Last chapter! So a big thank you to everyone who review, followed and added this story to their favs~!
The hospital was cold and cramped with wounded and dead, with broken nurses writing letters to the loved ones of the lost, telling them of their son's cruel demise, and with doctors who now drink to forget the the blood soaked shells of once proud men that haunt their shattered minds. And in the middle of it, in a darkened corner Italy sits by the side of a broken Germany.
"I wish I could've saved you earlier germany. But I just wasn't strong enough, please forgive me, I've failed you again."
"You didn't fail him,Italy." America'a voice soothed from the doorway of the small cramped room. "Hell you never left his side, and when you did it was to save him. That's a hell of a lot more then I've done." He sighs shifting his weight as he stares down at the small Italian, worried how he might react to the "enemy's" option on any matter concerning his loved one.
"I guess you're right...I tried and I never left him. No matter what terrible things he did." Italy looked down at the blond lying motionless in the small cot. it haunted him that as he spoke to America Berlin was being divided, Germany's heart was being cut up and given away. "Please be careful with his heart America."
"Of course, goodnight Italy." Italy watched the other nation go.
"Goodbye America, take care." Italy murmured to himself as he watched the lights in the hall flicker.
"I-Italy?" Italy's eyes widened at the weak voice.
"Germany!' He cried joyfully at the weak nation. His dull blue eyes stared up at the happy Italian. "You don't know how good it is to see you!"
"Oh I think I know." Germany chuckled, as he tried and failed to pull the clingy Italian man off. "I'm sorry Italy." Italy's grip loosened his mind raced to comprehend why Germany would think it was his fault.
"Germany did nothing wrong."
"I killed people, I murdered innocent people! I-I am a monster." Italy sighed as he rubbed his temples.
"You never killed anyone your people did, you should not hold the blame for the crimes of those blinded by power. You didn't stop it in the begging but you fought once you released how far it had gotten." Italy replied, keeping a stern face.
"Since when did you become so brave?"
"I will always be brave when my Germany needs it."
"Your Germany?"
"Yes, you are my Germany." He muttered leaning in towards the blond.
"I think I like being your Germany." Germany muttered closing the distance between their lips. It was a sweet and passionate kiss.
'You will always be my Germany.' Italythought to himself as he wrapped his arms around Germany's neck.
It has been a pleasure. Please review
ps I will edit this someday...