Okay so I lied about the last chapter being the last chapter, I may add another one again though I'm not for certain. Anyway check out my new story, Resistance.
Beta read by Sabrina06
I don't own anything except Ryan.
Tuesday Morning
Ryan slowly woke up and got out of bed, time to get ready, he thought happily to himself. He took a quick shower and got ready for school. He put on his locket on, looked inside and smiled. "Time for a new beginning sis." He said to himself. He walked out the door and headed towards the park.
Ryan's POV
I couldn't help but think about the past week as I walked towards the park. How I nearly killed myself and how everyone helped me along the way, especially Katie. I blushed at that last part; I quickly shook my head trying to get rid of it. She doesn't like me that way, I thought sadly to myself.
As I arrived at the park I heard someone call my name. I looked around and saw Katie walking towards me though she seemed kind of sad.
"Good morning." I said.
"Good morning. How does it feel to go back to school?" She asked.
"I'm excited to be going yet at the same time, depressed that my… 'extended vacation' is over" I replied
She became serious and said, "Not funny Ryan."
"Sorry, I couldn't think of any other way that wasn't depressing." I replied.
"Its fine shall me get moving?"
As we walked through the park I had this feeling that we were being watched. I stopped and turned around and scanned the trees and bushes but I didn't see anything.
"You okay?" She asked, as she stopped.
"I'm not sure, I feel like were being watched." I replied as I continued to scan my surroundings.
"I don't see anything; you just need to relax a little." She replied as she put her hand on my shoulder.
I turned to her and said, "Maybe you're right, but I just can't help it." I shook my head and continued, "Maybe I'm just being paranoid."
"You've been in the hospital too long; you just have to calm down a little. Come on let's get to school before were late." She said as she started to walk.
I took one last look to see if I could find anything before turning around and catching up to her.
At school
As Katie and I entered the school I couldn't help but notice that many of the kids were looking at me.
"Katie did I miss something while I was in the hospital?" I asked her.
She looked at me, confused, and said, "No, why do you ask?"
"Well, everyone is staring at us or rather at me. Care to explain."
"Oh that, well when you, how should I put it, defeated Alex. You became the talk of the school; Alex ruled through fear and was one of the top bullies. You basically ruined his reputation and he was no longer feared; now people are trying to decide." She replied.
"Decide what?" I questioned.
"Whether you're a bully or not." She stated.
"I would rather shoot myself than become a bully." I stated somewhat angrily.
She looked worried before I realized what I said.
"Sorry bad choice of words but, still it's because of bullying that my sister's dead and why I tried to kill myself. I will never become a bully, that's a promise." I said.
She smiled and said, "Good to hear, let's find everyone else."
We found everyone talking to each other as we approached them, they all smiled.
"Good to see you're out of the hospital." Phineas said.
"Phineas don't bring that up." Isabella groaned.
"Guys it's okay, I not going to get angry about what happened. I would also like to thank you all for trying to help me, especially you Buford I owe you my life." I stated.
"You don't owe me anything; I'm just trying to do good." He answered.
"You sound like you're trying to make up for past mistakes." I commented.
"Yeah, something like that." He replied sadly.
The bell rang signaling that school was about to begin. We all said our goodbyes and headed off to our separate classes.
I was walking Katie to her first class; it wasn't that far from mine.
"Hey, why did Buford seem down when I thanked him for saving me?" I asked her.
She took a deep breath and said, "Don't get mad but, he was a bully for most of his life. When one of the kids he picked on tried to kill himself, Buford had a big change of heart." My eyes widened as she continued, "He's made himself a better man since; but it still weighs heavily on his mind."
"He's hoping to make up for everything he did before by doing good deeds." I stated.
Katie nodded her head in reply.
I sighed deeply and said, "It's ironic I always thought 'once a bully always a bully', yet I was saved by a former bully; strange how the universe works."
We stopped in front of her classroom as she said, "That's what makes the future so unpredictable and exciting. By the way I still need to give you something for defending me form Alex."
"Katie you don't need to give me anything, I always defend my friends."
"I insist, now close your eyes." She replied.
"Okay if you insist." I said, as I followed her request.
I then felt her kiss my cheek, my eyes went wide as my cheeks felt as though they were on fire. She giggled at my response and said seductively, "Bye Ryan, see you later."
I stood there, dumbstruck before I felt a rush of excitement come through me. Funny how the universe works, I thought to myself as I walked to class.
Please Review. lmL.