then lays down his broom and heads down to Benson's office.

Mordecai walks throughout the house and makes his way over to Benson's office.

Mordecai closes the door.

"hey mordecai, ive noticed how hard you've been working ever since ray-" benson stopped as mordecai looked at him.

"anyways, The reason why i called you up here is that expenses are needed to be made towards having a daughter now so i decided to give you a raise." Benson explains.

Mordecai's eyes begin to rise " w-wait what? a raise?" mordecai takes an envelope and opens it.

Inside was a check which had $1,345 dollars.

mordecai begins to smile as he hugs Benson.

"thank you soo much benson!" Mordecai smiles with joy and warmth.

Benson smiles "Dont ask me how i got it but ive managed now to expand the park and earn a lot more than before." he said.

Just Take care Mordecai.

Flash back ends.

Now mordecai has a better life with his daughter in a house but still missing something in his life.

Mordecai is in bed and it's a christmas eve on a cold day where a ghost of Raychel right beside him.

Mordecai thinks to himself "It's like she always with me.." he thinks.

Soon, his daughter runs up to mordecai and hugs him. "Daddy! daddy! Good morning Papa!"

Mordecai smiles and hugs her "Good morning Cherami" he kisses her forehead.

They both get out of the bed and head downstairs.

Raychel looks at them leave. "I wish he could see me."

Mordecai rushes his teeth and cherami is sitting at the table.

Mordecai pours himself a cup of coffee and looks outside the window, seeing his neighbor CJ with a group of guys helping her put up Christmas decorations at the last minute. she is seen getting frustrated with them and throws a fake candy cane down to the ground.

Mordecai rolls his eyes and heads towards the table with Cherami.

Cherami looks at mordecai "papa.. What are we gonna do today?"

Mordecai looks at his coffee until he hears the door bell ring.

He walks to the door only to be Cj.

Raychel looks at her, annoyed.

"hey Cj... What do you want?" He asked.

"Well... Im hosting a alitte christmas party and i was wondering you wanna come over?"

Cherami peeked through Mordecai's legs.

"Maybe.. bring your daughter so she can have some fun." she explained.

"I think We'll be fine for tonight..thanks!" mordecai and cj gives him a flyer.

"here in case, you changed your mind." she leaves.

Mordecai closes the door.

-2 hours later...

Mordecai and Cherami begins to eat their microwavable food and sit down.

Raychel sits beside them and sees how sad mordecai really is and how Cherami is understanding chrismas may be.

Mordecai takes a bite "Blahckh! haha Gross huh?"

Cherami giggles and smiles.

Mordecai smiles back, feeling pain that his daughter can't be able to celebrate a normal Christmas yet.

Mordecai looks at her "hey.. i know you've been wanting that little red tricycle.. but im sorry i havent come up with the money but i need alittle more time" He explains.

Cherami smiles "It's okay.. papa! maybe next year.." After she says that mordecai's heart begins to feel like it's being squeezed. Mordecai begins to cry and hugs cherami really tight.

Raychel feeling proud, lets a little smile "That's my girl.."

Moments after mordecai's phone begins to ring..

Mordecai answers his phone. It was Rigby.


"dude! hey merry Christmas!"

"Rigby, It's Christmas eve?"

"i don't care.. Anyways you going to Cj's party.. Me and Eileen are going?"

"I don't know.. me and Cherami are just gonna stay in and watch movies."

"c'mon dude! Let Cherami have some find while i help you flirt with the ladiessss."

"uhh no"

"Dude, Don't be lame.. C'mon you have to move on and get out there more for Cherami.. please?"

Mordecai looks at cherami playing with Tea set.

"okay fine.. Just for an hour."

"Awesome! We'll see you there!" he says.

They hang up and while mordecai looks at the card given to him from cj.

It reads "Alone for the holiday?"

Mordecai smiles at Cherami "ha.. I guess we're gonna go see your uncle Rigby and aunt Eileen Tonight.." he explains.

"yay! Papa i'm excited!" she yells.'

Raychel looks at him. "maybe can feel me?"

They both stand up as mordecai walks up and goes right through her. Raychel looks at herself and then mordecai leaving to get ready.

-2 hours later..

7:30 p.m

Mordecai walks towards cj's house with Cherami.

"Do we have everything? you don't have to go use the bathroom?" he asked.

"No papa.. Im fine!" she says,smiling.

They head into the party, seeing Rigby and eileen partying it up until they see mordecai and cherami.

Mordecai and Rigby walks towards a couple of ladies.

(which end up rejecting him since mordecai seems less interesting in dating)

Rigby slaps his head and walks away.

Mordecai sits on a couch and watches other couples kissing or having fun playing video games on Xbox.

Mordecai walks up and heads into the kitchen.

Back at home..

Raychel heads up to the attic and turns on a lamp to a desk where she pulls out a box with an article of her death and explaining the anniversary of it.

Raychel pulls out a piece of paper and soon begins to write.

She closes her eyes and drops her pencil.

Mordecai is still in the kitchen, Drinking eggnog. Looking at Cherami having fun with the others.

He lets out a small smile and looks out the window, seeing a visible Raychel out on the patio.

Mordecai looks surprised and runs out through everyone.

Mordecai rushes past Rigby and Eileen.

"Dude! What the hell?" he exclaims.

Mordecai heads outside with tears in his eyes.

Raychel looks at him and gives him a hug. she whispers to his ear "i've miss you for soo long."

Mordecai begins to cry cheerfully. Raychel tilts his head up and kisses him.

They hugged each other tighter and tighter.

Raychel kisses his cheek "Thanks for taking care of Cherami.. Mordecai! you turned out to be the best father in the world."

Mordecai looks at her "I don't know how you're here but im glad."

Mordecai kisses her once again.

Rigby looks outside and sees Mordecai kissing thin air. Cherami peeks her head out.

"Yup.. Sweetie that's your dad.." he says.

Meanwhile throughout the night, Mordecai and Raychel spend their time together until once again Raychel looks at him.

"It's time for me to go once again forever Mordecai.." She says.

She begins to kiss her and starts to fade away.

Then, you hear her last words "Thank you!"

Mordecai smiles and sees a piece of paper fall to the floor as Raychel disappears.

Mordecai opens the letter and begins to cry while he covers his mouth.

It reads "Dear Santa, My wish is to have one more night with her. -Raychel"

"Papa, are you okay?" she asked mordecai.

Mordecai walks up to her and smiles. "i am now."


Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this and hopefully you got this whole referenced story. if you did.. comment down below where it's from. Anyways guys thanks for reading this story as now it is completely done with a happy ending.

Thanks for reading! -R