Hello. I'm Theo. This is my first fan-fiction of Zoids, So please bare with me.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Zoids or it's characters. I only own the idea for this fic and any made-up characters I decide to add.

"..." Speech ... Thought *...* Zoid speaking


Chapter 1- So it Begins

"Area scanned..."

The Judge said as his head panned back and forth

"Battlefield set up..."

This is it!

Bit thought in the Ligers cockpit, anxiously awaiting the Judge to cross his arms to signal the begin of the battle

"The Blitz Team verses the Fist Team. Ready? FIGHT!"

Liger immediately pounced forward towards the awaiting opponent, a single SabreTiger. The SabreTiger attacked by firing the twin mounted rifles mounted on its back. The first shots missed Liger completely as the zoid raced forward.

"Heh... Too easy."

Bit muttered to himself as he guided Liger in a zigzag run.

"I almost feel sorry for him."

The SabreTiger backed away as it continued firing, hoping by some shear luck, he would hit the Liger. Unfortunately for him, no luck exists today. Before the SabreTiger could fully turn around to run, Liger was already too close to it.

"Alright Liger! STRIKE LASER CLAW!!!"

Upon command, Ligers systems began to glow as the fins on the side of Ligers head opened up to draw in energy. Liger's legs glowed brighter and brighter until the energy was fully charged to his claws. Liger pounced. With its glowing claw reared back, the SabreTiger froze in fear as the Liger struck forward. The SabreTigers right rear legs was completely severed from the hip as Ligers claws sliced through it effortlessly. Both zoids roared out. The SabreTiger in pain, and Liger in victory. It was already decided who won this battle before the SabreTiger fell over onto its side. Liger only stood and it's foe crashed to the ground behind it.

"Battle over!"

The Judge called with his arms outstretched.

"Battle over! The winner is... The Blitz Team!"


Bit shouted inside Ligers cockpit. Liger gave a long roar of victory of it's own.

Later that day, as the sun began to set, the Blitz Teams Hover Cargo sat silently while inside, the crew of team Blitz celebrated their victory. Even if it was one-on-one, Bit wouldn't dare celebrate on his own. Besides, even though he was battling, the team was cheering him one.

"Well, Bit I'll have to admit, maybe you can fight a battle on your own..."

Brad said as he leaned against a wall in the commons room of the Hover Cargo.

"Darn right I can!"

Bit replied, only to have Brad finish by saying

"...Even if it is a fight a baby could win."

"What'd you just say?!"

Bit yelled. He heard what Brad said, but he never was able to let an insult go on without him having a say in it.

"One-on-one battles are a complete waste of time. Unless you're an amateur. Real money comes from fighting multiple opponents. Not from fighting one who couldn't hit the brad side of a barn."

"Now calm down everyone."

Doc said,

"It's true the SabreTiger pilot was a fresh unknown, but we needed whatever money we can get. And besides, it's been awhile since Bit fought a battle on his own."

"Yeah, I suppose he'll have to learn to depend on himself rather than on us all the time."

Leena chirped. Of coarse, Bit took the insult very personally... as usual.

"Take that back Leena!"

He growled, his face inches from hers.

"Why should I Bit? It is true after all."

"You know damn well it's not!"

"Ok! Break it up!"

Jamie cut it, separating the two apart. Even though Jamie was the smallest of the group, he was still able to keep Bit and Leena from attacking each other's throats. Though the two blew off their steam, they were still frustrated as usual.

Later in the hanger, Bit takes a lone walk to the Liger that awaits him in its compartment. Whenever Bit needed some time to himself to think, or if he wanted to get away from the constant teasing he receives, he always found himself here. He didn't mind it. In fact, he found the silence quite nice. Upon hearing footsteps approaching, Liger turned its head slightly to see its pilot walk up to him.

"Hey Liger. How ya doing pal?"

*I'm adequate, Bit. You seemed troubled.*

"Yeah. Every time you and I go into battle, everyone else has to make fun of us. They still think I'm an amateur. It ticks me off actually. And sometimes, it gets unbearable."

*Have you told this to them?*

Liger inquired. Bit merely shook his head. Though he could understand Ligers language, anyone else would only hear growls and roars.

"Not yet Liger. You see, I...I'm..."



*Don't be. If you want to truly be friends with them, then you should trust them. Like I trust you.*

"You think I should tell them I'm afraid? They'll only laugh and say something else to make it worse. Every time I try to help the team, they treat me as though I'm only screwing things up."

*You and I both know that's not true.*

Liger replied, looking down upon it's pilot.

"I know, but they don't. What else can I do, Liger?"

*I'm not the person you should ask Bit. Why not try Leena? I see you like her.*

"Like her?!"

Bit countered, sounding as though he was about to vomit at the very idea.

"Me?! Like Leena?! No offence Liger, but I think she's a bitch. Every time I open my mouth to say something, she insults me. She's always in competition against my words. Like she's trying to prove she's better than me."

*Is she?*

"Well no... not at everything. At some things maybe, but not what she claims."

*Then maybe you should tell her.*

"What's to tell? Both she and I know the truth. She knows I'm better when it comes to zoid battles, and I know she's better when it comes to wasting ammo."

*But there's more to it than that.*

Bit fell silant as he sat on Ligers front paw. Liger looked down at him as though to study its pilots thoughts. And even if Liger wasn't human, it sometimes thought like one.

*Perhaps you should ask yourself, 'why she does what she does?' or maybe 'what is she trying to prove in arguing with me?'*

Bit slowly stood up and began to walk away from the hanger.

"Thanks for the comfort buddy. I could always count on you to cheer me up."

Bit said with a slight smile. He turned back to Liger one last time for the evening.

"Good night Liger."

*Good night Bit Cloud*

Instead of falling asleep, Bit decided to waste some gathered energy by roaming the hallways of the Blitz Team Headquarters. He usually didn't like the silence, but it gave him a chance to think. Why were his teammates usually rude to him? They constantly insult him at every turn, even when he tries to help the team out. Whether it's by winning zoid battles, or finding the zoid parts that their zoids could use. He was a used parts dealer before he joined the Blitz team after all. But at the mere mention of his past profession, Brad would say something like.

"Did the parts you find have any form of value, or did you just steal them right from the pilot's noses?"

Of coarse Bit was insulted by that remark. Who wouldn't be? Brad saw Bit as a thieving child, doing whatever he could to get what he wanted.

Then there was Leena. She may be just as bad, if not worse than Brad. She treated him as though he was an arrogant nobody whose brain was left out in the sun too long. But still, even after all their fighting, after all the endless shouting at each other, Bit developed a spark for her. It would drive Leena to insanity if she discovered he was attracted to her. However, Bit himself could hardly believe the fact that Leena would pop into his head every now and then. Was his attraction to her only for physical pleasures? Or was it something deeper? Either way, Bit decided that until he understood what it meant, he would keep his secret just that... secret.



So... What did you think? It may be a bit corny at first, but I still want to hear what you all think.

Anyway- chapter 2 will be up in about a day or two ^_^

Until Next time
