Hey guys so I decided to write another new story yay! Thanks to lovatic4ever!
Gave me ideas from read their stories!
So this story is gonna have drama,heartbreak and kinda paranormal activity involved.. So enjoy.

Mordecai was excited as he left from a local flower store.
He bought roses for Margaret as it is their 4 year anniversary. Mordecai was very excited but this year he was planning to propose.

He sat next to Rigby at the coffee shop "wow dude that's a great ring!" Rigby yelled out.

Eileen and Margaret were in the back talking "so..are you gonna tell him?"
"I don't think I can...I mean 4 years Eileen.. And I manage to fuck it up!" She says as she looked around.

Rigby was nervous because something bad was gonna happen that day.

Margaret came out in a yellow dress as her shift was almost over. She walked over to Mordecai and sat down.

Mordecai kissed her and have her a hug.
She began to look at Rigby; which he had a nervous look.
Margaret thought to herself "why did I fuck up that night?"


Margaret and Rigby were coming out of a bar "are you sure..you can drive Margaret..seem pretty drunk?"

Margaret began to laugh "I'm not drunk,you're drunk haha!"
She fell in the floor and Rigby dragged her to the back seat of the car.

Margaret woke up and started to touch rigby's face "I've always love you Rigby..I wanna have sex with you!"
She leans forward to kiss him. Rigby eyes began to widen.

Rigby stops the car and unbuckles himself.
He tunes around to see Margaret almost naked with just a bra and underwear on. She grabbed his collar and starts to kiss. Rigby struggles to break away but nothing.

Right seems to be happy that he finally got to kiss Margaret.
Rigby pulls out a condom out of his wallet.

He starts to put it in on until finally after 30 minutes.
Drunk Margaret got what she wanted. All she remember is her saying "faster Rigbyharder give me your rigboner!"

-End of flashback

She cheated on Mordecai while they were dating.
Mordecai peacefully smiling and continues to kiss her.

Until finally it came out...
Margaret laid her hands on mordecai's "Mordecai I have something to tell you.."

Mordecai was confused until Margaret couldn't resist the pressure and guilt she bottle up for 3 years from him.
"Mordecai..you're really a sweet guy..and all but I..cheated on you with Rigby." She said.

Mordecai didn't say a thing until he turned to Rigby "you son of a bitch!" He punched him and starts to choke him.
Margaret starts to separate them.

Mordecai stands up heartbroken and dropped the roses.
He laid a small box on the table and runs outside.
Margaret,Eileen and Rigby go and chase him "Mordecai I'm sorry dude it was a blurry night and..and Margaret was drunk and shit happened." Rigby said.

Mordecai wiped a tear off his face as starts to lean back.
"I can't believe you Margaret..." Margaret cried and wiped her face "I'm soo sorry Mordecai!"

Mordecai didn't listen "you know what now I wish I was dead!" He suddenly gets hit bus.
"MORDECAI!" Margaret screams out and heads over to see Mordecai;bleeding from his head.

The ambulance comes and take him to the hospital.
Margaret looked at they took him away "what did I do?"

Whoa hey guys I hope you like the story so far. Anyways I'll update this story soon! Did Mordecai survive?
Will things turn worse?

I'll update soon and for forget to review and follow.
Follow my story real love!

-may the odds be ever in your favor goodbye!