Sorry it's been so long for me to update this story. I've been too busy to get this done all at once. Well, here it goes. By the way. This is the FINAL CHAPTER of 'Bit of Thought'

Disclaimer. I do NOT own Zoids or it's characters. I only own the idea of this fic, and any made-up characters I decide to add.

"..." Speech ... Thought *...* Zoid Speaking (A/N...) Authors Note.


Chapter 10- Gloomy Rage

(A/N, Again, the evil Liger will be called 'B Liger' to avoid confusion)

The Zoids charged. Liger Zero Jager and the B Liger faced each other like live long archenemies. Bit piloted the Jager, while the nameless dead man piloted the B Liger. Whatever motivated this risen specter for revenge, it wouldn't let him go. Bit was the target in this battle and nothing could stop the man from killing the pilot of the Blitz Team.

Bit snarled as Jagers ion boosters extended and spewed white-hot plasma from its exhaust, making the Zoids speed triple. Both he and his Zoid planed to play 'chicken' with the Black Liger, seeing which one will 'chicken' out of the head-on collision. Knowing Liger Zero most of his career as a Zoid Warrior, his Jager will not turn away.

The B Liger was too determined to turn away as well, and the two Ligers clashed head-on, not once considering the damage they'll inflict or receive. With the force only multi-ton machines could, the two Ligers collided and the Jager was thrown aside like a rag doll.


The nameless pilot of the B Liger spat at Bit. Jager rose only to have the B liger charge its side. Jager rolled along the ground until it's feet were under it. Bit cursed at the harness that pushed against his injured chest. Even with a pillow wedged between himself and the straps, he still felt them dig in. His ribs will have to be relocated after this battle. IF he survived.

"Come now Bit Cloud. This is poor showmanship of your abilities. It is insulting how you could kill me the first time."

"Kill him the first time...?"

Leena asked when she overheard the pilot's voice.

"What the fuck are you talking about...?"

"Remember me GunSniper?"

He then pulled at the links of chain that made his earring, and she cringed.


"Now behold! My revenge at your lover!"


This time, it was Leenas father, Doctor Tauros to make an outburst.

"Leena! What did he mean by that?"

"I'll explain later Dad."

She cut off communications with the Hover Cargo and turned toward the waiting DarkHorn.

The B Liger stood over the Jager as the Zoid regained its feet. The B Liger was gloating over it's opponent. But Bit had a surprise in store. He had fought the B Liger once before, he knew how the pilot thought, but perhaps because he was dead made everything change...? No, It was the same pilot with the same mind.

"Catch me if you can, YOU ROTTING CORPSE!!"

Even the mask the pilot wore to conceal his zombie face couldn't hide the furious face he now made at Bit's comment. Before he could reply, the Jagers boosters activated again and the Jager was off in the distance.

"Fast as fast can be, You'll never catch me!"

Bit laughed with a high pitched voice.

The B Liger only stood there and made several short growls that made it look like it was laughing.

"Go ahead and run."

The B Liger waved its head and from the distance, the Lightning Saix suddenly gave chase and was actually catching up to the speeding Jager.


An explosion occurred just in front of Jagers feet and the sudden loss of ground under its feet made the Jager trip and fall.

How could that Saix shoot so well?

Bit asked as another shot of pain ran up his chest and to his brain.

We must've been going over 150 mph

The Saix then suddenly stopped and aimed its back mounted cannons towards the fallen Jager.

"Say nighty-night."

The pilot cursed. Just when the Saix was about to fire, it's side exploded outward, forcing it to fall on its side as well. Bit looked at the Saix, then looked at Jamies Raynos as he made a low fly-by over them.

"I'm watching your back Bit. Now take out that Bastard!"

Wild Eagle said when his face appeared on Bit's view screen. Bit would have to re-pay the young pilot someday, he promised.

"Thanks buddy. Now go help out Leena."

Leena was simply standing her ground, blindly firing away at the DarkHorn as the DarkHorn fired right back. It would be a stalemate between these two unless one of them hit the other hard enough. Unfortunately, that has yet happened,

"Come on you!"

Leena shouted, nearly laughing as her finger continually pulled at the trigger. Missiles left their racks with a high hiss and smoke following them as they swarmed over their target. Chain guns and cannons spewed forth fire and sparks as shells left the barrels. Dust kicked up around the GunSnipers feet as the DarkHorn was lousy at aiming.

"Man you can't hit anything!"

Leena insulted as she finally started to use her crosshairs.

"Maybe you should aim. Like THIS!!! WEASEL UNIT TOTAL ASSAULT!!!"

Again, Leena made her GunSniper into an example of total destruction. Others might say 'over-kill', but she would disagree. After the brutal assault of shells and missiles, the DarkHorn again became the victim of Leena's GunSniper.

"That'll teach ya!"

"Don't get cocky."

Jamie said from the air as he made another pass.

"We've still got that Liger to worry about."

"No sweat. I'll just..."

"Didn't Bit make it clear that he wanted to deal with this one by himself?"

Jamie asked, reminding her of what Bit said before the battle. At this Leena sighed. Her adrenaline was spiked up and she needed to release it somehow. But not now.

I'm all hyped up and there's nothing I can do!

She growled in her mind.

You better live though this one Bit, because I tend to take my hyper ness out on you.

She grinned at the thought of her and Bit alone again.

Jager turned to the B Liger as it stood there like an over-confident competitor. Does he truly think he can kill Bit Cloud so easily? Jager charged forward, like a stalking tiger.

"I hope you're ready to die a second time, you jackass."

"Words, unlike my Strike Laser Claw, have no sting and do little damage Bit Cloud"

The B Liger leapt up with its front claws glowing with deadly energy that could only be the Strike Laser Claw. Bit blinked. This was the first time he's seen his own famous attack used AGAINST him.

"Watch it Liger."

Bit ordered, but being the Ultimate X, Liger had learned to counter attack the Strike Laser Claw. With the help of Leon's Red Blade Liger. The Jager jumped to meet the B Ligers decent, and with it's claw outward, the Jager had punched the B Liger away in mid-air.

"Smooth move Liger."

*I'm glad you agree.*

The B Liger struck the ground hard and rolled until it's side came to a stop at the base of a tree. The B Liger refused to move and it seemed that the command system froze

"Are you ready to give up yet?"

Bit asked the masked man, who only growled.


His B Liger jumped to it's feet and charged back


He shouted, forcing his B Liger into a full run. The Jager only stood there. Waiting.

"Bit! Move out of the way!"

Leena's voice said when she realized Bit wasn't going to dodge the B Ligers attack. Bit only smiled

"Don't worry about it, I've got it planed out."

"You aren't the tactics officer in this team ya'know.!"

"I know."

Bit laughed as he now timed his attack.

Not yet...

The B Liger was closing in.

Not yet...

It's claws began to glow for another Strike Laser Claw.

Wait for it...

The B Liger jumped with it's claws ready to strike.


The Jager's boosters come online and shot the Jager under the B Liger as it lands on solid ground. Using excellent maneuverability, the Jager doubled back and ran towards the Marrick Liger with it's own Strike Laser Claw ready!

"Do your thing Liger!"

Bit cried as the Jagers claws sliced through the B Ligers head, and once again, killing whatever pilot rode in the cockpit.

"Battle over! Battle over! The Winner is... The Blitz Team!"

The Judge announced. Normally, Bit would cheer at his victory, but instead he only stared at the dead remains of a Liger before him, and what was left of the body the Jager had left when it's Laser Claws burned through him. A fellow warrior in so much rage that it literally brought him back from death. Now may he rest forever.

*You are disappointed Bit. Why?*

"It's nothing Liger. Let's go home."

And they did.



I know it was a crappy way to end the chapter but I was in a hurry to write this and I may have left some important factors out. But all in all. I think it turned out ok.

Until Next Time ^_^
